65 of 1951 - Vacating streets running between Center Street and Vine Street northwesterly of the intersection of J Salt Lake City,Utah, 11_1351 ,195
l urbidge
AVM I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lingenfelter . .
Romney . , . —
Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
Result I—
yStreet and Vine Street, northwesterly of the intersection of Vine
and Center Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That street running between Center Street and
Vine Street, northwesterly of the intersection of Vine and Center
Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of. Lot 5, Block 4,
Plat 'Et, Salt Lake City Survey; running thence southwesterly
along the northerly line of Lots 4 and 5, said Block 4, 176.6
feet to the most westerly corner of Lot 4, said Block 4; thence
northwesterly 37.5 feet more or less to the most southerly
corner of Lot 2, Block 7, said Plat 'El; thence northeasterly
1.-07) along the southerly line of Lots IL and-2, said Block 7, 194.5
r' feet to the southeasterly corner of. Lot 1, said Block 7; thence
southeasterly 33 feet to the point of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use as a street, alley, avenue or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every
description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the
above described property and also subject to the rights of entry
thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, re-
placing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall_beeome effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commiss_tofteA' of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 11th day of ;ettember 11_7 /191*
0171740..j.' Ye'Vljt
City Recorder.
• ,
City and County of Salt Lake,
Bessie Judges, Deputy
I, , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating street running between Center St. and Vine St.,
nortliwagterly-of the intars2ction of-Vine an-d-Center-Street-s,-to
Salt Lake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, September 11,3sx.1951
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and alNxed the corporate seal
of said City,this 1st day of October, 1951 4
De uty °City Recorder.
Published September 13,E 1951
1261_304 \ a
r t
10 t• ro Fcri
® STREET u leg between hwest-
C t Street d Intersection
Street, pone and
o..1 2 rin of the Streets,
in Sal fake and
I Center streets, 7n salt Lake City.
`... Etah.
() en Be to ordained by the Board a1
SV. q) T (O Commissioners of Salt Lake, Cite
(Sp Cl d SECTION I. That street running
J between Center Street and Vine
Street, northwesterly of the inter-
section of Vine and Center Streets,
fp In Salt Lake City, Utah more par-
(n Ocularly
ingscrlbed the follotheasterly
_� ^ r of Lot a I. Block n o4, Plat 'E'.
T7 Salt Lake City Surve e; running
/, northerly
s line
westerly long the
V I fJ St n reker lo1ne f Lots 4 and 5.said
Blo`�' t)( westekrly
feet to the most
i (C est ly c r f Lae ly said Hfeet
0- 4; a or ss to the
3'f,5 feet
I NC ,� coon of less to the t southerly
of Lot r2,i esse 7. said the
ycli northeasterly lots
t¢rlya along said
•� -CS
southerly line of Iets l h 2, s id
Baste R t feet t the south-
easterly U �V ' y cornerf Lot].said Block
pp� Y ; thence southeasterly 33 feet to
V (i O the point of beginning; be and the
same de-
l.,. RI
CO claed is
so longer to vacated
public pet'
event' for a .s street. alley
r pedestrian away.
Said p vacation is made expressly
subject to all exist lug rights of •
and eas nts of all public utilities
of y and every description now lo-
cated ted an. r
,under a over the con
Qy fines r the above described pro-
p perty end also subject to the rights
V of
mf entry theme forthe purpose of
Inspecting. maintaining, repairing.
replacing, removing. altering e
I �0 routine ail utilities and all of them
t�.l SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
l sard f Commissioners.e. It Is nec-
ty Evessary l in peas,is of and safe-
of the inhabitants ordinance shu L be.
O En eor that this mmeOl .shall be
-_' co n. rtfrotSECTION
3 The dlr ina
Q take
3. er i ordinance hall
O d take efteck upon ifs Seem publlca-
CY on
Passed b
A• D
et hers of S the Salt Board City.Utah,this
LY 1 llth day of September. A. D. 1951
(tl Earl J.Mayor
N SEAL Irma F.Hither
City Recorder.
ti .0 • Published, September ILL NO.13th. 1951
Cr A
Affidavit of Publication
} ss
County of Salt Lake j
Legal Notices
STREET ionising e n Center
Street a:,dVine SPret, ortim est.
pi iy of`m Intersection of Vine and Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
Center ..users, In Salt Lake City,
It ordained by the nnard of vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
Commissional, of Salf. Lake, City,
SECTION 1 Thath,lnning published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
between Genie: Street and Vine.
Sreeet northiv eel rely or the 'M
section of Vine. and Center S
n Salt Laxf eItr. Utah mv:etl parr- of Utah.
u e caed as nas:
Beginningsn tu at the ortheasterly
Lot 5, Morkn Fial.
Salt ceLake City Survey: eh P:
thence onthwesterly along n°the That the advertisement
Poll.hefty 5lino of Lots 4 and 5,.sold
Block 4, l76,6 feet to the moat
esteily rolom of Lot 4,said Block I
d' h o'thwesim iv 5'1.5 for.f.
more ot less h to the mast soothe'ly
t Lot 2 Eine,9 sold Flit
'b.' Shence noel heasicite along the
Buthe'ly Ism of lots 1 and 2,Feld
lock C, 1746 feet to the south-
easterly corner
of Lot I,said Sleek
thence southeasterly J:i feet to
the point of Ih ing, be and the
mom is hereby'hh'mooted and de- -
clared no longer to he pnblle o:n"
pm tv'for .err set, alley
a vm•tie or Cede',Dian way.
Sold cation la made expielr
sobjeet t s
o an exist log rights of way
and easements or all Fnlblie untitled
of any and every description now!fl-
eeted in,on under o 1'the co
floc a
of the d rdecent'e
yel'ty and also snhled to the rlglfns
of og h'Maintaining,°l''Mahn,, was published in said newspaper on -
nolacing. e
l oving, altering o
thing said utilities and all of them.
SECTION'S.In thee opinion of the
Beard of commissioners It Is nee-
On the
"pence,health ontl re-
tv of the Inhabitants of Ralf Lake
City.that this ordinanrr. shall 1m-
ro tl m ellncve In edlatrla.
SECTION J. This eldhhanen shill
lake clean noon Ds .11'it IMithea- /'
Passed h 1 BoardI I- /
storm, ( .If I kc C U 1hh�x
m <Dv of Se
Earl Jrlanp - Advertising Clem
REAL ellV 1.TO,
('1111,•conic 5
ntl.N 1,.F
Fmhll.hrd Srplembel" t21h` 19,51.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1, ''' day of
A.D.191 '