65 of 1970 - Amending Section 51-12-1, designating nineteen use districts; and amending Title 51, by adding Chapt June 30 0 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah 197 Barker . . . . / Catmull . . . ✓ I move that the Ordinance bo /1/ Harrison . . ✓ ��/ ✓ j' Mr. Chairman . Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINAN6 AMENDING Section 51-12-1, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to zoning districts, and amending Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by adding thereto a new Chapter 19A, relating to Research Development "R-D" Districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 51-12-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to zoning districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 51-12-1. Districts. In order to designate districts and regulate location of dwellings, businesses, trades, industries, and the location of buildings erected or altered for specified uses and to carry out the intent and purposes of this title, Salt Lake City is hereby divided into nineteen use districts to be known as: "R-1 District - Single Family Dwellings. R-2 District - Two Family Dwellings. R-2A District - Two Family Dwellings and/or Planned Apartment or Group Dwellings. R-4 District - Three and Four Family Dwellings. R-5 District - Multiple Family Dwellings. R-6 District - Multiple Family Dwellings. R-7 District - Multiple Family, Limited Office. A-1 District - Agricultural B-3 District - Limited Business or Neighborhood Shopping. C-1 District - Limited Commercial. C-2 District - Controlled, Low Density Commercial. C-3 District - General Business Activity. C-4 District - General Business Activity, Controlled Business Signs. M-1 District - Light Industrial. M-1-A District - Light Industrial (15 foot Setback) M-2 District - Intermediate Industrial. M-3 District - Heavy Industrial. T District - Trailer Courts. R-D District - Research Development." SECTION 2. That Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to zoning, be, and the same hereby is amended by adding thereto a new Chapter 19-A, relating to Research Development - "R-D" District, to read as follows: 6� ' u; -2- "CHAPTER 19A RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT "R-D" DISTRICT Sections: 51-19A-1. Use regulations. 51-19A-2. Special provisions. 51-19A-3. Front yard regulations. 51-19A-4. Side yard regulations. 51-19A-5. Rear yard regulations. 51-19A-6. Height regulations. 51-19A-7. Coverage regulations. 51-19A-8. Off-street parking. Sec. 51-19A-1. Use regulations. In all Research Development Districts, no building or structure shall be used or maintained and no building shall be erected or altered so as to be arranged, intended, or designed to be used for other than one or more of the following: (1) Any residential use allowed in a residential "R-5" district. (2) Banks, post office buildings, office buildings, research laboratories and related facilities for research development and testing, including prototype production facilities or the research related assembly of high technology equipment or components. (3) Support and maintenance shops for the above uses. (4) Off-street parking and parking structures incident to the above building uses. (5) Concessions and services which are provided for the con- venience of the occupants of the buildings consisting of retail uses incidental to and in support of the above permitted uses shall be permitted provided they are located within a main building and there is no exterior evidence of such accessory uses such as signs or display windows. (6) Identification signs: One flat, non-animated sign not to exceed six square feet in area for each fifty feet, or major portion thereof, of building frontage except that when a building has frontage on more than one dedicated street there can be one sign, the size determined as out- lined herein, for each face of the building having street frontage. No additional signs shall be allowed anywhere on or in the building that are visible from the street. All identification signs shall conform to the architecture and the scale of the building and shall be in keeping with the character of the main building, said sign shall be allowed either flat on the face of the main building or as a planter type sign not over 5 feet in height set in the landscaped front yard area and not closer than twenty feet to the front property line. Sec. 51-19A-2. Special provisions. (1) All uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except for off-street parking and loading facilities. (2) All storage shall be in an enclosed building. (3) All portions of the required front yard except for pedestrian walks and necessary vehicular driveways shall be landscaped and provided with adequate sprinkling or appropriate automatic irrigation devices. Street trees shall be provided. Any parking visible from the street shall be screened with an appropriate planting screen or decorative wall not less than four feet in height. All landscaped areas required or shown on approved plan shall be properly maintained at all times. -3- (4) Off-street parking and loading facilities shall not occupy any required front yard area. (5) All loading areas are to be screened from view from adjoining roads on adjacent properties. (6) All utility lines, connections and installations must be underground and rise within the building. Trans- formers, meters and similar apparatus must be at ground level or below, with approved screening for ground level installations. (7) All uses shall be free from objectionable or excessive odor, dust, smoke, noise, radiation or vibration. Sec. 51-19A-3. Front yard regulations. The minimum setback for any building, structure, or parking area shall be 30 feet from the front property line. This front yard area is to be completely landscaped except for permitted driveways and walkways. Sec. 51-19A-4. Side yard regulations. A minimum side yard of 20 feet shall be maintained on each side of the building. If the side yard is to be used for a parking area, at least an eight foot landscaped side yard shall be maintained by the parking area. Sec. 51-19A-5. Rear yard regulations. All main buildings shall maintain at least a 25 foot rear yard. Off-street parking and loading areas and storage buildings shall be allowed within the rear yard. Sec. 51-19A-6. Height regulations. No main building or structure shall be erected to a height in excess of three stories or 35 feet, except such a building shall be allowed to extend above this height regulation provided one foot of additional set- back from all required yard areas is provided for every three feet of such additional height. No accessory building shall be con- structed to a height in excess of one story or twelve feet except for approved parking structures. Sec. 51-19A-7. Coverage regulations. No building or group of buildings with their accessory buildings shall cover more than 40% of the area of the lot. Sec. 51-19A-8. Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be provided on a ratio of one 9' x 20' parking space, together with adequate ingress and egress, on an approved, paved parking area for every 200 square feet of gross building area or a ratio of one space for each employee and one for each company car." SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, the? June 30th day of , 1970. / �7 7 ( MAYOR (SEAL) ITY *1411441 BILL NO. 65 of 1970 Published July 8, 1970 65 4064.61061 .AN ORflINANCC AN ORDINANCE AMFNDINt. rectos 'r I)-I of Iho ev Risee Ordlnrners . of Salt lake Orly, Maio 1965, ala ling to y a disr,iens. and Tilt 5 b.R" d(Ordinance, IlnrIaka City, ill.. 955 ) andirm theretomay CC t- 19A,reran,to Rosnarch Dave( Uldl�a if ordained by foe B in Board f Commissioners- of Salt Lake �/ City, tl At of Publication LakS£CxxION 1. That Suction51-',1.1 of she Revised Ordinances of Sall. e C(fy, Uta'I, 'rats, relal'ra Io[mini districts, be, and the 5 thereby Is ended Io reed es/drew, am ----��--- S 13 ell businesses,1 il, a d..- 1 din rots and , p" es, s,arid Inc loca•,o of oil Id ngs_ecldtl or nor.lOr Ic.Selled,runes and to a out tit Trani and purples of this title,Salf dodo COY barrel,is 1D s,'!duct islricis to be brown az R-1 District—Iwo�Fo nineteen Usschnlls. R I District- Iwowe Fondly D w a R-3A District- or Family IJ yra tog, and/Or Planned R-f Dns r e Apartment GandpMaur faiirily Dwel'ing.5, ll .mt R rani/! 4.11in F y wieu'ngs K. D. Pearson I R-I okriic. 0arllia,e Parody,0LimIted Office, nnral she F-J Dishier—Lim Ise CwJns-s or Noighborhnod Shopping. C-t t r C_t D District ( t ep i- ereta, ig first duly sworn,deposes and.says that#t7§is legal adver- C-I nislria-General Besiness Auivily,Controlled Ap5l1166c clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) Signs. yi '11 1l ImlustiI, do er in the En, lish language with general cir- M1 A District-i' cl l r--I Setback). �i P printed �' f{ MaDi I °a-I Inclurtr" f-tun in Utah, and published Us Sale Take City, Salt hale g slrwr H Di t T l CommRDIa Dc ,-,l.^ sty, in the State of Utah. • SECTION? Title 5;of gm m Revised 0 dlnanrrs of salt Lake 'C fl h.1245,I Mari,In r b nil ha sa nn hereby is moorland Ib tll' 1 e 1 yr CI V 19-A. rrlallAS to a' RA•ea n Areelolr D''D r I i ead , _. That. the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto r"CHAP r E R 12A RESEARCH DF_V E!OPM ENTT 'R-D'U'ST RICE SOcllorrs: 51-19Ad. Userenlalinrls, _ An Ordinganc A1nendin$_section 51-12'1. of they_ p 51 12A-2. Soecia rnvirren:, ,51-19,3. Front yard 1S 51•"9A-d. Side yod regulaliori< �,,N p p T,,l' //�� }� 5119A 6. HcianY rnqulalin^Irnrs' ordttncas_of_Salt_Lake_City._Utah_1965. I 51-19A). Cover.,r s, M 19A 8. Allmtued nar'kinn• on .{ aj y� /r.,, r�1 �r.sec.St.19A.1. In all Rnsra grit I velrpntent DisirlL ts, Q_z2_ing—distr_c_it�—e5_A ec_ cg itl _5 Mo hd ng ue h resod n d inel'ar n bmldmg,ap _x• --• in t n 3 t di + 1 mooted o alitepol �l to ha, oerl,mamndled,tdnr designed to be mod for oilier of it,t • (1 Any re I TS d R t. of the revised ordinances of, Salt Lake City,_Ut. (")Brinks,r t orrice...Iles, buildings, 'd I, d 1 's 1n h development and testing,MOMnsI -g prototype (mild, research related assembly of budtlmg Mena `ornphh ncagent to the above equ mad mrnrmlagy etance..M 13)supping and mammnmr<a nr for the above (al Off-street parking and park',U Iructures (5)Colceurant and-r vrc h' provided I ' of Co x rlre I sit.li to and g sin retail d permittedm.t I tublished in said newspaper on Support I al 1 n0 ,:il d 5. chart b no% provided'hey .located with. n g . order.' - I such accessory h g -dceS July 8, 1970 III,dery I91.1n silo's.0ro fin,berbarrbnoled dads rnt Inn n h f mid.aMar., of ubuildive'omarfa mum,Mal when aofluildirrtOr has frontage nn More con n d 'l l I Elo additionalil he allnwoct / ',ern on or in Illeb l 1air vicar,Iron, IlmAI; irlealrof ilm'icorion smos Oral conform b kl Ih n 1.1 d I I ! / f main m j it shag l II rl _ - f I laceplanter F /f egal Adeerti.sirt r Cleric I As. d n tea of e n we,ty feet Io me from oropertylllne, and n r than Sec.51-19AM. Special provision:. (U All use snail in br crude:ma wroth,'with a enclosed building. except for oil-street park!nq and loading fa Mites, ()All storagoI ba ar corlascrlb' (3) pc.. f d f y except I p ,k. andey I l d vided ode,. sprioklingpp p automatic i itl1.S. I0th day of devices Street trecs shall b marled,Any parkiog vts"E e sit I rif all re screened with an o U ,v I fa furl appropriate t1 '01. Al _ l d wr tl u, or) p red planhall be 70 ProParly eta I Iles. 19 - (A)Oft-street Parking and loading lacililles shell gel Occupy any re• hoc, room Yard NUS 15)All loadlne Mem aro to he screened from ,'rosy from oMornine (pi A mild,Imes,ernmecions a.inrIallaliOnsna underground , d cis.wilion Ilm Imitchn5 Transformers, d 111 opparatm max;1 I b i, d nil I y dl I II nl All u r'. frOm obirclionablo - dnzh Notary Public 51-"RAM Frog Y-d Inc setback any bltlld lnc.sr par,:,ndra NO be 30 fret nfr m p, front Iorly,lpe.This bunt yard area s orsne e mpierely handreaped oxcart,for per`!duct driveways an alkwa9a n 9A Side A minimum coda I nr an loer Moll b.maintaineds Ine 'Id' If the sirla Yard Ms In Iro used fork ar Ia hl-loll Ian/Reaped',Mr yard sna be m intained by Inn p-rxln_I Sac.51'.9Ad Rear y All m soiildin_gs shall earl-ecula Off t I Jain l least, a inns tea yard. Off-solid parkin,' and loading areas arid slnrage huildr6 shall Ul ll065.ri within the rear yard. c.5d a9 C IIIIhI r prm ip ns,N dui ld ing o 1.except ;Madura snarl led ,ne iy hl I three singles or 35 Ica[,e apt he ague o n fix xr such B budding shad be al owed ckf od ahem i, yorr r ass on p avid_o c loot of add i t ienal setback mina,as ail r' trao yard a is tor every three Ica!of MCI ec ss f one. or a or twei building rihal' he c proved t�.he'rl N,t excess r!one slay o.iwelvr taut a cdpf Mr approved klact 9llne resale Sch 51 leAMaccessory ry budge regulation cover bolding or group p,buildings at thehinlheir acces rry buildings shun cov.r more than ao.a of the area o1 Ion Sec.511 1,A 85a All%'10rcel parking,Ohl street parking shad he p dud ands ratio paking space, logctheer with adequate ingress =el of firs orLi'ddingpo ored, I ratio Of me 5rkam Pacu for each 00 and for ash c r,eemploye any car." r a o SECTION 3om the npi dial of the Raard nAl Sait one Oily,LBO,to health.salary nand warfare Ilia inhabllams ill sSall LakcyCilyrithal Mrs o dinance become crl �immrdiately. 5ECi1ON A. Tfiu ord r.m,snail lake erred noon its Ilrsl puhli<a lio n Play of Cy Ine hna[d nl Comm'ssionr'a of Sall Lake Cily,Uinh,ME 30{h clay al June,1970. BRAC'CPRY, LFr- HFRMAN J lint.,IMF MaYrr :try Rnrnrrlrr [SEAL) PILL NO.65 OF lerii Pulingtrred July e,riln (5 51 oDP?