67 of 1942 - Amending Section 707 Revised Ordinance 1934, licensing vehicles passenger and freight ROLL CALL ( DEC � /�2 VOTING A NA I Salt Lake City,Utah, 6}y 194 n - - - - I move that the ordinance be p sec. ) Keyser - - - ` / /' Matheson - McCon ie Vie, x 7edesc o Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 707 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners ott August 17, 1939, relating to licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 707 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on August 17, 1939, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ttSEC. 707. VEHICLES. LICENSE*It shall be unlawful for any person to use, operate or run, or to cause or permit any of his employees or agents to use, operate or run, for the purposes of his business, any wagon, automobile, taxicab, auto stage, truck or other vehicle of any description upon the streets of Salt Lake City without first paying the fee herein provided and obtaining a license for each vehicle so used and operated. The yearly license tax for vehicles shall be according to the following schedule: PASSENGER VEHICLES. For each taxicab or automobile for hire with a capacity of seven or less persons, including driver $25.00 For each taxicab or automobile for hire with a capacity of more than seven persons, including driver $45.00 For each automobile stage operating between Salt Lake City and any point outside of said city t 15.00 FREIGHT VEHICLES. For each two-horse vehicle for the carriage of brick, coal, lumber, stone, earth, gravel, sand, cement, lime, tiling, steel beams and other steel and iron products, oil, gasoline, goods, wares, merchandise, manufactured articles, express matter, baggage, freight and material of any and every kind $ 6.00 -2- For each one-horse vehicle for the carriage of material as described above $ 5.00 For each three-horse or four-horse vehicle for the carriage of material as described above . . . . 10.00 For each motor vehicle of any description of a ca- pacity of one-half ton or less for carriage of ma- terial as described above, per year or any part thereof 5.00 For each motor vehicle of any description of a ca- pacity of more than one-half ton and not to exceed one ton, for carriage of material as described above 10.00 For each motor vehicle of any description of a ca- pacity of more than one ton and less than three tons, for carriage of material as described above 15.00 For each motor vehicle of any description of a ca- pacity of more than three tons and less than five tons, for the carriage of material as described above 20.00 For each motor vehicle of any description of a ca- pacity of more than five tone, for the carriage of material as above described 25 00 For each motor vehicle used for commercial purposes and not otherwise described herein 10.00 (b) Every vehicle licensed under this section shall have fastened thereupon in such manner that the same may be plainl seen a windshield sticker, to be furnished by the license assessor and collector, bearing the name of the class of such vehicle and the year for which it is issued; for such sticker the licensee shall pay the sum of 10 cents; and it shall be unlawful to use, operate or run any such vehicle, although tho same be duly licensed, upon the streets of Salt Lake City un less such sticker is attached thereto; and it shall be unlaw- ful for any person, upon the expiration of such license, or upon the revocation of the same, to permit or suffer said li- cense number to be or remain attached to his vehicle, or to operate or run his vehicle after his license has expired, or has been revoked; and each day any wagon, automobile or vehic e is used, operated or run upon the streets of Salt Lake City without the owner thereof having procured a license therefor in compliance with the provisions of this section, shall con- stitute and be considered a separate and distinct offense hereunder. (c) It shall be unlawful for any licensee to sell, tran , , -3- fer or assign any license issued under the provisions of this section, except by permission of the board of commissioners. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to hire, engage or employ for the purpose of his business, any teamster or automobile owner who shall not have procured a license for his vehicle as herein provided. (e) The provisions of this section shall not apply to vehicles used for pleasure only. Any person who pays a license tax to Salt Lake City for the privilege of engaging in or carr - ing on business shall be entitled to an exemption on vehicle license fees on vehicles used principally in such licensed bus - ness to an amount not to exceed the amount of the business li- cense paid. Any such vehicle must have attached thereto the windshield sticker referred to in this section, for which the license assessor shall collect the sum of 10 cents. (f) Any person having a residence or place of business without the limits of Salt Lake City, who shall use, operate or run a vehicle on the streets of said city for the purposes of his business, shall be required to procure a license for each such vehicle, according to the schedule and provisions of this section; provided, however, that any such vehicle, except an automobile stage, which has been licensed by any other city or municipality of the State of Utah, which city or municipals y recognizes the license issued by Salt Lake City, shall be ezemit from the license fees imposed by this section and the owner thereof may have issued to him the windshield sticker referred to herein upon payment of 10 cents. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants .f Salt Lake City, that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel . SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its firs. .ublication. -4- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this je,a:day of/06.e.,e,../...,4615 A.L. 1942. Mayor. y eco4,%4 (.,../ Citr er 1 4 •,..: ; V % ;7;7‘ 0.„. : / ,• , m - , 'tl i •=1,, . - ! . 0 cyflp f3 LJ fts3 3o Z79rfo.taa.CtigioO 10 be soa srid id b�a�as4 S.}1P1 .G.A ��1��wa`��?J�lo x6b y)� 22tif 0h14J1.1 Sl _ate \w .T9 TOf9 `'fW Atfldavit OI r-II111U[a tit,a.m. STATE OF UTAH,} County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORD1NA+vCn:roan v DYING FOR THE ISSUANOH AND bA1.li UN'-UN..' In1L- f:9N. TWO HUNDAND AND Flu"aY Leo H. Young 4 11U9ANU DULLAR1 teL e50,e1sik9) TAX ANTICIFATION•'DONllma Ub' bALn' -.WHI'1'Y, D'r'Anr limttlM LL,VN-'ueN-� 1, 1e43. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- -Weems need there is an immediate me. in th presents aced if toe raising in the amount of One p:rl,rwn Iwo vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Hun- dred-sou kitty a a t0l,apa- fO0.V0/ ion-toe yl ry a of uarcetwa tun ant expen.e. 1 ball Lairs City published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State the Nast 1043 until Pun payment or tort taxes for the year 1943,eau T WHEREAS,the eetlmateu tax revenues of Utah. o1 Salt Lake City 1Y n boor la, not aggregate Own usunu,y Qua a,unureu 'TWenty-elgbt ahousann, Two ,.uneven Salt Lake City Corporation 3'J71419oa a and total eati `and reveons That the advertisement from all sourceswill aggregate 9.1`EightHundred ' Ordinance Bill 66. Tax anticipation Rands.kand, Six hundred,blityhour and 1e Dollars WHEREAS, , o.7 bum WHEIundre (no s of One Million - Two Hundred and requiredFilly ' nownu Dwl-', rarsts (-is notO to cssornow vo on raised ma not i e1 ea1LL revenue of estimated for Oa Year 1Bto NOW, THlil SUAI4N, Ink 11' ORDAIN. ED'BY SAL U,UARU On. UTAti:stun• H OF SALT atiN CITY,t Lak Sectionto 1. Thatarsaid malt Lade ULn,. Utah,Ion the phrDaan of meeting current cabooses of said City for tow Yearn'1ae8 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the until the payment taxes for the year, 194J, shall borrow.the aunt of (Alp 01i1- '.liwn Two,Handfed and NYfty tiuousanti Doilare (81,2eo,V00,0o, lay•that put. dayof A.D.1942 twee as evidence of and Meebladii.. ----------<0 -..-._.--DPeCAl})!t� shall tame five lb) bonne, numbers one denomina to tion(I)'Twoth Hundred and Firh4y Thousand Dollars or each.Said and was published--1 hoods shall bean date of January 1,la43, and shall b0.duo dud payable January,% 1944, bearing interest t the rate of. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 'itenthe of one per cent (6.10- f 1%) per annul, payable nually July 1, lea], and Janu'interest boy lus 1pa4,y leiii trio- day of anal and'itycr Ba bwloc payable at theNational City Bank. Y Now York, . Wall Street, N York City, NewY n City bondseh bo 18 -salt Lake CRY Tax Anticipation Sonde, benes January 1 b nail b *inn- ., MMa3.y and by to inny s 1 A v rtising Clerk a 'by Lea City At t h! % ie et with k the • 01 se a-I .. +, tb Gl. ut LL bootie ose' tdI City Auditor••shy-fiat rse one ach the CityAuditor shall endorse on each t said bonds the shall requiredtnti by f 11 day o f olaw.( Said.binge shall - eubetarl4ifllly to before me this in the following.form, to-wit: UNITED UV AsIE$ICA STATE 01S SALT. A.D. 1942..-. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE SALT LACE CITY TAX ANaT 1,DAS BOND SERIES OF dANDA$Y(u,00. No.-- b1n0,000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THES6 HNTat That-salt Lake State o the h. her Of' Salo Lake and State of Utah, hereby -...- - -- - --- acknowledges itself to be lndeblcu and for Notary Publi . - valuo ved hereby anomie., to Day to-the hearer hereof the s" t T Wt HUNDRED AND. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS (M50,00.00) in such funds as are,on the data of payment of the prin. eal of and the interest on this bond, legal tender for debts due the United States of America n the first day f January, 1944,at The National Ully Santo of New. York, in New York City, New York, with iotereet thereon at the r to of six-tenths of one per cent(a10 o1 I%) ' Der annum.from data until paid,Dayablable. semi-annually 1n like money on July 1, 1043.andon January 1,1944,said Interest' to maturity being represented by interest' co upons hereto attached. This'bond itl one of a aeries et five' (Si bonds of into tenor and effect,num- bead from One (1) to five (5), both' 1 cluelve, and known as'Salt Lake City'' Tex Antics ey the aggregate Series ui_.at 00Y I Milllion'TworHundredgp d(Fifty Thousand Dollars e1,260,009,00),issued pursuant to Section 15.8-9, Revised Statute. of Utah, 1033. tit; The of in the year 1243�a sufficient tax�to Ipay the principal and lntereet on this bond as the lama shall fall due, and this bond is Isso 9e ar In anticipatiha of_such taxes It le hereby'Certified, recited and de. Glared that the entire Indebtedness of said City hereby Incurred is not in 'of the taxes of Amid City to be levied for the current year 1943, and that said in. debtedness was.and is contracted for the purpose toe which said takes are levied. It is hereby certified, recited and de. d dared that.all conditione,acts and things fall due. h for the essential to the validity of this bond payment f said xiet, have happened and have been panda the fuB faith. hello and taxing done, and thate everyrequirement of law t rrcvoc l Salt Lake nt city are hereby affecting the sue thereof has been duly (:u ensetoners herebyed n1 the Board f City holders-f bos o vents left the complied every with, d that this bond i 1943 said bonds to yy provide the ythe scribe y v dCo d otar li Lit pre- suffof th laxG to dtfor the scribed by the Constitution and Laws 1 .payment of the principal and interest Cl said State, d that the full faith and d bonds. irrevocably r edit 1 said Salt Lake City are hereby Section 60,2ion's Savutge Bank and Trust irre c bly pledged to the punctual pay- Company 1 Salt Lake City, Utah Dice meet o1 the principal and interest of this uttered to purchase this o bontle t a bond ding to its terms. satisfactory to this ter one of City Com- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake most cedaan ageaos ffef received for et pant City has caused this bond to be signed chase of said bonder and which offer has by its Mayor and its City Treasurer, its heretofore. been accepted by this City corporate seal to be hereunto affixed,and Commisefon, the acceptance of said offer attested by the City Recorder, and the annexed coupons pons to bear the fac-simile beand the Is hereby iraature of City Treasurer,as of the nfirmed.and the City Treasuoerotis heand re- let day of Jantiary,A.D.1943, by authorized and instructed to deliver said en One Million Two Httlred.and.FITiSThotts- Mayor,Salt Lake City.Utah. d-Dellaia-ff1:3SU,000.pol liter Anticipa r e bo h Io the purl shai thereof and A1T7City Treasurer,Salt Lake Ciiy,Ulah.I bail is s fa bench ehd be ant i '],YT: j e issued and ice erect, upon receipt of cti purchase price therefor, City Recorder,Salt Lake Ci ly,Utah. Section need City Recorder'is hereby (SEAL) Instructed d di Decoct to c py f To each of said bends loll'be at-' ihi o O issuec o to h eretetl os,0 olaily tached a coupon scab each installment of newspaper off Theo Deseret vt News,a tlafty interest ontemplated by said bond the 1 circulation i and coupon due July 1,1943,to be numbered printed and published in salt Lake City, Utah. one (14, and the coupon due January Section T,That a eruergetiey ' hereby L 1944,several be numbered-two (9), with declared and iv thenopiuiov OP the Board the e e 1 dates of payment and n leer of band,and shall bear the Iac.eimile 'oe City Commissioners because f the n signature of the City Treasurer, Said c salty for footle tc meet the cu n coupons shall be in substantially the expenses of d City it ie.°eceaear eto the peace,health and tiafet.n'Y' yy following form, to wit: t Ah rain a ce nil to Salt Lakeeffect City rha rordinance(Coupon) shall take IThi at 4 N°� $194-. Section Se This ordinance shall take el- On the first day f Juake Jnly.let—, feet Wean the first publication.City Sail Lake City,in Salt Lakebearer County.State Passed ho the Board of City Commis- of litaht wilt Day to the bearer hereof day1ern of Salt lake City. y. Utah, this sib the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty and no-ill Dollars (9160.00) ill each {undo AB JENKINS the data of payment hereof, ATTEST: Mayor. as Te legal tender for debts due the United (SEAL) ETHEL MACDONALD States of America, at The National City Recorder. City Bank of New Yak, it New York: Will No. at. City, Ndw York., being months' to. Pubhahed December 10th.1949. tereat them due on its Tax Anticipation Bond,Series of January 1,1943. (Fae-aimile Signature) City Treasurer, Salt Lake City,Utah. Bond No.— '''There shall-be endorsed on ach of said bonds the•following City Auditor's Cer. tifieate: (City Auditor's Certificate) "I hereby Gently that this bond Is within the lawful debt Lent of Salt Lake City, Utah. and is issued accord- ing to law. City Auditor, Salt Lake City,Utah." Section 3. All the state. ants, repreeentatlone covenants,and agreements contained in said bonds are hereby adopted as ants, statements repr'esettlations, agreements and promises of Salt Lake City, Utah. Section 3. The Mayor and the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City are hereby authorized and directed to sign and ex- ecute said'betide and the City Recorder_ Is hereby authorized and directed to attest and affix the seal of salt Lake'City to neh of said bonds. and the t at- tached to said bands shall coupons o signed by the fac-eimile etgeature of the City Treasurer. and the City Auditor is auth- orized and dlreeted to place upon a aid bonds the certificate in the n and form set forth above, and the facts of the said Mayor, said City Treasure',said City Recorder and said City Auditor in doing are and shall be the act and deed of Salt Lake City- of miseloners ard iii shalt Thathe Bo the year 1943ma intticlent tax to pay the principal and terest pn said bonds the same shall - 1 �` - >_ _ t: - ,__, - - __ ______•_,, , _;,,,,. ., ,, „„, , , , , . _, r' r _, ,,, , ,,,,,.,,,, _ .,___ , , _or„,„—,..- ,_. „. ._ . . .,_ __ _ , L „__=__ _..„ -. ` I e —•rr _ 1 i f I F f I l �-