65 of 1956 - Ordinance 65 of 1956, Amending Section 51-11-2 of Revised Ordinance 1955, relating to zoning, addi .1d.A ROLL CALL sah Lake City,Utah, S.E.P I .. 195..._... 4 VOTING Aye/ Nay move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge Christensen . . . / Mich�'Qp�les ✓ Romney k5c. . . ) Mr.Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE Result AN ODINANCE AMENDING Section 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to Zoning, and fixing the boundaries of use districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. SECTION.1. That.Section 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Zoning and fixing the boundaries of the sm e districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding in and to said- section, five (5) new paragraphs to be known as Items 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, as follows: "ITEM 22. The following described real property in Industrial "M-3" and "M-1", Commerdial "C-3" and "C-1", Business "B-3" and Residential "R-6",districts as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to Commercial "C-2" classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: "The east side of Redwood Road to a depth of 165 ft. extending from the north line of 2nd South north to a line 165 ft. south of the south line of North Temple; also the west side of Redwood Road to a depth, of 165 ft. extending from the Surplus Canal (approxi- mately 1300 South) north to the south line of 1st South Street; also to a depth of 165 ft. along each side of 5th South Street from a line 165 ft. west of the west line of Redwood Road west 6400 ft. more or less, to the east line of Fulton Street." That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Commercial "C-2" District Classification. "ITEM 23. The following described real property in Business "B-3" district as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to Residential "R-6"classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly : "Each side of 2nd South Street to a depth of 165 ft. from a line 165 ft. west of th6tyest line of Redwood -2- Road west 1200 ft. more or less." That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Residential "R-6" classi- fication. "ITEM 24. The following described real property in Industrial "IM'I-3" district as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to Industrial "M-1" classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: "All the property which is presently zoned Industrial "M-3" between Redwood Road and 9th West Street and between North Temple and 2nd South Street be changed to Industrial "Mgl"; also commencing at a point on the north line of 7th South Street 165 ft. west of the west line of Redwood Road, thence west 6400 ft. more or less to the east line of Fulton Street, thence north 1360 ft. more or less, to a point 165 ft. south of the south line of 5th South Street, thence east 6400 ft. more or less, to a point 165 ft. west of the west line of Redwood Road, thence south 1360 ft. more or less, to the place of beginning; also commencing at the intersection of the Western Pacific Railroad and the west city limit line, thence north 2700 ft. more or less, to the present "C-1" district, thence east 2000 ft. more or less, to the east line of 23rd West Street extended, thence north 500 ft., more or less, to the present "C-1" district, thence east 5100 ft. more or less, to a point 100 ft. west of the west line of Redwood Road, thence south 750 ft. , more or less, to the present "C-3" district, thence west 2500 ft. , more or less, to the present "M-3" district, thence south 3600 ft. , more or less, to a point 165 ft. north of the north line of 5th South Street, thence west 4000 ft. , more or less, to the east line of Fulton Street extended, thence north 1300 ft., more or less, to the Western Pacific Railroad, thence south westwardly along the Western Pacific Railroad 650 ft. , more or less, to the place of beginning." That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Industrial "M-1" District Classification. "ITEM 25. The following described real property in Industrial "M-3" and "M-1" districts as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to Agricultural "A-1" classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: "Commencing at the northwest corner of Azalia Street and 9th South Street, thence north along the west line of Azalia and Azalia Street extended 4400 ft., more or less, to the Western Pacific Railroad, thence north eastwardly along the Western Pacific Railroad 650 ft., more or less, to the west line of Fulton Street and Fulton Street ex- tended, thence south along Fulton Street extended and Fulton Street 2950 ft. , more or less, to the north line -3- 7th South, thence west 2£30 ft., more or less, to the east line of the South Buena Vista, Plat "B" Subdivision; thence south 1650 ft. , more or less, to the north line of 9th South Street, thence West 340 ft., more or less to the place of beginning." That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Agricultural "A-1" District Classification. "ITEM 26. The following described real property in Industrial "NI-3" district as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to Commercial "C-3" classification and the Use Map is'.hereby amended and changed accordingly: "Commencing at a point onthe:south lime of 3rd South Street 165 ft.,west of the west line of Redwp:od Road, thence west 1550 ft,., more .or less, ,to a,point on,the west line of Maple Street extended, thence north 1450 ft. , more or less, to the .south line of let;South Streety thence west 575 ft., more or less, to a pointbn the southl,ine of 1ls;t. South Street, which lies 1320 .ft. west of the'' west line of Orange Street, thence south 2550'ft1, more or lest, to a point 165 ft. north of the north line of 5th_-South Street, thence east 2400 ft. , more or less, to a point 165 ft. west of the west line of Redwood Road, thence north 1300 ft. , more or less, to the place of beginning. Said property being all or part of Sections 33, 34 and 35, T.l N., R. 1 W.; Sections 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, T.1 S. , R.1 W. , and Blocks 43, 44, 53 and 54, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey." That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Commercial "C-3" District Classification. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub- lication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth day of September, 1956. Ma r Cit `b orEi.r ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 65 of 1956 Published September 14, 1956 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver- tising clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news- paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 65 of 1956. An Ordinance Amending Sec 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances, relating to Zoning. was published in said newspaper on September 14, 1956. i J/ Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25t11 day of September A.D.19.56--. Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov 25 1957 AN OPOINANCE n AN ORDINANCE ANIoNDING S. ! IiT\. . Thef II -i _ h rl', 0 f 1.11.2 of theR vised O 1 M _ dg 1 t �t I hotv�.lecvlhe Usr l [ It Lahr City,, 1055 ial0tln0 to iris - / 1 fixing the bounds los ofusii p,st It rtln Aal hereby I- '.(:eaL�_nrdn ti d ditl tl d b the Board of COM s. Icha V e nI d-el -b 'C d ncl .of Salt Lake C' Utah 'SECTION 1. 11 t 1112 of L t [I th cl theRevised Ordinances of Snit Laho c I A.lia Shoot r. Ath Cite, Utah, 195!5, relating to Zooms I Se sth etre et,[henca r A along the end fixing thr boundaries f the us- t line [Axalle and Az:iliT Street districts, he,and he eohereby i xtended 4400 ft.. ore o less. to ended Iv adding In and t said the Western Pacific Railroad,thence zmc[Ion, five (5) n paragraphs to 0rth e st11000 long the.`",fM n be known as Items 22,23,24,25 and ,� I Pac'Se Railr'toe 650 it,mor or Icss, '2GI s fella Rs: to the west Ilse of Fulton Street and 'Tl'LM 22. The fallowing describM-, Fulton Street exended,thence south !real moues,'to Industrial"M-3""a long Fulton Street extended and "M 1," Com martin] C-3" and C.ii,'' Fulton Street 2950 Ito more or less, •Tipsiness "D. and Residential "R 6': to the north line 7th South, thence districts as shown on the Use DIstricI west 280 ft., oless,to the cast • Map is herey hanged to Commercial line the South oruena Vista, lat • C herahvssl mended. andtllhanged Map, ft,norbdiv less,to thrC northtlineiiof d' 1 amended. 01h Smith Street,thence West 340 t "The t side of Redwood Reed, 1 to the1 f begin-I d l F ftextending born the rlh Ip 185 f 2nd South north, ThatL:.District oo, is h 1 'to a line 105 ft south f th south hat 1 altered t show the above i Ihic Of Nnrlh Temple; of the weal, deserrbcd tract f land Hall of Agri-• side of ItedwOud Roaa to a depth• cultural " i."District Classification. I ' C[365 ft.extending from the Surplus 'ITF.M 25.The following described anal (aunroxima[ely 1300 South)] ea.Property in Industriai"M-3" dis- 'th t R south li f l t South tile' h h V District Man St t- 1 t d p l f 165 ft aping be b h d Commercial C 9 I I I f 5t1 South St t f' classificationd theUse Man h R 10 ft west f thet l by amended ]changed accordingly: I ' f R l d P a rl west 6400 ft. 0 t point on the i or less, to the eL2St line of Fulton south line f 3rd South Street 165 ft, l Thatt said Use District Man is hecebp I west d thence nee wes the t 1850 ft.,ine of more , lhanged and altered to how the above less,to p on the west line es-cribed Ira et of land art of! Maple.Street extended,then,r gegt 2 Commercial "C-2" DistrictsClasalfica- 1450 f'.,mere ar ley:, to -5,e Ruth bon.ITEM 21 Thefollowing described 575 t T-t South esStreet,thence n I -'t )3 ' Ili d ; th, Imor r 1 t 1 1 I trio a-she n o the Use District May which Ices 1320 ft.west t thetv,est doreby chan3ed to Residentinl o1ehv -l,_,, ,1 futon ce Sheet, thence s 1'.-f t and the U.Ma h eaeby 2550 e or 1 toin Dui' e amended and changedaccordingly, t, - ,hsr." - "Each sir 1 2nd ouh Slyest to south Street, thence-- line 2600 0f 1 a depth f 165 ft.from a line 165 fd more or es.to a point 165 ft.west west of the west line of Redwood he westline f Redwood Roan, s ad west 1200 ft 10 or leg' thence north 1300 ft.,m or less, That said Use District Map is hereby to the Waco. f 0 0,,,0ingdr5.ai Il f hanged and altered to show the above pTO3. r being 11 't f Sections.33 I the,' tract f land t 0 4,d d,T.1 N A t W W.,3Sections 1 Residential itRf classification."t 2 3 4 9 ]0 T.I S R.t lot , dl ITEM 94 in following d "h d Meeks 43.94 g d 54 Plat "C" 1 p-t Indust. l M ,, Salt Lake C! Sr • t 1 h U- D t changed d V. District M hereby' 1 bchanged [ s d. I M l e gb d catered t h theabove I [ t Ili UseMan lima, described t t f tr d E Com- d d h d 1 'Cl 0d District t CI i( ton All it ri hri , SECTION 2 I tt of the U I I I,td 1 M- between ] R H 2 C Ior Redwood en ! d oeh le S 1' 1 _ abi health dsafetyo[the d'between North aTemplei f 0 ' ii inhabitants (S t I' Citythat this ate- S South St et h changed t I dusimmediate -I M 1 also e t 1 1 ordinance become effective point the north cline f 7th South] SECTION 3i This ordinance shall l a'ect 155 if west of the'WeSt line effect ur0n its fir publication. f Redwood Road,thence Wet 6400, ! tan bossed by rthe Dna, u Ceirunis.sine_ It.moreor less to the east lino I rs of Sot Lakg,City,Utah,this llth Fulton treet, thence north 1350 ft. day of September. 1056. na re or lees,to a point 165 ft,south ADIEL E.STF.l4ART, f.the south line of 5th South Street, Mayor, thence east.00 ft.m -te 3 H o r less,to I DERklall . OG*ENSEN. o pp hit o,0 ff.Read Of the e zt line (liiv Recorder. j 1f PIi.wood Read, thence pl c'I [1011, begs ft,Herz]or Icns commencing t1n Placrtlhe Punished September 05 DE 050 11.1236 (C.5 0f th Wcatein P�„011c u T Rn1111noand beginning, also the west city'mil line. thence '01 2500 ft. m= les., to the no <:nt"GI' district,0ihcinc, Sr 2000 iL , to tbl' t`inn of 2:f-it imp!, e_¢Im,d- cd,thence nmih.500 ft m r lrs;, to the sent"C.1" district,tlinge1I east 5100 it.m r less.to a int. on it. west of the rest line o Redwood Road.thence south'1.50 fit r less, to the present "C-3" disstrict, a thence west 2.0 ft.. or less,to the present"M�"distrl^t thence south 3000s ft,n r less, int fSo ft.north of the north 4000Ili00 o[IL,m re ess.to thence wrest n1 or less,to ded east line' of Fulton o Street extended, toetce' orlli 1300 1L, r r' Icss, to the Wette rn Paciticno fi' read,. then0a uil westwardly along the Wi less, to the Railroad el, tt,more ar less, to the place Use DistOnin That said Usc eitelcn!>r„1 is here- ab ce decr and .haw iiivi • described Pact f Industrial M1 1 .rrL I di, 5