64 of 1909 - Ordinance 64 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 732, in regard to employees & compensation i i AN ORDINANCE . I Am ordinance amending and re-enaoting Seotion 732 of the Revise Ordinanoes of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Counoil November 23, 1908, and approved by the Mayor Nov- ember 24, 1908. /'.- ;Be it ordained by 1st* City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. _,7Tat emotion.73E of the Revised Ordinance::, of the RoViaed Ordinanece of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordi- ns.nee passed by tie City Council November 23, 1908, and approved by .• the Mayor Novembi 24, 1908, be, and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: i 732. EMPLOYEES, APPOINTMENT, COMPENSATION. The Superin- , r.) ,tendent of Waterworks may appoint,; subject to confirmation by the EAnunoil, the following named assistants and employees: One clerk a$''a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum. One store and timekeeper at a salary of tea-hundred .n4... air dollars per annum.. y1,1 r Three taakmem at High Line at a salary of seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum, each. Three tankmon at Brick Tank at a salary of seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum, each. One taaknan at Parley's Reservoir at a salary of seven hun- dred and eighty dollars per annum. it Three teakm.n at Thirteenth Bast Reservoir at a salary of seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum, each. Three tamkmen at Twentieth Ward Tank at a salary of seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum, each. One stenographer for the Waterworks end Streets Department at a salary of eight hundred and forty dollars per annum. Such salaries shall be paid monthly as are the salaries of other city employees. The Superintendent of Waterworks shall also have power to appoint valvemen, assessors of water rates, inspectors of lawn sprinkling, and such other employees as the necessities of his office may demand, in such numbers, and at such compensation as the City Council may authorize. SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinano s I'll and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the exte t of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. / ;: azi '?big-,i(/C/Yefiti( , -:- , ..._.., • . 2[ Ua • 4,1azo WA . ,besiveR etN to 3W, mottosa antioass-wm ban *stases* asassibIo ma aoasollli-o as td Lobssma es .60e1 to /WO sisd *1st lo ssonsulb10 -voa ToxaM ad: xd &mono bass ,804i1 .O1 ifoimmT0W Ilamuo0 1010 od* 10 Atocr ,1,,s. vodsts .1-ii!Ili 0010 olaJ time to 1106000 V*10 lr hirstabvo 11 ,i' %(, . ,,,,,A1 Loulveg 41. 10 . 'A:wi ...1 some ci. Kri bebrrerali .r.04iAo tttO !.t., 114 10 tATO tttesr ..,Q.'', _ L. v ,59vcrxiicil4 bap ,0,0 EFail4tomovel It ) -.. oti; p td beas,t e. ,a , Leb-sma tdeTsrSt absib*/ tail 4eie°14igeji0 4asvolt 2$W1 14 A c., _. 1 ' 8 Z.' ,..-f Aboa 4tivw seralmit as os be* tto i -:(ileciaC edT .TIOI lao773,7sTruoi*.. .enlyiasts .38V uottxm/ttaoob* tsotdos&totoqqatimi s sW to . , - -N- \ ' :000lgoicima bus stmststssa asmso was to odt .1tomma\ —, -...1•MrilikZ "leg BIa11011 beTbamd avlowl to violas s' a tvais OUD ,1 ba- .ieri;aall ael' to rude' a ts vegeotamtt ban outs alto "4 .mwass 'tog inallob %Male ,, I3 fiurf eve to utea a *a oats d311..1 ts Ismlist soldT .dom, emingna toy wrsilob ttifts i-Jd aevee to Troiae a ts ilosT gotTa te osmium* eolutT .40414) 'MOW 7sq emaltob thtato bus -;IP.f.f newt 10 xxalae a Ss tlormitsog sitilisaq ts issosimst 0:10 .MUMIS *foci sulioto ttdato boa bomb M -,1-13i.08 a trs liar/ass"' taiga divisofttin ts ussisit *wen .doze imams vac' ISSII0h lettatil Las brAbsoa salvos I as-c'ne '.10 xlaiae a Is Sale frrel dtsttoowT Si mat sotde .doss moss Toy, SlAilOb t*Alts boa Wanad i ' f.!Ily.nr.,zhciaclet1 a teforSC twit siverishall adt vat Todigarramists *NO 1 , .r:Iiiiil.o 'leg e/stioti ytiot bat bombeird idNIto to violas s is 1-) ):loilslaa eiS inn OR Villa= blaq ad Itsds estirass dosil .senolgo• Zito Twit() 1 of 7:, 0, AVAII oals flare e2P1ow1staW to tomoustutvocsa odT aw-1 lo wfotoecoal issts1 .l ,Saw to atomise-ma .tommaslaw $stoggs 1 '.!.o ealtt'iseota /nit am sostotqfto sedto dome boa .autlAol-stis HA 10i17,Aff00,M00 Anita SA bus omsdouto dogs at ,bnamob tam sottlo .ost-sod*us tsm Itonso0 /010 aril 40c: -.flib.10 to LItTag TO enuld'oloaeT enA nennnalizio Ila .3 TiZATWIE 1 ta,2Jxt, ‘ ,1- oI tell/Niel vIelea olo allwelod l'olf.noo al c.,1J'Llooel Dtt,:s sr.,CRP., lit: . 1 6 rtoi ;:boaie El- IL::::cL eoaiallG L-.1dT ..1, -4,(7