65 of 1950 - Amending Section 6714, relating zoning, adding Items No.s 82 and 83. R L."--CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, JUfV .I 041 ,195
Affleck' G I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . . / l
Lingen elter /�
Romne - /°'
. . . . ��'
Mr. C airman . AN O"DINANCE
AN ORDINANCE'A I I-NG SieTION 6714 of the Revised Ordi-
/ ,/
nences of Salt Lake'City, Ut , 194
h 4, as amended by ordinances
passed by the Board of CoImissioners, relating to zoning.
I /
Be it ordai?ed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah: -^^"
I SECTION I. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945; April 5,, 1945; August
17, 1945; December 18, 1945; March 28, 1946; April 5, 1946; June
4, 1946; August 6, 1946; September 18, 1946; October 8, 1946; Novem-
ber 5, 1946; December 5, 1946; December 11, 1946; January 7, 1947;
February 11, 1947; March 5, 1947; March 25, 1947; April 16, 1947;
May 27, 1947; June 5, 1947; June 26, 1947; July 22, 1947; October
I 14, 1947; December 2, 1947; December 18, 1947; April 26, 1948; May
26, 1948; June 16, 1948; September 22, 1948; September 28, 1948;
C3 7 October 28, 1948, known as bills Nos. 60 and 61; March 9, 1949;
1 August 3, 1949; November 15, 1949; February 23, 1950; March 30,
1950; May 4, 1950; and May 31, 1950; relating to zoning, be and the
same is hereby further amended by adding in and to said section two
new paragraphs to be known as Items Nos. 82 and 83, which sljtall
read as follows:
°ITEM NO. 82. The following described real property in
Residential "B-2" District, as shown on the Use District Map,
is hereby amended and changed to Business "A" classification
and the Use District Mapis herebyamended and changed accord-
1 g
Commencing 33 feet west and 287.1 feet south of the
I northeast corner of Lot 9, Blk. 44, 10 Acre Plat 'A', Big
F .e1d Survey, and running thence south 137.1 feet, thence
west 382.8 feet, thence north 137.1 feet, thence east 382.8
1 feet to the place of beginning. 65
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended
to show the above described tract of land and the whole there-
of as Business "A" District."
"ITEM NO. 83. The following described real property in
Residential "B-3" District, as shown on the Use District Map,
is hereby amended and changed to Business "A" classification
and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accord-
Lot L!. and the west 5 1/2 rods of Lot 41 .:Blk. 115, Plat
'A', Salt LU. e City(BV4ey•
I " That skid Use Dis"�rict Map i4heriaby changed and amended
to show the move 'described tractIgf the whole there-
of as Business Dtnict."
n ti
SECTIO2 ,2. I} tlz q�*inion of.; e I4dard). 1,Commiss loners,
it is necessary to"the pee. ,;health an sa ety the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that thi.Jordinance shah become°'effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take ct upon its first
bythe Board o ommi loners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this n - day of A. D. 19
"amity ecor&ram--
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Itm'ON.S.tItI'Lxket CIIRe Utah,'1943 by n`
I e ded ordinance,dinance, pas ae
the Peal, of 4ommiasioller,.etaint-
In Se t to toning.
is the he sna.r II
l o1 D. 1.'T. ()(�. )'.r t
Conlinlsstnners . ,'ant 1.aF'c rt,,
SECTION 1. That Section 671"of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Ilto nevl::ed Ordinances of Salt Lake
oedin Ul eh,a res Pa'z Rl by Ihr emended
mt i,,„an ese rebiva v'N.1 15; vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Aprilar 14`'August
2:' t116 published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
April' 1946:June 4.Marcie
2 A1016.
E-1115 September 1E 1946.October
8.1,46 Novemhet'5.1946;Deeelnhrr
5,1,46 December 11,INA:January o}'Utah.
1. 194'; Erte gre' 11, 194, Marchff Utah.
1047: March 05, 1047' Apt't'.lb,
;947; May 29. 1942; .lung 5. Ipa'l;
hone 26.1,42;Jlily 22,1949;Octo-
ber m r 16, Denenrb t > 1949' That the advertisement
13 1949 lb 2, 1110,
M 26 1 48; -lune 16 1945 -p-
eel 2, 1948 September 28.
.94E O ber 2A, 1948, known
bills No, Eo And 61: March 9 „1„D Ord lw_igCC BA 1.1. I o a J1j
1941, August 3. 1941: November
1.5. 1941 r4ary 25, 1950:March
May 4.
90.1130; 1950;end may II.
1950;relating to toting,be. d 1.he
San,'Is hereby further amended :9
achting in enel I r said et,.two
neN paragiaplma to be knichn shall
Items Not. 82 and 83, h
a follows:
-ITEM NO. 82,' The fntlowing
described real r nerty In Resl-
"thl Ilse D4 Drtct`Ma,,aI,ercbv was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
amended and hanged 1.0 Buabie�,
1'IA.' elasalficattoli and the. Nsr
District Map le hereby emended
and changed areordhm,ly: day of A.D.19
Commencing 33 fret woet and
0021 feet south o9 the n theast
r of Lot.9.Blk.44,10 Acre
C111�A,''-Big Field survey, and On i ItOU jO 1 50
nnlhg thane, uth 132.1 feet, and was published s
%hence Aiese•3S;P feet. thence
north 157.1 feet,thence east 382.8
feet to the place of beginning.
'Btpt.,5a1(I,,,V411rDlatrlce Map to the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
�ereP6 t61M1t�H1•mb ded in
lustd�I1T ab py f s riDed i `osf
s, d hale thereof a
Fn"ITE 'A'Dsrrlet day of A.D.19
"ITEM NO. J The following
t,,,,c,rlbed Kcal rI;'gi;"ta• to Rest- �..
1.14r1t7 4.171ISI1D.l'ci'I%lzpas sho beret, /
And changedBusi-
ness .i/amended., Ssillretion Coonl the a k
istri`cta Man hereby Advertising Clerk
Amended �
d changed ordtnes:
lnt and the west
e tSti rods
of Let Elk. 115, Plat'A,' Salt
Lake City Surrey. /
That said Use District Map it
hams,, ohan^ed ,: amended n /
show the.above described f of
tend and the whale thereof a° before me this L. day of
Auslnea 'A' Dlewhole
SECTION 2. ]n the set °? of
necessary of the peace, health 11- Id
ne to peace, ofand
ateLy arty tha habitant., of sail A.D.195U
bea0 e that.this dint ly. shall
becomeON effective Immediately.ordinance
SECTION 3- This ordinance thanl
take effect upon its ardt Publication.
Passed b the Board UCtah,
19 1 Sall LakeCity,. Utah fete
R9th day of June,A.D.1950.
Y 4PL i OLAnr. �7
n;t P.Far hU, / i(_ ,J, —.1.4._-, .A4
Notary Public!
1,11Ji1s1,6913ne 301 n, :ono,