65 of 1973 - Amending Section 25-4-5, setting forth position titles, classification and salary ranges for non-Civ OTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 28 19 73 Mr.Chairman ✓ I move that thecrdinance be passed" Barker 2 1, . Harmsen f � Harrison Phillips ✓ J >, Result / AN -ORDINANCEcsj, )vv, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to position titles and classifications of employees. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to position titles and classifications of employees, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-4-5. Position titles and classifications and salary ranges. (a) Non-civil service officers and employees. The non-civil service position titles and classifications, as numbered, and with the salary ranges, or rate ranges, as proposed and recommended and shown in "Recommended Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees," prepared by the Salt Lake City Citizen's Advisory Committee on Wages and Salaries, dated December 28, 1972, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Recorder, are hereby adopted and declared as and for the position titles and classifications and the salary ranges for all non-civil service officers and employees of Salt Lake City, effective July 1, 1973, said titles being grouped under the following titles: 1. Clerical & Technical 2. Operating & Maintenance 3. Managerial & Professional (b) Civil service position titles, classifications and salary ranges. The civil service position titles and classi- fications, as numbered, and with the salary ranges, as proposed and recommended and shown in "Recommended Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees," prepared by the Salt Lake City Citizen's Advisory Committee on Wages and Salaries, dated December 28, 1972, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Recorder, are hereby adopted and declared as and for the position titles, classi- fication and salary ranges for all civil service positions in Salt Lake City, effective July 1, 1973, said position titles being grouped under the following heads: 1. Clerical & Technical 2. Managerial & Professional 3. Policemen & Firemen -2- (c) Clerical employees in Police Department hired before July 1, 1969. All clerical employees in the police department in the civil service position titles and classi- fications as enumerated under subsection (b) hereof who were hired prior to July 1, 1969, and are not covered by the Utah State Retirement Act shall constitute a separate group for salary schedules under Section 25-4-6 of these ordinances." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 28th day of June, 1973. .)\'*t00* (SEAL) BILL NO. 65 of 1973 Published-July 5, 1973 ti j7 r r Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, asr County of Salt Lake Margo Anderson A!/OR NC b1NAE i N ORDDINAANLe AMENDING S ction 2Sd5 of the R<klsM Ordl tit first duly sworn,depose and says that he is legal adver- se • of t a ILsk C y V oh 1985 as amended,',won.to position f tl s e I COre 0FA a+eN1 R De If ptdolaed tt�"SSe�ea a cgmmN IM< a idN L ke cNy, using clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) Uwh: LakeECi YatUtah,ies,be al and a d, the o on Ordinances d clas I' culat on in Utah, and published4h in SaltLage with Lake City,general Salt Lake 1 tt ns of a pl V e%be, to samehereby 1 amended to read as fau §s<-d P ter toles a: 1 m n li s 1 v g County,in the State of Utah. O ti i it I NI t tl D de be with tb vn 1 vi. 9 s t tle nd S 1 Ifl 011 r 1e a q 9a E aaM r a mme tl t d'it Sal,'L k a`a+v. m eed`wap a salary:admmis`anpn P a That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto C i two r a n pralaies da me S e L r Cit1i Ac i rf Committee d Wages and office of the,dated December 28. dap f which is ontile in the Otiltt it cur Recorder, r herebye adopted Ordinane e,amending ae•ction._25..-4-5, salaryd de laed s di 1 r^thebpositionetninl sa las ifications sand Sae L k city ranges effective July-1,197J sold titles being.prwoed under the lamwworitfes: relating to position titles and classifications 1 CI ricolbT n 1 I — 3 2 Oaeroti t b M 1 ssi < M nap wrap + r 1 of employees. The civil Civile service position Nil.titian classifications fti na ds numbered, and-- -------- -- wnn.the cowry noes.0 proposed classifications, o Recommend d W oa and o S I Y Administration Salt ror Salt L ke City C pa otion 0mpl V enrPared by the Salt Lake City Cit- 1 Adois Y C Ittee. Wages and S01 ies,dated D b ;-.2g, 1972 a omen 1 hih I lit 1 the orli e f the Cite PK d hereby salary etd declared and for theposition t111classifier!, ton and salary mamma for ll civil service positions In Salt Lake city, eltective.July 1.1973,said p051tipn titles being e,aurad under the lop--------------, _ lowlge heads 1 Clerical&Technical 2 Managerial bP f ialol J P uce A Firemen was published in said newspaper on t r Clerical employees l Police Deportment hired D 1 July 1, pas o n clerical + se canoe deportment de thecivil vie` Deseret News, July 5, 1973 hereof who and icedclassifications enumerated d y subsection Ibby the U no ee hired prior t July I•o1969,stitute and sepp not l croup for .._.._ beiy sc SI i R¢li Sect1 Act h li c , unary I under Section ens a of theseordinances SECTION p tat Inthe opinion of mweitone of the e Board of ainh Ibltoa15r St Salt a any t th pea h Ith m nd L k SECTION ithi dl nc s es effect pa its1anstV. --___-- SEC Passed by a t ordinance et Commissioners ll t mssi 1 s itsSolt publication. se City, / Passed btl 1h Board 01 CO misslOnars of Salt Lak J. G Utah, June,1973. ✓% 1 c 12 thl Nth day 01J E J.GARN" /�/�.. �,�= -- MpyDl Legal Advertising Clerk NERMAN J.HOGENSEN (SEAL) Recorder LLLI 18.151 BILL NO-of 1973 Published—July 5:117J Subscribed and sworn to before me this Tenth day of July A.D.19 73• \/• " Ol--,..tom Eci_I—_-- Notary Public My Commission Expires Eebruary_12. 197_4.___.____-