66 of 1911 - Ordinance 66 of 1911 – Sidewalk Extension No. 129, First Partial Estimate. AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinonce levying a tar nod for the uececument of property
within the following described districts, to-wit:
Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Second
North Street with the west line of Third West Street, and running
thence north to the center of Fourth North Street; thence east to
the center of Third West Street; thence north to the north _Lie() of
Sixth North Street; thence west to the center of Twelfth West Street;
thence north to the center of Leadvill.e Avenue; thence west to the
Jordan River; thence southerly along the Jordan River to the center
of Fifth North Street; thence east to the center of Fourteenth West
Street; thence south to the Jordan River; thence-easterly. and south-
eesterly along the Jordan River to the south line of Block 1, Oakley;
thence east to the center of Eleventh Went Street; thence south to
the center of Second North Street; thence east to the center of
Tenth West Street; thence north to the north line of Fourth North
Street; thence east to the east line of Fourth Went Street; thence
south to the south line of Second North Street; thence east to the
place of beginning, with the exception of the eaat. aide. of '!oorth
;Test Street between Fourth North and Fifth North Streets; the west
side of Fourth West Street between Fifth North and Sixth North
Streets; and both sides of Third North Street between Tenth Teat
and Rleveath TeEA Struts.
1 Lleo commencing at thc. eL tic
north _:ci Dn Street. , 'ranee north to tho north lino
of Everet Avenue; thence west to the west line of Not Springs Stray\;;
thence northwesterly along the went.-oiort side of F?ot Spring.: Street
to the north line of Duluth Avenue; thence west to the center line
of Dexter Street; thence ;oath to the center , inn of Duluth Avenue;
,.,ence root to the went line of Superior Addition; thence southerly
along the west line of Superior lddition to the 10 tli lie o7 Thir-
teenth North Street; thence eaat to the center line of Eighth West
Street; thence south to the center line of Thirteenth North. S rwet;
thence east to the place of beginning. And further, the east-most
side of Hot Springs Street between Bveret Avenue and Fifteenth
Borth Street, and the west side of Fourth West Street between North
Temple and First North Streets, in Side,;u h Districts ?'us. 20, 21
and tla 41, for the construction of cement sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SZOTIOU 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax
and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property here-
inafter described in Sidewalk Districts Yes. 20, 21 c..nd 41, for th,
construction of cement sidewalks, to-wit:
In Lots 1, 2 and 8, Block 78, Plot "0"; 1, and 14 to 26, in-
clusive, Block 1-A; 13 to 26, inclusive, Block 1-B, Oakley Subdivi
Sion, Block 78, =1at "C"; 1, and a8 to 51, inclusive, Block 2,,
Colorado Subdivision, Block 79, not "0"; 1 to 34, inclusive, ;31oo
1; 1 to 58, inclusive, Block 6; 1 to 58, inclusive, Block 7; 1 to
58, inclusive, Block 13; 1 to 18, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 58, in-
clusive, Block 5; 1 to 58, inclusive, Block 8; 1 to 58, incl.asive,
Block 12; 1 and 58, Block 14; 1 and 58, Block 15, Oakley Subdivision;
part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section
35, Township 1 north, Bone 1 west; 15 to 30, Block 4; 29, Block 3
1 to 36, inclusive, Block 9; 1 to 36, inclusive, Block 10; 1 to 36
inolu,.ive, Block 11; 1 to 26, inclusive, Block 26; 1 to 20, inclus
ive, Block 27; 1 to 13, inclusive, Block 28, Oakley Subdivision; 1
to 22, inclusive, Block 10; 1 to ad, nolulive, Block 9; 1 to 12,
inclusive, Block 1, Waverly Subdivision; part of Section 35, Town-
ship 1 north, Renee 1 west; pert of SeeLion 23, To;rnn.J_p 1. no-rth,
Range 1 west; 1 to 22, inclusive, Block 8; 1 to 24, 1ncluate,
Block 3; x 1 to 22, inclusive, Block 7; 9 to 16, iecicuivc, Block ;
9 to 12, inclusive, Block 5; 13 to 24, inclusive, Black 1; 1 to 24
inclusive, Block 2, Waverly Subdivision, abuttin; on the north sid.
of :_ieeond_ Borth 3treat bet eon Tenth ,;t and Eleventh We':;t 3troet< ;
on the east side of Eleventh West Jtcnet uet-een Sir_uc51 .venue an
Fourth North Streets; on the west side of Tenth West Street betwee.
Second North and Fourth North Streets; on .cnth side c,f 7oarth
North Street between Tenth West and Thirteenth West Streets; on the
. north side of Fourth North Street between Eleventh West ahl Dougla
Streets; on the north side of Simondi Avenue between Tenth West an.
Eleventh West Streets; on both sides of Curn.y- Avenue bet•..con Tenth
West and Tleventh lest Streets; on the east side of Oakley Street
between Second North and Sixth North Streets; on the west side' of
Oakley Street between Clark Avenue and Sixth North Street; on the
east side of Twelfth West Street between Clark Avenue and Sixth
North Street; on the west side of Twelfth 'lest Street between Jor&,.
River and Leadville Avenue; on the south side of Fifth North Street
between ::l:;den iz ',lest and Colorado Streets and between Thirteenth
West and Fourteenth West Streets; on. the north side of Fifth North
Street between Eleventh West and Colorado Streets, and between Thir
teonth 'West Street and the Jordan River; on both sides of Sixth
North Street betvneen Moveath .,.,.:t aid T reifth dent Streets; on bot
sides of Colorado Street between Fourth North $tdeet and Leadville
venue; on the east side of Thirteenth West 'Street between Fourth
Tooth Street and Leadville Avenue; on the went side of Thirteenth
idest Street between Fourth North Street and Leadville avenue; on bo-h
sides of Douglas Street between Fourth North Street end Leadville
venue; on the east side of Fourteenth Went Street between x oorth
Worth Street and Leadville Avenue; an the went side of Fourteenth 7 et
.etween Fifth North Street and Leadvillo Avenue; on both sidu7 of
rh',z�1 isrti Street bet:aeen .l_ -ei i .,�st and Twelfth 'jest Streets;
n the south side of Leadville Avenue between Twelfth 7est and Thin
eonth West ,trente.
Tilt, tax is Thviea to de."rey the eenice of constructing semen
'idewalks upon the property hereinhefore red hereic :"te-r doso,.lhad
o be es,decially affected and benefited by said im.drovonn:ent, and it
a hereby adjud :od, deternined and establisod that said irc.m.rty
wi 11 Lc especially bene , th"l to full amount of the tax
i.ereby levied, and said in,Toels of lend are e hereby by a6ae,sood at an
g,tacl and uniform fte in oc,eori _ace with ;;lie. linear foot _ ontahe
upon said portions of said streets fronting upon and to a depth of
twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied an
to be assessed upon said parcels of land is twenty-six thousand
eight hundred eight and 80/100 (426,808.80) dollars; five thousand
six hundred thirty-one and 53/100 (45,6B1.53) dollars, or
95385/100,000 (40.95385) dollars per front or linear foot of abut-
ting property for sidewalks six (6) feet wide and four (4) inches )l/
thick, there Being 001/ feet of abutting property within the boun-
daties of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned; and twenty
one thousand one hundred seventy-seven and 27/100 (: 21,177.27)
dollars, or 766968/1,000,000 (40.766968) dollars per front or line n
foot of abutting property for sidewalks five (5) feet wide and fou
(4) inches thick, there being 27611.68 feet of abutting. property
within the boundaries of the lots, bloolcs and streets above men-
tioned in said districts, which is the total cost and cost per front
foot of said sidewalks, according to the contract entered into for
the performance of said work and making said improvement, with
McKay and Reed, dated the 12th day of June, 1911, :.and the Treasure
is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned:
Six boot Sidewalks.
The south side of Lot 1, the south side of the east 310.6 fee
of Lot 2, Block 79; the west side of Lots 1, and 22 to 26, inclnsi e,
Block 1-A; the east side of Lots 13 to 19, inclusive, Block. 1-B,
Oakley Subdivision, Block 78; the east side of the south 132 feet
of Lot 8; the east side of Lot 1, Block 78; the vest side of Lots
21 and 22, Block 1; the west side of Lots 21 and 22, the north old.
of Lots 22 to 42, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1, and 42 to 51
inclusive, Block 2; the east side of Lots 1, and 42 to 51, inclusi e,
�; "0"; >t bide 0..
Block 1, Colorado Subdivision, Block 79, �1�� the east
ots 1 to 17, inclusive, Block 1; the east side of Lots 1 to 29, in
elusive, Block 6; the east side of Lots 1 to 29, inclusive, Block
7; the east side of Lots 1 to 29, inclusive, Block 13, Oakley Sub-
Live Lott Walks.
The south side of Lots 19 to 26, inclusive, Block 1-B; the
south side of Lots 26, and 14 to 21, inclusive, Block 1-A, Oakley
Subdivision, Block w/ 78; the south aide of Lots 1 to 21, inclusive,
Block 2; the north side of Lots 22 to 42, inclusive, Block 1, Colo
redo Subdivision, Block 79, flat "C"; the west side of Lots 18 to
34, the north side of Lots 17 and 18, Block 1; the east side of
Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, the north side of Lots 10 and 11,)the
west side of Lots 11 to 18, inclusive, Block 2; the south side of
Lots 1 and 58, the west side of Lots 30 to 58, inclusive, the nort
aide of Lots 29 and 30, Block 6; the south side of Lots 1 and 58; the 1
west side of Lots 30 to b8, inclusive, the north side of Lots 29 -id '
30; the east side of Lots 1 to 29, inclusive, Block 5; the south
side of Lots 1 and 58, the west side of Lots 30 to 58, inclusive,
the north side of Lots 29 and 3U, Block 7; the south side of Lots
and 58; the west side of Lots 30 to 5841 inclusive, the north side
of Lots 29 and 30, the east side of Lots 1 to 29, inclusive, Block
8; the south side of Lots 1 and 58, the west aide of Lots 30 to 58
inclusive, the north side of Lots 29 and 30, clock 13; the south
side of Lots 1 and 58, the west side of 30 to 58, inclnive, P:ho
north side of Lots 29 and 30, the east side of Lots 1 to 29, inclu
sive, Block 12; the south side of Lots 1 and 58, Block 14; the south
side of Lots 1 and 58, Block 15, 0akley Subdivision; the enet side
of the south 607.45 i5 feet of the north 1140.4 feet of the vest 261
feet of the southwost 4unrter of tr, lort117,at giarter cf.' Section
35, Ts reship 1 north, unt;e 1 west; the Beat aide of Lot 10 to 29,
inclusive, the nu-rth side of Lot 29 and 30, Jlock 4; the north site
of Lot 29, Block 3; the south side of Lots 1 ant 36, thu uest . de
of Lots 19 to 36, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 to 18, molds
ive, Block 9; the south side of Lots 1 and 36; the west side of
Lots 19 to 36, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 to 18, inclusive
Block 10, Oakley Subdivision; the west side of Lots 12 to 22, in-
clusive, the north side of Lots 1 and 22, the east side of Lots 1
to 11, inclusive, Block 10; the west side of 12 to 22, inclusive,
the east side of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 9; the south side
of Lots 12 and 13, the east side of Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, Block
1; ?'Waverly Subdivision; the east side of the north 237.6 feet of
the west 289.06 feet of Section 35, Township 1 north, s n :3 1 west
Ithe east side of the south 49.5 feet of the west 262.06 feat of
Section 26, 'Township 1 north, ienpe 1 west; the east side of Lots
to 13, inclusive, Block 26; the south side of Lots 1 and 36, the_
east side of Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, Block 11; 141441i1417404.
a �A GAG n atirn
the east side of Lots 1 to 11, Black 80he west side of Lots 19 to
36, inclusive, Block 11; Oakley Subdivision; the west side of Lots
12 to 22, inclusive, the north side of Lots 1 and 22, Block 8, the
south side of Lots 12 __13 13, east side of Lots 1 to 12, in-
clusive, the west wide o7 sots 17 to 24, inclusive, Blocl`, 3; the
east side of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, t1s north silo or Lots 1 and
22, the west side of Lots 12 to 22, inclusive, Block 7; the es
silo of Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, the south side of Lots 12 ..nd 13,
the west side of Lots 13 to 16, inclusive, Block 4; the on-i side
of Lots 9 to ia, inclusive, th. asuth side of Lot 12, Bloch. 5; the
west side of Lots 13 to 24, inclusive, flock 1; the east side of
(Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, this west side of ',uL., lii to 24, ;ociusive,
Block 2, haverly Subdivision; Bs: _ _t'., oils of Lot., 13 n d 14, tir
west side of. Lott; li Cu 25, h7c7 2lBa: _ ',ido of
Lots 1 to 13, inclusive. of .B.ot.. i" _ li, the vies
side of Lots 14 to 26, i 1 ..,i r,, 27; f hots
1 to 13, inclusive, Binc.. 2B, _;he a 2ividion,
Survey, 415 VW
Gvaft,71 of torn ;J-:h'ics (25) 2set udci vd •
to collect unit tax.
SECTION 2. Said tax shall , "i>o ,:1invjuent in five
equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole .um unpaid a
the rate of six per cent per annum, eayable at the time each in-
stallment is due, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one year after the up
proval of the ordinance confirminc the levy of the tax for the pay
ment for such i.:provement; one-fifth thereof in two years after
such approval; one-fifth ther.bof in three years after such approve. ;
one-fifth thereof in four years after such approval; and one-fi fth
thereof in five years after.such approval. One.or more of said in
stallments, in the order in,which""they are payable, or the whole
special tax may be paid at any time within thirty days after the
epproval of the orainhrce confirming the levy of the tax, without
interest. In the event of any installment or the interest afoee-
said, nut being paid on the date the sane becomes due, the whole
amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said inetelhoeet and
interest ere due, shall oecorue -teen and ;_a. c.ble, and shn.11 draw in-
terest at the rate of eiCht per cent per annu* until sale of the
properjry assessed; provided, one or ;core installments, in the orde
in which they are peyable, or the whole special tax unpaid may be
paid on the day any installment becomes due, Ly paying; the eeount
thereof end interest to said date.
SEOTIGII 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Sidewalk Extension 1To. 129.
First Partial Estimate.
t'au;ed by .he City Counei.1 o" _h;.lt Lcirn City, ULh,
July 31, 1911, J,Mri e fer:r e,- to Car :yor
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