66 of 1901 - Ordinance 66 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No. 67. Sewer Intention No. d7. sill No. p y0_ for an ordinance confirming the assessment on property on the north side of South People street from M street to the keservat.ion Line. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, Section 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City, as approved, eorreoted and completed by the Board of Equalization Heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property abutting on the north wide of South Temple street from M street to the Reservation Lida,--,within 'Sever District No. 1 l5,1 for:theeoonstructios c3$ a. firer along said portion of said street , is hereby `son,f,ir*d, and the aaw®esaateits male sad returned in said completed lists are AMPS* 1nersby csonfirmel. Seoijion 2. •'This ordinerCe shall take effect upon approval. 7.1 ;Pad"sed by the City Counotl of Salt Lake City, Utah, E:) ilz,ti_191_ V\ ,itnd referred to the Mayor for his approval. Ci Recorder. t.ApproYed this 2' day of yyy��1L4.__.�r Mayor. cv nciineJn eH:I no yJiege q no JnemPPePPe edJ ernprifho ,hA ICI Q2 .ov JI 8 .er.h1 nciieviezei edi CJ Jee1i* N mcll dee/JP eloaei diucE is etrw dJicn edJ ,drJE3 ,ydiC e0J ark to lienucC ydiC edJ yd Ferief,rc ,.i ee eaRJ iipe lc i6iopke9'J yitC edJ ya ehea JPi1 JnersmePRR edJ J.nd'I .t nc i Jre�' noi3naiteur is flso8 edJ `d 8eietgeoc fnp feJcb9!Ct ,tevosgae Pk ,yJi yJnego/a edJ is ,ePowsoo Jedi ic3 Iicnoo0 yiiC edJ ya FeJricoor ylot elcicieleH edJ of JteldP-Y mc,1 Jee,JP elomeT d4uog is etio dOten eAJ nc nij"" t .oV! icfvJRiC ,ewo nidii EJ ricidkvnEFfi. N O N- i3 U ydehed Pi , JeeKis tier to ncit,00 eieP mole hei@! e , JiliPnorgedJol m. pin Ell, PJPil FeJefceoc fitP ni hen3vJo? hies, *Nor RitE?opeijAR ,FArti nt" .$;em^.ilno't y yr .1Fve/go, nowt JrelIe e�ei JJsdP= rif"i0 *\4.' .S nciAcec ry ........... ,deJU ,yJiC e)IpJ Jire�'ic IirnuoC yirC edJ ya feip ' .Ievcgggp Pid loi -Icge0 edJ of f el.Te'J. f c.Ar .7ef�eref y4 iC 4-___..........* lc yak Pidi fevo oqt .ioyPM