65 of 1942 - Curb and Gutter Extension #86-1st partial estimate VOTING - v' Salt Lake City,Utah, 194 - f I move that the ordinance he passed. ue,.er - - ( j/� Mathes _ - 1VIt7�lILConkie - - jedasca _ Mr.Chairman - - - , AN ORDINANGE Result - - - - AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro- perty (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 86) for the purpose of provid- ing for the curbing and guttering. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 86) for the purpose of providing for the grading and constructing of sidewalks, concrete curb and gutter, drainage system, private driveways and bituminous mat pavement (five inch gravel base and bi- tuminous mat wearing surface approximately one inch in thickness) to-wit: Lots 26 to 45 incl. of Block 1, Lots 22 to 42 incl. of Block 2, Lots 23 to 56 incl. of Block 3, and Lots 54 to 63 incl. of Block 4, Douglas Park Sub., Sec. 9, T. 1 S., RA 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; also part of Block 3, Douglas Park Sub., Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Lots 19 to 26 incl. of Block 10, Lots 7 to 16 incl. of Block 11, Lots 1 to 6 incl. of Block 12, and Block 22, Douglas Park Sub., Block.29, 5-Acre Plat C, Lot 14, Block 29, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. Lots 1, 2, 3 and Lots 29 to 77 incl. of Block 13, Douglas Park Sub., Blocks 28 and 29, 5'1Acre Plat C; also part of Block 13, Douglas Park Sub., Block 28, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. Lots 1 to 22 incl. and Lots 24 to 44 incl. of Block 14, Lots 1 to 42 incl. of Blocks 15 and 18, and Lots 1 to 26 incl. and 62 and 63 of Block 19, Douglas Park Sub., Block 28, 5-Acre -2- Plat C, Lots 6 to 29 incl. of Block 3, Yalecrest Park Sub., Block 28, 5-Acre Plat C, Lot 12, Block 28, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. Lots 3 to 13 incl. and Lots 16 td; 50 incl. of Block 16, Lots 1 to 50 incl. of Block 17, Douglas Park Sub., Block 27, 5-Acre Plat C, Lots 8, 9, and 11 to 18 incl. of Block 9„Lots 1 to 18 incl. of Block 10, Lots 1 to 9 incl. of Block 11, Lots 1 to 4 incl. of Block 12, Lots 2 and 4 of Block 13, and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 14, Sunnyside Park Sub., Block 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., Lots 14 to 25 incl. of Block A, Yale Gardens Sub., Block 27, 5-Acre Plat C, Lots 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14, Block 27, 5-Acre Plat C; Big Field Survey. Lots 2 to 13 incl. of Block 4, Lots 3 and 4 of Block 5, Lots 1 to 4 incl. of Block 6, and Lots 1 to 8 incl. of Block 7, Sunnyside Park Sub., Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & u. This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading and constructing sidewalks, concrete curb and gutter, drainage system, private driveways and bituminous mat pavement (five inch gravel base and bituminous mat wearing surface approximately one inch in thickness), said roadway to be twenty-six (26) feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement and 5-ft. walk on Military Drive, easterly side - southerly 219.12 ft. from 17th East Street; said roadway to be twenty-six (26) feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement - walk built - on Military Drive, westerly side - southerly 279.57 ft. from 17th East Street; said roadway to be thirty (30) feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement and 4-ft. walk on Nerual Circle, both sides - south from 9th South Str=et; said roadway to be thirty (30) feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement and 5-ft. walk on Hubbard Ave.,south side - west 175 ft. from a point 125 ft. west of LeGrand Street, Hubbard Ave., north side - 21st East to Connor Street, Hubbard Ave., south side - Connor St. to a point 68 ft. east of 21st East Street; said roadway to be thirty (30) feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement - walk built - on Hubbard Ave., north side - Military Drive to LeGrand St ., -3- Hubbard Ave., south side - East 53.6 ft. from a point 35.63 ft.eas of Military Drive,east 100 ft. from a point 289.23 ft.east of Military Drive,XitEetIX1TXX9C$aX VXMCX?1 (MX 6CXYITatOMMaigM9()D0)1{W. and west 125 ft. from LeGrand Street; said roadway to be thirty (30 feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement - Curb and Gutter a d walk built - on Hubbard Ave.,south side - east 200 ft. from a point 89.23 ft. east of Military Drive; said roadway to be thirty-six (36 feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement and 5-ft. walk on 9 h South St., north side - west 150 ft. from a point 150 ft. west of 2 nd East St.,south side - Connor St. to 22nd East St.,Hubbard Ave.,both sides - 19th East to 21st East Street, Hubbard Ave.,south side - ea 300 ft. from LeGrand St.,east 50 ft. from a point 350 ft. east of L - Grand Street and west 85.22 ft. from 19th East Street, Michigan Ave , north side - west 50.22 ft. from 19th East St. and from the west li e of 20th East Street (vacated) to State Highway, Michigan Ave.,south side - from a point 180 ft. east of 19th East Street to State Highw.y, LeGrand Street, east side - south 50 ft. from a point 1.00 ft. south of 9th South Street and from Hubbard. to Michigan Ave., LeGrand St., west side - 9th South St. to Michigan Ave., 19th East St., east sid. - 9th South St. to Michigan Ave.,l9th East St.,west side - south 154, ft. from 9th South St. and from Hubbard to Michigan Ave., 20th East St. east side - from a point 167.28 ft. north of 9th South St. sout,. to State Highway, 20th East St. west side - from a point 167.28 ft. north of 9th South to a point 89.51 ft. south of 9th South Street, Connor St. west side - 9th South St. to Bonneville Park, and Connor St. east side - 9th South St. to 75.74 ft. northwesterly of Bonnevi le Park; said roadway to be thirty-six (36) feet between curbs with Bi tuminous Mat Pavement - walk built - on Hubbard Ave.north side - Le 3rand St. to 19th East St., Hubbard Ave. south side - east 50 ft.fr.m a point 300 ft. east of LeGrand St. and east 50 ft. from a point 40+ ft. east of LeGrand St., Michigan Ave. north side - east 485 ft. frim LeGrand St. and from 19th East St. to west line of 20th East Street (vacated), Michigan Ave. south side - west 600.62 ft. from 19th Eas St. and east 120 ft. from a point 60 ft. east of 19th East Street; =,eGrand Street east side - south 100 ft. from 9th South St. and OF, I -4- 134 ft. froM Hubbard Ave., 19th East St. west side - north 134 ft. from Hubbard Ave.; said roadway to be thirty-six (36) feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement on 22nd East St. west side - sou h 355 ft. from 9th South St., and Connor St. east side - northwesterl 75.74 ft. from Bonneville Park; said roadway to be thirty-six (36) feet between :curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement - Curb and Butter and walk built - on Michigan Ave. south side - east 60 ft. from 19tt East St.; laid roadway to be forty (40) feet between curbs with Bit - minous Mat Pavement and 5-ft. walk on 9th South St. north side - ea t 216.92 ft. from a point 163.15 ft. east of Diestal Road, west 50 ft from LeGrand St., east 50 ft. from a point 100 ft. east of LeGrand St., west 270.22 ft. from 19th East St., east 110 ft. from a point 5 ft. east of 19th East St., east 261.53 ft. from a point 245 ft. east of 19th East Street, west 116.96 ft. from 20th East St., and east 633 it. from 20th East St. and 9th South Street south side - east 125 ft. f om Military Drive, west 175 ft. from LeGrand St., west 460.22 ft. from 19th East Street, east 250 ft. from 19th East Street, east 280.16 ft. from Nerual Circle, west 61.12 ft. from 20th East Street, east 408.25 ft. from 29th East Street, west 228.75 ft. from 21st East St , and from 21st East Street to Connor street, 21st East Street both sides - 9th South Street to Hubbard Ave., Diestal Road - east side southwesterly 133.27 ft. from Sunnyside Ave., Diestel Road - west side - southwesterly 129.73 ft. from Sunnyside Ave. and northeaster ly 37.55 ft. from a point 75 ft. northeasterly of 9th South Street; said roadway to be forty (40) feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement - walk built - on 9th South Street north side - east 163.15 ft. from Diestel Road, west 550 ftlo from a point 50 ft. west of LeGrand St., east 100 ft. from LeGrand St., east 115 ft. from a point 150 ft. east from LeGrand St., east 75 ft. from 19th East St., and east 60 ft. from a point 185 ft. east of 19th East St., 9th South Street south side - Diestel Road to Military Drive, east 250 ft. from a point 125 ft. east of Military Drive, and west 57 ft from a point 228.75 ft. west of 21st East Street, Diestel Road - cast side - northeasterly 226.59 ft. from 9th South Street, and southwesterly 862.12 ft. from 9th South Street, and Diestel Road -5- - west side - northeasterly 123.51 ft. from a point 112.55 ft. northeasterly from 9th South Street; said roadway to be forty (40) feet between curbs with Bituminous Mat Pavement - Curb and Gutter and Walk built - on Diestel Road - west side - Fairview Ave. to 9t. South Street and northeasterly 75 ft. from 9th South Street; and said roadway to be forty (40) feet between curbs with Bituminous Ma Pavement - Curb and Walk built - on Diestel Road - east side - sout - westerly 144.10 ft. from a point 862.12 ft. southwesterly from 9th South Street; the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and es- tablished that said property will be especially benefited, thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portions of said streets, of the same ownership fronting upon and to the entire depthAback therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Eighty-four Thousand,Five Hundred Seventy- and 24/100 ($84,570-24) Dollars; Five Hundred Forty-seven and 05/10• ($547.05) Dollars for twenty-six (26) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat PaveMeatadd5 ft. walk - or Four and 21/100 ($4.21) Dollars per fro or linear foot of abutting property, there being 129.94 feet of ab - ting property; Eight Hundred Thirty-five and 91/100 ($835.91) Dol- lars for twenty-six (26) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Pavement - walk built - or Two and 99/100 ($2.99) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 279.57 feet of abutting pro perty; One Thousand, Three Hundred Sixteen and 92/100 ($1316.92) Dollars for thirty (30) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Favement,and 4 ft. walk, or Four and 10/100 ($4.10) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 321.20 feet of abutting pro perty; Two Thousand, Six Hundred three and 24/100 ($2603.24) Dol- lars for thirty (30) foot roadway - Bituminous Matement and 5 ft. walk- or Four and 31/100 ($4.31) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 604.0o feet of abutting propert ; Two Theusand, Six Hundred twenty-seven and 95/100 ($2627.95) Dol- -6- lars for thirty (30) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Paweme t- walk built, or Three and 09/100 43.09) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 850.47 feet of abutting property; Two Hundred Fourteen and 00/100 ($214.00) Dollars for thirty (30) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Pavement - curb and gutter and walk built, or One and 07/100 ($1.07) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 200.00 feet of abutting property; Twenty-nine Thousand, Hiace Hundred SFourtee4 and 49/100 ($29,614.49 Dollars for thirty-six (36) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Pavement and 5 ft. walk, or Fou± and 46/100 ($4.46) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 6,640.02 feet of abut ting property; Nine Thousand, Two Hundred Twenty-four and 96/100 ($9224.96) Dollars for thirty-six (36) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Pavement - walk built, or Three and 24/100 ($3.24) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 2,847.21 fee One Thousand, of abutting property;A4ne Hundred Nimdty-threw and 10/100 ($l4.93 19 Dollars for thirty-six (36) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Pavement, or Three and 24/100 ($3.24) Dollars per front or linear foot of abu - ting property, there being 308.$.4 feet of abutting property; Sevent'- six and 80/100 ($76.80) Dollars for thirty-six (36) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Pavement, curb and gutter and walk built, or One and 28/100 ($1.28) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting propert , there being 60.00 feet of abutting property; Nineteen Thousand, Six rundred Twenty-six and 74/100 ($19,626.74) Dollars for forty (40) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Pavement and 5 ft. walk, or Four and 56/100 ($4.56) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting propert , there being 4304.11 feet of abutting property; Nine Thousand Two H - .red Ninety-six and 19/100 ($9296.19) Dollars for forty (40) foot roadway - Bituminous Mat Pavement - walk built, or Three and 34/100 ($3.34) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, ther: .eing 2783.29 feet of abutting property; Two Hundred Ninety-three and 96/100 ($293.96) Dollars for forty (40) foot roadway - Bitumino s hat Pavement, curb and walk built, or Two and 04/100 ($2.04) Dollar- per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 144.10 .eet of abutting property; One Thousand, One Hundred Ninety-two an .I / -7- and 43/100 ($1192.43) Dollars for forty (40) foot roadway - Bitu- minous Mat Pavement - curb and gutter and walk built - or One and 38/100 ($1.38) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting proper- ty, there being 864.08 feet of abutting property; Nine and 00/100 ($9.00) Dollars for private driveways, there being one (1) at Nine ($9.00) Dollars for said driveway;N { x8nd.00/1D0($..9 8.00) Dol lars for private driveways,there being seveh (7) private driveways at Fourteen ($14.00) Dollars for each private driveway; Sixty-eight and 00/100 ($6800) Dollars for private driveways, there being four private (4) private, driveways at Seventeen ($17.00) Dollars for eachAdrive way; Five Hundred Ninety-eight and 50/100 ($598.50) Dollars for pri vate driveways, there being 28-1/2 private driveways at Twenty-one ($21.00) Dollars for each private driveway; One Thousand Four Hundred Fourteen and 50/100 ($1414.50) Dollars for private driveways, there .eing 61-1/2 private driveways at Twenty-three ($23.00) Dollars for ach jrivate driveway; Four Hundred Forty-two and 00/100 ($442.00) collars for private driveways, there being seventeen (17) private driveways at Twenty-six ($26.00) Dollars for each private driveway o Thousand, Five Hundred Twenty-four and 50/100 ($2524.50) Dollar for private driveways, there being ninety-three and one-half (93-1/ ) 'rivate nriveways at Twenty-seven ($27.00) Dollars for each private drivewa ; .ix Hundred Eight and 00/100 ($608.00) Dollars for private driveway, here being nineteen (19) private driveways at Thirty-two ($32.00) [Dollars for each private driveway; and One Hundred Forty-four and .0/100 (4144.00) Dollars for private driveways, there being four (4 i•rivate driveways at Thirty-six ($36.00) Dollars for each private .riveway, the cost of construction of which driveways, and the pro- ( •erty benefited thereby is hereinafter set out and all within the •oundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned, which i- he total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvemen,, ccording to the contracts entered into for the performance of said ork and making said improvement, and the Tteasurer is hereby autho,- .zed and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of th s •rdinance, for the purpose herein mentioned: z8- TWENTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT AND FIVE FOOT WALK. Fronting on the easterly side of Military Drive. Beg. at the S.W. Cor. of Blk. 22, Douglas Park, thence north - easterly along the westerly line of said Blk. 22, 167.83 ft., thence around a 20 ft. Rad. curve to the right a distance of 21.44 ft., in Blk. 22, Douglas Park Sub. of Blks. 28 and 29, 5-Acre Plat C; Beg. at N.W. Cor. of Blk. 2, Upper Yale Park Sub{ thence northeasterly 15.67 ft. to the S.W. Cor. of Blk. 22, Douglas Park, Lot. 14, Bik. 29, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. TWENTY-SIX FOQTiBOADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT. (WALK BUILT) Fronting on the westerly side of Military Drive. All of Lots 30 to 38 incl.. the southerly 17.66 ft. of Lot 29 and the northerly 42 ft. of Lot 39, of Lots 29 to 39 incl. of Blk. 13, Douglas Park Sub. of Blks. 28 and 29, 5-Acre Plat C. THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT AND FOUR FOOT WALK. Fronting on the east side of Nerual Circle. The north 100 ft. (of Lot 13 and the west 22.0 ft. of Lot 12) of Lots 12 and 13 of Blk. 16, and the south 4.7 ft. of the north 104.7 ft. of Lots 10 to 13 incl. of Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the west side of Nerual Circle. The north 100 ft. (of Lots 16 and 17 and the east 14.0 ft. of Lot18) of Lots 16, 17 and 18, Blk. 16; and the south 4.7 ft. of the north 104.7 ft. of Lots 16 to 19 incl., Blk. 16; Douglas Park Sub., Bik. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. Frontin: on the easterl westerl and southerl sides of Nerual Ci - c e. Beg. at a point 104.7 ft. south of the N.W.Cor. of Lot 13, Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub. of Bik. 27 - 5 Acre Plat C, thence around a curve to the left,Rad. 5.0 ft. a distance of 261.8 ft., Lo.s 10 to 13 incl., Lots 16 to 19 incl., Lots 32 to 41 incl. and part of 14 foot Vacated alley, Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 27, 5- Acre Plat C. x., (,)1 -9- THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT AND FIVE FOOT WALK. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lots 6 to 12 incl., Blk. 19, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lots 2, 3 and 4 and the westerly 75 ft. of Lot 1, of Lots 1 to 4 incl., of Blk. 7, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lots 2, 3 and 4 and the westerly 75 ft. of Lot 1, of Lots 1 to 4 incl. of Blk. 6, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M. THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT. (WALK BUILT) Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lots 24 to 44 incl. of Blk. 14, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lots 13 to 16 incl., and all of Lots 25 and 26; al of Lots 4 and 5 and the west 10 ft. of Lot 3 of Lots 3, 4 and 5; a the north 100 ft. of (Lots 1 and 2 and the east 15 ft. of Lot 3) Lots 1, 2 and 3; of Blk. 19, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT. (CURB AND GUTTER AND MARK BUILT) Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lots 17 to 24 incl. of Blk. 19, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVE- MENT AND FIVE FOOT WALK. Fronting on the north side of 9th South Street. All of Lots 3 and 4 of Blk. 5, Sunnyside Park Sub. of part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C, and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of 9th South Street. G,1 All of (Lots 7 and 8, the north 62.5 ft. of Lot 9 analt= -10- west 57.5 of the north 62.5 ft. of Lot 10) Lots 7 to 10 incl., and th4 east 33.8 ft. of Lot 6, of Blk. 4, Sunnyside Park Sub. of part of Blk. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Avenue. The south 75 ft. of (Lots 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41 and 42,, the west 20 ft. of Lot 35 and the east 20 ft. of Lot 3=) Lots 26, 27 and 28, 32 to 35 incl. and 38 to 42 incl., of Bik. 16; the south 95 ft. of (Lots 36 and 37, the east 5 ft. of Lot 35 and the west 5 ft. of Lot 38) Lots 35 to 38 incl. of Blk. 16; the sout 100 ft. of Lots 29, 30 and 31, and the south 120 ft. of Lots 43 to 50 incl., of Blk. 16; Douglas Park Sub. of pik 27, 5-Acre plat C. Beg. at the S.E.Cor. of Lot 50, Blk. 16, Douglas Park, thence east 10 ft., of Lot 11 of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C; Beg. at the S.W.Cor. of Lot 2, Blk. 13, Sunnyside Park, thence east 34.86 ft., thence around a 35-ft. rad. curve to the left a distance of 37.64 ft., of Lot 2, Blk. 13, and all of (Lots 1 to 8 incl. and the east 56.22 ft. of Lot 9J' Lots 1 to 9 incl. of Blk. 10, Sunnyside Park Sub. of part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of (Lots 6, 7, 10 to 21 incl. and the north 100 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3) Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 10 to 21 incl. of Blk. 18, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, and all of (Lots 12 to 25 incl. and the north 125 ft. of Lots 1 to 11 incl.) Lots 1 to 25 incl. of Blk. 17, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5- Acre Plat C; Beg. at th. N.W.Cor. of Lot 3, Sunnyside Park, thence easterly 75.03 ft., Lot 3 of Blk. 12, and beg. at the N.W.Cor. of Lot 4, Sunnpide Park, thence easterly 66.63 ft., Lot 4 of Blk. 12, and all of Lots 11 to 18 incl. of Blk. 9, Sunnyside Park Sub. of part of Blks. 26 and 27 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M; and beg at the N.E. Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 17, Douglas Park, thence east 10 f•., Lot 10, of Bik. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. -11- Fronting on the north side of Michigan Avenue. The south 90 ft. of (Lot 42 and the east 15 ft. of Lot 4 ) Lots 41 and 42, Bik. 18, Douglas Park Sub. of Bik. 28, 5-Acre Plat C; Beg. at the S.E. Cor. of Lot 1, Bik. 12, Sunnyside Park, thence east 66 ft., Lot 14, Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C; the south 110 ft. of Lot 9, Blk. 9, Sunnyside Park Sub. of part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5- Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; beg. at the S.E.Cor. of Lot 9, Blk. 9, Sunnyside Park, thence east 14.27 ft., thence around a 25-ft. rad. curve to the left a distance of 26.89 ft., Lot 8, Blk. 9, Sunnyside Park Sub. of part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and See. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of Michigan Avenue. All of Lots 14 to 23 incl., Blk. A, Yale Gardens Sub., Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C; and beg. at the intersection of the east line of 20th East Street and the south line of Michigan Ave., thenc- east 178.08 ft., Lot 14, Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the east side of LeGrand Street. The south 50.0 ft. of Lots 19, 20 and 21 of Blk. 15, all of Lots 19, 20 and 21 of Blk. 18, and all of (Lot 22 and the south 138 ft. of Lot 23) Lots 22 and 23 of Blk. 18, in Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Frontin: on the west side of LeGrand Street. All of Lots 1 and 2, and all of Lots 43 and 44, of Blk.14 Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 28; Beg. at the S.E. Cor. of Lot 1, Blk.14, Douglas Park, thence south 14 ft., Lot 12, Blk. 28; all of Clots 1 and 2 and the east 15 ft. of Lot 3) Lots 1, 2 and 3, Elk. 19, and all of Lots 62 and 63 of Blk. 19, Douglas Park Sub., Blkl 28; 5-Acre Plat C. Frontin: on the east side of 19th East Street. All oi(the south 50 ft. of Lots 22 to 25 incl. and the north 25 ft. of the south 75 ft. of Lots 23, 24,and 25) Lots 22 to 25 incl. and all of (the north 34 ft. of Lots 26 to 29 incl. and the south 25 ft. of the north 59 ft. of Lots 26, 27 and 28) Lots 26 to 29 inc ., of Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C; beg. at th4( ,, -12- S. W. Cor. of Ot 25, Bik. 16, Douglas Park, thence south 14 ft.,Lo 11, Blk. 27; all of Lots 22 to 25 incl. of Blk. 17, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 27; all of (the north 40 ft. of Lots 26 to 29 incl. and the south 110 ft. of Lots 26 and 27 and the west 4.5 ft. of Lot 28) Lots 26 to 29 incl. of Bik. 17, Douglas Park Sub., Blk. 27; beg. at the S. W. Cor. of Lot 25, Blk. 17, Douglas Park, thence south 14 ft , Lot 10, Blk. 27; 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the west side of 19th East Street. All of (the south 50 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3 and the north 100 ft. of pot 1 and the east 20 ft. of Lot 2) Lots 1, 2 and 3 of :1k. 15; all of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Blk. 18; all of (Lot 42 and the ti- east 15 ft. of Lot 41) Lots 41 and 42 of Blk. 18; Douglas Park Sub. mlk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street. All of Lot 9 of Blk. 11, and the west 62 ft. of Lot 10 of rlk. 10, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. fronting on the east side of 20th East (or State Highway) All of Lot 9, Blk. 10, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. +6 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. "1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M. Ironting on the west side of 20th East Street. All of (the north 99.03 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 and the south •8.25 ft. of Lot 1 and the east 26 ft. of Lot 2) Lots 1 and 2 of Bl.. and the north 89.51 ft. of Lot 4 of Blk. 13, Sunnyside Park Su,., i•art of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 i+., S. L. B. & M. fronting on the east side of Connor Street and the south side of I•th South Street. Beg. at the S.W.Cor. of Lot 6, Blk. 4, Sunnyside Park, hence northwesterly 109 ft., thence around a curve to the right, rad. 30 ft. a distance of 54.01 ft.,thence east 10.49 ft., Lot 6, :1k. 4, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat , and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. fronting on the east side of Connor Street. All of (Trots 3, 4 and 5 and the northly 6.83 ft. of Lot 2 ,1 Lots 2 to 5 incl. of Blk. 4, Sunnyside Park Sub., " yrr -13- part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E , S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of Connor Street. Beg. at the S.E. Cor. of Lot 8, Blk. 7, Sunnyside Park, thence northwesterly 94.86 ft., thence around a curve to the left, Rad. 50 ft., a distance of 33.54 ft., Lot 8, Blk. 7; beg. at the N.E. Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 7, Sunnyside Park, thence southeasterly 96.71 ft., thence around a curve to the right, Rad. 30 ft., a dis- tance of 25.50 ft., Lot 1, Blk. 7; and beg. at the S.E.Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 6, Sunnyside Park, thence northwesterly 95.95 ft., thence around a curve to the left, Rad. 50 ft., a distance of 0.73 ft., Lot 1, Blk. 6; all in Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT - WALK BUILT. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lots 4, 5, 8 and 9, Blk. 18, Douglas Park Sub., o Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Avenue. All of (Lots 26 to 39 incl., the east 14 ft. of Lot 25 and the West 11 ft. of Lot 40) Lots 25 to 40 incl. of Blk. 15, the south 82 ft. of (Lots 22, 23 and 24 and the west 11 ft. of Lot 25) Lots 22 to 25 incl. of Blk. 15, and the south 80 ft. of (Lots 41 and 42 and the east 14 ft. of Lot 40) Lots 40, 41 and 42 of Blk. 15, all in Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the north side of Michigan Avenue. All of (Lots 22, 24 to 40 incl., the west 10 ft. of Lot 41, and the south 138 ft. of Lot 23) Lots 22 to 41 incl. of Blk. Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 18,A and the south 110 ft. of Lots 26 to 50 incl. of Blk. 17, Doug- las Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C; the south 110 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 12, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; beg. -t the S.E.Cor. of Lot 50, Blk. 17, Douglas Park, thence east 10 ft., Lots 9 and 10 of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. -14- Fronting on the south side of Michigan Avenue. The north 124..15 ft. of (Lots 7 to 29 incl. and the eadt 22.67 ft. of Lot 6) Lots 6 to 29 incl., Blk. 3, yalecrest Park Sub. of Blk. 28; and all of Lots 24 and 25, Blk. A, Yale Gardens Sub. .f Blk. 27; 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the east side of LeGrand Street. The north 100 ft. of Lots 19, 20 and 21, and all of (Lots 22, 23 and 24 and the west 11 ft. of Lot 25) Lots 22 to 25 incl., of Blk. 15, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the west side of 19th East Street. All of (Lots 41 and 42 and the east 14 ft. of Lot 40) Lot 40, 41 and 42 of Blk. 15, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28,5-Acre Plat +. - THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT. Fronting on the west side of 22nd East Street. All of (Lots 11, 12 and 13 and the south 67.5 ft. of Lots 9 and 10) Lots 9 to 13 incl. of Blk. 4, Sunnyside Park Sub., part o, elks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10,T.1 S.,R. 1 E.,S.L.B. & Fronting on the east side of Connor Street. The southerly 75.74 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 4, Sunnystde Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec.10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT CURB AND GUTTER AND WALK BUILT . fronting on the south side of Michigan Avenue. All of Lot 26, Blk. A, Yale Gardens Sub., of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. FORTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT AND FIVE FOOT WALK. Fronting on the north side of 9th South Street. Beg. at the S.E. Cor. of Lot 32, Blk. 3, Douglas Park, thence east 216.92 ft. Blk. 3; all of Lots 55 and 56 of Blk. 3; all of (Lots 26 and 27, 33 to 42 incl. and the east 10 ft. of Lot 32) lots 26, 27 and 32 bo 42 incl. of Blk. 2; the south 100 ft. of Lot 29 of Blk. 1; all of (Lots 30, 31, 32, 36 and 37, the west 10 ft. o lot 33 and the east 5 ft. of Lot 35) Lots 30 to 33 incl. and 35 to 37 incl. of Blk. 1; and beg. at the S.W.Cor. of Lot 38, Blk. 1, 7ouglas Park, thence easterly 206.53 ft., Lots 38 to 45 incl. of -15- lk. 1; in Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. The south 68.25 ft. of (Lot 1 and the east 26 ft. of Lot 2) Lots 1 and 2, and the west 16.96 ft. of the east 42.96 ft. of Lot 2, of Blk. 14; and all of (Lots 2 to 8 incl., the west 39 ft. of Lot 1 and the south 87.28 ft. of Lot 9) Lots 1 to 9 incl. of Blk.l1; Sunnyside Park Sub. of part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of 9th South Street. The north 50 ft. of Lots 18 to 22 Incl., and all of Lots 1 to 7 incl., of Blk. 14; all of(Lots 5 to 18 incl. and the west 20 ft. of Lot 4) Lots 4 to 18 incl., and the north 100 ft. of (Lots 1, 2 and 3 and the east 5 ft. of Lot 4) Lots 1 to 4 incl., of Blk. 15; in Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. The north 75 ft. of Lots 23, 24 and 25, the north 100 ft. of Lots 16 to 22 incl., of Blk. 16, and beg. at the N.W. Cor. of Lot 13, Blk. 16, Douglas Park thence easterly 280.16 ft., Lots 3 to 13 incl. of Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. The east 61.12 ft. of Lot 4, Blk. 13; all ad (Lots 10 to 14 incl. and the west 37 ft. of Lot 15) Lots 10 to 15 incl. of Blk. 10; all of (Lots 17 and 18 and the east 54.5 ft. of Lot 16) Lots 16, 17 and 18 of Blk. 10; all of Lots 5, 6 and $? of Blk. 7; and beg. at the N.E.Cor. of Lot 7, Blk. 7, Sunny- aide Park, thence east 4.45 ft., thence around a curve to the right Rad. 50 ft. a distance of 33.53 ft. Lot 8, Blk. 7; Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Elks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of Diestel Road. All of Lots 23 to 27 incl., Blk. 3, Douglas Park Sub., pa t Df Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of Diestel Road. All of Lots 54 and 55, and all of (Lots 61,62, 63 and the ~northerly 7.77 ft. of Lot 60) Lots 60 to 63 incl., of Blk. 4, Doug- las Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. l Y,, -16- Fronting on the east side of 21st East Street. The west 70 ft. of Lot 4, and all of Lot 5, Blk. 7, Sunny side Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of 21st East Street. The east 67 ft. of Lot 1, and the east 55 ft. of Lot 18, Blk. 10, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. FORTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT - WALK BUILT. Fronting on the north side of 9th South Street. All of Lot 32, and all of Lots 33 to 54 incl., of Blk. 3; all of Lots 22 to 25 incl., and all of Q.ots 28 to 31 incl. and the west 15 ft. of Lot 32) Lots 28 to 32 incl., of Blk. 2; all of Lot 34, the east 15 ft. of Lot 33 and the west 20 ft. of Lot 35, Lots 33, 34 and 35, and the south 85 ft. of Lots 26, 27 and 28, of Blk. 1; Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M. Fronting on the south side of 9th South Street. All of Lots 76 and 77, Blk. 13, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 29, 5-Acre Plat C; all of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Blk. 13, beg. at the N.W. Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 13, Douglas Park, thence west 104.39 ft., Blk. 13, and all of Lots 8 to 17 incl. of Blk. 14, Douglas Park Su.. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C; all of(the east 37.25 ft. of Lot 15 and the west 19.75 ft. of Lot 16) Lots 15 and 16, B1ffi. 10, Sungyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the easterly side of Diestel Road. All of Lots 44 to 75 incl. of Blk. 13, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 29, 5-Acre Plat C, and all of Lots 28 to 32 incl. of Blk. 3, Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M Fronting on the westerly side of Diestel Road. All of Lots, 56, 57, 58 and 59 and the southerly 18.49 ft. of Lot 60, Lots 56 to 60 incl., Blk. 4, Douglas Park Sub., par. of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. -17- FORTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT - (CURB AND WALK BUILT) Fronting on the easterly side of Diestel Road. All of (the northerly 121 ft. of Lots 41, 42 & 43 and the easterly 69.1 ft. of Lot 40) Lots 40 to 43 incl., Blk. 13, Douglas Park Sub. of Blks 28 and 29, 5-Acre Plat C. FORTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT -(CURB AND GUTTER AND WALK BUT-ITT) Fronting on the westerly side of Diestel Road. Beg. at the S.W. Cor. of Lot 26, Blk. 10, Douglas Park, thence northeasterly 140.32 ft., Lots 23 to 26 incl., and all of Lots 19 to 22 incl., of Blk. 10, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 29, 5-Acre Plat C; Beg. at the S.W.Cor. of Lot 16, Blk. 11, Douglas Park, thence northeasterly 142.84 ft., Lots lag to 16 incl., the south 60 ft. (of Lots 7, 8 and 9 and the easterly 16.72 ft. of Lot 10) of Lots 7 to 10 incl., and all of Lot 11 and the westerly 12 ft. of Lot 10, Lots 10 and ii, in Blk. 11, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 29, 5-Acre Plat C; Beg. at the S.W. Cor. of Lot 6, Blk. 12, Douglas Pare., Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 29,5-Acre C; thence northeasterly 249.77 ft., Lots 1 to 6 incl. of Blk. 12,Aand the southerly 75 ft. of Lot 54 of Blk. 4 Douglas Park Sub., part o Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ($9.00 per driveway) Fronting on the east side of Connor Street. All of Lot 2, Blk. 4, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C, and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B.& M. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ($14.00 per driveway) Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lot 2, Blk. 7, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C, and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B.& M. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of the east 52.0 ft. of Lot 2, and all of Lots 3-and 4, of Blk. 6, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C, and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of 22nd East Street. and The north 62.5 ft. of Lot 10, all of Lot ll,Aall of LW_. -18- 13, MIXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of Blk. 4, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C, and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B.& M. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ($17.00 per driveway) Fronting on the westerly side of Nerual Circle. The north 100 ft. of Lot 16, Blk. 16; beg. at a point 104.7 ft. south of the N.E. Cor. of Lot 16, Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C, thence around a curve to the right, Rad. 50 ft., a distance of 63.45 ft., Lots 16 and 17 and padt of 14 ft. vacated alley, Blk. 16; Douglas Park Sub. of Bik. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the easterly side of Nerual Circle. Beg. at a point 104.7 ft. south of the N.W. Cor. of Lot 13, Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub. of Bik. 27, 5-Acre Plat C, thence around a curve to the left, Rad. 50 ft., a distance of 67.59 ft., Lots 12. and 13 and part of 14 ft. vacated alley, in Blk. 16; and beg. at a point 104.7 ft. south and around a 50 ft. Rad. curve to the left, a distance of 67.59 ft. from the N.W.Cor. of Lot 13, Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C, thence around said 50 ft. Rad. curve a distance of 37.13 ft., Lots and 39 and part of 14 ft. vacated alley, in Blk. 16; Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ($21.00 per driveway) Fronting on the easterly side of Diestel Road. All of Lots 45, 47, 48 and 50, the northerly 8 ft. of Lot 51, all of Lot 54, the northerly 14.73 ft. of Lot 55, all of (Lot 59 and the northerly 8.25 ft. of Lot 58) Lots 58 and 59, all of Lot: 62, 65, 66, 69, 70, 72 and 75, and the westerly 52.5 ft. of Lot 76, in Blk. 13, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 29, 5-Acre Plat C; all of Lot- 27, 28, 31 and 32 of Blk. 3, Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the westerly side of Diestel Road. All of Lots 56, 59 and 60 of Blk. 4, Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; all of Lot 13, Blk -19- 11, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 29, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the south side of 9th South Street. The east 17.5 ft. of Lot 76, Blk. 13, Douglas park Sub. o Blk. 29; and all of Lot 1, Blk. 13, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28; 5-Acre Plat C. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ($23.00 per driveway) Fronting on the north side of 9th South Street. All of Lots 32, 34, 36, and 37; the east 12.5 ft. of Lot 39; all of lots 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, and 54; all in Blk. 3, Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; all of Lots 25 and 26, all of (Lot 29 and the west 10 ft. of Lot 30) Lots 29 and 30, the west 15 ft. of Lot 32, the west 20 ft. of Lot 34, all of (Lot 35 and the east 5 ft. of Lot 34) Lots 34 and 35, and all of Lots 38 and 40, in Blk. 2, Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; all of Lot 30, all of (Lot 32 and the west 10 ft. of Lot 33) Lots 32 and 33, the west 20 ft. of Lot 35, and all of Lot 37, in Blk. 1, Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. •, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; beg. at the S.W.Cor. of Lot 39, ft. Blk. 1, Douglas Park, thence easterly 25.03„being part of Lot 39 o Blk. 1, and beg. at the S.W. Cor. of Lot 41, Blk. 1, Douglas Park, thence easterly 25.37 ft., being part of Lot 41, Blk. 1, Douglas Park Sub., part of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; the wet 65 ft. of Lot 8, the west 41 ft. of Lot 7, the west 41 ft. of Lot 6, the west 41 ft. of Lot 5, the west 26.75 ft. of Lot 4, the west 12.5 ft. of Lot 3, the west 55 ft. of the east 61.75 ft. of Lot 3, the west 53.25 ft. of Lot 2, and the west 39 ft. of Lot 1, all in Blk. 11, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Biks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of 9th South Street. All of Lot 3, all of Lot 6, the east 13 ft. of Lot 10, and all of Lots 12, 13, 15 and 17, of Blk. 14; the east 10 ft. of Lot 5, all of Lots 7, 8, 11, 13 and 15, of Blk. 15; in Douglas Par Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Beg. at the N.W. Cor. of Lot 10, Blk. 16, Douglas Park, thence easterly 30 ft., Lots 9 and 10, of r 11 -20- Blk. 16, the north 100 ft. of (Lot 19 and the west 11 ft. of Lot 1 Lots 18 and 19, of Blk. 16, and the north 100 ft. of Lot 21, of B1 . 16, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. The west 62 ft. o, Lot 10, the east 12.25 ft. of Lot 10, the east 21.5 ft. of Lot 11, the east 39 ft. of Lot 13, the east 37.25 ft. of Lot 14, the east 37.25 ft. of Lot 15, the east 54.5 ft. of Lot 16, the east 59 ff. of the west 59.5 ft. of Lot 17, and the west 45 ft. of Lot 18,, all and all of Lot 6, Blk. 7, in Blk. 10,ASunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of 21st East Street. The east 55 ft. of Lot 18, Blk. 10, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E S. L. B. & M. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ($26.00 per driveway) Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lot:26, all of Lot 28, the west 18.5 ft. of Lot 32. and all of Lot 34, the east 24.5 ft. of Lot 35, all of Lot 39,Athe so 80 ft. of Lot 41, of Blk. 15, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lots 19, 18, 16, 15, 13, 10, 8, 6 and 4, and the north 100 ft. of Lot 3, all in Blk. 18, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITIO}'i TO THE REGULAR ASSESS T. ($27:00 per driveway) Fronting on the north side of 9th South Street. All of Lot 3, Blk. 5, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C, and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M Fronting on the south side of 9th South Street. All of Lot 8, and the north 62.5 ft. of Lot 9, Blk. 4, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Avenue. The south 120 ft. of Lot 50, the south 120 ft. of Lot 43 e ; -21- the south 75 ft. of Lot 40, in Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C; the west 66 ft. of Lot 8, the west 45.75 ft. of Lot 7, the west 19.25 ft. of Lot 5, the east 55 ft. of Lot 5, the west 59 ft. of the east 62.25 ft. of Lot 4, the west 58.5 ft. of Lot 3, the west 44.25 ft. of Lot 2, the west 33 ft. of Lot 1, and the east 67 ft. of Lot 1, all in Blk. 10, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. The north 125 ft. of Lots 9 and 10, the north 125 ft. of Lot 7, the north 125 ft. of Lot 5, the north 125 ft. of the west 20 ft. of Lot 3, the north 125 ft. of Lot 1, in Blk. 17, Douglas Park Sub. Of Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C.; beg. at the N.W. Cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 12, Sunnyside Park, thence easterly 45.51 ft., Lot 3, of Blk. 12; the east 49.25 ft. of Lot 12, the east 61.75 ft. of Lot 13, all of Lot 14, all of Lot 15, the west 53 ft. of the east 63.7' ft. of Lot 16, and all of Lot 17, in Blk. 9; Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the north side of Michigan Avenue. All of Lots 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32, the west 17.5 ft. of Lot 36, the west 22.5 ft. of Lot 38, and the east 2.5 ft. of Lot 3: and all of Lot 39 of Lots 38 and 39, in Blk. 18, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C; the south 110 ft. of the east 20.5 ft. of Lot 28, the south 110 ft. of Lot 32, the south 110 ft. of the east 23 ft. of Lot 33, the south 110 ft. of the west 23 ft. of Lot 37, the south 110 ft. of Lot 38, the south 110 ft. of the west 19 ft. of Lot 42, the south 110 ft. of Lot 43, the south 110 ft. of t e west 18.5 ft. of Lot 47, and the south 110 ft. of Lot 48, in Blk. 17, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 27, 5-Acre plat C; the south 110 ft. of the west 26.63 ft. of Lot 2, and the south 110 ft. of the east 47.37 ft. of Lot 2, in Blk. 12, and the south 110 ft. of the east 61.37 ft. of Lot 1, in Blk. 12, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M, ; /(9 "+ %i -22- beg. at the S.E.Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 12, Sunnyside Park, thence east 66 ft., Lot 14, Blk. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the south side of Michigan Avenue. The north 124.15 ft. of the west 7 ft. of Lot 7, the north 124.15 ft. of the east 18 ft. of Lot 7, the north 124.15 ft. of the west 12 ft. of Lot 11, the north 124.15 ft. of the east 13 ft. of Lot 11, the north 124.15 ft. of the west 17 ft. of Lot 15, the north 124.15 ft. of (Lot 16 and the east 5 ft. of Lot 15) Lots 15 and 16, the north 124.15 ft. of Lot 18, the north 124.15 ft. of Lot 20, the north 124.15 ft. of Lot 23, the north 124.15 ft. of Lot 25, and the north 124.15 ft. of Lot 27, all in Blk. 3, Yalecrest Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C; all of Lots 25, 24 and 23, the east 59.5 ft. of Lot 22, the east 59 ft. of Lot 21, all of Lots 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, and 15, in Blk. A, Yale Gardens Sub., Bik. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the east side of Leprand Street. All of Lot 21, the north Q ft. of Lot 22, the south 82 ft. of Lot 22, in Blk. 15; and all of Lot 22 of Blk. 18; Douglas Park Sub. of Bik. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the west side of LeGrand Street. All of the north 100 ft. of Lot 1, and all of Lot 63, in Blk. 19, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the east side of 19th East Street. The north 75 ft. of Lot 25, the south 50 ft. of the north 125 ft. of Lot 25, the north 9 ft. of Lot 26, and the south 50 ft. of the north 59 ft. of Lot 26, in Blk. 16; and the south 110 ft. of Lot 26, in Blk. 17; Douglas Park Sub. of Bik. 27, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the west side of 19th East Street. The north 54 ft. of Lot 42 of Blk. 15, and the north 100 ft. of Lot 1 of Blk. 18, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street. The south 87.28 ft. of Lot 9 of B1k. 11, the west 62 ft. of Lot 10 and all of Lot 9, of Blk. 10; Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Blks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S.,R.1 E., S. I. B. & M. -23- Fronting on the east side of Connor Street. All of Lot 3, Elk. 4, Sunnyside Park Sub., part of Elks. 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.E. & M. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. 432.00 per driveway) Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Avenue. and All of Lots 24, 25, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36, 37, 40,A42, of Blk. 14, Douglas Park Sub. of Bik. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Avenue. All of Lot 26, all of Lot 15,all of Lot 13, the west 9 ft. of Lot 10, the west 17 ft. of Lot 8, all of Lot 6, and the west 10 ft. of Lot 3, in Blk. 19, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat C. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ($36.00 per driveway) Fronting on the westerly side of Military Drive. All of the northerly 17.43 ft. of Lot 30, all of the northerly 20.93 ft. of Lot 32, all of Lot 34, and all of Lot 36, in Elk. 13, Douglas Park Sub. of Blk. 29, 5-Acre Plat C. as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets, not ex- ceeding 330 feet, and to collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the city treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 86) of Salt Lake City for the purpose of providing for the grading and constructing of sidewalks, concrete curb and gutter, drainage system, private drive ways and bituminous mat pavement (five inch gravel base and bitumin ous mat wearing surface approximately one inch in thickness) upon said portionsof said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assess- ments made and returned in said completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in :tern equal yearl -24- installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first installment be- 01eomes due by payin the same*` 'th interest from the date of levy '_; o the date such fist inst ent is dur. - e ogre installment. � n the order in whi�h * a pa�[able, o eth evhospecial tax, .a�1,4ay be paid on the Sate Any i t allment b o d-due�*� paying the Hi amount thereof and * r*t the date o pa nt. ault in the payment of any such n�stallme -of princi `'ante t when due 7 !St l �r*'shall cause the who of the aid •pr• ea r i t to become i.9 due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid yi principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per ce. per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past due with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum to dare of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day afte its publication. �, �\� , Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, the gt day of/a .h-rt� r, A.D. 1942. i ��/ Mayor. ( City ecor er. Curb & Gutter Extension No. 86. 1st Partial Estimate. P, a -- rid no I -nolr:.i ridia4 oorrsnibzo biro gist s{d boblvolq adnomll;, :>r.i: o,ldsvg cmuruw zoq: dneo zoc svi'1 `.t.o ednx .slid ds bisc,a._ ova eiono` . ono dsdd t'ievewon tboivozq ;on!) El In ..I i.ls.. .i. ri e:iriid end Is :y.-';d o.Coriw end zo toidnisq zsb•ro edd ni adn:.'rsLicda.crl doi.i "to oaoiri z0i :-Job sdd rnic•Ct o'eb (ct) n9>od'11 rriri.d-s..:i da97nri1-f3 dnoddie bisq od 'etu I sad rot ad :ii.0 i:bdcni c'i.om co end .cv i_Joo to acLoasd oonsnibzo o_r[d od NLsw 07.sd Isiooga elodw err` zo teic[s%sq ozn %odd rioirirr ni ecai;`10 -•cd dnei:zlioda.ri dazil end '-''vd bns anb no-d'i3 hiss zcdis bi.E, `47�1 "to (ijsb odd mo'n da:rrsdni Ad �smse end niNzsq icd enb aem of r. mlisJ 1ni 031 •o e%I1r.0 ai dnedani de. 3 none. edx;b add' o t_>:._;d iLlooga ode' Nd to told. s., s iil.d ` ni '01zc grad n ,''' 3n.::[ Sri eq enbC 0\oird dno;:iJin i -,;,irq r adz' no bisq od NLs :n A on:, ni dins' . .d1 -wNsi-'o cinb edl dr brie '1oe. -3r1I .7auro15 ZZ oi:rt:1 ned�v d .dn; •'• I'- lonizcl 30 milsdan done. vns 'io ri_3m%- cl r c,-o00d oh d t.r-,i 11 ilk(i01[i1i3 ble.._ oddio :...E1 on:, 021150 IJ.st`v bisgnu end to dnuorus eiorirr odd :ins Ziodnib0 o i o_.d ,�rq brrs cub' J''ckeo 'leg. nod io sdsz end ds deezedni wszb zef'sszodd Iiario tsgionizg1 -.cs., olasa to edsb end oh zoieq or.7id %ne ds dud tbisq Iidi.ur morose zeq;' adns i•ii -rdarri bisgrrlr lie io dr,uor,s end 1,csq %sus zenoc or[d ,oznaotoezol 3:i.bb od pin1010 'Jog drreo •1oc fill 10 edsz srid ds dae iodn is ridiar enb dasg •ada_oe lienzooe ibis bins odnemllsdani dneupnitsb end no dnen:.onq 'to ' al: -ysq ,,1 •rcrd'Ise'i dd ddgi'r end od bezodCez od no:inoz:3dd i lade. ban , .boz•ilr000 don bsri 'dllrs'et iii an zennsm smsa odd ni adrrosiiisdani. z:f.d'tra N,ub one donne ere[nd l.!:nria eonsrribzo airfT ..11 T4OITIlb i .rioiJsoiidrru, adj. ,,di D coot : .iso 'xo a•iu_: o ii;uriod Yo b•rso8 edd Yd boeocd F .O. L .i[•". c, k .s`!. 1 �rA ..'to `sb... Aid odd sm 1u F -N 1 h t .zobzooee IL.'..) 1 .oM noiansd ;_[ ':c0dto-D y', c[•rrr; .odsmido isid^:: t :1- 1: 1 yl , ROLL CALL , - VOTING I AYE ,NAY Salt Lake City, Utah,.. DE C -8 1942 193 1,11 Goggin V ,..1 I move that the ordinance he pa (I." ...-- i 1 Keyser V I r •• 7'1 ....... taboeiodo:McConkie liteisbtx - • - - - 17 Matheson \ ,.....„...--, Mr. Chairman • - ,,..._ • iLl Result —I . I • .. y, Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Legal Notice .:! yAN_ ORDINANCCEE 1 Leo.4..ToWig n `°raft SNr on No.A 1T,. ,:vn$e 1 providing mr the J Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- fng one ordained vertisingclerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper HO£t amnea by the Board ah: mSECTIO Of Salt Lake City,BoUtah: SECTION 1:Salt Lake Beard e1 c published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State 00 lallavy t o1 salt Lake providees hest h t y y men the tax and 000her the S easement of the ee le pan the property] of Utah. Extension described rCurb and Ginter] Extension er 86) for di the purpose e1: providing 5ai fur tare grading and construed: ins of:tidewalke, concrete curb end gut, Spit Lake ter,-drainage system, private da,•£vewaYal That the advertisement City Cor�oratimt and a bituminous mat pavement (Eve in gravel base and bituminous mat aearl nee) e arfade appraxlmatel9"one inch to thi Ordinance Bill // 65. Curb aid Gutter Extention Lots 28 to 48 incl. of Block 1 t. IA i yy to 42 in1 f Block 2,Lots 13 t ci I. f Bl k 3, nd Lete'64 to 03 86 irat Partial Estimate. Block'4 Douglas Park Sub, Sao, 4 I e 1 S R. 1 E.,S. L. B. A M Oh Y Block-3,Douglas Park Sub lab. `4- , 1 of B 0s a1 lints 19 to aA incl. of B1 10 YB V_L 3-.to 10 incl. 01 Block 11, Lot, 1 16, 1.of Block 12, and Bock ter ngt�.• nt Bub, Block 19, RAC 9,P1�1^ ai u. Block 29 aAEre Pad a.' waspublished in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the e O '. s 1, ,3 an : as 1 2 3 and Lots 29 to 77 1 + ,da2916-Acre Plat caral�onnartBo ------9------day of December A.D.19 42 x •Eoutlas Park Sub, Block 28, t' }t�<C Olt Field Survey. Lgte 1 to 22 incl. and Lots 24 to44 1r 1 t f Block 14, Lots I to 42 n i of and was published )cke 16 and 18, and Lots I t 28 d /cli•and 62 and 63 Of Black I9 Doug. ,PArk Sub„ Block 76, 8•ArY PI t ?eu a to a9 iBl as 8, 5- Pala the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the set Ptr0 Bhbt Block A spun Plat i - p Lot 12, sot, 8 6 Aura-Piet q t. Slag(Meld Sur Vey. Lots 8 to 13 mCL and LOte 10 to 60 day of A.D. 19 Ad.of Bleak 18, Lela t to 60 Block of A3, o AWeek.Abr 17, Do, L Park hub, Block Al,' /) inel, Plat C 9,t.L a 9, and 11 to 18 1nC1, 01 Block 9, LOts-1 to 16 incl. of $tuck lQ .44q 1 to 9 rock OY Bock 31, Adv t sing Clerk, • fy.to 1 t0 BlockInel, 0f HloL 11, Lots 2 ii.- ,of7 {:et , 800 13, e P k S 1 and 7 gq7'81Uok 14, 9unnyeide Palk Sub.. (flock., - B. 6-Acre".Plat C and Per is 4 1 S2 pf R.'1$., S.L.B. &]M.. Lots 14 to 26, �v incl. of Block A,-Yale Lots It, Sub, Sleek 27 (-Acre Plat C, , 30 11, al 0.14, Block 21, 6 Acre Plat C Big a1'Survey. 11 Xgte a to 13 incl. of Block 4 Lets 4 to before me this day of 8,add 4 Of Rledk A Lots 1 to 4 incl.of o-` { 4 slid jigfa,,1 tel 81 al.of Block 'It tk b s la r-r 42 z' 6 to.1& S.L.B 6.M A.D. 19 'Foie tax 1 tevltdn to detra0..the ex• omee 1 a adint and c netructl,B sloe- rd Ave nor walks. Ott Pete nook and Butter drain- 1"t C9lluto Darive to. I-etr t'h "Set-., Ste- ., I ei Y tsin pl ate i (fIve and brio H m S Ate., th d et 630 It. ar sy. t( 00v meat Glue rn So travel Yrdtii n paint 36 63 it e ( f Militaryp£t 289 23d t 126a nd dwayt(28) leer betwu n curb.with Bituminous be thirty f30) feet between curbs with Notary Public ,+. Mat Pavement and Aft.walk on M litaryl (Shuman Nat Pavement--Curb and Gut. I x .ter and walk built-on Hubbard Ave., DCiv. th Eastay eStreet: 5s1dlq 21912 It. .17ttt S) fe said we8u y to .s ugh side a al 200 1t from taut 8923 �0 NE ty Nx 12A) fast•ovsotsi or)s. It.Oast Of -al tars- Drive; x' n curbs t} oh Ida lta Mat Pavement-walk t he thirty sou 1 a feet between curbs On Mllltery Drive, eetertyblfle- with Bituminous wi Met Pavement and Aft • 't!'l{A{' era 09.07 ft.from lhtla East Street; ,walk On Bth s outs St f LU doe-west "':"roadway.t0 be thirty (30) feet be. East H... so point CO oor St.a to 22nd £22nd i, �.4 c 'bs with Eltumluude Mat-Pave. L eal St.Hubbbard One both dee-19th �n�(A'.t d-an elk Nff) a ]e,. East to 21st East 8 Street, Hubbard Ave., PP Y aid Ou(h aLtlit Routh St¢et. Sent side,-68st 300 ft.from L0erd ve..' 4t r0 d aY to be thirty 0etl0 (301 1E t be-I jay.IA tt;from a pout 360 1t east of r.P •' E curbs with B10 00 Hubbard Mat Pave:, L Grand Street and west 8822 ft horn i Y t and 5-ft. walk n Hubbard A 10th Eat Street,M£on 10 Ave.,north de +th'Side-west 176 ft from a Dub.] .-treat 60.22 ft, from 19th East St d ; ft treat of loe-lnd 'Street, Hub.] Iron the west line of 20th East.Stree('.. ��:r Ave., north elde-list East to Cent (vacated) to- State Highway, Michigan ' '- .inset, Hubbard Aye., south side-' Ave., duty side-from a point 180 ft.east t St.Ott point 88 fl east of f Igth East Street to State Highway, t tnoEast Street: said roadway to be Oresrand.Street, east side-south 60 It. tua (30) feet between cursefilth from".a pelntr100 ft. ostb of 91b South tay� tum£nous Mat Pavement-walk built ¢ r SUee) and from Hubbard.to;M£clntaq • b 'a...13 1..1 i tthe Ave., LeGra•nd St, wet 'de-9th South efited thereby ie hereinafter et ut d 3 f 81k, 1,8: all of (Lot 43:and the Park Sub. at Ilk:7B, 6-Acre Plat C: lest T4.B Olt.�f Lot a36,pall LotY Lost�3B. St.to Michigan Ave.. 19h.Eaet Bt.,.east a4 thin the beundaNOe 1 the lots, e t 15 ft. f Lint 41) Late 41 and i2 all 1 LOIB 1, 2_nd 3 1 Blk. 13, beg.?d the south 8r tt.of Lot 41,of Zia 15, ids-9th South St.to Michigan Ave.,19th blocks and streets above meatfonedo which of Elk. 18) Douglas Pack Sub„ Bik. t the N. W. Cor, of-Lot L Blk. 13. and Fork'Sub. of Blk. 28, [Acre • the total abutters' post Auld cost per = -Acre Plat C. Douglas Park! thence wet 104.39 ft., plat.C. Beet St, west stile-south 160-4t. m front Scot of said od tot ant. Ording -Ong on he East Bide of 20th Emil Elk. 13, and all of Lots s8 to 17 lncl. 9th South St. d from Hubbard to]ich-to the contracts entered into for the per- Street, - of Blk. 14, Douglee Park Sub. of Dlk. Fronting on the south side of Hubbard Egan Ave, loth East St east side-non Eormance of.said rk and makiae d of Lot 9 f Blk.11 d the w t 28, SAm'e Plat C: 11 0l (the east"17.26 Avenue. .. a.point 187.28 ft.north of 9th South St.improvement, ad-the Treasurer is.hereby 62 It.of Lot 10 of_Blk S. BunnysmB ft, of Lot 15 and the west 1975 ft., All of Lute 19, 18, 38 15. 13, 10, 9 6 ed Lh t State.Highway;20th East Bt,west authorised iced d dtrettad.to a a in ac- P k Sub., Dart 0td'$S 28-and. 2?. f Lot 18) Lote IB and 18, IIIk. ]0, and!,and the north 100 ft.OP' ot 3,gall '¢ "from point'167.28 ft north f rdance with the Drovisionsa 1 this 6-Acre Plat C and -kec.. 10, T, 1 S.t of Park Sub., poet 1 Elks. Te In Blk. 1g.;Douglas Park Salt. Ot HIK, 9th South to a holm 8061'ft. south 0f elnance for the purpose herein medtroped; R.1 E,S.L.e.&'t' T.28,[-Acre Plat,C. Ath South-Street Connor St. Bat Bide- TWENTY•SIX FOOT ROADWAY WITH-• FronNoB the Haag Blde e[Roth lea ,, a1, 6Acn Plat C and See. 10.tel 9h South St tO Bonneville Perk, and BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT AND (or State Hlghwey).: - 1 H.,R.1,.,9.L B.&M. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE Con St east side-9th South St. to FIVE FOOT WALE A 1 mf Lot 8 Hilt,I0,•gunnyside Park Fronting the easterly side of Dieetel'DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE 75741E-orthivesterly of Boonville Park' Fronting on the easterly side f Mille Bab.,Dart 0f Phka•'28 and T7 15-Acre Plat Road. REGULAR ASSESSMENT, .(627.00 yid'roadway to be hirtyein (361 feet tar; Drive. C d Sec.10,T.1 B..B 1-E..S.L.B. All of Lots 44 to 75(nil f Dlk. 13, Per drlvey)„ bet'ben curbs with 13Huminosor Mat Pave. Beg•at the S.W.Cor.of Elk.22,Douglas A F•outing on the. West Side of 20th Douglas Park Sub.Of Blk.29,b Acre Plat Fronting o .the north side of 9th • me t-•walk built-on Hubbard Ave.north Park thence northeasterly along the west- Eaat Street C. and all of Lots 28 to 37 Incl. of South Street, side-LeGrand St,to 19th Tait St,Hub-stir Sine of a d Blk.'22,187.83 St.thence All f(the north 99E3 it.01 Lott l and Blk 3. Douglas Park Bub. Dart of Sec. AU of Lao•3, Hlk. b, Sunnyetde Park bird Ave.south aide-east 50 it,from •around a 20 1t. Rad, c, to the right 2 and m the south 68,T6 it Of Lot 1 d o.T!y S.,0R. 1 EE S. L. B. M. Sub.,part of Eike.28 and 27,6-Acre Plat point 300 ft..east OS 0s4rand SG end a distance of 21.44 it.,m Elk 22, oug- the east 16 11; f TOt;,2) Las 1 and Fro Ong o the westerly Ode of Motel C, and Sea 10,T. 1 g.,R. 1 E.. S. L. et 60 1t from point 402 ft east of las Park Sub of Blks. .8_and 29, 6- 2 of Elk.14, utd•the north.89.51 ft Road.'' - B.&M. LAGr•and Bt:, Michigan Ave: north aide-Ave Plat C. Beg."at N.W, or of Blk. of Lot 4 of Blk.,13, Sunnyeidb Park All of Lots XL 67, 68 and 59 and the Fronting on the south side of 9th e9et 485 ft. from LeGrand St end from coIn p16.67YYA toarhe u9.vVir Cor.Al B k,lot Sub.,Part of Hlks:26 and 27,5-Acre Plat onthetly 18.49 ft. of Lot 8q Lots 48 South Street. 193h East St. to eat.line of 20th East C and Sec,10,1" 1 g:,:8.1 E.,S.L.H. to 60.incl., Blk. 4, Douglee Park Sub., All 01 LOt 8, d north 62.5 St.o1 Lot go;lea Para Lot 14.81k.aB,6-Acre Plot A M. part of Sec,9,T.1 S„R.1 E.,S.L.D. B, Blk. 4 S nyaide Park Sub, part of Street(e acatetl) Michigan Ave.q nth tide C g Field-Survey. Fronting pu the Eaeyy 81d t Connor &M, Bike. 38 d 27, 5-Acre Plat C d Sec. -.west 800.87 ft.-from Seth East St and 'TWENTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY WITH SE set and the seal 81d of Bh South FORTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH SITU. 1D T,1 B R 1.,E..-S.L-B.&M 4t 110 ft.i mq1 D.�nt 60 1t its of HITUMIb10)i6.MAT PAVEMENT Street. 11 -D11N0(� MAT-PAVEMENT-(CUBIT Fronting an the north side of Hubbard fah Esa�Street .TA tend Street bet - WALH'BUIa , - - Bog;-'it,e.m•-s"-W f(7o,,,zik-iii,B-w` s.2de—ou h'100.ft Prom-nth Sb th 9t.and F;renting o(D the westerly side of,Mlll 4 SunnyaM P it the ee thweeterly AND WALK BUILT) Avenue. north'134 Pt from•Hubbard Ave., 19th toy Drive. - . 109 ft„ thence•around a curve to the Fronting on the meter.side of Dieetel The south 120 ft. i. Lot 60, ]Omit Bt. set difle-north 134 ft. from All 4 Lots 30 to 38 i el., the south- right, Rad. 30 It. a•distm¢e of 54,01 Road. the south 120 Pt. of Lot 43. Hubbard Ave.;/mid roadway t0 be thirty.erly_17.86 ft.of Lot 29 and the norterly ft.thence east 10.49 . pOeot O. Blk, 4, All of 43 a northerly 121 It. of Loofa the south 76 ft.of Lot 40,£n Blk.I6. six, (38) feet between curbs with Hitu•42 ft.of Lot 39 of LOte 19 to 39 inch of gunnyside Park Sub...perL of Bike.86 41, 42 & 43 and the easterly 69.1 ft. f Douglas Park Sub. f Bik.27,[-Acre PI t moats Mat Pavement o 22nd East St„Blk,13 Donglae Park Sub,of Blke.38 and and 27, 8 A re Plat C, d Sec, 10,T.1 Lot 401 Lots 40 to 43 rt 1. Elk, 13,C.te t 60 1t.01 Lot 8,he weeL of 91 meat aide-south t.._a t.tram 8th_South 12, -Aoo Plat C. 9,R I E B.L,.-S,e-M - - -- DOuglab Ydrk MM. -I Elks. 766 and 22, ft.of Lot 7,the west 3915 ft,01 Lot O• Sl.-add ConnorSt.east aide•-northwest- THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH - Fronting On the Rest Bide of Connor 5-Acre Plat C. the east 65 ft of Lat 6, the west 69 ft'• stir 78,74 X.-from B0mev/110 park; said BITUMINOUS MAT'PAVEMENT Street. FORTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH SITU• f tbo east 6326 ft.of Lot 4, the set roadway to be tinny.(X),feet between AND FOUR FOOT WALK 1'Ali Of ;Ions.3„4, d-9 and the north- MINOUS MAT PAVEMENT' (CURB 585 ft Of Lot 3 the t 4925 ft.of grbe with Bituminous Mat Pavement- Fronting on he east,side of Bernal r 6.83 ft.OS Lot 2) 2 to d Incl,ofOUrb Lot a erne et 3J It. i west 1, Q the Blk. 4, Suonknde,Paz Sub.,.part of AND GUTTER AND WALK BUILT) set , he f Lot I.all i Blk.16 [the Itm Ara souiAondide-does l6S it Dfr m Circle. north-100 ft. (O2 Lot 17and the Bike.28 nd 77. 8-Aere)Plat.0 d Set Feontiv8 o the westerly Ids f Meet. • pOdlde Park a Sub,Dart of Blke.26 and 27 lath East St.;ea..road.way.to.be 1Or19 west 2. it of Lot 121 t Lots o d lOFYmt6tog'Os fie'WNE 91do of Covnoe al Beg•at She B. W. Cor. of Lot •78.['Acre Plat C d Sec. 30,T.}9.,R•i (40) feet between curbs with HttumiaoOh 11 Of Blk.10,and the south 4.7 It. 1 the E.,9.L.B,&M. north 104.7 St.0f Lote 10 to 13 in l,, f Street. .Blk, 10, Douglas Park, thence ortheaet- Fronting on the South Bide of Hubbard 1r nbrth side-Onost8210.92 ft,from a polnt Elk. 16 Douglas Park Sub. Blk, 27, 6- S nnraida Yarn,ttht the S.hence Onoeohweeterle'94.86 frly 140.32 it.. Leta 73 to 28 Incl., d Avmne. t 'Ig3.16 it.east of Dieetel Road,west 60 ft.Acre Plat C. ft hence around,a urns.to the left, ll of LolPt 19 tto 77o fuel.. Ol Slk. 16 The north oo26 It,of Lots 9 and 10.the IrOm LeGrand St.,•east 50 1t from Fronting the west aide of Norval R"ad.50 ft.,a Ottawa.af 33,54 ft., plat r7 Be¢rk t the.s,wBCor.29,iota lli, orth 126 Pt, 1 Lot ,the nort 125 ft.Of LotLot 6,the nortR 125 ft. f the t 20 eu, 'pint 100 it, east of LeGreud St., west Circle. 8,Blk.7;beg. t tpp Ti;B.:Cor: f Lot P Lot 3 the north 125 ft..EwLat 1. 0.22 Pt from 19th Eaat St., east 110 d e north 300 1t. lof Lote 18-a d 17 1,Blk,7,sunnysldb'Peanclthwence southeast.ilk 11• Douglas York, hence northeart-Elk.17,rpouglas Park Sub, f Blk.A '4 .from a Paint 75 ft.east 1 19h East d th'and east 19.0 ft: f Lot 18) of lots ly 98.71 ft.. thence ---mrve to 142.84 ft., Lots 12 to 18 Incl., the SE.. east 281.D3 Pt, from a point 245 it. ]8 17 e tl 15, Blk. 18; d the h the right, Rad. 30 it., d distance P south 80 ft. (01 Lots 7,6 d 9 d the Acra Plat C.:beg,at the N. W.Cor.Of diet o1 19th East Street, set 11698 ft:47 fl, of the north 104.7 Et 1 Lots 25.60 ft., Lot 1,Blk,i;alld beg.'at the'easterly 16.72 it. 4 Lot 10) faLots 7.tact 6 Blk. 12, 9uwyslda ParK, thence }ram 20h East yt., d e t 833 it.from 18 to 19 incl.,Ae 01 t8;Douglas'Park Sub., S.E.Cor.of Lot 1, and all of Lot 11 and the easterly 45.51 1t., Lot 3, f Bet.1.7 the Hlk.8, gunnyside to 10 end, east 4y 4 Et, ft Lot 1$he e t 81.7s he 20th East St,and nth South Street south Blk.Fronting 5-Aso Plat C. park thence "northwesterly 96.95 ft, westerly 11 IL of Lot 10, Lots 10 and t Lot 13, all f Lot 14, all of Lot 16. Frosting the easterly, westerly and throe around a mrve to the left. Rad:11 i Blk. 11, Douglas Park Sub. 4 the meat B3 t.Of the east 8.76 ft.of Lot aide-east 125 ft. from Mility Drive,southerly•sedee of Steroid Crcle. en.ft. distance e0.73 ft: Lot I•Blk. Blk. 2B, a-Acre Plat C: Beg. at the 9. Ie,and all of Lot 17, Blk.8:0000poid0 set 175 ft.from LeGrand SC,west 480.21 Bepp at point 104.7 ft.south of the 8' aE.1n Sunnvnlde Park 1 0 Dart t W.Cor-0f Lot 6 Elk.12.eg.Douglas Park,Park Sub.,part 1 Hllu,28 d 27,6dcre ft. from 19th East Street. east'260 ft.N. iv. or. of Lot 13. Elk-1, Douglas Bike.28 d 21 o 6-AOrb Plat d Sec. from 12th Beet Street, t 280.18 It-park Sub..of. Blk. 27-[-Acre Plat C. so,T.1.B.,R:j E.: 9:4L.-H.&M. thence ttortheaeterly 249.77 St,Lots 1 to Plat C and Sec.10,-T.1 S.,R,1 E.,S.L. froh{ Bernal Circle, t 61,12 ft. from thence around a curve to the left,Rad.60 THIRTYNIX-FOOT .ROAnwnAY WITH 8 incl. of Blk. 12. Douglas Park Sub.B.&M, 20th East Street from east 408.36 ft.from loth It,a diet..diet.. f 261.8 ft.,Lots ID to 13 BITUMINOUS MAT PAVEMENT.WALH of 81k,20 5-Acre C.and the eonherly 78 Fronting on the NOS&Side of Michigan East Street, west 228.75 ft. 2let Incl., Lots 16 to 10 Incl.,Lots 31 to 41- BUILT.• ft. of Lot 54 of Blk. 4 Douglas Park Avenue. East St., and from 21st East Street.to incl., and part of 14'loot vacated lley. Fon4m0.on the-south'Ode of Hubbard Sub.. part f Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R 1 E. All f Lob 14. 26 26, 30 and 33, the Connor Street,Met East Street both sides Blk. 16, Douglas Park Sub.Elk. 27.'I- Avmne. S. L. B. & X. t 17.5 1t,,of Lot 30,the.west 32.6 ft, .-9th BOutb.Street t-.Hubbard Ave.,Dies•Acre plat C. All of Lots�4, 5, g-'end 9, Blk. 18,PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE Of 1; 0 end the feet 2.6 It. d Lot 38 tel Roafl-east ids-eouthweeterlY 133.27 THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY WITH BITE'Douglas Park-Sub,• of Blk. 28, 6-Acre DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE and sl]'ls Lot 3B Ol Lob 38 oBOd the 8t Blk. 18 Donglae Park Sub. f Bhe east w. from•-eoothwe Ave„ D.73.. Road- • 6IINOU9 MAT PAVEMENT AND plan Fr C. REGULAR ASSESSMENT. 20.6 ft.islet C;the south 1th of the Lot eat lde-ve and 128,73.St. from FIVE FOOT ALK Fronting on the Dmrl4 side of Hub. (3B.0o per dst Me) 32,80Y Lot 11 the south 110 Set Lot gunnyside Ave: nd northeasterly.37.55 ft. Fronting on the south aide of Hubbard bard Avenue. - FronElni on.the east side of Connor 32, the nth Ito C. 4 the t 23 }t. from a point 75 It. northeaXerly.Of 9th Avenue. All o4 Lot 2 28 to 39 West the eaeE Street. of Lot 33, the tooth 110 ft,ofa the west South Street: said roadway to be forty All of Lots 8 to 12 8.A.,Hlk.19.Douglas 14 ft. f Lot 16 and Ehaa.West 41 ft.of All of Lot a. Elk.4, sulmy7lde Par 23 ft.of Lot 37,the south 110 ft.of Lot , 440) Poet between orbs with Bituminous park Sub..B]k.28,B-Acre Plat C. Lot 40) Lots 26 to 40 incl. of Elk. Sub., Dart of Elks. 28 and 27, 5-A 38,the semi 110 ft.Of the west 19 ft.of Mat Pavement-walk buiit-on 9th South Fronting on the north side of Hubbard 16 the south 62 ft. f(Lots 22,23 and 24 plat C. d Sec. lD, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Lo 42.the south 110 ft.of Lot 43. the Street north' aide east 183.15 !t. from Avenue. - d the t 11 St. 1-Lot 26) Lots s. L. E. &M. south 110 It.of the west 18.5 ft.of Lot Dieetel oseet west 660 ft front.a point All of Lot[2.3 and 4 and the westerly' 22 to 25 fuel.of Blk. 16,and the-soul PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE 47, and the south 110 ft.of Let 96 in 60 ft. west of LeGrand St., east 100 ft. 75 it.Of Lot 1, f Lott 1 to 4 incl., f BO ft. of (Lots 41 d'41 end the Beet Blk 17,Douglas Park Sub.of Blk.21,S- from 150 ft. 9t., eaeE 116 St. Prom a Hlk.7, 30,0.,lue Park Sub..Dart of Bike.14 It. of Lot 40t Lots-46 41 d 42 DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE Aore Plat C: the south 110 ft. 1 Eta 20 add 27•3-Acre Plat C sod Sec.10,T. of Blk. 15, 'all In Douglas Park gun. REGULAR ASSESSMENT west 28.83 1tt,of Lot 2,.and the south 110 Mint 100 1[,east t.ea Le 19th 9t, east 1 9.,R.1 an 9,L.B.&M-. of Blk. 28, B Acre Plat,C. (514.00 per driveway) t,of the Hot 47.37 ft.of Let 2,In Blk. TS it.i om lath East east and east t ft.t., Fronting o the south side or Hvbbard Fronting on the nor*side of mead- Fronton on the north side of Hubbard 12,and the south 110 it.of the east 61.37 }}om a DOME Street St.,east of 19th Eel Bed Avenue. San Avenue. - • Avenue. ` - ft.of Lot 1, n Blk. 12,Suwyside Park o South Street south sld.frota p I t All of Lots 2, • 1 and 4 and'tne treater.- . • All of (Lots 22,24-0 i.fool,the west All of Lot 7, Blk. 7• odd side•Pok Bub.,part of Elk..26 and 27 6-Acre Plat o Milli Drive,.cut 7d0 1t.item a yolnt 01 76!t. of Lot 1,of Lote 1 to 4 fvcl. 10 ft. of Lot 41; d the oath 138 ft. 125 St. emit Of Military Drive, and west of Mk. g, SunAysids Park Sub.,.end Oi Sub.. Dart of Bike. 20 and 27, 6-Acre C and Sec.30.T,1 S„R,1of S.L.8.& 7 it Srp00 point I.3 a 1t. weeL f of Lot.23) Loki to Mcl. t Elk. Fist C, d Bee. 36 T. 1 S.. R. } E., M.:beg.at•the 9.E.Cor.ne Lot 1.Elk. flit East Street.Dleatel Roafl-east aide- Hoke 21 S.n 27,E.AS.0LpBt&C Mad Sea 6 Douglas Park Sub. of lelk. 28, and 9.L, ti''a 14,HIIo id6•Acazt'e Plat thence east es it,Lot 'pmrthemiterly 778.68 SL. from 9th South the Irk.th 110 1t.o1-'Logrt{sc 78 b 50.Mcl• Fo tine on the mull 1211a. ,side of Hubbard Street, and southwesterly 882.12 1t from THI6T MI FOOT MAT PAVEMENT SITU 27• 6Ate7Plat,Douglas the tooth 110 of D..of Avenue.t file east 52.0 it,of Lot a, and Avenue. Fronting m the eoatA Side of Hlchigm 9th South Street. and- Dieetel Road (WALK BUILT) Lots 1 end 1 of-Elk..11,S yeide Park o TA n th 174161E f the st 7 ft f wet side-northeasterly 123.51 ft. from Fronting on the north:tide a Hubbard Sub..Dart of Blks.26 and 2ln 5-Acre Plat all of Lots 3 and 4, Of RIR 8, Sunny-Lot 7 the north 124.15 ft f the cut 18 y point 112.55 ft.northeasterly from Bth Avenue. C d Sec 10.T.1.8.,R.1 E..B.L E 'side Park Bub., part f BI I 28 end it.of Lot.7e the north 174.15 ft.of the South Street; said roadway to be forty All Of Lots 24 to'44 incl. f Blk.14, &M,: be at the-S,)h C of Lot 50 27, 5-Ace Plat C, and gee.10, - 1 B• west 12}t .f Lot 11,, the north 124.15 (40) feet between curbs with Bituminous Douglas Park Sub.,Elk.2,5 Acre Plat C. Hlk. 17, Douglas Pack, tqp east 10 R..1.$..fe.-.L.8.br-M. t. 1 the east 13 ft. 1 Lot 1,the north Nat Pavement-Curb and Gutter d Walk Fontinf on the south ewe of Hubbard ft., tote 9 and 10 of•.H11F'C22r 6-Acre 'Frontons on the wmit aide of 22nd East 124.15 ft of the west PI ft. f Lot 15. Milt-on Dieetel Road-west eide-and Avenue. plat C. Street. the h 114.I5 it t (Lot i0 and the Ave'.t0,9th South Street d northeaster• All f Lots 13 to 18 incl..'(tad all f Fronting on.the smith e)de of Michigan The north Os ft. 1 Lot 10,rall t east 6 it. f Lot 16)Late 15 and 16, be fly 76 ft front Oth South Street and said road.$,oLe 25 end 26; 11 of Lob 4 and 8 'and A mac. '- Lot Il. and MI t Lot.13, of Blk. 1,north 124.10 It,of Lot 18,the north 114.16 Y to be forty (40) feet between curbs the wait 10 It.of Lot 3 o1 Lots 3.4'and The north 124.15 ft. f•(tote 7 to 20 gunnyside nPark Sub.. part f Blks. 28 M of Lot 20,the north 124.15 ft.of Lot Vwith Bbumfaoue Mat Pavement eCurb aid ralk bulls-on D/mite1. Road-diet side- 5:and the north 100 4t. Y(Lots 1 d L inch, hd the4 2287 ft, of Lot 8) 1 S 27, 5-Acre Plat C, d OSec. 10, T.27,the north t.Of }.of Lot 25.and the southwesterly 144.10 it.from point end the eat 16 ft.of Lot 3) Lots 1 2 Lots 8 to 29 inch.,.Blk.3,Yaleveet Park 1 9..R.1 E. S.L. &M. orth,IT{M St.of Lot 77. Il M Bik.3. 7.121tiv digrwee t,irta la,il at!el...3,::21s_BL...tl9,Douala Lot_ Sub.•Sik gob y1 g;. a1120E Lett,24 a k -r pRstak,tivi Tp aleote/t_P 8nb.at Hik 70,'60 t Yt 4 ft Tlialt: F710T 69Ai3VPill''�SITig 101fo lei- b:5-1 dtl➢:-01tii t• �1IitTHS''. TH1T .dA#.Bf 20e east 59 i' `3':+.-, 1p0t tna.� 3e gg1 his qnn, 4t. IOL 2 the t B9 ft. t 1 site the Drc➢ tY•be-esp.t d li R 2T 5-Avg Pat# e T- REGULAR ABBHSSMENT. all at Lot no.19,18,17,18,and 15 i •.scribed t b, and it is benefited E GAT PAVEMENT Fronting on he eaeE-j1A79 of LeGxavd (61L00 per d I y) Elk A.Yale Gardens Sub.,Blk.27,5-Acre concur, a it is hereby hat (CURB AND.GUTTER AND WALK Street. - Fronting on the westerly side of Neural plat e. 1 d and peo(oilehefl that a MVP Thi earth Lo 1. . X; 19,20 and 21,Wale. }_._he will f be,especially lot benefited Avenue. Lon the south side.of Hubbard W.floo all of = t 4)2 and dLow 22,to 26 MLlje le north IOD ft. of LOt 18, Hlk. 16;S Fronting on the East Side of f Lot 21t iy. and said Parcels Of land All of Lots 17 to 14 in61.of Blk' D.west 16 D,G,,,*.ark fiUb.,of 81k.76,nag• at a poinC 109.T 1t. e0 to f the Ail O1 Lot 21,tke north 62!t.of LoE 21. d t.aq�ed 'spd Dnb Dou81y Pappk:6ub. Slk.28 [•Acre Prat 0 6-Acre pl t C. N.E. Cot.of Lot 18, Blk. 12 DODBIas the south 112 ft.of Lot 22,In Elk.13;and d�y�0p}t ziat ♦'hoot Vt THIRTY•SIX E or ROASSWAY WITI� Fronting the i wbt-Nde'tift,lBt4{P k„Sub. 'f Hlk. a7, 5 eve' Plat C,all g01 Lob 72 0!Blk.18:Douglas Park Bub; sand to then entir 61,e depth of B A FIVE tdAT FOOT WALK PAVEMENT E All Of (Lots 4l nd 52$endlD. t 14 50'it. O distance- 6346 90, Lots alma to the t7214t, 16 Of Psixm0EN0g6 on toe lWVest Side of LoOrend • m nerehtD back therefr000 not Fronting on the north aide of 9h South is of LOt 4u) Lots-40J'-41 node 42 1 and 17 d part of 14 It.vacated allay.Street. rD de et;and the ten hereby 1ev Street Blk. 1S, 1loutlae park'bSub. 01 Blk. 10, glk. 16. Douglee Park Bub of Blk. 27; All of Eke north 100 it.of Lot 1, d all ire mieeeaed upon a Id DatceU All Of Late 3 and 1 f Blk.6 Bunnyet2- 6 Amy plat C. 6-Acre Plat C. of.Lot 63 n Elk.19,Douglas Park gun)oY • '. E ghty}our Thousand, FIVA P gun. L Part f Elks.26 d 11' y's1Ae e1 Nmuai - mtg.e d 24.1pp,(084670.14) 6-Acr0 Plat C,and Sac,Y6 T.1 B,R.d THIBITUMI FOOT P VVAY"NT_, Fronting'on Eke'eaetexl Elk. on then Plat Side of 1Bh East "ivp,frond ed.' Forty seven' d E, 9• L.B,&M. BITUMINOUS MATT PAVVEDIIENT Circle. R,Ob D 116rs for twenty-alz(781,. Fren4Me On the aovth side of nth South Fronting on the west Ode Of 22nd teat Beg. E a pOtnt 1017 ft. a lb of the Street. ay5 D'anil0ue Mat 'Ix("4 84ceeL. Ilk Cor, of Let 13, Blk. 18. Douglas The worth 76 ft. Of Lot 15, the south walk�at Aout• 5d 21100 Street - the north 87.5'ft• All t (Lob 11. 12-and 13. d the Park Sub. t Elk. 27, 5 Ave PVT,60 Ct. 'of the north 125 H. f Lot g,allure per front linear foot 0f All f Motet 7 and g, 99 c t•q to he lett. Rad.15.the ninth B 4t.of Lot TB nd then Hlk. $, '•property, there or linear ar 9 feet P Lot 6 and the eat 57.5 of the to south BT 5 ft f Lnt d 101 Lots thence around a 60 Et. P Erie-Hoch 6B ft.oP Lot 26, 0 Property; re being 129.9 Tfeet 62 B It 1 Let 10) Lote 7 to 30 inch, 9 to 73 .6. of Bl.4 Su raids Pak 60.Yt.,a matanre of 67.59 ft.,Lots IT d 18, Q,an Lire so�tlE 130 St. f Lot 28,In Act'a -. d 91-160 coma) Zoltan_ter and the east 33.8 it. of Lot Bt o1 Bik. .4)_ part A f ,,,. 26 and 27, aA9i, 13 and,d.Dart t„ 14`ft.mvacatedo47 alley, ann a_X.Eaug�P-aS8 8t}¢,,4t 1$.,,a7,- [as) foot Baway—Bituminous 4, o nyetae I met1at—walk built--or Two and 20 and 27, 8-Acre Plato C Vs d Sec.10,�T. B. & M. aufd around a 60 ft.Red. curve to the filet [ et • -'r82.99)"Dollars per front or linear 1 9, R. 1 F., S.'L, B. &3d. •' Proofing-on the .sea`.side Aft.'40u0M left,a doetanae of 8759 St.from the N.W. Footing on the West Bide of 19th East • t-:utablating btig Dad/arty.000po ere ty being Avenue.ting on the'north side of Hubbard®The southerly 75.74 It.,01.Lot 2.+elk:4,Cor. Of Lot 13•.elk, 18, Douala. PMk S6Tao north 84 it. 01 Lot 42 01 81k.15, dd,, Three Hundred Sixteen-and •Tat Muth 75 it,of(Lot.26,27,28,32, SumYside Park Sub,;Dart,OL Bike:26 and Sub. I Blk, 27• lee Plat C, •thence d Ms north 300 ft.et Lot 1 of Blk.18,. 781918,92))Dollars ter thirty„(301 33,34,3g9,40,41 and 42,tie west ae ft. 2; 5- are Plat C d Bee, 10,T. 1 S„ Ound said 6D ft.$ad,curio a dtetence uglae ark Sub.e4 BIk.28,6-Acre Plat ✓,•adw8y'HltuminOge Mat Pavement 1 Lot 35 and the east 20 f,of Lot 38"1 R. 1 E., S.L,13..&M, o4 ft St,Lotsalley, y,rn d a. : Dart°P'. I : - It.walk,Or Four and 10-100(94,10) to 4 26.37 and 28,32 t°35 Sncl.and 38•TH'fIRTY-SIX FOOT E ADWAY Wig,ark14 ft area lief, BM 1l; Dt °.glee ll.t n¢°n the East Side of 20th Boat Y tharo being r front or 21.20as 3est t et ebuttao(Lots i 30 eats f 3Tlktbe•eaei 6°ftt 01h BLet,3b BAND ITUMINO E EAT ANP R•ALENT (C13 B FROPERAIB ASSESSED A FOR R ofTEYATE Stl�n0 south e7.28 ft.of Lot 8°f Blk.II. ) .1 Two204pand,DixHundred three and the wut 5 ft.04 Lot 38)Lote,35 to -Fronting On the south side of Miehi•DRIVEWAYS le ADDITION TO THE tide west 62 St.01 7ot 10 a d all 61 Let • 1 :'foot adway.- Donets for thirty L s 2 1 BIk. 16;the oath 300 St.of gar venue. E GUS.Al6 AeSFivtov SI . (S1d.00 pea B, of Bl7r 10.Sp nl.A00 Pnrk BuD.,port foot roidwwa1k89tp1lFour qnG Pave. y00 dr7vI t Iof Blks,29 d A 6-Acre Plat 0 Bhd 9M. dd Lets 29,30 and:31,and.the South 130 St. All f Dot 28, Blk. A, Yslt Gardens Frooting on the easterly side of Diet 1 lei-, per 1Y°nt°Y]lglnr fa et O! f 10 t.43 to 50Incl. f Mk 16;D.lulu;Sub., 0f Blk, 27: 6-A ..Plat C.' Road. p e OPk001105 Ron EtOeg east side of Conner • !rig proper ,the' bet g'eDL00 Pet Park 9 b.Of Blk 27, of Plat C.Bog. FORTY FOOT RAVEME WITH BIM g ae "buttin¢pro ty p pat the 0 B r.of Lot 50,Blk,18,Doug• MINOUS MAT PAVEMENT AND FIVE All f Lots 45,47,40 d 80,the'north.Street. • drat twenty,eeven a°Ae 100 ($, Six ea Park,three east 10 it,of Lot 11'f... FOOT WALE. ,,All 8°it, f Lilt D7, all t Lot 54, the All of Lot 3. Blk. 4, SunnYeide Parl2 Dollars for thirty' 300 (11827: BM.97,6-Aero L C;Bet.et the S.W. Fronting o the not6h side of 9th horlheriy 14.73 ft.ni Lot 66, all Y (Lot Sub., part f Blka. YB and 57, 5-Acre y(30) Met •oadwdy B9 and-the Ortite[iy 825 it.of Lot 681 Plat C and.Sec, 28 T. 7 8.• R• 1•Ev hose6an Mat Pavement—walk built, Cor, of Lot 2, Blk,13,SunnYeide Park. South Street . S. L. B. & M. ' Three and 09-100 (53.09) Dollar* Per thence out 24,88 ft„thence around a 35. Deg.at the S. E:Cor:Of Lot 32• Bik.Lott 55 d 69,all of Lots 62,65,66,50, PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE /�.' E Or linear loot of nutting pr°,e, ft. ad, curve to the left dietancO f 3, Douglas Park, thence seat 218.92 ft.70, 72 and 76, d the westerly 52,5 ft. DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO TEE • re Doing 860.47 feat'e abbtting mitt- 37.64 ft.,0f LOt 2,Blk 13,sod all of(Lots Blk. 3o all of Lots 56 d.56 f Blk..of Lot 76,in Blk,13,Douglap Park Sub. REGULAR A89E8&MENT. • 1 Two Hundred Fourteen and 00-100.1 to 8 incl.and the east 58Aa ft,o5 Lot 3;all f (Lots 28 and 27,33 h6 42 Mel:of Mk,20,6.Acre Plat C:all o1 Imte 27. (gg2.00 per drtve06 0 1 14.001 Dollar.for thirty(301 loot read 9)Lots 1.t0 9 Incl..o 1Blk.10,Sun0yeida d tree east 10 ft.of,Lot.32) Lots 29;28, 31 and 32 Of Hlk. 3, Doug16A Park b40nting on the north side of Hubbard t utt4r Oods Mat Pa09'boo••+old Park 8yyli. 0f Dart of.elk.., 28 and 2li 27'end 33 to 42 Incl. f 11k. 2; the Bub., Dart Of ..Of 9, T. 1 S., R. 1,E., Avenue, MsgP,u161 and walk built p One abd 6 Acre Plat Cand-S c.10,T..1.9.,Hf.1 south 100 ft-of LOt a9-o3 Bic 1;all-of 9.L.H &M• All 01 Lots 24 26, 28, 29•31,•34. 36• 07r100'(91071 Dollars per irdnt Or linear E.. 8. L. B. & M. (Lot. 30, 31, 32, 38 and 37, the wet Frosting o the westerly side of Diestal 37, 40 d 42 f Blk'14,'Douglu Park 109qE of abetting property, there being Fronting 6n the Yonth Yde of Hubbard 10 ft. f.Lot 33 and the'east 05 ft wept E & Sub. of Blk. 28 6-Acre, Plat C. )209.00 feet°t abutting pro/forty:Twenty-Avenue. Lot 35) Lots 30 to33 feel. and 35 to All'of Lots 65, 59 and 60 f Blk 4, Fronting o the south aide of Hubbard •-1Ha T(809,8 d B1z Hundred Fonryyea Yid All of (Late•6; 7, SO to al Incl. and 37 incl.of Elk.1. bss.at the 3.W.DgOu[laI Pork Bub.,part of 8 T.1 6.,Avenue. ••— (A79•A1OW 1)vUan over LnitityYt the fiord'100 1t of Lets 1,2i and 31 Lots.C6r, of Lot 38; 1 'Douala. Park, b 1 E„ S.I. S.'&M•: all 1 Lot 13. All of Lot 28,all of Lot 15,all of Lot (8, foot reodway—Biteeminoue Mat P e- 1 a u a 7 ad.30 to 21 net.01:HAW thence easterly 208,53 SL', Lott 38 to 45 Rik. IL Ueuglai FUR Sub. ° Blk; 29, 13•the west B St of Lot 10,the west 17 tmq nt d 5 ft walk r Feur and 46-100 A pp (SA.4AI Dollars Der{none or• linear Se04 18,Douglas Park Bub,of Blk.28,and all tncl. of aHlk, 1; in D6gglaa Park Sub.,5-Acre Plat C. ft.of Lot 8, all of Lot 6 add the eat 2 buttYn6 property,there 7701ng 8840.02 O2 (Cote]2 to 26 Incl.and.the north 125 Part f Sec.9.T. I S.;W. 1-E., S. L. Fronting 0n the south aide of 9th 10 IC of Lot 3,in Elk, I0,Douglas Park not Of abULHng Dtoperty:Nine Thousand. ft, of Lete 1 to 11 is 1.)•Lots 1 to 25.B.&0Yd. The south 68:25 ft f (Lot 1 South.Street. Sub.O BIk,38 B-Acre Plat C. d Tiro Hundred Twenty-Sour it d 98-10o PAL Of Blk:17,DouglaacPuk Sub-Of Blk, d the goat 26 It.of Lot 2) Lots 1 and The east 17.5 ft. of Lot 78. Bik, 13, PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE h(29224.98)Dollaarrs for tharty-Yz,(3B) loot 27,6-Acre Piet C; eg,at the N.W.Oar, 2. and the Wset -16.05 ft. Of Douglas Park Sub,di Mk,29;and all of DRIVEW♦Y IN ADDITION TO THE a medw -anti 1005U No Fbve mneat—walk of Lot., 8unnytide Park,thence eaeterlf the east 42.96 ft et Lot 2, 61 I0t 1.Mk,13.Douglas 1"ark Sub,°f Blk. REIIitAR ASSESSMENT :.D rllt tr''Three and 24-100 (53,24) Dolls., TIP 5ft.,•Lot 3 of Elk. 13, and beg. t Elk.14;and all of(Lott 2 to 8 Incl.,the 23, 6-Acre Plat C. - • (98A.W Or drrveway) I p .fro or linear Iola Of abutting prey the X.W.000r. f Sot 4,Bmfnyelde Park, set 39 ft of Lot 1 and We south 87,28 PROPERTY ABBES0ED Sion PRIVATE Frpptfng on the wut0rly id0 of AWL there being 284721 feet f*butt.,thence;Meer 88b3 ft:Lot 4 Of Elk 12 It. f Lot 9) Lots 1 to 9 Mel, I Rik.DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO REO•racy Bare. sit• Ona Ti Ofl O n ,qn 1, 1:.31 td 1,&!adi-lf lk 8 lit Sun nano Park Sub,04 Dart 1 1k0• DLAR ASSESSMENT. (923.00 per Y]Al1 tb.ee„hei of ths Yly g 17.43 em ft.oit. l Lot Lot 2, • a�d�16:1yOp 1�3188 30J`9d7 '811d11 .+'adk'911h..Oy nfpt yf BDfh yg 18:bed,27 6- re Pl t sad 9,kM u30 driveway) ° of 3.IfP PRt1'Sd O illid*Ii72 to +-rq.7 Ache Play E LlATL 10..Tntd eq7. •h g,C` g�..p� f. fare 1 0!Lpe 34 4 all E g w.Elk. t P meet Three an 24-10f R. 1 9.L B.6 M:and beg t rk. Fle-MEltlg"d13e h]EF�[f"9tLt� t"''jh'A{BK"Una.they 06r{h,;'Aids t..9dp,.t,_:IIoug1Y'81h'k-Akb i lk A9=81Adt2 s(3.241 Dollars per front r linear'foot of N,E•Cot f Lot 1,Blk 17.Dobgla Park.`Street. Sou 6t set. P t C the Mete a bow Don the '3t 0000 property, there being 388.,'a4 feet thence sett 10 St.,Lot 30,02 Blk.2T,3. The orth 50 It.°f Lote 18 to 22 MM. All f Lots 32, 34,a36, and 37; the,°Midst plate of said city to the entire Iet 12.5 It.of Lot 39, 1 of lot.43,45, deyth 4 the a m°ownership back front O-abuhl pro •0e B ttty-nk f( Acre P1aC C. and all of Lba 1 t 7 jqG.. 1 91k.14;47.49.61,sad 64; Il Art Blk.3,D°uglal said LreOte, of exceeding 330 ieet, and p 100 (57nDgpO).D�llar •d Y¢1{1 ty-sl (2A1 FeoE1aP on the Norte SIdO of eUchl-all 01 (LOG 5 to 18 G.s fl t e wept ark Sub.,part ei SBct9,T.1 9,R.1 E.. Lo 1 dct satfl tYt P{s't'rdtdWgy--BlWmiq ace"riot Pavem qt, gap Avenue. 20 f. 1 Ldt 4) LOte-4 L° 78 fn'!,•and I, $ ist ti b red glare mulls k D{SdQtlt LAr Dow.i Tn0 erp.>SQ tk of(IAt47 and the out the north 109 ft.°f(Inks 1,2 sell 3 end all of.(Lets 2N1and]the weettlo2 ft.oof Lot made•.y0 trio COY trees rer,e8absne assessment A&ip al 0 (61A8) Ipllsre r trent re 15.St.o Lot 1;,Lot 41 pYqId'42.Blk.18, the_east-5"St.-f Lot, ) Lote l b-A 301 Lots 29 end Jp, the **et 18'St. 1 at/proved and cOmy1@Led by the Boatd.of IyiBinp B0.00 Peat aoY ttbbut(att CliDF FelfLy. Boas He[i Page tact-.of Dk Cot•, 01 Lepli2 tncl., 1 SSIt 16: 1n D�{Lglas'P2818 nbt Lot 32,the wept 70 ft;of Lot 34,all of 4 0015atlon and Review of the=roperty Nineteen 74103Thomand.0 Six funned Twenty- Blk.12. SunnYeide Park, thence met BB OS BM. 28,2L 5-Acre Plan C. The north ILot 35 010 the eel 5 ft. f Lot 34) described 1n 0sctl°n 1 f Lbie dl0) of tlxx ye0d 741100 (619.628.7) Dellare ter ft.,Lo]t 14, Blk. 17, t_Ni Plat 0: the 76 It a Lots 13.14 and.15,.the north Lots 34 Yid 36,end' ll,Ot LptY 36 and iC tb tLd QuttAr,ExteNeioyn' No.of 01 of 1 wens 0)and045to ft. Ik8[tdr Pour and Park SOb o1 part.of Bsilo.56 dndn 2R115.um ft. nag. he N. Coro Lot 13,Bi Mk g:gig inB BIT.i DBnuBRa1 i ask b.,Lp Bt o41 hit Lskd City, Sor the&nudD pop Cp rig P siding for tilt grading c try 66 18• Dogiu Park• tb"ar esetdtl9 280,16 Of eldewalke, 6°8°7°7° curb and gu7i87. Mid•Of abutting tiMr irty.lrthere t,be rig•8, gat&and See. et T. 8". E.lcor:St,Ltte 3 t0 3 met•Of Blk-1Q Dov Ire wwesta110 of Lot �t 3Lot 331 Lots 32 and 3� pp b LL,, y( g d{ainage system, pl'ivate driveways and 4304.11 feet tt 6l abt ttln¢ petty:;Pine or Lot 9,511k.9, Seneyefde Park• thence Park Sub.61 If 27,6-Acre Plak C,..The the west 20 It of Lot 35•and all 61 Lot VOW.met Dbv6ment fl.z "nee 1�n73busenfl Two Hundred Ninety-six and east 14,27 ft..thence around a 26.12,rad.out 61.11 St. of L04 4 Hlk. 13; ell bf suave]D00 and Miami o. mat weaarrl1[[kn. 19.100 09296.10) Doreen for Sony (40) vo t0 the left a distance of 28.89 ft„ (Lott 10 t6 14 Md. ab3 the eat 37'ft.37, id Bik. 1, .,R.1 Park L. S part niece gDprexlmately One 'pelt to trhick- Seet oadwaY—Bituminoue Mat Paveme9nt Lot 8.Blk.9.Sun yaide Bark Sub.of Dark e1 Let 1B1 Lots 00 t6'15 incl. of Blk,°I Sec.9.T.1 B.,R.3 E.9.L.B,&M.; set) Don said'rid"di'did strut... }} Il0 bu11t:or Three area 34-100 03.34).61 Mk..26 end 2T,g B�,-pier!Plat C and Sm. 10; ell of 0Lets0 17 6qt 18 and-the�0 15 the B.W:C0r,65 7qt 30• blk. 1,le hereby con4loner7. and the 1ueeement, .I S1011at'.-per front or Omar Pooet Of gbh, 10'T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S,{. B.&M, mot 54.5 It,o4 Lot 10U Lots 18• 17 d atlas Hark, tbence a iterly usi it grade add returned In said completed Beta. deg property,there being 2783.20 tact ei Stoning on the south®Ids o1 M0Onlgan 18 of Mk.10,all of•Lott 0.6 and 7 Of being part of Lot 39 of Mk. 1• and beg. And khE report of the Board of Bouallsa• abutting property: Two Hundred Ninety' Avenue. Blk,7:and beg,at the N.E.Coro of Lot M. the S.W. Cot. of Let 41• Blk. 1,tiln and Review t° the Board 6f Odin- , and.96.100(8283.98)Dollar.1°r forty All 0f LOte 14 to 23 Incl.. Blk. A.7• BM 7, noS around Park, thence soot Deuglae Park. thence easterly 25.37 1C.tatmieere- f Salt Lake Son, hereby 1'(!0)foot roe wowolla inapt. 0.Mat P Yale Oardeds Sub..Blk,27, 6•Acre Plat 4.45 ft„ LDence all-a mu* to the being part of Lot 41,elk 1.Deuglae Park ratified. approved and firmed. , ant b and walk built, or Two end C. arid beg. at the lnteroertion f.'the right.Rad,60 It.a alit..61 33.53 ft Sub., 00. of Sec. 9. T. 1 S., R, 1 E., SECTION 3. Said-tek stall'hey OM. 1fool0 (A2.041 Dollars per front or roar gat line of 20th Eatt Btrett•and the Lot 8,BI]s 7:od 27,ed Perk Sub.,part S.'L,D.&M,;the west 85 It,of Lot 8.In ten equal yearly lnstb]lmenta Pro. '.104E of butting property, there being South line of know,at Foe., thence soot f Bik,. 26 1p.. -Sailers Plat C end the wtet 41 ft Of Lot 7•tho0t eat,41 ft vldtd by law and o000641°with interee1 144,10 feet 1 abutting yy01/arty;On 178.08 ft„ Lot 14,.BIlt 27, 5-Acre Plat sec,30•T.19,.R.1 EL S.L.B&Mr of Lot 8• the wool 41 It,02 Lot 5.thi 0 the whale sum noPind at the ratio of Thom/and, Ord'Mildred, Nlnetytwo-and p. Fronting on the eka4.side of Diesttl it 28.75•it.of Lot.4,the west 12.5 ft• five D10 cent be antrum,payable at rho 143-100 (.1192,43) Dbllare ffor forty (401 Fronting.°a the East&We'Of LeG/9)),Road, of Lot 3 th0 Bat 55 St. f Lh0 toot time each t etallment le due: Dr°sided, eMot Oaflway—Bltnmineus Mat Pavement'Street. All of Lots 23 to 27.Incl., Blk. 3,81.75 it.of Lot 3, the wept 53,25 It. f however, that q r re sue,in/tall- ej Wte r e-i9od°ii Isla n°niY:nor tlrontOne'of HlkruI.Bail 7 qo LLOt1819.20 el 20 a 31 P.)" ParE.,SSb L.pe )5/MSec. B• T.Lot H2 and the Iota SunnYeide 39 ft.of Lot I, pII t fez U ty bee,72,,p P b ab6 inters tB afb selinger Poet of-./rung property, there of Blk.11 and all f Ldt 33 and the Frothing on th0 w0et aide t feitel B1ka. 26 d 37, &Aare Plat O d Se°, fifteen 115( days from the date this or- being 864.08 1oet VD.baton¢ pr0pert0: uth 138 1l. of Lot 23) Lows as ne R°aa. ° 10.T.1 9.,R.1.E.,S.L.B.&M. •arteries becomes ffetive. Ono er r :0 Nene Vew"ti/it (12.001 DGkre for Drt- 21 f Elk.18,i Do 12.Pork ub,•BIk. All of Lots 64 add-65. and all.of 100telhnez In the Yder la b they A:NIp d ew"ti/i .tiara being n (11 at a8 S•Aere Plat C. Fronting on the south aide o[ 9th re payable,eo ego whole a�mead t y.moy ine (09.001 )Sollars for mid driveW9Y; Fronting on.the West Side 6f Le0[and (Loa B1 82• 63and•the doriberoy South Street. °:Ninety-eight and 00.100 ($28:001 Dollars Strut. lt. 1 Let s01 lost.80 t6 g]p5c1., f 1117t7. be ppplfl tier old t beco tea a bpay- ! 4, Douglas Park Sub.,'•p, Ail Lot 0,, 3 i 6o Lot 6,12. east IJ 00 the the sante Otto no/meet due by Dar- t,for Drlvate flrlveagya triers b01dg a001 All n1 Lots I and 2 and all 1 Lots g Bari S'Sec..8,1f l d all of it 1 Aft 1of 15 and trig the s with with iimeh f Stem t1)e.dent 7)Dely�ts-d[ivewala at Four.4 It 14si.0) l3 and 44,OS Blk.14,]Seu¢lea Park Bub.. T. 1 9., R. 1 E.,S.L. &M. 17,of Blk.a14; the east 30 tt.0p Lot e. S levy to the date Buih first installment r1 Dollars Dellis- .10C0 Drlvnte drleeway; 3lkty- Elk 28, Bee.-at the S.E. C°r, S LID Punting en the east aide.of met Host 11 f Lots 7, S 11, 13•and 15, of Mk. Is due. Orin or nstallnana.n the -e 0lgpt and 00.., (8A8.001 Dollars for prl• 1,Elk, '14, Dogg]ye'Park• 'lice Muth Street. •15: in Ponca*Park Sub. f Mk 28, 5-a hoc in winch they Oar payable, e pale or on the;d sate driveways, there being Sour 14) 14 it•Lot ea,BIA.18,III f(Late 1 and The set,70 ft. ye S;ot 4. and Y1 O1:Acre PIaE C,. 10a', at the Nw. Cr. f Ynale epedial t p Doll re drlvewaya-at 50veHtlen (ik7.001 2 sod the at 1 it 0f Lot 31 Lete 1.Lot S.BIk.7, 07,t'add Park 9ub..Dsrt LO4 10, BIk. le, Douglas Park, tit to date any 1psiallmept becomes due by DtYr ° DgGIare for .sell Drlvate driveway: Five 2 and 3•Blk. 19,and all of Lots 52 6f B1k0.a6 add 27,5•S.E.Piet C end Seo. a0terly 30 1t„LOte B and 10, t B]k,west It�o t 0e amount thereof rid interest to the D° fired Ninety-eight rid 60-500 (8598.60) and B3 Of Ik. 19, Douglas Park Sub.• 15,T.1 S.,R.1 E,.S.Z I.&M, the north 100 ft Of(Lot 19 and the west data f payment,Default in the pendent Dollars for private driveways,there being Elk.28.5-Acre Plat C. Fronting on the.wut DM of,21e6 Etat 11 fl. f Lot 10)Lots 10 add ID,Of BIk. f MY push installment of prin8drpal r P-ME private driveways at Twenty-one Fronting On the East Bldg et 1Mb E09t interest wh@n due shall canoe the here (( Street. 18, end the north 100 ft. f Lot j11. 4 I the unpaid�u O82I•000 00)oyyBleep FOUT for pgptrt1flr69 Fourteen B6Allt•°f (the South 50 ft.Of Lots 11 t0 The •eat 87 it.of Lot 4,and tine teat Blk. 18. Deuglae ParK Sub. 61 Blk. 27, to become due InId 0l payable /armed• . ate Tho (9,141ew Douse for psi- 25 llco B(t the norm 26 it.of ots.path 55 ,°f Lot 18yyBlk.10;Suzioide'-Ferk 5-Acre Plat'C. The act Ba ft 1 Lot ibtele nun the pole amount oy the nty- °uvate dtivewaYs. theM being 81nh prlvatn 7S It.o Lete 2J.24 and 20) Lota as Sub., Dart Of H]kp. 26 add 37, d-AeYe 1D,the ME 11.15 it.of Lot 16,the.net DWd Drinclpal shall Breit.: draw 1n• f0fBrIvewa0Y'at Twenty-three ($23.00) Dol. to.15 foal„-and-all 61 (the north 34 ft Plat C and Sec.10,T.it S.,R.1•$.•0.13.5 ft,of Lot Il,the out 35 It.oy Lot t0teat at the to f toe per cent per 28liare for each Drlvat0 drlv0way; In, 1 Leta 28 to 19 Hal. d the Guth PIA'?M 337:the seat 3Ot 5. he I.10 10 trio a at n Bt "nil paid,but at any tithe Dolor 46 nflreA Fdpgr•wo Lod 00.300 (N42,00) 25 f6.01 the north 69 ft.of Of k. R BOOT ROAJ/W1Z-WITH BITU•Lot ft. °f Lot 5 f the ast west 9.5 f t°tm dale OI tale aterrecloestrr�tit own- 71Are n'(yy•private to driveway. rwa,F.at 05IOt grid 78) Lots,18 to yypp n 1.Of Blk Id DSINODS MAT FAY ENT—WALE bet 1I the and h St of the west 69,6 S1 r tray psy the mount f I] u D he seventeen(171 Drlvatg drivBwflyi t Twen- Dougllu Park dui.. H1k. 3T 5-Acre Plot BUyLT. ' b4 Lot 17,and the w et.45 ft. 1 LOL 18,or past age with Interest at the .v ty-tilt (92B.e0.1-Diners Ior iache pp,vale 1 beg 1 the 9.W,Cor.n(tern lk. Frenttng o the nor/triads of.8th Sink ll 1,Bllt 10, e d all 61-Let 6,BIk. 7, ale bI ten per Sept par amum to date t driveway Two Thonsod. Five HUNdred 1.Deug1Y PArk.t La1 ! o 14 111 Lot Shut Sunnyslde 00 Sub., pert °1 Blkp. 15 bt payment on trootS l000d s0 1ttetall opool i ISo frl-S6ur and 60.00 (00614.80) Dellare 1 Blgg•9gT;YI of Lot Suto 25 lqqG.of i1 a l and 21.S-Acre Plat C and hie.10,T.1 S. and all aevue4 roes,e.nd shell thereu e 1t 9(t'1T,Deuglaa Park a9uU,.Blk.1T; all AH f vI,t 21, ad yjl Of Loti'31 t° t'. p°Sthis.raid grit-Pally(93 10 rivatendrve- tlt•fthe noLtp 40 yt.of L_ou ae t6 28 an /nc1. 54 Iasi., Of 81kt 3: all e1 Lete 12 t6 R'Fe°nII 60 on the Wet side of Slsk$set Is If npiailrLenle to ihekeathe maenner°se iI ay8 at ,,,,,t if,,do (IN,) ,•;;M and i.4 TOM Sb10ft.or LLots t 28) Leto 287 oa25 t the-wmt.'15 ft 61''Litt2_A32i) Loup 8 SSNen. 'de(nEuOlTlhad not occ Bred. f r each private.driveway. 61x.Hunflred )b 7h Mot 54 B.of Lot_18,Mk.10•Bun• BB 'A 4, T is Camerae shall.take pr date adrlvewiyi.ihec¢00he1 Be11s0etee t 9ubaB Elk.191 b1ek.18 Dh°uLS1LYW)Cask east 215p ft,p f Blot 33 a¢11d.tibLSbt 3eet too 6 A4e Mat C Sub..pert Ste. 101k Soil Sd, R: eifegcta d eb9 p he�>0+*4 elubConiipolnpf°ger5 • ° (IBI rivam d05tOol, at Thirty-two e2n pt14B 1tBlk. 7, 1�°ll BIk.Park 0-Acre ie St. of Lot 35,'.SC 33'34 jnd J6, 8p, 1 E. 5.L 8. @ M. aloft 0 4O Clty-Utah. iris Bth easy of (aJa.OdT Dotlare for bsOh.DMvrta dr}vewnY pjpt C ii.. the urn 05 St.01 LO 22. 27 wd 2A, pROtLL�sRTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE-�Mmber. A.D 1142 'aend One Hundred Forty-four and 00.100 Fronting op the Nut Side of IBth$aYt °f. Blk, 1:.Do71gla9- ark Sub., part DRIVEWAYS IN gqDDITION TO TF1E AS JE'1Q77(0INS. Mayor u s144,001D°llare for private drlvewoM. Street• f Bea, A T. 1 S R.:1 E„ 0, L. E REGULAR ASSESSMENT. (92F00 ETAEL MACDONALD,City Recorder, • thera heirs tour (f4) Drlvgta driveways ill 04 (lire south SO St.off-Late 1 1 &M• (SEAL) st'Tiany 1z 1536A0) DOlim•s'tor each Dec drveway) SILL N0.86. 5private,pelvewey)tea cost of-6onetrn°lfo d 3 and All north 100°tt of 3,et Fronting on the sOnthgelde Of 9th Both Fronting on the north side of Hubbard Curb anpd Outfer Extegetod No. 86.1 anfl,the 0�a 4;20 11,op.Lot.)d] Lots 1, Street. let pal Eetlmate. • °f whidh,dtivewayp,fed khB-DrOperty ben• 1..5u pt•1Ak,lc,,,tk pL,2kptp,l,2 and All of'Lot's 78 and 77;31k.f3,,�DOuglu�AjljuOf Lot 26•all of Lot 26, the west Publtened December Mt IA42• I