63 of 1957 - Ordinance 63 of 1957, Amending Schedule 9, referred to in Section 210 of Traffic Code, relating to a,,.I08 5k00 6.53 , . . ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, SEP 17'1357 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . . Christensen . . . x eingenfehex . . . b/ Romney . . . • / Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCHEDULE 9, referred to in Section 210 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to through streets designated, as contained in the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Schedule 9, referred to in Section 210 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, as contained in the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to through streets as designated, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding to the end of said schedule the following streets: t` "9th North between 8th West and Redwood Road; 17th East between 17th South and 27th South; West Temple between 1st North and 9th South; Columbus Street between Victory Road and 2nd North; Main Street between 2nd North and 9th South; N 2nd North between Main Street and State Street; State Street between 2nd North and 9th South; 3rd East between South Temple and 9th South; 0 4th East between South Temple and 9th South; N Street between 4th and 7th Avenue; 4th North between dth West and Redwood Road; North Temple between 2nd West and State Streets; 3fd Avenue between Canyon Road and B Street; 3rd South between 1st West and 10th East; '`a S 5th South between 3rd West and 2nd East; 6th South between 3rd West and 3rd East; 7th South between 3rd West and 3rd East; 27th South between 5th East and 23rd East." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is ,,necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake .City that this ordinance become effective immediately. z a SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first a publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 17th day of September, 1957. AMAllat'elig0h( S E A L ) G345; yor 'i'� Gi /• Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake legal Notices nN oxulNnNCE D Ir_ Cck.ey AN DINANCE AMENDING CE[BDVLR e,retorrod M to Sac1 g„;to CvVtahf';9 5°dam Wl Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- 1nR o°th1 a i s r'ceft nOudl e ntoined the Revised Oldi- a, ° sal °"`°"v vertising cleric of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper na£¢: rdnined nv the Board E (;o,n sionc,s of SaA'Lake City, utun id rate����,;5 StonSziR o�irsa published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Traia{;d tna"fie iwea o,a f Sa,Y Lake �tlY,k,tah, of Utah. 196r5 escla i S to thr e Fo,rchcree dell Rn aetl.be,a,rd LI,Ic11n�R to the biis,n. raced ,N d of said hcdulc the Eollowln6 %teha: That the advertisement 9th Norlh between Bth�Veet and A�edc,t l'dVthttntt,,Intl.27 tha a`uuuth: Weat'emnYe hetwecnlnt Nnrth of 1957 d eeh sonm;cowntrm. tna Salt .Lake City �)j,i.]_ :�10. 63 _ l lI l'""``n Vlctovv R°rte an North;Mairi Strec[ha:ti d North North and Bth South; betwa¢n Maln Strcct 'rd State streati stata Siroet naiween gnd An Ord;naneo arne.ldi g eeheduJ_o 9. re l at ing North and 9th South; Jrd last t-0`,Vn South Temple and 9th Soulh'4th E.vst betwceN bet to through streets, Temato.,d 9th 5ooth; No`rlhehet cen IIth\Vest and Sod- ooA Ro+A Nnrih Tcmnte bc: �vecn gnd West and State.SLTect�: aid Aven A Strcct e19rdC South Road nd between lst\Vest and 1Uth k:ast: th South bctvrecn and Wcst and gnd m' 6th South between art h twL nod r3$0 onogth'Eu Eash hoth South•bot\v�en 5th Enct and Ord F..�xt Sk•.°TtoN 2. °nlala. was published in said newspaper on the Bs era E commisstS;iei,gnat the hrltobil,ants°f Salt Lana City that thfe ni;air rce bc- `:C,pteirber 20, 1957. e take PEON:I.on,tsr 11,t,ce naal take effect u c �n.n 1:p,7sscd b' the Boartl of C°m- mtssiancrs of Salt Lake City,9 S. this 1Rth dnx of Se 9Vve RT 57• - L ADIEL Mayor I 7 Sik:AMAN S, CIOtY Reco der �� G BsnAk.l ]I.L NO.'i of Published Sc�tcmner 20th,19A771 Advertising Clerk ` Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of September A.D.19 57 Notary Public