65 of 1959 - Vacating a portion of the east side of Main Street between South Temple and 1st South Street. ROLL CALL t a Salt Lake City,Utah, '`'IF ' '' , 195 VOTING Aye I Nay -- I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . Christensen . . i/r \_.,,,..,,,,L ....\ \,. KOC--...-6-.....,,-, ---. Romney /(__ — Mr.Chairman . � �.-" AN ORDINANCE ___Result_ . ------- - j_ AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of the east side of Main Street between South Temple and First South Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, all abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation. m Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ro Utah: , 0 o SECTION 1 . That the following described portion of Main Street between South Temple and First South Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, be, y and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer to be public •N 1m property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way: o.c o, "Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 75, o a Plat 'A' , Salt Lake City Survey; thence South 660.0 feet to b m the Southwest corner of Lot 2, of said Block 75, thence West • •o ao 1 .0 feet; thence North 114.5 feet; thence West 1 .0 feet; ... N •� thence North 62.5 feet; thence West 1 .0 feet; thence North in 218.0 feet; thence West 1 .10 feet; thence North 265.0 feet; o o , thence East 4,10 feet to the point of beginni,ng. vmm Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of •way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now olocated in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; as wand also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the.purpose of inspect- N os ''' ming,maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said >o utilities and all of them. a'" d a SECTION 2. in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt rota x mH Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants a e of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. o.a SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this %i13th day of August, 1959. ' Glt C� /li. `/'' a y ,r ____ lk y eco ( SEALtaiV\* NO. 65 of 1959 13 STATE OF UTAH, }ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I, Bessie N,__Judges,---,------Deputy-...,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance vacating a portion of the east side of Main Street between South Temple and First south Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, all abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, August 13th, 1,4 1959 as appears of record in my office IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of 1st September, 1959 said City, this day^of 494 (SEAL) BILL NO, 65 of 1959 �. .+-- -a...,.i... i { �/;, Deputy .city Recorder Published August 28th, R$4c-1459 yi,Fx e ., ri-b' '� 'fir 65 ao01(1645 PaaF531 s i 2 1959 1.673441Recorded at--5)'.4/./4 Request of !>r,T LAii Fee Paid.N,11ie M.Jack, Rec er,Salt % ke nt h >b - uty Ref. _-G-z�•2.-_5 ....... AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING Sportion of the east aide of Main treet between South Tem1yyLleand Cite, Utah Sltr ahuttlne prop rte ans having petitioned for the on Ceas el'ionised be the Board of Utah! sinners of salt Lake C1tY, .elE; described Dortion That the Street bbSetween South Temple and First -yeah,be, the same herebviis. vacated and declared ne longer to be public property for lrae a street,avenue,alley or pedestrian cserhf Lot 5,Block 76 Plat'A', wa Salt Lake City ServeY: thence South 810.L feet to said Oloch 75• thence West 1.0 feet thence Norlii thence a Nortthe e2.5 feet 1 thenete" West ttienseett••thence feet'thenc e feet4 toZNeO ppoln♦.ofebeainnipptta4.to sublectyto at all"eofetlof rishts"ele way and a meets of all public utilities of any and ovary"e'er"' de cv tear the located s t of�t}hee above olect rtoethe nights Hof entry there- maintainllnBa urea iclegr ineepioclne, said utilities mid all of themutl e the Breedd of Corn'N etonersnor Sait Loire Cite, It is Y to the inhab,itantsi ofandaltstLe keot Cite that immediately. en become e SECTION 3.This ordinance shell take effect oven its first publica- h Passed by the Board of Cotnmis- tloners f Salt Lake City. bitch, his 13th do, f Arrears tool. ADfEf F.STE GVAn1RT HERMAN J. eVer Citty Recorder (SEAL) Tublia edd'August 285 1959 (A-18) • 65 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey p i Legal Notices Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising AN oRn,NANCE f clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM,AN O orntIP i "C°ATIN(; °°:tmn f tna-fe(�at . f Mate. GRANT, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish rect betwecrr D]ILFf..r11,17r n 1°+rst iS "b S'°°n.k fish language withgeneral circulation in Utah. and published in a«mee. a1�1=q C6Inx 1 g ° °"01 "a 610`a"'° Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. C A t „v4.!tl by the tke of ;lUtsh � f 5 It Lake City, sFcn°N � t,h f"° Thatlegalh attached hereto � ,b dsr� =rvi st'�i the notice of which a copy is attac e Mieh'°. e ue s"'teLe_5bY t Salt hake City Bill No 65 of 1959 tea and dem,:eam„s m°uer io ecne°t°base,,u`e,,n v'00,.,w;i,n eee°ee l et t;e Nnrmw°et An Ordinance vacating a portion of the f L t 5,HI k'!5 Plot A', )S ith r66005 et t lIl SOtfth.o,5il z f daloit , east side of Main St. between So. Temple of L ti,af t th e`jJ th 119 S P t theligg W t 1.0 3.ct; W t 1 0 S rtt Sh 5 INo t(1P21 t?: �N ,, 6 e it t the ee and First So. F jy pb fE.4 410 stib]dt tlt r1 c, t LLehts sot 'I i„,, f Ay 06 eyfto des.?,„„„ o ,oelea m ml ra„aer I the fens of the 'riVI g,ct,,bed n "d'"`° ° August 28 1959. ct to tbe`ti'U rights of try fnem- t°���°r ibe ef'i�9peew�e, was published in said newspaper on g ' en;t1,:ir a elrl°e, 'r Zir.'. m ;,a a USIlL 'e d T,i-,Sies ' II of them. Ilh SBCTIO Nf 4,.Irt the onlnlon Y ..n,ike cC,!vo C°mm anci [S.1 e. 1 1 I f f. tf hy' h b t t f S It hL I b C p.c that I d' ke 0110N 3. h tl J ! ,. t k St t .t t f t bJlen, � .�/" CI P rib 1 e H d f C `L—[_r L. `n1"'tb 4�1 t�s n`""! Legal Advertising Clerk 2 APil 1.}' ST'.W ART HSERMAN J. I IOC.I;NSLNJIayor ' CIto P,erorticr aF:AL1 HA.I.NO.fi5 of tI,1 •.il Ppubl ishetl AuJust.,I959 (AJK1 ,7''n Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of August A.D. 1959 %� /c .=i r ,_ Notary Public My Comm s0Vri 25,e51961 a