63 of 1962 - Vacating all of Oak Hills Plat 'L' Subdivision. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, nuguwu , 196'
I move that the Ordinance be passed. ,
Christensen . .
Harrison . . .
smart, ✓ (7&///G"6'
Romney . . . ✓
Mr. Chairman . v' AN ORDINANCE
Result a
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of Oak Hills Plat "L" Subdivision;
WHEREAS, petition has been made by all the owners of the land contained
in Oak Hills Plat "L" Subdivision to vacate the same to the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City has considered
said petition and is satisfied that neither the public nor any person will
be materially injured by said vacation;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That all of Oak Hills Plat "L" Subdivision, more particu.
larly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared
no longer to be a platted subdivision:
Beginning at a point in the West line of the Northeast Quarter
of Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base
and Meridian, said point being 148.47,feet North 0°14134" East
from the center of said. Section 11; and running thence North
0°14'34" East 436.97 feet; thence South 63°5l'00" East 43.35
feet; thence North 26°09'00" East 444.78 feet; thence South 60°
36'O1" East 392.17 feet; thence South 29°23'59" West 219.11 feet;
thence South 63°51'00" East 84.79 feet; thence South 25'44'23"
West 419.50 feet to the North line of Kennedy Drive; thence North
89°36140" West 265.12 feet; thence Westerly along the arc of a ��.,°'
curve to the left radius 247.32 feet, bearing South O'23120" )
West's 102.47 feet to the point of beginning. '/
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located
in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; and also
subject to the rights of entry thereon for the altering or rerouting said
utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary
to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah,
that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 30th
August 1962. l
day of ,
Alkertified Copy Bent to the City 7
uclitorte Office for recording in the
'/ Off ce o the ty Recorder 9-7-62 Mayor
ty »a.)BIL:, NO. 63 of 1962
i.,c•(' ' to ) f September 4, 1962 (Published)
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Norman J. Nogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of Oak Ribs Plat "L" Subdivision.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, August 30 196_ 2
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 7th clay of .September 196.-2-.
4�\� i y Recorder
Published Sep• tember 4 196 2
BILL NO. 63 of 1962
SEP 2 0 1962 /Z r p� %�.
Y .3;t 1 t, ReDoraea
cLy J Request of —•
eoo�1966 PAGE cr,1 Fee Paid,Na!' ➢(, Sack,
'Recorder, Salt linty,Utah
$Ai11° y k'_.. By .peputy
Re "—..7.d .2'�1.,-5.` _.�.
of Oak Hills Plat "L" Subdivision;
WHt Rtrsa,petition has Poen made
by ea tie owners
of t and con-
tained in Oak Hills Plat "L" Sub-
division to v e the same to ale
board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City; and
WHEREAS,the Board of Commis-
stoners or Salt Lake City has con-
sidered said petition and is satisfied
that neither the public no any per-
sawill be materially ir iured by
id vacation;
NOW THEREFORE,be if ordained
by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1.That all of Oak Hills
Plat"L" Subdivision, more e, and
described follows,, vated and
declared same hereby
loaner to be a platted
Urea oln Thee Northeastint in Wof Sect
tion 11, Township I South, Rinse 1
East,Sall Lake Base and Meridian,
aid point beins 148.47 feet North
0a14'34" Eas1 from the center of
bald Section 11;and ru tilts thence
North 0T4'34" Easl 436.91 feet:
thence South 63°51'026 East 43.35
feet; thence North 26°09'00" East
444.18 feet; thence South 60°36' "
West 392.11 ft.;throne South 29°23'59S9"
West 219.11 feet;fence South 63"51'-
W" East 84.19 feet; thence South
23"West 419.50 feet to the North
line of of Kennedy Orion;thence North
89936'40" Wesl 065.12 feet; thence
Westerly along the arc of a curve to
the left radius 247.32 feet,102.41 feet
to the point of beginning.
subie t t0 a all 0existing rights ofs made a way
and easements of all public utilities
of any and every description new lo-
cated in, under orover the con-
fines o the above eribed arooe.
• erfy; and also subieet to the rights
of entry thereon for the altering o
outing said utilities and all of
• SECTION 2. In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners, it nec-
essary to the peace, eah and sae-
tyof the Inhabitants of Salt Lake
City, Utah, that this ordinance be-
come effecllve Immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
take effect upon Its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Comm,-
sinners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
30th day of August,1962.
VJli No.63 of T962
hushed Seat.4,1962. 1A.351
'Of r,,
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
fee al ► s n I
T1 Cr.;ey
1 AN ORy d ING all
°°a mince m Dee"F1s of
as rand
a d On, Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
d"'f.fo a le yatlate rh
I ion„"14a;onars o,,all Lane k clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
t� v�HEko AS,tna Board m Com iis,a- ' GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
,alt•Lake City has
h`leered said petition ra Is satisfied lisp language withgeneral circulation in Utah, and published in
at ej
Min neither the DuauC nor Y per,h
21 son,wu oe m°'°rlaoY nlnrea by '" Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State ofUtah.
NOW, non; Y )
6oe oo K,ESt RE,be 11 ordained��
h by 'e Beard of commissioners of N
salt Lahe 0 ad a
SECTION b rho,all of e p Hnls That the legal notice ofwhich a copyis attached hereto
Plat 'L"Subdivision,0 r Par land g
Wp' tles 11T is Mows,Uo, a tl
Ina same heonge be
en •
aeuaretl no loner to de a platted >,f l t; ?..�e C i i;y F3i-1 1 t�.5 63 of l Qfi'�
Ih sUbetvnion: r
Beot th a of a PDI nt In :h o West
Ilna er the N 'ea I Quarter f Se<
s 11 l hip I s n R nee
� o u I.4a ease tllnne ld an;' ;�P r1r'cii 7l.'friCr'Vri G'3 ti.7lfr r11 1 of J:t.1C }.I_1.1,p, lei.tit
e.said 4 1_b¢in9 14B 1) +cer NWih
oa61-..'tram '"a nter
said section II; d 'c thence
Nerlh 0`14'34" Oast1T, 4d6.21 feet; i
teel; South 6or 06 East .43.21
East 1.. 'Jr,l Y1
;;.feel; thence North ouch 00" East
East9 feet; thence South 60°36'01"
I.Weer 219.1 ffe ;h then South th 6J'S9"
OD" 21st 4.7t;feet; hence dSoAlh�'
:g.25" East West
4 feet; thence nth
25°dA'!J"West 41A.50 feel to ihe.Norih
line of KannedY Drl,ve:Ihence Ndreoe
nest nI0 West o et feet; rhenw
thos left radius 247,32r feel,102.47v feel
Y to tie palm f beDinnin9. e
said acacloo 15 matle essly xpf
subject io au.xistlne rUpflis'of Il.7 T?tc:ninor 4
Ion bL 7f
a tl ease ants of all ri bloc utiillles wQS published ed In SQtd newspaper on `
Ts sated antl every door over non con.
ales If, under over cop
i tl of the above It to he pr
e te;and Iso,Suhlect to the rish:s_.
of n11 thereon for the allerin9 c
a Onling Bald utilities antl all i
Inl in SECTION om2. In the opinion of the,!
a""1 B t the C isslO,henerst,h it
se Y fo pemaceal IE ale-I'
h i�of the mnamrams o+ $air is+e
d onY, uii'troe tv�memati�ivanee eel f
oSECTION 3. This ordinance hall - --
take acted ap Its oral W1lddlion' • Legal Advertising Clerk
Pers by If"e Board of Commla
'avers af5all lake CiIY.Utah,1hi5�
3.0h dn of AO KN
LEE, 3
to City Recorder II
a. (SEANo,63 of 1962
__belied Sept,d,1962. IA-151
Subscribed and sworn to before me this bt,J day of
nl.rxnllr 7 A.D. 19 CC (�
Notary Public
My Commission. Expires .
',Jere -52 9Fib.