63 of 1972 - Amending Chapter 4 of Title 23, establishing license and business regulations for motor vehicle rent (ROLL CALL , June 21 19 72 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, Mr. hairman.... (� f�wtA( j I move Wit'the ordinance be passed. . Barker Harserj ,`� t- G%• Harrison Phillips ,CH AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 4, Title 23, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to vehicle rental. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 4 of Title 23, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to vehicle rental, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 4 AUTO RENTAL Sections 23-4-1. Definitions. 23-4-2. License required. 23-4-3. Exceptions. 23-4-4. License application. 23-4-5. License decal and identification decal required. 23-4-6. License decal and identification decal displayed. 23-4-7. Trip reports required. 23-4-8. Transfer of license. 23-4-9. Unlawful to use rental vehicle as a taxicab. 23-4-10. Reports. Sec. 23-4-1. Definitions. (a) For the purpose of this chapter a "vehicle rental" shall be defined and deemed to be any place or establishment where one or more vehicles are kept for rent or public hire, with or without a driver. (b) For the purposes of this chapter a "vehicle" shall be any devise in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn, except devises used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. (c) For the purposes of this act a "motor vehicle" shall be any vehicle which is self-propelled, which shall include but not be limited to automobiles, snowmobiles, motorcycles, all terrain vehicles and boats whether to be used on or off highways or streets. Sec. 23-4-2. License required. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in tie business of a vehicle rental within the limits of Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license for each vehicle intended to be rented. The license fee payable under this section shall be $15.00 each year or portion thereof for each vehicle so kept in such establishment. Sec. 23-4-3. Exceptions. A taxicab properly licensed under Title 43 of these ordinances, and trucks properly licensed under Sec. 20-21-4 of these ordinances are specifically excluded from the license required under this chapter. Sec. 23-4-4. License application. Every person desirin to operate a vehicle rental shall apply for a license therefor°the license assessor and collector of Salt Lake City to obtain the license and identification declas required by Sec. 23-4-2. Sec. 23-4-5. License decal and identification decal required. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or move or for an owner knowingly to permit to be driven or moved upon any highway any vehicle of a type required to be licensed hereunder which is not licensed or for which the appropriate fee has not been paid as required hereunder or which does not have properly displayed decals as required by this chapter. Sec. 23-4-6. License decal and identification decal displayed. All motor vehicles operated under this chapter shall be provided with and properly display a license decal and an identification decal. A license decal shall designate the license number of such vehicle as issued by Salt Lake City. The license decal shall be affixed in a conspicuous place inside of the glove compartment of the vehicle for which such license is issued. In the event the vehicle has no glove compartment, then said decal shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on said 'Vehicle. The identifi- cation decal shall contains de i ing number issued to the rental agency by the t�fr ma xx 2.0nW x�xxMIRRIA of Salt Lake City. Such identification decal shall be affixed directly above or below the state license plate on both the front and rear bumper guards of each motor vehicle operated under this chapter. Any vehicle which is not a motor vehicle shall be properly licensed and registered as required by law. In addition thereto, such vehicle operated under this chapter shall be provided with a license decal, which must be affixed in a conspicuous place on said vehicle. Such license decal shall designate the license number as issued by Salt Lake City, Sec. 23-4-7. Trip reports required. The owner or operator of a vehicle rental shall keep a record of trips made, as provided in Sec. 251 of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code, showing a record of each trip as therein provided, and also a record showing the name, age and address of each person to whom any vehicle is rented or hired out without a driver, together with the date and hour said rental is commenced and the date and hours said rental is terminated. Sec. 23-4-8. Transfer of license. Whenever the owner of a vehicle licensed under this chapter transfers or assigns his title, or interest thereto, the license for such vehicle shall expire. The owner shall remove the license decal as well as the identification decal therefrom and may have such license assigned to a replacement vehicle and may affix a copy of the original license as well as a new identification decal to that replacement vehicle. Sec. 23-4-9. Unlawful to use rental vehicle as a taxicab. It shall be unlawful for any person or licensee hereunder to use or permit the use of any vehicle licensed hereunder as a taxi- cab as in these ordinances provided, or to engage in other than rental of vehicles without a driver unless such rental is with a driver on a fixed route as approved by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. Sec. 23-4-10. Reports. Any person licensed under this chapter shall upon request of the city license assessor supply a state- ment under oath within ten days of such request, the number and description of vehicles kept for rental or public hire at the date such request was made. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the in- habitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. -3- I SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upo n its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of June , 1972. I !/ TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN 401 I R (SEAL) HILL NO. 63 of 1972 Published June 27, 1972 III ADataee ' Affidavit of Publication• I. AN ORDINANCE _ AN of Salt AMENDING Ch pt as amended,itl 121 Mt he to Re d OOtli -------- Parkes t o aalned by City, eoa d196S, of Commissioners or S It Lake.City Utah: .SECTION 1.Thal Chanter 4 of Title 23,or the Revisetl.Ortlmanceb of Salt Lake.Ciiv.Utah,15 5r,asfaread ed(rrelating to vehicle rental,be,and the 1 same hereby is,Utah, CHAPTERA • AUTO'RENrAL Sections 23-43 E iinnppl t .I tl '�'(T {�y, 2}y4 L ryapplication- . Bet "SJi.elP•S` 23C5 L nli( Volid rill fl d I q d 23d6 Li d tlid tllltl tl Id PI d.. 23d.2.,T p c. t I d RJ-49.U 1 fi i iof os r ntal vehicle as of b gain first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- 53-0 7 �1 Dt i ti ()F thePap of tirr act bllshmenf whter a lere r' p bn nl e,ewbn'Y wthaat attsi.rtg clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) t If Pell b hi rt tl kthi i d t 4 I i purposes m this ananmY a m i non b o e d s¢m,n.ewspaper printed in the English language with general cir- ri Gf ticy t hi h r '1:'7 Yrapon stationary ehInlc ira k t d drawn' ulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake (o).Fortb by P f this act a t hi I h 11 b Y h cle' ni hIs SGItP P II d nl shallinlude'lt ib I'mit tlt t 'bales,n mobil� yp t .Y 1 all iprraln v'41 a• d b ats h 1n t be usetl,Onnty,in the State of Ut0 • prof h ahvl Y streets. } dgage Sen.23.4-2.Lihence ibwree9.It shall be i f l tot u y P fbcgasaness of a vehicle rntal within the lied to mits be roil Lake C to without That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto p y bl�Pender this soon&shall be 815.00 each Year o''Mehlthhelil for seich ^l .1.�� h 8Ie� knt ex sari establishment, each t V sid..Q.��t.4.�._rental.. _Bill 1�jQ• orEVsege'a Pee C Ve<ke OfopenlY¢Ilaa eat nge 9eetl aned.V ih of An Ordinances�"e}kri ._9_ $�br23A IL In cotxacell otlan..tEvely P sen d• sdi lea et op Mend ell f e t c h h pcV i r a btanso to f t 1h ll 6,-1 it le r f l sh L k lu t t0 obtain ither a itl tse f d o Is require by 5pp Lice 2 Identificationdecal ul tl It shall be $e(IIl nun yb.License decal and I wt riv �Y n d po i y high flea r• hl I to rov i eq I d to bie l lt e lily ly',As.1._ --'- nol eec d nl l e i tlid tl o hi h d l h ih i 1 P pp i t f eddU pl y,Stl de3, q l d ec thi a qi t $ ,bee LI t tl itl ntl tl tldeal d pl y e All r for el yca Iicensd d0cal and ens laeetificallonpdenel.Atli c nce deal shell ltlesla-I ___-- Orse decal's al.''be attlxedsIn a consplcUo issplace Inside of the glovecorn. •partment of he Vehiclet ihi such license I issued.ibIn dhel eventathe vehicle hasgrave — -- g plc' 71 nbaitl h l Th Itl tltl ON decal shall canto n an b I 0 r th f 1 • y by th L A ssor i f Sr It Lake ity8,Suchidentlfication decal h 11 be tfi tl directly above or below t the itl license Eattl iblth the ffront Anand ehl vehicle which rer a d et each a.S published in said newspaper on _-June-27,_197 1'nth rshilib hValhilie a lee ietl h ra ihl rh°ter shall be prl �ded^the a 'Iiten5e decant w 5h t be aelaetl In PI s.pl q� b s o d by r It Lake. ci h.loan 1L 7fl ill IId Ig f ih Iic _----rent- .di .2vee T iP P't 41 d,,Tn er n0deed as r Cot f f tl r it Lake I hIIniP sd 11'e tl f. htip th I P Idd Odalso ei eee h od th.eomO,be tl tltl f• hP _. -'-- it 1 Sid hi Oo td le eho tl Id n t gethdwith i i 1 t When)tea any tl fWhenever the0 1 hi licensed �`\ \ >>��� i4.�� Sec.this o Transfer r license.ig his title, I f tihe i th license \}, underth s c ogler irons' n al a --- ,r /v foaa replace enitifi vehicle deco)therefrom and belay have such ll cerise a lanell Legal Adv,rtising l.le k el.replace a cvehicle and may t re a come of the original license as well Os,d new 3.19. aaon decal se that.vehicle as vehicle. taxicab. Sec.23-I-eson Or li to ce see rhereunderato as a en pcermitthel l be o'l any vehicleanyuse lice,ed hereunder. 1azlciOOs thou eordinancess ouch ed,'r to 'e gage in other iM1 fixed roue s approved by t e pvord• unless mch rental Is lib a drly n a faxed Dole as by the Board of Commissioners of sad aka C�fv. 2Sth day of '; sec.23-pre Rst,the.um person description antler tics chapter shall upon tie this quest of the city license assessor suably q statement under oath within ten I days of sac pest,the number and tlescrlgtlon of vehicles kept for rental or IbobISECTION t2 inathes opinlonu011the eoaaticof Comm 1ss1Oners at salt Lake', Lakei n.cessary to the beeo health and ve Wets. of the e.inhabitants of Salt Passed0by theh0ourtllof Commeissteners oteSalt Lake CIty eUtaarI this 21st I•D• 19- -2'-'-. •I.day of June,1922. CONRAD 0.HARRISON - TemporOrY Chairman HERMAN)HOGENSEN /j `� /) City Recorder \ .:/ `\ _�/4 1'1-f¢ Y_ --t_ PEAL) (0-3) 'l., YOIIshtOdu°e ii;iv)a Notary Public My Commission Expires February 12, 197k • f3e1+