67 of 1901 - Ordinance 67 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No. 66. Sewer Intention No. 66. Rill No. 67 for an ordinance confirming the assessment on property on the west Rile of Sri NaRt street from Sri to 4th South streets. He it, ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, Section 1. that the assessment, list male by the City treasurer of Salt, Lake City, as approved, corrected and completed uy the Hoard of ?;qualimation Heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property abutting on the west side of Sri East street from Sri to 4th South street, within Sewer District No. 1, • e..or•it;re onatruCtion of, a R,ewer along said portion of said street , is hereby 4.0nfirstS, and tie 3saeasm@n a made and returned in sail completed lists are topic ®ry qpnfirmed-, deotgion`S. Phis ordina e shall take effect upon approval. • Pas slid by the City Council Of Salt Lake City, Utah, � y 14 VV0\ end referred to the Mayor for his approval. City Recorder. / Approved this IL_ day of , c.a Mayor. • 67 - . ." .,,.,1 nutiVE all .PJeel.firt tiJuCi- ;hit cd 1.1P ,c11 Opei3P :Pr',P NE lc efiP Jpt-1, ,3,, ,det-s.JP riduo riJt cl f/F. mc11 .leeqdP .1Pi,n tit lc etIP JPSY, effi 41 .cil Jc..i.VPIC leret-, (rtiiiii, \g.; CO 0 w cD 0 l • t co ,-1 ,-,..• c u .....,'' iD 41:1- . r -, ... 1 0 0 0 c -..., , 1 ix ,S -1,-- . _ ''' ,,',. , CD kJ) cr) S.: • Cr) 0 -i c-. 0 1 :, <J ': •3 '''' '...t r"3 0 0 t I •