65 of 1949 - Annexation extending the limits of Salt Lake City. ( SEE BILL NO. 17 ) rev la • f,L—.-- Salt Lake City, Utah,_-tJ-`IM---,-;.-4-4 --+-----.----, 194 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance b assed. Affleck . . . . L Matheson . . . /3 I , , . Romney . . . . Lingenfelter Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. tr.t �� WHEREAS, on the 14th day of April, 1949, there was filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 307 by Edward M. Ashton & Company, et. al., (being a majority of the owners of real property situated in the tract hereinafter described), request- ing that said tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certi- 4- 4 fied to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer } to be filed with the City Recorder. WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City and there is no proper reason vghy it should not be annexed to and made a part of said city; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after � _ examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land and con- I.; Cr; ' sidering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at the eastmost corner of Lot 49, Skyline Heights, running thence N. 32°30' 30" W. 768.86 ft., thence west 200.31 ft., thence N. 0° 02' 30" E. 369.60 ft., thence east 572.49 ft., thence S. 00 51' 38" W. 14+5.43 ft., thence South 29° 54' 59" W. 51.10 ft., thence S. 16° 51' 31" W. 103.25 ft., thence S. 610 30' W. 90.0 ft., thence S. 390 32' 23" E. 285.0 ft., thence S. 29° ¢0 W. 147.0 ft., thence S. 17° 41 ' 19" E. 332.26 ft., and thence S. 57° 17' 38" w. LO.o ft. to the point of beginning, located in the N.E. j of Section 15, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and con- taining an area of 7.11 acres; ; and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground 1 as shown upon the map or plat. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above Ildescribed property be and is hereby zoned as Residential 'A' Dis- trict. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect,tie said tract of land above described shal ! thenceforth be within the corporate'L.imits of said Salt Lake City b and zoned as Re&tdeYtial.''A' District; as in the ordinance provided and all ordinances, Jurisdictions, rules'and obligations of or per I taining to said salt Lake..:City are extended over and made applicab e and pertinent to' 'the 'sal'd•tract of:land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways' of said tract shall be controlled and and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that be- , half and the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard of locations and distances. 1 SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City I% Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the } map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified cop y of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, , it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants ;lot"' Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately. SECTION L. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon/ n its first publication. \ / ' � --a-r�--•-tip 1J1Fas e by the Board of Comm ssioners of Sal ,Lake ityyUtab, this day of lt4 ,t � A.D. 1949 a$ Mayor. 3 II / / City Hecorder. .Presented te_.the BDard;uf Commissi6ners AND PASSED 1JQV.-8 1949 ,. CITY RECORDER - - _ f 1 �1 ®1 AIL 1 .97-i9y9 '' . � 4 jscr.Pro • h 1 ' e . i7S'415A47: . Nov 1 6 1949 Record., o 5a, Lake Ci-t Li Gov,f ord 1 c pv6 6T-14464A at•7:Y7 Fee id Hotel Taggart Chase,Recorder i ;1Wie 'ounty `j; Dep. Book 12/ page 3 Ref 3-.A. -690- .g/r--.5 AN ORDINANCE. AN CHDINAN : 1=;NDIYG f . iiLh Poil' :ALT Len UKfEAZi, on the 14th day of April, 3. 42, there was filed Wth the City ecorder of ,..alt Lake .-;ity Yetltion to. 307 by 'Award Ashton Conmany, et. al., (boinz a majority of the owners of real property oltuAtea n the tract horeinaftoe decribed), request- ing that said tract of land be taken 'within the limtts of alt Lake .31ity, and also caused an accurate map or plat to ho trade and certi- fied to by a competent surveyor and. approved by the Olty 111. inner to be filed with the iity recorder. N, the satd tract of land is contiuous to salt Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part of said city; and the beard of ComnIssloners of ,alt Oaks '1 ,ty, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land and con. stderin . the circumstances thereof, voted by unanlmous vote of all members of said oard In favor of annexing said tract of lamd to belt ;,ake i.:7ty and directed that an ordinance should Le passed annoxinc cent tr11.tory and the extension of the city of alt Lako Ilty ac. ord°nly. , be it ordained 1:,/ the oard of .iommissoncrs of iake 1. ,hat the city limits of -alt eke 1.ty be and the same are hereby extended and enlared so as to Include the following described tract of land in alt Cake Countj., to-wit: L'egnninc-at the eastmoet corner of Lot 49, Acyline Heights, runnine: thence N. 32°301 30" 76 .(6 ft., thence west 200.31 Pt., thence N. 00 02' 30" F.. 311.60 ft., thence east 572.49 ft., thence t. 00 511 18" 15.43 ft., thence c),Ith 29° 54' 59" . YA..lo ft., thence 16° 511 31" 103.25 ft., thence 610 30' 10.0 ft., thence C. 39° 32' 23" H. 285.0 ft., thence 290 00' 147.0 ft., thence . L7° 41 , 19" - 3j2.26 ft., and thence 57° 17' 3U° Ge. 40.O 't. to the point of ber;iysn:lnf, located .ir' the N.E. of :'ect?on 15, T. 1 . i. 1 ._., L. Ia., and con- tsinins, en area of 7.11 acres; and that the save has been correctly staked out upon. the ground as shown upon the map or plat. 117{'I`ts R)AT",U'P that the whole of the above described property be and :is hereby zoned as Residential 'a.' Dis- trict. bib) fT .'TJ'3'.hlhb O1IDitI D and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned. as ".esidential ';i, District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obli ntlone of or per- taining to said °;alt Lake City arc extended, over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, end the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall he controlled and and governed by the ordin„noes, rules and rednlations of said oily ir.. that be- half and the City LnL;ineer shall thenceforth ho taken therein as the standard of locations and distances. Ib CTTON 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City !tecordvr of halt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed to file with the County iiecorder of ualt Lake County a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, dull, certified and acknowledged, as provided. in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. C'rOI 3. .i11 the opinion of the hoard of Commissioners, it Is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the ;rhabltants of salt lake ,`.t; that this ordiruuico shall become effective tmme- C:atol-'. C7IPITON fit. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its lbr.at publication. l‘sam` �` ,, .. - -'a„set by the board of Cenilssioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this TBth _ ._ day of November , A.P. 1949. Berl Jz aladt Mayor. Irma F. Bitner SEAL j ity ecor er BILL NO. 65 Published November 9, 1949 r'.'„ STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I, ..Frank A. Shields,Deputy_,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance_extending_-the limits_o-f_--Salt--Lake--C-ity-." passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. Sth_ 1949 43)g as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 14t1z_ day of November, 1949 3gzpgx , (SEAL) q BILL NO. 65 /4.4G(i1epUtY City ecorder. Published Nov. 9, 1949 x Affidavit of .Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 ,ss County of Salt Lake J Legal Notices tE AN ORDINANCE AIM',{TDIN OP SALTTLARS1CIT. lit April,,PR19488•therethwae4thled`with D JCke V the City Recorder by Edward Salt Lake City t Petition cmpny bt Etl(being M. Ash- ' n l rity of the owners`of real property Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- &tnetea In the tracthereinafter de- scribed),o e'taken Within the limits vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper ' of Sal Lake City,and also named ana`c irtuts}}amapb$t.'ant to be mane published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State "'ginee totithed with'the City'Re. _4pWHEREAS,the said tract of land of Utah. IA contiguous to Salt Lake City end there la no proper reason by if hchid not be annexed to d ode a part of the said city of That the advertisement the Board of Cbmnie- enners of Salt Lako City,after ex- aBraining of said actrof at said con-. Ordinance bill No 65 dating`tnetr circumstances f all cceof. voted by unanimous vote o1 all men-hers of said Board in favor of an- nexing said tract 1 land to Balt Lake City a shandddirect`d that tnnexlAg Salt Lake City Corporation said territory and t be he`e ted nsion'of the city limits of Salt Lake City ac- c`NOW1yTHER.EFORE.be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the.me was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the are hereby extended and enlarged r eo as to include the following d Crfbed tract of land in Salt Lake County,to-wit, dayof Beginning at the stmoet corner A. D. 19 of Lot'49,Skyline Heights,running Nov thence N.33 deg. 30 in. 30 . on N 9 1949 W.768.86 ft.,thence west 200.31 ft., • and was published thence N.0 deg.02 min.30 sec.E. published 369.60 ft., thence east 672.49 ft.. tnence S.0 deg,61 min.39 sec.W. 146,43 It,thence youth 29 sec, 64 14.416 3 IL,theminnce31 W.9 deg.54 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the thence S 61 deg.30 min.W.90.0 ft.. thence S.39 deg.32 min.23 see.E. W.147.0 thence B.17 00 deg ii day of A. D. 19 B1p 19,sec.E.332.26 ft., d thence ,d7 deg.17 Min.39 sec.W.40.0 ft. to the point of beginning,located n I t:.e N.S. of Section and T.1 e.,1 E.,S.L. 7 1 acres, and containing run of 7.n.ores, Advertising Cler end`that the me has been r- r ctly staked out upon the ground as shown upon the map or plat. AND BE IT FORTHE ORDAINED that the whale of the above de- scribed eproperty be d is thereby Toned a Resldentfa 'A'„District. 15th AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED to before me this and declared that when.this al- day of 'lance takes ffect thesaid tract of land above described all thence- 49 oorth f said Salt Lwithiake Cityn the 'ante 1as ts A.D.19 Residential 'A' District as in the ordinance provided.and all ord lnan- ea. urdlans, ruler and obligee of or are said Belt rned Cityp are extended over end made applicable and pertinent to Wreets,to tract cll}eys an and the streets, blocks, a]Ieye and Wled d said tract anti] be controlled end governed b the ordinances lee behalf one�ene City°`Engin;In Hair Notary Publ tta$dsC1 t i 2. Upon tthnereeletanc f SECTION 2. tUpon theepaeeege of thisordinance the City Recorder of Saltt Lake City shall file and she is hereby unty Recorder od f Salt Laketh Count. ty a copy of the map or plat above drovid and ac- knowledged. as provided in such oases,together with a certified copy of this ordnance. the EBoarrd of the peace, opinion fs d safe necessary to a peact nts of Bh all Salt L ke City that this ordfnaneye `hall SECTION 4.`Thisvordin ordinance shell take effect at once upon Its first publlcatlon. • Passed by the Soard of Cammle- fonate of Salt Lake City,Utah,tbfs 8ttl day of Noyye6lbar A/.D,1949, BAitTI.�'OLADE, RV T7N4 Mayor, 1R(C(®®ltyy eaoIi4er R kntlehei Novepber 9th,1449 A-4" — Proof of Publication OF Attorney