66 of 1950 - Vacating all of Jordan Addition. in Section 3, T.l S., R.l W., SLIVI and certain streets, and alley ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah,'" 27 I95I - ,195
Affleck - _ I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . .
Lingenfelter . . I
Romney . . .
Mr. Chairman . . , AN/ORDINANCE
Result I I II
AN ORDINANCE VACATINWALL OF Jordan Addition in Section
3, T. 1 S., R 1 W., S. L. , and certain streets, alleys and
avenues in said Addition, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
tt.e City, Utah:
4 tI SECTION I. That all of Jordan Addition in Section 3, T.
iL'' 1 S., R. 1 W., S. L. M., and certain streets, alleys and avenues in
5 said Addition, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described
as follows:
Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 3,
T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S.L.M.; thence running west 594 ft.; thence
south 618.75 ft.; thence north 76° �5' East 783 ft.; thence
north 83° east 3t46 ft.; thence north 3° east 132 ft.; thence
north 83° east 330 ft.; thence north 3° east 84 ft.; thence
north 340 east 162.4 ft.; thence west 940.5 ft. to place of
Jordan Street: Commencing at a point 594 ft. west and
265 ft. south from the northeast corner of Section 3, T.1 S.,
• R. 1 W., S.L.M.; thence east 957 ft. along the north line of
Jordan Street; thence south 66 ft. to the south line of
Jordan Street; thence west along the south line of Jordan
Street 957 ft. to a point due south of the point of beginning;
thence north 66 ft. to the point of beginning.
Marathon Avenue - sometimes known as 13th West Street:
Commencing at a point 319 ft.west and 33 ft. south from the
northeast corner, Section 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 W.; S.L.M.; thence
south along the west line of Marathon Avenue 507.65 ft. to the
south line of said addition; thence north 76° 15t east 68 ft.
to the east line of Marathon Avenue; thence north along the
east line of Marathon Avenue 501.5 ft. to a point due east of
v the point of beginning; thence west 66 ft. to the point of
Central Avenue sometimes known as Navajo Street:
Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Jordan
Addition, such corner being 22 ft. east and 33 ft. south from
the northeast corner of Section 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 W. S.L.M.;
thence south along the west line of Central Avenue �435 ft.;
• thence north 76° �5' East 68 ft.; thence north 418.9 ft. along
the east line of Central Avenue to a poiht due east of the
point of beginning; thence west 66 ft. to the point of
South Temple Street: Commencing at the northeast corner
of Section 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S.L.M.; thence running west
594 ft.; thence south 33 ft.; thence east 1512.25 ft.; thence
north 34° east 39.75 ft.; thence west 940.5 ft. to the place
of beginning.
River Drive - sometimes called 12th West Street Jordan
Addition: Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block
2, Jordan Addition, such corner being 363 ft. east and 33 ft.
south from the northeast corner of Section 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 W ,
S.L.M.; thence south along Ithe west line of River Drive 375.1:
ft. to the south line of said addition; thence north 83° east
66.5 ft. to the east line of River Drive; thence north along
the east line of River Drive 361.2 ft. to a point due east
of the point of beginning; thence west 66 ft. to the point
of beginning.
Alley - intersecting Blocks 2, 3, and 4 - Jordan Additio
Commencing at a point 594 ft. west and 143 ft. south of the
northeast corner of Section 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S.L.M.; thence
east along the north boundary of said alley 957 ft.; thence
south 12 ft.; thence west along the south boundary of said
alley 957 ft. to a point due south of the point of beginning,
thence north 12 ft. to the point of beginning.
Alley - intersecting Blocks 5 and 6 and part of Block 7,
Jordan Addition: Commencing at a point 594 ft. west and 441
ft. south of the northeast corner of Section 3, T. 1 S., R. 1
W. S.L.M.; thence south 12 ft.; thence east along the south
line of said alley 671 ft. more or less to the south boundary
of said addition; thence north 76° i5, east along the south
boundary of said plat 46.87 ft. more or less, to a point wher;
the south boundary of said plat intersects the south line of
Lot 10, Block 7, Jordan Addition; thence west along the north
line of said alley 726.54 ft. to the point of beginning.
Alley - intersection south portion of Block 6, Jordan
Addition: Commencing at a point 108 ft. west and 453 ft. sout ,
from the northeast corner of Section 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S.L
M.; thence west 15 ft.; thence south 50.47 ft. more or less
to the south line of said addition; thence north 76° �51 east
15.44 ft. to the east line of said alley; thence north 46.8
ft. to the point of beginning.
Alley or street on south side of Block 5, Jordan Additio
Commencing at a point 594 ft. west and 563 ft. south from the
northeast corner, Section 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S.L.M.; thence
south 55.75 ft. to the southwest corner of Jordan Addition;
thence north 76° �51 east 234.55 ft. more or less to a point
where the south line of said addition intersects the south
line of Lot 21, Block 5, Jordan Addition; thence west 227.88
ft. to the point of beginning;
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description now located on, in, under or over the confines
of the above described property and also subject to the right of
entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repair-
ing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and
all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall,take.effect upon its
first publication. n(} n
ws 'C:.
Passed by ,the.Boar"d of Commtssionerwlt,da Lake City,
Utah, this 2.7a.. clay of , A "D. h9>
City Recorder.
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Fx JJ1.. She1a, Depty , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance_ vacating ell ot _Jordan Addition in Section 3, 1 S.,
1 VI— oeTta-i-n—st-ree-t-s-3---aIIeys---and---emenues--in---sa-i-d---
A-ddition—in -Salt Lake 13-tah-H
June 27th,
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, bEsc1950
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said‘SitT,,,ty 13th day of June, 1950 P90)Ex
•L',4:, DILL NO. 66 ,7"\\ C y Recorder.
• Deputy
July 3 1950 Tscpc__,
6 6
4� AN ORDINANCE east of the point of beginning;
AN ORDINANCE VACATING AU thence west 66 ft. to toe point
of Jordan Addition in Section 3,T of beginning.
• �' 1 8.,R. 1 W.,8.L.51.,and certain ALLEYS TO BE VACATED
CO 4freers, nlleys tl a en s In altl Alley—lntersect[A Block' 2, 3,
`� Atltll Llon, (n 6alt Lnke Clty, UEeh nntl 4—Jordan Adtlition: Com-
L� I Be it ortlalnetl by the Board 1 m ing at n point 594 tt. west
`\ '` Commissioners of Salt Lake Clty and c193[t south of the northeast
J -k-1 1 Utah: ., aJ M,, b 3,T. L S..R.1
d A\�tp ` SECI'fOh 1. That 11 1 Doreen W"•5. L. M,; thence east along
-a Addition(n Section LaT. 1 S..R.t the orth boundary f ltl )ly
SsY all certain streets west
south 12 u thence
ay�11,^, alleys and avenuesin said Addl- wet loyg the nth boundary of
C . lion, ul Salt Lake City, Utah,more 0mid00t alley 9e7 to a begot due
part OcBOU as follows; south of the point of beginning,
A� •�1 EXTERIOR BOUNDARY OF thence north 12 ft to the point
JORDAN s Dthe 000 beginning{
Commencing t the r,,, Arley ater of Block
Blocks 5 aid
n ^ 6 - pastofBlock7, .locust,
1 W., S. L. to.; thence to Ing 594ftn Commencing a[ a point
ig thence southfit 594 ft. ft •.nh
3 .; 03 1S.at erfj0000erefseettne3Tloon
East 783 ft.; thence north th tt°n3,T1S. R1W $ L5f;
deg. east 346 ft.; thence north thence south 12 ft.; thence cost
3 deg.east 132 ft; thence north along the south line of said al-
CO q 83 de a t 330 ft.;thence north 3 ley 671 ftmore e r less to the
�1 deg.east 84 ft; thence north 34 south boundary t aid addition;
�I-.. deg. east 162,4 ft; thence west thence north 76 deg. 15. ea L
V 940.5 ft to place of beginning along the south boundary r,f.lid
STREETS TO BE VACATED plat 46.87 ft or lees, toes
p • JORDAN TEET" eat and clog point wnert the more
sQ t a point"'Al;ft west antl 265of said plat intersects the south
ap ft south from the northeast P o line of Lot 10, Block 7 Jordan
CC n, r of Section 3,T. 1 S.,R 1 W Addition; thence west along the
Se L.M.,thence east 957 ft. long north line of said alley 726.54 ft
CD the north line Of Jordan Street. to the point of beginning,
60 j- thence south 66 ft to the s°uth Alley —Intersecting south po[-
W Ilse of Cordon StePt:thence es[ tins of Block 6,Jordon Addition:
'C along the so th tine of Jortlen Commencing at a point 108 ft.
V Street 957 fl. to point due w st antl corner
th from the
.0 south of the point of beginning; northeast a of Section 3,T.
O of beginning.north 66 ft.of
the paint t S„ R. 1°W., S. L. M.; thence
4B west 15 ft.;thence south 50.47 ft.
m MARATHON AVENUE--SOME. aid addition;to
or less o the south e of
3 R WEST deg. IS.eat 15.44 ft tonorth 76
the east
319 ft west and 33 at
ft aoouth line of said alley, thence north
from the northeast corner,Section 96,8 ft to the point of begin-
3. T. 1 S. R. 1 W, S. L. M.; sing.
W thn ece outh along the west stine Ailev o street 0 nth side of
= -' of Marathon Avenue 507.65 ft Biec r k 5, Jordan Addition, Cnm-
'^the south line of said addition- eantl menelng
fat saupoint
594h ft.
r lit
Q Hence north as deg. 15' ,ast rst c a',Huth on 3, e 1 LS.,
68 it. to tit e t Roos of along the R. I W., S. L. M., thence south
then h Avenue thence north t5 the 55.75 ft. to the southwest corner at Tina pf Marathon Ave. 5 the
ft. to a point due stet of the of Jordan Addition; thence noth
polut of beginning; thence was: 76 deg, 1> east 239.55 ft. more
Q 66 ft.to the point f beginning, r less to a point where the soutn
CENTRAL AVENUE — SOME- line of said addition intersects
riRES KNOWN AS N.4VAJO the south line f Lot 21, Block
-0 49 STREET: Commencing al the 5, Jordan Addition; ttheet v
northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 227.88 ft. to the point of o���•�+++¢ N 3, Jordan Addition, such corner a OB,tl 600 same a hereon e
j G being 22 ft.east and 33 ft.south ed anon declared n longeraCd,
Cr from the northeast corner of o to be
Section 3,T. 1r S.,R.1 W., S.L. public property for e 5 streets.
�. M.: thence south along the west ,Salds vacation or rs Pedemoderi expressly
line Of ofnorth Central Avenue
deg. 15'35 East subject to all existing rights xof way
W▪ X 68 ft.;thence north 418.9 ft.along and easements of all public utilities
2 the east line of Central Avenue of al” andevely description w
to a point due east of the point located , In, under or over the
-O 4,,,.. of beginning; thence west 66 ft confines of the above described prop-
gI n to the point of beginning. eery and also subject to the right
�4�..�� SOUTH T E M P LE STREET: of entry thereon Inc the purpose of
y� Commencing at the northeast r. inspecting, maintaining, repairing,
4 t of Section 3.T.1 S.,R.10W., relncing. re oving, altering -
m S.L,M.; thence running west 594 routing sold utilities and all rof
ft.;thence south 33 ft.;thence east them.
1512.25 ft.; thence north 34 deg., SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
east 39.75 ft.;thence west 940.5 ft. Board of Commissioners,It is neces-
to the place of beginning. nary to the peace,health and safety
RIVER DRIVE — SOMETIMES of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City
CALLED 12TH WEST STREET, that this ordinance shall become et•
JORDAN ADDITION:Commencing fective immediately.
at the northeast corner of Lot 1 SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
Block 2,Jordan Addition.such cor- take effect upon its first publication.
south being 363 ft.east and 33 rt. Passed by the Board ofControls-
southouth from the northeast corner of stoner'of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
Section 3,T.1 S.,R.1 W.,S.L.M.; 27th day of Jude,A.D.1950.
thence south along the west line EARL J. GLADE
of River Drive 375.16 ft, to the Mayor
south line of said addition;thence IRMA P.HITNER
north 83 deg.east 66.5 ft,to the City Recorder
east tine of River Drive; thence (SEAL)
northalong the east line of River BILL NO. 66
361.2 f t. to a paint due Published July 3rd,1950.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt I:Ike J
f Jordan Addition in Section 3,T.
1 S.,,R.I W.,S.L.M.,and certain
Addition, even a es in said
in ysSatdLake City, Utah.
Be It ordained by the Board of
Colnmiaslonera of Salt Lake City. � '? '!
StIlt: 1/f ✓�T" V
A dECT„ON ectiont3,all of
It S.�0Ra1
W. S. M., and ee, streets, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that<he is the ad-
Ileye end avenues In staid Addi-
tion,In Salt Lake e Cf, Utah,more
particularly orser;bed .,a follows: vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper.
f Section 3. T.
I P-the t published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
W., S. L. M.; thence in ing
west 594 ft.; thence south 618.- of Utah.
75 ft.; thence ncrth 76 dig, li'
East 703 f4:; thence north 83
deg. east 346 ft.; thence north
3'deg•east 132 ft.: thence north
63 t 8 J30 tt h Ehe10r north 3 That the advertisement
deg.east 84 .4 t.;m to north west
84Fg.0E ft.
162.4 of.; thginnie west
9§°.5 fE.to Place of beginning. FF
STREETS BE Commencing
7':(1 <]1''.x 7 I.0 Y1I:C j11 ,'.tn„ `lO
tOa point
STREET; a tlnmeuc lug
at a Point d94 he,west and oi-
ne south from northeast. cW,,
2r of .,thence 3,
a 1 S.,7 R.1 W„
L.art thence rda it.along _.
the north line of Jordan Street:
thence a ouch 66 ft. to the south
ale o the south
Jordan Street;thence west
along s it. line of of lOdan
5:rect lit St. tot a Raj t„nee
south onorthhe noldt oo th n'mint
hence north 66 ft. to t paint
of MogIwT„f;N,, ilDld i - was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
STREET;Cooarfn Wg at d total
o he nerih wi'ccTrrne,1t.i; 44ptn day of A.D.19
S., ine
thence.a Ith along the: west line
in theasouthnlinAvenue
of said°a da ti n; and was published o R T u 1.y 3, 1)5 0
thence 1r3oytli,7,6 deg.015' case
Imn.lay.u"^once north along the
,XE t ,Mnrtthonr6,Ave.,50,14� the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
;Aollq Tel g:ruln'itrmce west
Aglge A ENUe nag°50124- day of A.D.19
„TTRREET; Commencing at the
o5thl89yy1_corner of Let 1, Block
3, Jo}da0 Addition, such c \ / i
being 22 ft.rest and 33 ft.south _ t r -
from the northeast corner f Section n T.1 S.,R.1 W.,S.L. Advertising Clerk
M.; thence south along the west
line of Central Avenue 433 ft.;
thence north 76 dog.13' East
68 1t;thence north 416.9 ft.along
the east line of Central Avenue
to a point due east
of the.point
thence west 66 ft.
t �l L Yl
of beginning; thn the paint of beginning. o before me this day of
Cominencingat the northeast r - \
Section T.1 5.,R 1 A.D.19
thence cunning westonce cast
13 25f•.:I..3 r.:.h 34 cast
1512E 25 i'.: hither r cr:h 14 Leg..
eav 29.7a it.:'.hence wn,st 9aR.5 ft.
place iif brginn Sig.
JO h northeast corner,cY,. Lot I eoling /�
Block 9 Jordan dditi h cer- N �I��o/i'V�L--kA�_-)t
atnor n being n the It.
r me_tl Notary Public
Section 3.'9.1 S.,R.1 W.corner
thence. nth along the west line
of River Arlve 375.16 ft. to the
south iine of In id addition;thence
north 83 deg,et 65.5 ft,to the 1
east line of RIv'er Dive; thence
north along the east line of River
D':ht 361.2 it. to a imint dui
Bet of e e paint et h/g n,nlrg-
thence west. 66 ft. Sc Lie point
of beginning.
Alley—ie1eerecnn6 Blocks 3,
and 1-�Ior'dan Addition: Cmm�-
ncing at a Point b91 it. west
a1d 143 ft south of the northeast
Weeof Section to 1 s., R. 1
S. bf., thence a along
the north
M boundarysouth or said ence
tool ftl,thence south 1h ft.;thence
watt along the south hounds,o of
.sold alley 9.5'1 ft. to a point bdue
south of the ft. of e point g,
thence north 12 St.to the,point cf
Alloy--intersecting 11 t of Blocks. .5 sod
6 end part of Block 't,
Addition:eat andci ng at a soil,o¢t
of4 te. west and tL. Sc-
410 the northeast
..14 corner
then 3.sT.ot 5..lL.1 W Ile ofeL.0001
thence heath lh in; thence e
the f south line Is said ale
ley 691 unt. m rid toohe
south boundary rot del. addition:' as
hence north deg. 15' east
tilting the south boundary
e o d
poi 4nh Cl.fE.h r f ss,boundary a
of said
wheat the more
IS solf Lot 0, Block the ninth
dd of Lot Sleek 7. Jordan
northAddition; thence west. along the.
isth line n[said alley n16.5;fL
to the p. t of tinnlno.
Alley-l intersect.,Jordan
south Por-
tion Commencing
t .lordan Addition:
westand .5 a let them
wart eas ass iL.a Se 1 t me
northeast corn S.
Sectionthe tT.
1 s, It. 1 Wthence south
th Lon 51.
most o f t.:thence south 111:1 of
more r lase. oath]the of
41g.aid 15'rest
1 thence north 'll
line ofeast SSins ft,t north
4ee of said aele y', thence n ngrn-
nin ft. to the point of begin-
Alley or moat onA ion side of
Block g, Jordan Atldltlon: west
mencing t a 11point1594 ft. west
d 563 fe,south ooboe the n1r S.,
art corner, section h,tT.hence
1 Sh
10R. I ft.�tS.L.he so hwest south
of.'J Joft.rdan
to the southwest thence
e c corner
of Jleg, 1' earl 2 thenft.noth
76 deg. a east where ft.Ile more
or loss to a point where the.route
tloe of said addition Intersects, Bl
the south line of Lot 21, Bloc,
.08 an Addition;p thence we
ft. to the paint of be and the sans a Itorcb➢ vac,
ed and declared n longer to be
public pinperry for use as streets.
• alleys or 00131 es ways.
Wltlerd s't Galion k m slo 5 01 fad'
Rod et to all cots till rl;hts w
and easements of all description
utilities ow
of a and every cr Or over
located o node[s r poor-
Poly sold confine,of the above je described tee prop-
of e trod also .subject e the right
of entry thereon ro the prepairing.
epare of
inspecting, maintaining, a'epar e,
rou S 1'd t1110 altering orre-
said utilities and all ef
SECTION 2. the itopinion of the
sary of Commissioners,eace, It lc n
ar't to hhe peace,health naI and edtety
thatthe Is or dlr.cis of all Lake Cet-
that this ordinance shall become sf-
1r immediately.
SECTION effect.
3-This o altall td name
take effect.upon ifs Board
f Ccin lhn.
Passed IS Ilte ke ai of tit,this
aol1clone.of salt Le, City,Utah,this
?nth day of June,A.D. 1
City Recorder
Published July lid.1950.