66 of 1960 - Amending Section 215 of Title 46, Chapter 14, of Traffic code of R.O., 1955, prohibiting driving thr ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, 1"Y i .4.9.[A 196
Christensen v' ^T I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Geurts . . . ✓
Piercey .
Romney . . ✓ — . �'
Mr.Chairman . V AN ORDI N E
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 215 of Title 46, Chapter 14, of the
Traffic Code of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955,
relating to cutting through private property.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION I, That Section 215 of Title 46, Chapter 14 of the
Traffic Code of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955,
relating to cutting through private property, be, ,and the same hereby
is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 215. Cutting throe h corners. No driver of a motor
vehicle, motorcycle or ve c e of any'kind, shall drive through
any private driveway or private property, such as an oil station
or lot, or similar area, whether vacant or not, with intent to
avoid obedience to any traffic regulation set forth in this code;
and no person shall drive a motor vehicle, motorcycle or any
other vehicle through any private driveway, lot or similar area,
where any business establishment, manufactory, retail store,
drug store, cafe, confectionary, drive-in food and drink estab-
lishment, or drive-In market, or any other kind of a business or
trade is maintained or carried on, for the purpose and with the
intent of avoiding obedience to any traffic regulation or for
the purpose and with the intent of harrassing and annoying the
owner thereof or his patrons. Driving by any person of a motor
vehicle upon or through any such private driveway, lot or similar
area without stopping shall constitute prima facie evidence of
a violation of this section."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 19th day of May , 1960.
TemporaryyC airman
y Reco
( S E A
BILL NO. 66 of 1960
Published May , 1960
�7 03
Affidavit of Publication
County of.Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE ' U M 0 e.Ice y
Section 216,-of Title 46. Chanter'
11,of the Traffic Cede of the it, Beingfirst duly
_cikd vOrdt60i0cees rof
atin&itt Lakecut=1 sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
ling th oea"i v.rrt0 0009erto. of clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
C6mmleelpners of sou Lake Cite,
Utah: GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
SECTION 1. That Section 215
Trafficic46,ode hailer.the I eafothle�; lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
f sou Latae GUY, vtph.l Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,irivate y, mend throukh�� y }, in the State of Utah
<eproperty,, amer be,tend trea as
hereby la, amended to read
"Se216.Cutting through n That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
b .Na adver of a moler vehleie.l.
,shall drive or chicle of any rt ale,
Rau sae oil station
am not,or i?it .Lake I its Fii.l1 No 66 of 1.960.,
drivcwaY o private nproPertY, J
nn oi ta'ioh lot, or
yimllaµaarea. whether vacant r
Meow" ntent to ovol'i bc-
!.ii.g tp an trafrc irVS8ien- An Jrdinance relating to cutting
SSect forth in lve code; and o)•,
)otor .hail r tr a m for vehicle,
motorcycle or tar vahiple
hrouih any e.r1 y e odc"'aii Y,lot
tl ml:ty rnent.re a bps4 Z through private property.
retail p sstore;h drug•store,eccafe. •
confectionery. drive-in food nand'
drink establishment,'or drive-in
a ket. D any other kind f a t
the maintained ar
c iith the nntent f val_dine abe-
Idreor for'the pany ose led with!ion the]
Intent of harassing s and.annoying.:
the wn thereof or 1,15 patrons.
Drivinv be any person of'a motoe 1
vehicle nor through any h.
private driveway, lot similar was publishedin said newspaper on
without stopping Hall con.I
Pr+ma fede aVIdenee oof Me.y 27, 1.960 Ioletion of this e opinion
a SECTION 2. vn the opinion of
the Beard of CommlgStoners rt 1
n foat to the a ttto of alt
Lety f the 1nhis or in f Sbe-
ake City that this ordinance be-
ffective Immedi�s rely.shall.take 11 T9E )'o is first
take effect Dpn its first
pu •
Pat d by the Hoard) of Cen
Is 1 s f Salt Lake City, --- /-. )
UUtah thls l9th d f Mr,1960 . Legal Advertising Clerk-{-.
L,Temporary Chairman.
tier CIrY'li dersen,
HILL NO.fib of 1060
.Published May 27.1060 (C-10)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31't day of
May A.D, 19 60
./ Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Novo 25, 1961.