66 of 1920 - Chapter 33, adding eleven new Sections 849X1 to 849X11 relating to card tables and card rooms ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Slay_8, 19.20, 192 Burton Crabhe - I move that the ordinance be passed- Green —_ • C Neslen ,Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE • An Ordinance amending chapter 33 of the Rarised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, by adding :in and to raid c,lat er eleven new sections to be known as Sections 8=1, 04972, e.,,3, 3i-9 4, / 049X5, 849X6, 849X7, 840 8, 849X9, 049_;:10 and 849X7.1, rolat:in-p to the licensing and repww-latimp o:_ card rooms and card tables. Be it ordained by the Board of •Jownissione_•s of ,Jalt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter 33 of the 1evised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, be and. the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter eleven 1now sections to be tio-c1 as Sections 849X1, 8492:2, 849X3, 849h4, 849:.3, 849:6, 849<i7, 8,_9X8, 849X0, G49:a0 and 849X11, which shall road as follows: SECTION 849X1. It shall be u-_l.awfal for any person, club, association Or corporation to keep, maintain or operate any room, in Salt Lake City, open • o the public, in Which games of cards are played, or any table oT: which „ . es of cards are played in any sioch room; or aly room where cards are played, or any table on which cards are %layed, where charge is Made for the use of the row, use of the ;able, or for the privilege of playing on such table, or in such room, without first obtain- ina a license. SECTION 849X2. It shall be unlawful for any club, asso- ciation or corporation to keep, maintain or operate for the use of its members or guests any room in Salt Lake City in which games of cards.are - played or any table on h -1- I I 1 .. which games of cards are imdTkikboals )laved without first obtaining a license so to do. i SECTION 849X3. It shall be unlawful for any person, {� club, association or corporation, licensed under the provi- 1 signs of this ordinance, to permit or allow in, on or at L licensed premises any game of cards to be played behind door, or. in any locked, barred or barricaded Ilocked, barred or barricaded/room, or other place equipped in such manner as to make it difficult of access or ingress! ' to, police officers, or to keep or maintain in, on, or at said licensed premises what is commonly known as a look-outs or any signal or `alarm device, electric buzzer, or any de- i Ivice or agency capable of being used, or used, as a means of giving warning of the presence orapproach of police office 6• It shall be unlawful for any person to play cards be- hind any locked, barred or barricaded door, or in any locked, Ibarred or barricaded room in, on or at any premises licensed 11 under the provision of this ordinance, or where and when i I I what is commonly called a look-out is maintained, on said 1 licensed premises, or where and when said place is eguippedl with signal or alarm devices, electric buzzers, or any de- vice or agency capable of be9ng used, or used, as a means of giving a warning of the presence or approach of police I officers. SECTION 8491:4. Every applicant for: such license shall 1 make application therefor to the License Assessor and Col- 1 11 lector of Salt Lake City, and shall. kith his ::.__�plication i j file a statement under oath, showing the street and house 1 1 number of the place where he proposes to 'keep, maintain, conduct or operate said card room or table, the name of th 'i club, association or corpsnatio inAr which, or for or byl which he is operating, and the number of tables used or ini tended to be used in said place. I SECTION 8.4975. The application for such license,sto- } L 1 j , • ! 'I i ii gether with the sworn statement of the a plicant a.'oresai d, shall, by the License :assessor and Collector, be presented to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City at its next! �� regular meeting, and. shall by said board be referred to the il ! Chief of Police for the investigation and report, and he it shall within five days after receiving such applicati.on,mak$ report to the Board of Commissioners of the general reputa- 1 tion and character of the person Rix43022=1= making such ap-I il plication; the general reputation and character of the pla.e sought to be licensed; the general reputation of the person who habitually patronize or frequent said place; the naturel and kind of business conducted at said place by the appli- ! i cant or any other person, or by said applicant at any other! place; whether intoxicating liquors are or have been served! II or permitted to be drunk at said place; whether ;amblink ofi II any description has been carried on or indulged in at said. place; whether known gcaiblers operate, maintain, conduct orl I or play at are in charge of/any card game or are eoployed in or about 1 1 i said earl rooms; whether said place is or has been conducted. 1 Ii in a lawful, quiet and orderly manner; and he shall add thereto his reco:,o endation as to the prantin or denying oil 1 II said application Tor license. i I ;II Upon receipt of said report from the Chief of Police, the Board shall act upon said application as it shall ii j deem just and proper in regard to granting er denying the I 4. same. j It is also hereby :wade the duty of the Chief of 1 Police after a license has been grated to operate and m<aint- i ! i, tain card rooms and tables, to investigate and examine anyplace '{ licensed as such, and :if it ...hall ,,;:pear _from nick investig.- I. tion and examination: that the general re station or charact r i, of the person to 'whom such license has been z':nted, or thai i the general reputation or character of the _%ersons employed in, frequenting, resorting to or entertainer at said place I� I 41 is bad, or that my law of the State or ordinance of the c:ily I! has been violated in said place since t'h _.e anh of such it J� s .1license, or if said place since the la:tin_ of such license' li I has not been conducted in a lawful, duiet and 1eaceable man-r • i ner, the Chief-of 'Police shall at once report the pea ticula]t i facts in regard to such matters, or any of them, or any other 1 matter in regard to which said board should be advised, to 1( the Board of Commissioners, with his recomne_dation in regard i to revoking such license, which hoard shall take ouch action in regard to the revotsation of such license as it may deer. I just an.0 right. 1 SECTION 849N6. Me yearly license fee for conducting card rooms or tables for the playing of card games 'shall bel 1 "26.00 per year or say 'nerd thereof, for each ,:lace where 9 such games are co.�du tee'., except that for the balance of the i li year 1920, the license fee shall be ' 15.00 SECTION 849N7. It „ball be unlawful for any ::e-rson, [ club, association or corppoaation licensed under the provi- sions of this: ordinance, 0:: the agent, manager, or represen- tative of such licensee to permit or allow any person under ill li the age of twenty-one years to enter, visit, frequent, or re- 1 I il main in any room :here card tables are being operated, or '1 where games of cards are being played, at said licensed gre4- I 1 miles. i SECTION 849X8. It shall be unlawful for any person, club, 3 association orcorporation licensed under the provisions ofl i i this ordinance, or the agent, rierca er or representative of I such licensee, lnowin •ly to employ, hire or suffer any Imo+ 1 II gambler to conduct any card game or to ~ork in or about anyl li card room or table at said licensed promises. '' I 1I SECTION 849f9. It shall be unlawful for cy person, clip, li association or co:To:•ation licensed under the provisions 1 1 this ordinance, or the „gent, manager, or representative oil -4_ J ii li it such licensee, to suffer or permit the use of said card rooms or tables for the playing of cards, or for any person to play cards on any such table or in any such room, on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, or between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and nine o'clock A.E. of any day. SECTION 849X10. The license of any person for the operation of- card tables may be revoked by the Board of Corn missionersof Salt Lake City at any time upon notice and hearing, for violation of any ordinance of Salt Lake City i or law of the State of Utah, or for any other good and jj sufficient reason. 1. SECTION 849X11. Nothing in this ordinance shall be con- strued, as a license or perdssion for the playing of cards for money or any thing of value, or for any hind of gaming or gambling. SECTION II. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, Hit is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the city that' I I t`tis ordinance become effective io:medi :tely. SECTION III. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, I Utah, this l, day of Lkay, A. D. 102 — -� 1 J 1 1 Ea y r. I1 i .17 i'Ty=eco-rder. i .. ..,._1,:. t z:„_,,..>z ,,,, elks t6,1,- Ackl—1 . i ,..... 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