66 of 1908 - Ordinance 66 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 180, Tenth & Final Estimate. — ' 1 I AN ORD1NANCE . An ordinance confirming the ai upon the property within the diotr.ict beardeC )n te. north 14 "J'f't-i- Csrcth Otrut, ! : by the Gravity Sewer, on the south by Ninth South Street, and on the i east by Ninth East 3treet, in Sewer 7:1.1tr_ Nos 1 an] 2, F'..-17 ih.? , 1ccnstruotion f o Beitiordaind by the City Coun ,f 2alt Irks City,,,Utah: 1 : silsTwo 1. That the assessMent -.1.!,:t rde b5Obe: CitY1Trao.urur rd. and cem.0Ipted .1) , '-', I' -1,:::,f nqUati:;:it ,n and : !Review: hervt•-.1fore duly aPPo1nte4 by th,: City CdUicif tu,r;,,lt'cnt purpcop, ' uf,t1IP proi);:rty in .:.o114 11,,,e4 _711-5, "look 3; intLote.t anAG, 710cT- ' 13;.,: -in Lots 4 and 5, kook 25, f::1114', 2lat "B", abettintlevrth lEaSt Street between Eighth South rand Ninth S,atth Streats, 421 3 ....111 3oUth Street between Sixth East ad Seventh East atreets; an,1 ,q1 Sixta East Street between Fifth South and Sixth South atreuts, In newer !Districts Nos. I anl 2, of Salt Lake City, for f -to puric .':f. 0,..r,- structng sowers 'upon said pert-77n- ')-1! c4,4' 1 :.:tr -..t'.4.;, is 'H--,- 1", '..;'-n I firm,,I, and the u35eosmorto ac:_de r.:rd f,t-,..v"c. :;.1 t4z,c1.1, clmm! lists ,I.ra hereby (.:onf'!na:od 1, 6E0'21011 2. This .1raln9.nee sha71 take affect up)n uppv , ,I. 11 lauw,i. aol -a IfQ. 18j. 110th & Final Est :.z'o. - Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Ut-erri,me 8th, q : 1908, and referred to the Dtyor r his approval. City TZecorder. c , - Arnroved this day of :Tune, 1908. ,Ilayer. 4 . ' 66 • ori fir; �\�.A 3� • • ,:f { : :? .._ 41,.= 'o f ftrt o_ .y 1^: *1ft beer: mom ^f VI/ Yn= :' 4_ + 111'1a"-e1 bn oS • ',oifl