66 of 1915 - Amending Section 871 peddlers and hawkers -
ROLL CALL „-„ .,...... ,,, 7
VOTING Yes No `•i'1+(` ,,ra
Salt LakeLity,Utah, .i t.r......._191...;4-
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Passe by je Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, U 19 ... _..
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City Recorder- ...._...._---._.._.__._ ....--.-_
Mar r
ROLL CALL .>„ ,,, °°K^
VOTING • No kil - Sal
We In the matter of Bill No. 66, for an ordinance
Idle __....__
amending Sec. 871, regarding peddlers and hawkers;
awrence _- —
I move that the ordinance be taken out of the hands
lords ._. ---
_ ___ of the Committee of the Whole And taken up in
-- regular order for conside tion.
(„— /
Chairman Comm ttee o the Whole
T ° TZtrtT
ssed by the Bard Co Lake City,Utah__... June 29 191 b
(--1\(,),), q _._ „..5,1
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Salt I May 19, 191..
Morris I move that the ordinance,be passed.4
Mr.Chairman . . . _ _
An ordinance amending Section 871 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City of 1913, as contained in Chapter 33 of
said Ordinances relating to licenses, as amended by en ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
Deoember 16, 1913.
BT. IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 871 of the Revises+Ordinances
of Salt Lake City of 1913, as contained in Chapter 33 of said
Ordinances relating to licenses, as amended by an ordinance pass-
ed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December
16, 1913, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as
Sec. 871. Peddlers and hawkers. It shall be unlawful
for any person to peddle or offer for sale, barter or esohange
at retail, any garden or farm produce, fruits, butter, eggs,
puultry, fish, game or any other goods, wares or merchandise
whatsoever, or any tickets, coupons or receipts representing
value or redeemable in services, photographs, works of art,
goods or merchandise whatsoever, in, upon or along any street
of Salt Lake City, without first obtaining a license so to do.
It shall be unlawful for any person, under any oiroum-
stances, to peddle any goods, wares or merchandise whatsoever,
in, upon or along any of the following streets, towit:
South Temple Street from Second East Street to First
West Street, First South Street from Second East Street to
First West Street, Seoond South Street from Second East Street
to First West Street, Third South Street from Seoond East
Street to First West Street, Fourth South Street from Seoond
East Street to First West Street, State Street from First North
Street to Fifth South Street, Main Street from First North
Street to Fifth South Street, West Temple Street from First
North Street to Fifth South Street; and no license shal l be
granted to any person to peddle in, upon or along the said
streets above described.
Licenses for peddling for the purposes and under the
restrictions set forth may be issued upon the payment of the
following sums per annum:
For a license to peddle vegetables, fruit, garden produc- ,
butter, eggs, poultry, fish and game, 425.00 per year or/part
thereof for eaoh wagon or stand so employed.
For license to peddle lee cream, $40.00 for each wagon,
stand or push cart so employed.
For lioense to peddle bread, cakes or bakers' produote,
$15.00 for eaoh wagon, stand or push cart so employed.
For a license to peddle fruit, vegetables, farm or garde,
produce, or bakers' produce by hamper or otherwise than by a
push Dart, stand or wagon, $10.00 for eaoh hamper so employed.
For a license to peddle or sell coupons, tiokets or
receipts representing value or redeemable by any person, firm or
association to apply in part or in Hill payment on services,
photographs, works of art, goods or merohandise of any kind
whatsoever, for each person so peddling, $25.00. ea
'4'2 —
For a license to peddle peanuts or popcorn, ' for
each wagon, stand or push Daft so employed.
For a license to peddle dry goods, household appliances,
wares and notions of any kind, 4'75.00; but for the peddling of
these articles last enumerated a license may be issued upon the
payment of 410.00 per day, if the applicant desires a license for
a less period than six months.
The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to per-
sons peddling or offering for sale butter, eggs, fruit, vegetables
or poultry raised or produced by themselves, but it shall be unlaw-
ful for such persons to peddle the aforesaid products unless they
shall register their name, residence, oocupation and "number of
wagons used or to be used by them in peddling said products by a
sworn statement in the office of the license assessor of Salt Lake
City, and secure therefrom a plate for eaoh wagon to be tised,show-
ing the business they are engaged in and the year for which the
same is issued, the said plate to be furnished by the license
assessor upon payment of a fee of $1.00 for each plate.
It shall be unlawful for any person to mingle and sell the
produce of another with his own, or to mingle and sell with his
own produce any produce purohased from another, without procuring
the license required for a produce vendor herein.
It shall be unlawful for any peddler or vendor licensed
o regis r d under the pr visionsof t1.00. nce, to ring a
bell or gong,,1/4or in loud voice cry his wares for sale.
Only one person may peddle with each wagon, but each such
peddler may be accompanied by one driver or attendant who shall
•ot peddle.
Any person keeping produce, goods, wares and merchandise
of any description at a private residence and solicng trade
therefor in person or by agents, or by telephone, and delivering
the same, shall be deemed a peddler or produce vendor under the
provisions of this ordinance, and shall be required to procure a
license therefor, and shall not operate under a merchant's license.
It shall be unlawful to peddle any medicine, nostrum or
remedy of any character or description, and no license shall be
issued for such purpose.
Nothing in this section contained shall be construed to
or cured
permit the peddling of fresh meat, and the peddling of the same
is hereby forbidden.
No license shall issue for a less term than six months,
e$oeot for a day rate as hereinbefore provided, except that when
cati,Qf therefor ib made after the first day of Juiy of any
Application is approved by the license asse3sbr;
t ie lioeizea ahs 1 issue"far the unexpired portion of the year,
ond.tho lieeneeashall berequired to pay only for suokOftexp3.ted
pFjrtion; provided, however, that the license to peddlervvgetablI ,
uit, g&Tien p€oduce, butter, eggs, poultry, fish andgeme,
shall be 025.00 per year or any portion thereof. Each license
shall be numbered, and eaoh person to whom such license is issue, j
shall fasten upon the right side of any vehicle which he may use
in his business in such manner that the same may be plainly seen
a metallic plate to be furnished by the license assessor bearing
the license number of the lioenseeand the year for which it is
issued, - - ' "" #r"• Por such plate the
licensee shall pay the sum of twenty-five cents; and persons
peddling their own produce under the provisions of this ordinano
shall be required to affix the plate furnished to them by the
license assessor upon the right side of their vehicles in a
similar manner.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effete tx a firs
Passed by the Board of Commissioner of Salt Lake City-
Utah, June 29th 1915.
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