64 of 1973 - Amending Title 20, by adding Chapter 33, providing for the licensing of professional dancers. /VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 28 19 73
Mr.Chairman ,/
Barker /
I move that the'Ordinance be passed. �/)
Harmsen // ) //
lF i LLC J' v,
/AN ORDINACE AMENDING TITLE 20, of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to professional dancers, by
adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 33, providing
for the licensing of professional dancers.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to professional dancers, be, and
the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new chapter known
as Chapter 33, providing for the licensing of professional dancers;
said chapter to read as follows:
20-33-1. License required.
20-33-2. Fees.
20-33-3. License requirements.
20-33-4. Duty to display license on request
20-33-5. Place of performance.
20-33-6. Costume requirements.
20-33-7. Violations.
Sec. 20-33-1. License required. It is unlawful for:
(a) Any person to perform as a dancer on a premises
licensed under the provisions of Title 19 or 20 of these
Revised Ordinances, either gratuitously or for compen-
sation, without first obtaining a license therefor;
(b) Any person, agency, firm or corporation to
furnish, book or otherwise engage the services of a
dancer for compensation, for or to any tavern, bar,
cabaret, private club or association, whether such per-
former is to be compensated by wages, salary,,fees or
other compensation, without having first obtained an
Agency License; provided, however, a person, firm, or
corporation who employs a dancer required to be licensed
under this chapter, solely for the entertainment of its
patrons, shall not be deemed an "AGENCY" requiring the
purchase of an Agency License.
(c) Any person, agency, firm or corporation to
furnish, book or otherwise engage or permit any per-
son to dance, either gratuitously or for compensation,
in, or for any tavern, bar, cabaret, private club,
association or premises licensed under Title 19 or
20 of these Revised Ordinances, which dancer at the
time of such booking, employment or performance, was
not licensed in accordance with subsection (a) hereof.
Sec. 20-33-2. Fees. The annual fee for a license
for an individual performer shall be $10.00 to be paid
upon application. The annual fee for an Agency License
shall be $50.00 and $1.00 per dance performer represented
by such agency during the calendar year next preceding
the license period.
Sec. 20-33-3. License Requirements. The applicant
shall appear in person before the City License Assessor
and shall complete the application form in writing.
The application shall include the name and address of
the applicant, any stage name or names used, the name of
the agent or agency if the performer uses an agent, the
criminal record, if any, and such other information as
may be reasonably required by the license assessor per-
taining to verifying personal identification and crim-
inal history of the applicant, including its officers
and employees. Upon receipt of the fee and application,
the license assessor shall transmit said application to
the police department, who shall make inquiry concerning
the applicant's character and background and report
whether or not in its opinion a license should be granted.
If the police recommend denial of the application, the
license assessor shall not issue the license. If the
applicant desires a hearing the applicant shall apply
to the City Commission for a public hearing within ten
days after denial of a license.
Sec. 20-33-4. Duty to display license on request.
Should a license be granted, the performer when enter-
taining shall carry the license in his or her possession,
and a peace officer shall have the right to inspect the
license during intermission or after the performance.
The license shall contain its number; the name, address
and stage names of the performer, a physical description
and photograph of the performer; the name of the agent
or agency, if applicable; the expiration date of the
license and such other information as the license assessor
may require.
Sec. 20-33-5. Place of performance. The licensee
shall perform only on a stage, platform or dance floor,
and shall not dance in aisles or upon tables used by
patrons or members of the audience, or other places,
except those designated by the Police Chief upon re-
quest of the owner or operator of a licensed establish-
ment, tavern, cabaret or private club as may be in
harmony with city ordinances.
Sec. 20-44-6. Costume requirements. The dancer
shall at all times be costumed during performances
in a manner not to violate any city ordinance concern-
ing indecent exposure, lewd or obscene dress or ex-
posure, and said dancers shall not perform or conduct
themselves in such a manner as to violate the provisions
of any city ordinance. Notwithstanding the
provisions of any other ordinance of Salt Lake
City, a dancer shall at all times during a
performance or appearance, be so clothed with
opaque clothing as to cover and conceal the
buttocks, genitals, pubic area, and the female
breast of said performer. Each agency, person,
firm, or corporation employing, booking or using
the services of a dancer required to be licensed
under the provisions of this chapter shall require
that said dancers comply with the provisions of this
chapter, and any person, firm, corporation or bus-
iness that knowingly permits a violation of this
chapter, either personally or through its agents,
employees, officers or assigns shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor and subject to the license revocation
sanctions hereinafter provided.
Sec. 20-33-7. Violations. Any person, per-
former, agency, firm, corporation or business
violating the provisions of this chapter shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person, performer,
firm, agency, corporation or business who violates
the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to
the revocation or suspension by the Board of Salt
Lake City Commissioners of all licenses held by
them, after notice and hearing, consistent with
due process of law.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhab-
itants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 28th day of June , 1973
Ci rr
BILL NO. 64 of 1973
Published-July 5, 1973
Affidavit of Publication
Jr SS.
County of Salt Lake
Margo Anderson
• ME D %TIT.Le,p.E
AN ORDINANCE AMILNDING TITLE 20. The R¢vlsed bYtlinOncea Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal Qd1Jer-
Of 5 Ir Lbke City.Utah,1965, Iltl gto professional dancers,by add-
ingnthereto no.new h pt r,o be kriodrn as CI ter 33,providing Tor tiling clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
Ihe licensingofprofessional dancers..
Hf a pa.ea by 3ComMissioners of suu Lake-Clt, newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
UtahSE CTION" 7htl9-711 20 O the Revised
Ordinances f Salt Lake
cnlatl(n in Utah, and published h
ed in Salt Lake
QpP City, Salt Lake ake
City, Ufa,, 9 ,h (q"p f pal dac b d thea
hereby is,emended by Otl l tit ret'a new chapter known Chaos County, in the State of Utah.
I 33 ipB,licels g 01 prolessiu I,Qayers:said chapter
to read as
"CH DANCE••PROFESSIONAL DANCERSS 'I'AND AGENTS that the legal notice of which a copy isatlnched beret()
20-33-I.Fees.a required.
20.33-3.Lies. Ordinance Amending Title 20, relating to
2222.33-3.Licenseuty requirements.licenses. ._ '
20.33.5.Dufv to display eror on request. --
20.33.6.Place Of requirements.
20.33-6.Costume requiremanis. professional dancers.
-20c 2630-i.License
Sec.Any person License required.It is unlawful nc for: --
lr Any to perform a a dances a premises licensed000,eh
under thetprovisions o of'title en ors r, these an
Revised Ordinances,e
!her gratuitously or for compensafibn,without first obtaining a license
(b) person,Any" ge agency,flint 0 corporation to furnish, book on
cli tavern,
Son, tile services to a db over for compensation,for or to
v Isv is bar,compensated
private by wags ci,teesormer towithout er otherprovided,
r --
:OpeoM1firm, first corporation
w Agency License;ern ncnciredhow.
n,firm,o ration who employs a dancer required to
:vein ides 11 s note b this or
solelyAG for thr iringsh entertainment of Its pa.
_ shall not be deemed an"AGENCY.' requiring me purchase o6 -.
tg A(c)s Any person,agency,firm,o to dance, to furnish,busk o
ior.co se engage o permit any tavern,bar,
ampensap re,in,a far any tavern,bar,cor rah tithes cRev a was published in said newspaper on
ciinan o s licensedrof under Tile 19 r ki of male Revised •
3rformanc which dancer l e the time of such eoowth,employment l ar
enarmnae, was not licensed in accordance with subsection la) Deseret News, July 5, 1973
f... _.
Sec.r shall Fees.The annual fee for a license for on Individual
f e -
oriormer shall is 61e.00 to be paid coolsIli a lion.The annual ter
n Agency License shall be during
t and 005 per dance flout precedingIde ,
ense period.
Sec.20-333 License Requirements. The applicant shall appear in •
before the City License Assessor and shall complete the n pat
dation form r The lone on shall include the nameandad-
f it applicant, the nom or names used,the i
•n , if t performer pn pent the` T.e ai AdvertisingClerk
)rd,if OnY and such other information ll due may be reasonablyrewired �� tire •
the license assess ertaining to verifying personal identification
end criminal history ofthe opal icanr, Including Its officers rind
mployees Upon receipt of the fee rind application,the license a e•l
shall transmit said application to the police department,who shall
sake inquiry concerning the applicant as character and background'sd •
.eport whether or ,in its opinion a license should be granted.If ille
polite rev mend denial of the application,the license assessor.shall
far Issue the license. If the applicant desires hearing these ohow,' day of
roll apply to the City Commission for a public hearing within ter)s, me this T-antl;
lays after denial of a license.
Sec.20,33d.Duty to display license on request Should a license by
'rented,the performer when entertaining shall carry the license in hl:
r her possession,and a peace Officer shah have the right to inspect A.D.19 73 .
n II during intermission offerthe 1 Thelicense
ih 11 containn its number;,he name,addresstl stage narnes of the
terforrner,a physical description d photograph of the f ,h
tome f the gent or agency,
it applicable;the t' dote f the
icense and 5. other
5 stage,
Place of ern TheII shall perform ` y • I�f ��. -t_.Lti.---
foie, used b or dance floore and sM1all not.dance ien e,aisles a J
d by patens tubers the audience,o other Notary Public
iwndaces,a eptratorthose odesignated licnetly the establishment,Chief
tavern,ncabaretl or pre
ate club as may be in harmony with city ordinances.
Sec.20.33.6.Costume r nuirements.The dancer snob of oil times
, costumed during performances in a not to violate o city
I,-Oina concerning indecent exposure,lewd orobscene dress or
and said dancers shall not s perform 0 conduct themselves in
uchfeacmgnner as to violate the provisions or
any city ordinance.
t+nlwithstanding the provisions of onv other ordinance at Salt Lake
:ity,a dancer shall of all times during 0 performance or appearance,
to SO clothed with opaque clothing cover er and cal the but.
c6Ns,genitals,pubic area,and the female breast of said performer.
Each agency,person,firm,ar corporation employing,booking 0r using
serviceshe of dancer required to be licensed under the provisions
,1-ts chapter hay resume that said dancers comply with the Drook
dans Of this chapter,and any person,firm,corporation or business
hat knowingly ermits violation of this chanter,either personally or'—"
hrough its agents,employees,officers 0 assigns shall be guilty of a
msvided, or na subject to the license revocation sanctions hereinafter
t ovided.
r Sec.20-33.7.Violations:Any person,performer,agency,firm,c
aeon or business violating the provisions of this chapter shall beofun-
v f o misdemeanor.Any person,performer,firm,agency,
business who violates the provisions f this rhall corporation
o the revocation orof Salt
suspension by the Hoard of Salt Lake City Com
of all licenses held by them,after notice and hearing,eon
nstent with due process of law.
SECTIONea 2.the healthand lfae of In the on the Bard
of Commissioners
inhabitants of Son
t eke City that this Ordinance become effective Immediately.
"SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take effect upon Its firs,publics.
Passetl be the Hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Ufah,
.iii 2efhdaY of Juna,19I3. E.J.GARN
1 i LL NO.6E of 1973
9ublished—July S,1973 (0.11)