64 of 1980 - Adding section 24-13-2 establishing Capital Improvements appropriations. REPEALED. July 22, 1980 Mr. Rodger P. Neve, Director Office of Budget&Management Planning 314 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Sir: On June 24, 1980, the City Council adopted an Ordinance- BILL NO. 64 of 1980, setting forth Capital Improvements Appropriations, and the ordinance was published July 8, 1980. Due to an error in that ordinance, the Salt Lake City Council at its meeting this day, repealed Bill No. 64 of 1980, and adopted a new ordinance- BILL NO. 79 of 1980, setting forth Capital Improvements Appropriations. Yours truly, City Recorder ms CC: City Council Mayor Wilson Mr. Haines Attorney Files Council Report 91 Bill No. 64 • • KATHERINE BARSNICK Chief Deputy City Recorder Salt Lake City Corporation JULY 1, 1980 A CERTIFIED COPY OF AN ORDINANCE - BILL 64 of 1980, ADDING SECTION 24-13-2 TO THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - 1965, RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS-WAS DULY DELIVERED TO THE STATE AUDITOR, THE OFFICE OF BUDGET AND MANAGE- MENT PLANNING AND TO THE OFFICE OF FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT BY MR. ROGER P. NEVE, DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT PLANNING THIS DAY - JULY 1, 1980. OFG . ?! n STATE OF UTAH s ��,� A6Sa ,,' Office of the State Auditor 't'. � UD SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84114 66-,: BOI 533-5361 Richard G.Jensen,C.R A. SWEAUOITOR July 1, 1980 Roger P. Neve, Director Room 314 City & County Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Mr. Neve, This is to acknowledge the receipt of the ordinances passed by the city council and signed by the mayor concerning Salt Lake City's 1980 — 1981 budget. This was received in our office this 1st day of July 1980. Sincerely, Ciii-ff l Holly Graff Uniform Accounting 64 ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ADDING Section 24-13-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to capita]. improvements appropriations. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That a new Section 24-13-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to capital improvements appropriations, be, and the same hereby is, adopted as follows: Sec. 24-13-2. Capital improvement appropriations. Pursuant to adoption of the 1980-81 capital improvements fund budget the Mayor is hereby directed to establish appropriations for the following capital improvement projects, in the amounts specified as follows: 1980-81 PROJECT BUDGET Traffic Signals 1300 South 200 East $40,000 700 South 200 East 40,000 $80,000 Police Support Services CAD Maintenance $119,879 CAD Lease Purchase 428,515 CAD Program Support 25,000 573,394 Street Improvements Bridge at Indiana Avenue $40,000 1700 South - State to 700 West 50,000 1700 South - 700 West to 900 West 400,000 1300 South - State to 500 West (Design) 50,000 1300 South - 700 East to 1300 East 50,000 1300 South - State to 500 West (Right-of-way purchase & const.) 780,000 Boy Scout Drive 175,000 Non-contiguous improvement districts 730,000 800 South - Main to 300 West 372,000 200 West - 500 South to 900 South 54,000 400 South Bridge Deck 150,000 2,851,000 Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Match Programs $285,000 District 38-535, 450,000 Districts 38,599, 38-640, 38-638 550,000 1,285,000 Park Development Childrens Garden $20,000 6 1 Hansen Hollow 250,000 Rose Park Tot Lot 15,000 Post Street Tot Lot 5,000 Liberty Park/Tennis Courts 30,000 Jordan Park/Homerun Fence 5,000 Rosewood Park/Bleachers 2,000 Sunnyside and Bonneville/Tennis Courts 13,000 Block U Park 200,000 Tanner Park 250,000 Morton Meadows 90,000 880,000 Drainage Improvements Jordan River Flood Control $200,000 500 North Bridge Construction 40,000 Rose Park/Jackson Flood Control 110,000 4th Avenue Storm Drain Phase I & II 1,392,174 Highland Drive Storm Drain 100,000 Jefferson Detention Basin 250,000 Sugar House Detention Basin 100,000 Lee Creek Pump Station 85,000 Rose Park Pump Station 30,000 Skyline Drive Storm Drain 100,000 1700 South Master Plan 93,000 Liberty Park 291,263 2,791,437 Fire Administration Fire Station Insulation $102,000 Stand-by Generators 10,700 112,700 Police Administration Remodel Metropolitan Hall of Justice $75,000 75,000 Building Maintenance Handicap Facilities S15,000 City-County Remodeling Miscellaneous 8,000 City-County Restoration 200,000 City-County Sprinkler System 100,000 323,000 Fleet Management Repair Bay S40,000 40,000 Water and Sewer. Improvements Research Park $150,000 150,000 Total Appropriations $9,161,531 These appropriations are effective until project completion, unless such projects are not started by June 30, 1981. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect on the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24th day of June, 1980. HAIRMAN 6- -2- ATTEST: /J 0<i) 14!Yt,6d CITY RECORDER - CHIEF DEPUTY Transmitted to Mayor on June 30, 1980 Mayor's Action YOR ATTEST: Q.L%t ` CITY RECORDER _ CHIEF DEPUTY (SEAL) BILL NO. 64 of 1980 Published July 8, 1980 -3- 61 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake - ---- -- Shana D. Conaty OI[ G AN ORDINANCE AP ING S 24-13-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,t0 1965,relating to capital Is apurrmrialiotts. emnBe it ordained by the City Council of Bait lake City,Utah: SECTION I. that Utah, 65,re of the Revised Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal improvements is Salt Lake tons,Utah,d the same to by is. opted astal talons.anrlalaa,t=,and to same hereby+5. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily adopted as-13-2. ant.oa-13-2.Uaafal a 1980-61 capital improvements Pursu- ant (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English fro MMay o1 the 1980-d1 camMt improvemapp appropri- ate', thefoI wings pall ied'nerrr rbeeotect in language with general circulation in Utah, and the amounts specifiedas follows)Improvement protects, PROJECT BIIeF°r published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah, Traffic Signals Smith 200 ' S40 000 700 South 100 Fast 40,000 660.000 Police Support aervlces CAD SupportMaintenance 5119,e19 That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto CAD Lease Purchase 490,515 CAD Program Support 25,000 513,394 Street Improvements • Pubnotice to amend an ordinance relating to Bridge at Indiana Avenue f O,I g I]7OJ South-l0 W to 700 90w0 Wt 00,000 iwo South-slate to 500 west 50,000 capital improvements appropriations (Design) 13WtW SIb-T00 East to 1300 E 50,000 1300 Might-of- ate to way purchase West ]00,005 Boy Scout Drive 115,000 Non-continuous improvonleMBOO uth-Main to ]�� districts 20 West-500 South 99000 s' 3]2,OD0 South 54,000 400 South Bridge Deck -., 150,g10 2,051,000 Sidewalk,Curb and Gutter Match Programs' S2000570 Dlstricl 38-535, July 8, 1980 Districts 38,599;30.000, , ;; -- was published in said newspaper on 38-0311 sw,o2d. Ise;.goo Park Development Ch'Idrens Garden . $20,000 Hansen Hollow 1 1, 250,000 Post Streeet Tot Lot • 15 0000 Liberec Park/Tennis c ��,y,;'v/ -i\ , (C� R).i'v,() • '\� Jordan Park/Homeron Fence - ' RoonwnnoandBonneviles Legal Advertising Cl rk Sunnv its and Bonneville/Tennis Courts 200,O I Toottker)Park \ W 250,030 Morton Meadows 90,000 000,000 Dralnatte Improvements 'ore me this 10th day of Jordan River Flood Control $200,000 SW North Bridge Construction 40,000 Rose A venue/Jacks,Drain Phase Floyd trol 110,000 I i 1,392,114 A.D. fg 80 , Hi ghhland Drive Storm Drain 100,000 Jefferson Detention Basin 250,000 Sugar House Detention Basin 100,000 Lee Creek Pump Station 85,000 Rose Park Porno Station 30,000 Skyline Drive Storm Drain 100,000 1700 South Master Pian 93,000 L/ Liberty Park 991,261 2,791,437 - FlreFi Aa Station Insulation Notary Pu,Vlic Fire station Inwlalien 5102,000 7 Stand-by Generators 10,200 1i2,J00 Police Administration Remodel Metropolitan Hall of Justice f75,900 ]S.WO' Building Maintenance Handicap Facilities 515000 City-County Remodeling Miscellaneous 6,000 City-County Restoration 200,000 City-County Sprinkler System 100,000 323,000 Fleet Management Repair Bar $10,090 40.000 Water and Sewer Improvements Research Park 8150,003 150,000 Total Appropriations $9,161,531 These appropriations are effective until protect completion, unless such rroiecto are not started by June 30,1901. SECTION 2.This Ordinance shall take effect on the date 09 I its first publication. Passed June,the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 2°th day I RONALD J.wCHAIRMAN ATTEST: KATHERINEL BARSNICK ' CHIEF DEPUTY CITY RECORDER , Transmitted to Mayor on June 30,1900 Mayor's Action TEDL WILSON MAYOR ATTEST: KATHERINEL.BARSNICK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO.64 M 1980 D-B3 Published July e_1980___,-,_ ...-