64 of 1907 - Ordinance 64 of 1907 – Extending limits of Salt Lake City. AN C R D I E A N C E •
An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City.
WHEREAS, on the 9th day of September,1907,the Telluride Realty
'Company, being a majority of the owners of the real property in the
tract of land hereinafter described, signed and filed with the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City a petition requesting that said tract of
land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City and be made a part
of said City, and also oauaed an accurate map and plat of said tract
of land to be made by a competent surveyor, and certified by the City
Engineer, is be filed with the said City Recorder; and
EHEREAS, the above territory is contiguous to Salt Lake City, and.
no proper reason exists why it should not be made a part of said
City; and
WHEREAS. the City Council of Salt Lake City, after examining the
said petition of said owners of said plat, and having considered the
oiroumstanoes surrounding the same at its regular meeting next fol►
lowing the presentation of said petition, voted by a vote of more
than two-thirds of all members of the City Counoil in favor of said
snxexation, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance
making and declaring said annexation; therefore,
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the
same hereby are extended and enlarged so as to include the following
described tract of land, to-wit:
Oommenoing at the west boundary line of the Fort Douglas Military
Reservation at a point where it is intersected by the south line of
First South Street, in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of
Utah, and running thence north 0n said west boundary line of said
1Military Reservation a distance of one thousand five hundred and
ninety feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of what is known
as RPopperton Plaoe", in Salt Lake City; thence east on a line between
the said Military Reservation and the said Popperton Place, a dis-
tance of one thousand one hundred and fifty-nine feet; thence south
on a line running parallel to the said west boundary of the Military
Reservation a distance of one thousand five hundred and ninety feet,
more or less, to the northeast corner of the land granted to the
University of Utah by Act of Congress approved July twenty-third,
eighteen hundred and ninety-four; thence west along the north line of
said University lands a distance of One thousand ono hundred and
fifty-nine feet, to the place of beginning, containing forty-two, and
three-tenths acres of land.
And it is further ordained and declared that upon this ordinance
taking effect, the said tract of land above described shall be thence-
forth within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City, and a part
of said City, and all ordinances, jurisdiction, rules and obligations
applicable to or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are hereby extend-
'! eA over and made applicable and pertinent to said tract of land above
described, and the.,streeets, blocks, alleys and ways of said traot
shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regula
tone of said City in'thnt behalf, and the monuments of the City En-
/ !; ginner shall thenceforth be taken as the standard of locations and
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this'ordinenee the City Recorder
of thin city ah40 file, and he is hereby directed to file with the
County Recorder a'copy of the map and plat above mentioned, duly
certified and acknowledged as provided in such cases, together with
a certified copy of this ordinance.
SECTION3.his ordinance shall take effect at 1E o'elook noon,
on the / �7 day of - -�, �%��n /ify , loo7•
Passed by the City Counool of Salt Lake City,Utah, September
17, 1907, and referred to the Mayor for, is approval.
Approved th / day of September 1901.
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