65 of 1968 - Amending Section 51-12-2, by adding paragraph Item 83, rezoning certain property on the east side of ROLL CALL rl VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 23 ,196 8 Barker . . . . I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . / 7 % Harrison � � ` -1 -- Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . Ott AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to rezoning and fixing the boundaries of Use Districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 51-12-2 od the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to rezoning and fixing the boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new paragraph to be known as Item 83, as follows: "ITEM 83. "The following described real property in Residential "R-4", as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Residential "R-6" classification and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly. Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 15, thence North 200 feet; thence East 140 feet; thence South 200 feet; thence west 140 feet to the point of beginning, heing all of Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Block 68 of Kinney and Gourlay's Improved City Plat, a part of the SW4j NEu, Section 26, T1N, R1W, SLB&M. - "That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the said above described tract of land from Residential "R-4" to a Residential "R-6" classification." Passed by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 23rd day of July, 1968. MAYOR ti T CORDER (S E A L) BILL NO. 65 of 1968 �^+ Published July 30, 1968 65 ADM-9a.4 Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } SS. County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- I/tegel Notice, using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) nN dnclNpAMNce newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- 11 rASo5olalt�e rtli aisa ciliation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake tf Salt Lake til Urah,1ra5, lar- Y 9 a na a ilxit me Goan. County,in the State of Utah. ,aarles of use Districts. 9e Ir ordeineo by the kee'C of toenmisam„eYa f sat fake cnr, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto SECTION 1.That Section 51.14R d n mey Revised Drereehcee of Silt ngke a ane'tl%Itnp'the coundatrie°o+us:o o- Salt Lake City Bill No 65 of 1968 viers,be,ana 1ha same hereby Is, egerdad by aalne thereto new o dare eYaph to be known as IMm 83, n aa,fallewo: An Ordinance relating to rezoning and fixing the ITEM B7, al• The fouow�t a7%V rest proe• -- erry In Resltlenllai R�/,' sRo n MB Use Db I:MeD.Is hNebs. `phated n Rhe Usflal Re"Mao Is boundaries of Use Districts. a ticatnde antl the Use District Mao t he amend„a ane chanced aceso�nwesr -�- ✓ rner of Lot of the Corner aS thence North Yee iIIfeet?thence.,eet st,404 r:9n1e 1. UN Yo the Goinl of beginning,biting C 6d of Kinn Pla ey13and Gourlayisslrrr1 PN` El, t, a Dart of toee 11 8'TeJ,h jr'said lit. District N Mao 4 i �ner ebv deb ehee dd e asv ibae in e m r e e was published i.n s aid newspaper on July 30, 1968 K1 l egllafA 6"toaReltlM P teaddviNKe r5,h rhrhsl/13rdrdO a BRAGKMEae.N rasa., ---__ _.-----' C ERR�J HOGENSEN uI 4he4 JalYt 0e 146e (B•1!1..i /7y/ T @gtrl Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st _ day of July A.D. 19 68 . ---) ,.,/-fc� �./ Notary Public My Commission Expires Mar 28 1968 t)