65 of 1950 - Amending Section 6714, relating zoning, adding Items No.s 82 and 83. R L."--CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, JUfV .I 041 ,195 VO'ING I Nay Affleck' G I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . / l Lingen elter /� Romne - /°' . . . . ��' // Mr. C airman . AN O"DINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE'A I I-NG SieTION 6714 of the Revised Ordi- / ,/ nences of Salt Lake'City, Ut , 194 h 4, as amended by ordinances I passed by the Board of CoImissioners, relating to zoning. I / Be it ordai?ed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake ./ City, Utah: -^^" i I SECTION I. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the I Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945; April 5,, 1945; August 17, 1945; December 18, 1945; March 28, 1946; April 5, 1946; June 4, 1946; August 6, 1946; September 18, 1946; October 8, 1946; Novem- I ber 5, 1946; December 5, 1946; December 11, 1946; January 7, 1947; February 11, 1947; March 5, 1947; March 25, 1947; April 16, 1947; May 27, 1947; June 5, 1947; June 26, 1947; July 22, 1947; October I 14, 1947; December 2, 1947; December 18, 1947; April 26, 1948; May 26, 1948; June 16, 1948; September 22, 1948; September 28, 1948; C3 7 October 28, 1948, known as bills Nos. 60 and 61; March 9, 1949; 1 August 3, 1949; November 15, 1949; February 23, 1950; March 30, 1950; May 4, 1950; and May 31, 1950; relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in and to said section two i new paragraphs to be known as Items Nos. 82 and 83, which sljtall read as follows: °ITEM NO. 82. The following described real property in Residential "B-2" District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Business "A" classification and the Use District Mapis herebyamended and changed accord- 1 g ingly: Commencing 33 feet west and 287.1 feet south of the I northeast corner of Lot 9, Blk. 44, 10 Acre Plat 'A', Big F .e1d Survey, and running thence south 137.1 feet, thence west 382.8 feet, thence north 137.1 feet, thence east 382.8 1 feet to the place of beginning. 65 That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended to show the above described tract of land and the whole there- of as Business "A" District." "ITEM NO. 83. The following described real property in Residential "B-3" District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Business "A" classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accord- ingly: Lot L!. and the west 5 1/2 rods of Lot 41 .:Blk. 115, Plat 'A', Salt LU. e City(BV4ey• I " That skid Use Dis"�rict Map i4heriaby changed and amended to show the move 'described tractIgf the whole there- of as Business Dtnict." n ti SECTIO2 ,2. I} tlz q�*inion of.; e I4dard). 1,Commiss loners, it is necessary to"the pee. ,;health an sa ety the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that thi.Jordinance shah become°'effective imme- diately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take ct upon its first publication. Passed bythe Board o ommi loners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this n - day of A. D. 19 Mayor. "amity ecor&ram-- , • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Ias County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING tSEC- o Itm'ON.S.tItI'Lxket CIIRe Utah,'1943 by n` I e ded ordinance,dinance, pas ae the Peal, of 4ommiasioller,.etaint- In Se t to toning. is the he sna.r II l o1 D. 1.'T. ()(�. )'.r t Conlinlsstnners . ,'ant 1.aF'c rt,, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 671"of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Ilto nevl::ed Ordinances of Salt Lake ake oedin Ul eh,a res Pa'z Rl by Ihr emended of mt i,,„an ese rebiva v'N.1 15; vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Aprilar 14`'August 2:' t116 published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State April' 1946:June 4.Marcie 2 A1016. E-1115 September 1E 1946.October 8.1,46 Novemhet'5.1946;Deeelnhrr 5,1,46 December 11,INA:January o}'Utah. 1. 194'; Erte gre' 11, 194, Marchff Utah. 5. 1047: March 05, 1047' Apt't'.lb, ;947; May 29. 1942; .lung 5. Ipa'l; hone 26.1,42;Jlily 22,1949;Octo- ber m r 16, Denenrb t > 1949' That the advertisement 13 1949 lb 2, 1110, M 26 1 48; -lune 16 1945 -p- eel 2, 1948 September 28. .94E O ber 2A, 1948, known bills No, Eo And 61: March 9 „1„D Ord lw_igCC BA 1.1. I o a J1j 1941, August 3. 1941: November 1.5. 1941 r4ary 25, 1950:March May 4. 90.1130; 1950;end may II. 1950;relating to toting,be. d 1.he San,'Is hereby further amended :9 achting in enel I r said et,.two neN paragiaplma to be knichn shall Items Not. 82 and 83, h teed a follows: -ITEM NO. 82,' The fntlowing described real r nerty In Resl- "thl Ilse D4 Drtct`Ma,,aI,ercbv was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the amended and hanged 1.0 Buabie�, 1'IA.' elasalficattoli and the. Nsr District Map le hereby emended and changed areordhm,ly: day of A.D.19 Commencing 33 fret woet and 0021 feet south o9 the n theast r of Lot.9.Blk.44,10 Acre C111�A,''-Big Field survey, and On i ItOU jO 1 50 nnlhg thane, uth 132.1 feet, and was published s %hence Aiese•3S;P feet. thence north 157.1 feet,thence east 382.8 feet to the place of beginning. 'Btpt.,5a1(I,,,V411rDlatrlce Map to the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the �ereP6 t61M1t�H1•mb ded in lustd�I1T ab py f s riDed i `osf s, d hale thereof a Fn"ITE 'A'Dsrrlet day of A.D.19 "ITEM NO. J The following t,,,,c,rlbed Kcal rI;'gi;"ta• to Rest- �.. 1.14r1t7 4.171ISI1D.l'ci'I%lzpas sho beret, / And changedBusi- ness .i/amended., Ssillretion Coonl the a k istri`cta Man hereby Advertising Clerk Amended � d changed ordtnes: lnt and the west s e tSti rods of Let Elk. 115, Plat'A,' Salt Lake City Surrey. / That said Use District Map it hams,, ohan^ed ,: amended n / show the.above described f of tend and the whale thereof a° before me this L. day of Auslnea 'A' Dlewhole SECTION 2. ]n the set °? of necessary of the peace, health 11- Id ne to peace, ofand ateLy arty tha habitant., of sail A.D.195U bea0 e that.this dint ly. shall becomeON effective Immediately.ordinance SECTION 3- This ordinance thanl take effect upon its ardt Publication. Passed b the Board UCtah, Ale 19 1 Sall LakeCity,. Utah fete R9th day of June,A.D.1950. Y 4PL i OLAnr. �7 n;t P.Far hU, / i(_ ,J, —.1.4._-, .A4 Notary Public! 1,11Ji1s1,6913ne 301 n, :ono,