67 of 1908 - Ordinance 67 of 1908 – Sidewalk Extension No. 127, First Partial Estimate. IjU' ' I AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein- after described within the district bounded on the north by South IiTemple Street, on the east by Second East Street, on the south by lFourth South Street, and on the west by First West Street; also on )the south-side of Second South,Street between Second Eaet and Third 13ast Streets, where sidewalks are defective, in Sidewalk Dintriota Mos. 1, 2, 3, ,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 17, for the; oonntruhtion of cement sidewalks. • Be it Ordained by the City Council of Salt LiE0 City, Vt,ah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City T 'basurer Has corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and !Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that pur- 1 1pose, of the property in Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 58; in lots 4 and 5, Block 51; in Lots 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 50; and in !Lots 1, 2 and 8, Block 59, all in Plat "A", abutting on both sides jof Third South Street between Main and First West Streets; and on 'both sides of West Temple Street between Second South and Fourth i3outh Streets, in Sidewalk Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 land 17, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing cement ,sidewalks upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, ;and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are ':hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 127. L/ First Partial Estimate. Passed by the City Council of Sa Lake City,Utah, June II , 1908, and referred to the Mayor for hp City'Recorder. Approved this w day of June, 08. Pllayor.. 6i . 5f 0FiA I: l if 0 NA -rite. =,ri . .).,.,,ale ;a on1 uoqu 3near8ee61-ea ed3 3atrs•i rtoo eeasiibio nA i ! ti3u:-r; z�cf n17911 Hr1.1 no bebauod 3otiiorb ant ntdttw bedtioaab -vino Ld r a.'izr �ri3 ao ,3eo732 3aa1i bsooe6 yd *sae eift ay ,3eeite elgmeT o oeia ;iee•xte a-a *ell% Td teew ea* ao ban ,teeitc, d:luoa xitYuoq b-.i..riT bne Jie.ea nnoosE neew394 teeslg of baooeS. 10 •• oa , 3 • H3o .11 0. 48vrei, c: at ,ei' 0E1e• webte vies .3 si :► ! I " lyyy1, Jq 4: v 0 •rly,ti,i 3 iguli 201 ,t . .1 ., I ,C ,d .d ,,,gip r `al i oa. O y .t :$•-..,... L_,` ';',, rt 0. .8�1awe : 170c0 • I C fir 1 Lae `,C 0g xV"�rift ii;d bents q� i a itsrr..,:; a�.za eb.e 3 Osiiagaeg et.-1 teal' 0. It ' ',;iti ,;;_- .Z:ea fi$ ` oo b ieoa on 3 3bs,1s! as be►o= 8.qc}� b 4eY_00 v -•nrq -jot Itorwo0 xtt0 etr gdi bet o z � 'i Iub eo` 'xet, ve _ T A - I. j n , erlolfi ,d r rr. ,1 .wall a o.i at w,a-tegorq ed3 l o aog 11 r.'i cj ±iooIf ,0 bus V ,. ,d ,I n.to,' ,n ;fd_fo®2e ,d btu; A e3o: i,. =r:1' A x11331/6a ,"A" tJi ni Ila ,ea lool8 ,8 .once S ,I aloe r , nc, NI, ;<J,teelte 1t3e91 tevil bap al lit Hearted teea*E dliroE bitriT 20 ons ri1uo2 bnooee noted tee7`8 elpe? taeW 10 e-bis dl'od :r p ,1 alatx3etaisweDt6 at ,ataait2 [i3u0 :r r, 3L nor±xTsnoo 4o eeogxuq era io3 ,�1t9 a .eu II, ,VI 1 I .:`.iT%ia.00, y,c,E,2�r al ,-leai*e bile 10 enoi3iuy ctaa noyri Ed1.3Wo;ita el +:,trii, b 33iasoo bi a ni begxnten IAA skein alawalL.aoaa,� - t .uYA .beiril1'1t[0 y,.3=--1 HA .1 rnvnxuc AOu i 1oel i e exa,1 llpr_s soaaatb to ek T .a i0ITO:c: F .viu .01 ao.tanels 1;e.•ebt8 .etontlag. is.i3't:..;. 1,.,`ii ,3l sant, ., 3rt,ntt0 sue+._ '#a Itsasca.^ NttO a bwreeaq Tss? toq;,_: a 9d Le 4q brig , :;ll . I �J rf` ', ,T -- -- -- f