66 of 1964 - Granting to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company (Union Pacific Railroad company, Lessee), a franc ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, September 30 , 196 b Christensen I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . / Harrison �- "///' /?--) Lie z-r Z L. Smart . . . . ' Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY (UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, LESSEE), ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A STANDARD GAGE RAILROAD SPUR TRACK IN AND ALONG THIRD WEST STREET EXTENDING SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY FROM A POINT OF SWITCH IN THE PRESENT INDUSTRIAL TRACK IN THIRD WEST AT APPROXIMATELY FIFTH SOUTH TO A POINT ON THE EAST SIDE OF THIRD WEST STREET A SHORT DISTANCE SOUTH OF FIFTH SOUTH, ALL IN SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH: Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company (Union Pacific Railroad Company, Lessee) , its successors and assigns, be, and the same hereby is, granted the right to construct, operate and maintain a standard gage railroad spur track in and along Third West Street, extending southerly and southeasterly from a point of switch in Third West Street at approximately Fifth South to a point on the east side of Third West Street a short distance southerly from Fifth South Street, all in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, the location of said spur track where it will be constructed in and along Third West Street being more particularly shown in yellow upon a print which is made a part of the petition, the description of the center line of said spur track being as follows: Beginning 1 foot north and 7.5 feet east of City mon. at 3rd West and 5th South Streets; thence southeasterly 70 feet through a No. 9 turnout with a frog angle of 6°22' to a point of curve to the left having a radius of 193.185 feet; thence southeasterly around said curve 111 feet to the west line of block. (Block 30, Plat "A" Salt Lake City Survey.) SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. 66 - 2 - SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 30th day of September, 1964. / ,7/- 7.1//d/(a MAYOR killitI414.‘09114C ORDER (S E A L) BILL NO. 66 of 1964 Published October 7, 1964 Omaha, Nebraska February 4, 1965 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH The undersigned, Oregon Short Line Railroad Com- pany, (Union Pacific Railroad Company, Lessee), hereby accepts the franchise and privileges contained in and given by the ordinance passed by the Mayor and Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 30, 1964, and pub- lished October 7, 1964, entitled: "An ordinance granting to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company (Union Pacific Railroad Company, Lessee), its successors and assigns, the right to construct, operate and maintain a standard gage railroad spur track in and along Third West Street extending southerly and south- easterly from a point of switch in the present industrial track in Third West Street at approx- imately Fifth South to a point on the east side of Third West Street a short distance south of Fifth South, all in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah." This acceptance is subject to all the terms and conditions contained in said ordinance. OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY (UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, LESSEE,) By President 66 ,_.;f I s , 0NN n ci o U . yi +n R '— 0 O O N N T -5"WEST P '7o ## o � _.A b..g2 'tm°L...mo,oi -I NSTpLL 26'yt�RtlUNp C.0 LE I 70` I � titi I KLLtJC;c..I J: tQ6 ti 1- TkK.LI'Y IN,,UUIIKti i,4':5 t':. TR L.KhjOV0E. 2 ,z OF t 1 .N 12 7 RRK 09E. 5L4.7"OF • I BLOCK 30 PL A : Q� I ,J - Z v - • f' SY a ,. O J u d a 1 7 , �f • GALL s-z s e-.0 T UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY INSTALL WHEEL 5TVP; Salt Lake City, Utah Proposed spur track at 3rd West and 5th South for Wycoff Co. Scale: 1" - 1001 Sept. 11, 1964 / UTAH DIVISION NO. 7037 LEGEND• Track shown outlined Yellow 66 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt.Lake Legal Notices ._ S C '.(i Ockey 1 AN ORDNANCE 1; rdinance n lI^4 la the Ole An Short ne rflToad ocgr7Y 1 1\lUnion Pi iUc essr4a ncomPanY• Y ,s Inns.�I' Being first fluty sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising jl'„e$ePyht las.^�'""' ppeta'.Ir ' ' clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- ahlaln 'ao aro�a�{�ar,,`a w Ohl�!o-aak In °,�,m�+af yl,=e+;n i GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in li1e a ant hlauet�iai llra<inh somh 'oe°rarnanprinnmoaslt 5 ae m Thi e ��wens°ir'�R snarl disian�e Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. f Fifth 5,ulh.nll, Sall Lake re nfl 1 Sall Lakeo COUn0 Salah'_ Yd alp o the Boar t Gomml;sioners t Salt Lake CIIY• 1 1,ah, o.g That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 1 spa i i,°NRa'lirnaa c`om�mi W ,,,,i,! _ P rl R 1 ad c. o a {f Salt L Se City bi.11_ No 66 of 1964 d ',. hlp \'11 ,i.',E,t,, crr:0:4v,,!,'0,;i1r.;gg,\( . , I stne.,I I An Ordinance U.r inting night a�' '7;y to Oregon t ad la.� Thaw tendieScull'f IV lr in?hlyd w from a ap'roxi eats lY S Ilk 5cuIS 1'i 'sreatnalnl t.silo of SMira West Street Ih Mort distance ith"I. Short Line itti Go• rlv from Filth South 5l reet•C a'Ilnitvk Salt Lake Gnfion5•i^ Lakc r ra d tah•the vlolta be c sl(u IctlU in n barge It y I T, pan. ThIrC Mown I Mel h„�n9 tl�n uaru:`nnrl�,l sn I maae�a Dart f etnlon.af''jir;ar Inn of file th rater line sn sour track being folo''' jt fact n0ath �as,eStereinir of city 1 3rdhN�ce � L�LL� a� nd ''' SOUIh feeets: Ua oS or 1 6"a o9U ah' 'hea"^'Y Jwun ";a was published in said newspaper on No. 9 turnout of r bleft having�ni afdlus ofU 193.1^Sd 1 Ieel; hence r, hrnsler{v a ` aid o itl leel Io the V U(V Ilne.of black S cl V�v^.I pinI •'A•'. Solt Lake Cav ii i \ Il*aarON of cgn-Z,hensa�hn nd dt the 5,l tl 7( L fkl oily Ith 11�h JI 1 IY h 111 � // kECTffONI unonl Ills 4dr t P hl a-1 C,_--LG , �..-./l__t'.e...(___ ;Fro F of SalISL aka Cldt,r flllom thla Legal Advertising Clerk JOlhe day of SeFiU 401511 LE. J. avor. MERMAN a.NOGENSF.N. f5EAL1 Illy Recorder. BII L N0.be' t 12,, (q-1J1 1 PUblist^6 Octoh Er Y_196d Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3th day of October A.D. 19 bt, C f /'C :,-" ( 4rI,L. Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov, •_.s, 1965,