64 of 1910 - Ordinance 64 of 1910 – Requiring the payment of license on electric clocks, etc. 9-• . ,,..
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1 An 9'1.'6 irta-roe requiring the payment of licenses by p,,,-.ons, firms
associations and corporatior-s enr:Rf;ed in tho buninen n;.' ..liN-,-,in,,,
rc-,,ntinr, or otherwise furnihin..P- ,'or hire electric cloe],: , ti,-,e piecea.
er• -nir.,rkot tickers or -c:7,--/Q-e- 'en c.--..-1 ,-.02-:2
Be It ordained by •t'lr, Oily Coma:UT c: ;.:-.7,.1: -. 1,-.., CJit,y. ...31,,h:
SE:CTI-Arf 1. It ehall'bf unlawful for any person, ,'Irm, a, c,,cia- •
tiot or cor,:oration to orernee in, carry .toi; conduct or oi)c,ite,f'the
•uiliness of leasing, renti'dt or of,erise furn.1.24*-: for hire eectri.,,,,
2102.:2, electric time pieCee, -4.et market tinkers 13*itape lac:ainesX
'-. ,,' : , "*.' • . • .
itbin the corporatt.,11mittet1):1t -1,, ker c;ity lit*Itt tirro't 91-41:cit(riNT
• 4 licenne so to do. -
S-7.,C.TI,'7 2. 2ersods re;luired to pay a 1.1oeif,o Itode r tbr, `.r T'ov4 sip.a
Of Section 1 of thi , ordinance shsll pay to :441.t T,',nke "-)itip.,-nuplly,- . .
in edvence, the num of ''." ,62,:—)--- fp- et oh lent such clock, time
.iece, ticker or tspe mrchine no )(•-•sed, r-nted or f!.trnli0HN3.,
1 : E17.01'I00 3. On or before the lst dry of J.marry of ench yef,r,
il.err,ons eereped in the business an nrovided in ;teal ion 1 of this ordi
nce. it1 furni,.h to the A.,.:socisor of' :••con -e Tres of nr1,1 city a
1-.7 Izi-qieat,t.nder oath shot the number of electric clockI, tinlopiece , 1
artes(09kers or tnoe machines leted, rented, furnished or hired
4rt t';,preceding yeer.
,,..i',•!17.'i Ir 4. Any peri.;on, rirm, sssoci;•tion or corporati c‘n violat-
ling the provisions of this or tin:,r,,!e , shyll upon conviction be pun-
lobed by 4.-. fine in any num 1.0,,•:.1 tbrn .,:30 .`),', or by iral)ri-oliNent in
the city jnil, or by both such fine mu 1: riponment.
;17(;TION 5. Thin or31.1nce , h-11 1-1re eruct tulort :,.,., .--ov,l.
/./ .
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lek ity U June 13th,
1910, and referred to -the Mayor for his v .Z 1
Approved this /.. day of June, 1910. . !
layor pro tem
I , 6.4
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First Publication in ; to the City.��..�,� ‘ r
2.44:1440114.—------- i,At... ,k—______
JUNIG1910 ' JU N 3 1910
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Presented to-the City Council and referred
to the Committee on
"i,( 1_1910
Presented to the City Council and referred
to theCommdteo-an 1„:„_,L,,„,`
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