67 of 1949 - Amending Section 6714 relating to zoning adding Items 70 and 71 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah)J'I)/ I5.' :,: • • , 194
I move that the ordinance be passed. J�1
Affleck . . . . / '.'
Matheson . . . !
lanairifelter - r�
Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
Ordinances of-Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended; amending
Section 6714-A of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission-
ers on October 28, 1948; amending Section 6717 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances
passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 30, 1946, and Novem-
ber 10, 1948; and amending Section 6718 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by
the Board of Commissioners on December 18, 1945, and December 18,
1947; relating to zoning.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by
the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945; April 5, 1945;
August 17, 1945; December 18, 1945; March 28, 1946; April 5, 1946;
June 4, 1946; August 6, 1946; September 18, 1946; October 8, 1946;
November 5, 1946; December 5, 1946; December 11, 1946; January 7,
1947; February 11, 1947; March 5, 1947; March 25, 1947; April 16,
1947; May 27, 1947; June 5, 1947; June 26, 1947; July 22, 1947;
October 14, 1947; December 2, 1947; December 18, 1947; April 26,
1948; May 26, 1948; June 16, 1948; September 22, 1948; September
28, 1948; October 28, 1948, known as bills Nos. 60 and 61; and
March 9, 1949; June 1, 1949; July 12, 1949; and August 3, 1949;
relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by
adding in and to said section two paragraphs to be known as Items
Nos. 70 and 71, which shall read as follows:
"ITEM No. 70. The following described real property
V 7
in Residential 'B-3' District, as shown on the Use District
Map, is hereby amended and changed to 'Industrial' classifica
tion and the Use District Map is hereby changed and amended
The northeast corner of 8th South and 7th West Streets,
being more particularly described as the west 125 feet of the
south 133 feet of Lot 4,Blk. 11, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Sur ey.
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended
to show the above described tract of land and the whole there-
of as 'Industrial'District."
"ITEM No. 71. The following described property in Reside -
tial 'B-2' District, as shown on the Use District Map, is here)
by amended and changed to Residential 'B-3' classification an
the Use District Map is hereby changed and amended accordingl
Both sides of 4th South Street from 4th East Street to
10 rods east of 5th East Street and the south side of 4th
South Street from 10 rods east of 3rd East Street east 210.75
feet, and both sides of Blair Street from 4th South Street
south 330 feet, being more particularly described as follows:
the north 165 feet of Lot 5, Blk. 33; Lots 5 and 6 of Blk. 34;
Lot 6 and the west 45.75 feet of the north 165 feet and the
west 90.75 feet of the south 165 feet of Lot 7, Blk. 35; the
south 165 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Blk. 37; and the west
165 feet of Lot 2, Blk. 38; all in Plat 'B', Salt Lake City
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended
to show the above described tract of land and the whole thereof
as Residential 'B-3' District."
SECTION 2. That Section 6714-A of an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 28,
1948, relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby amended by ame -
ing item 2 of paragraph (a) and item 5 of paragraph (b) of said
Section 6714-A to read as follows:
(a) "2. Schools (but not including privately owned trade
and-or dancing schools)."
(b) "5. A private garage not over 500 square feet in area
located on the rear yard and not less than 60 feet from the
front lot line (thirty (30) feet for a corner lot on the side
street, provided it is located at least ten (10) feet from the
rear lot lime,, unless the adjacent property is a rear yard, or
is occupied by a dwelling or the garage is back sixty (60) fee
from the side street)."
SECTION 3. That Section 6717 of the Revised Ordinances o
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on July 30, 1946, and November 10, 1948,
relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
(a) In Residential 'B' and 'B-2' districts no building or
premises shall be used, and no building shall be erected which
is arranged, intended or designed to be used for other than
one of the following uses:
1. Any use permitted in a Residential 'Al district.
2. All dwellings, flats, apartments and boarding or
lodging houses without stores.
3. Hotels.
4. Clubs or fraternal societies, except those the
chief activity of which is a service customarily carried
on as a business.
5. Hospitals for human beings, clinics, sanitariums
and institutions for philanthropic or eleemosynary uses
other than correctimneLnr:for insanity or other mental
diseases, provided the plans for such including all sign
and-or emblems are submitted to and approved by the
Board of City Commissioners. All such signs and-or em-
blems for the above mentioned uses shall be on an area
which shall not exceed one and one-half square feet.
6. An institution for subnormals when iodated not
less than six hundred (600) feet from any dwelling or
apartment house.
7. Public utility buildings, from which no noises,
vibrations, fumes or odors are emitted.
8. Outdoor advertising signs provided the plans and
locations are submitted to and approved by the Board of
City Commissioners.
(b) Accessory uses shall be as specified under a Residen
tial 'At district, Section 6715, paragraph (b) in conformity
with the requirements governing such uses. In addition thereI
to public garages may be maintained for storage purposes only
where no repair facilities are provided, when located not lesp
than sixty (60) feet from the front lot line and not less than
thirty (30) feet from any other street line on which the pro-I
perty faces; provided, that there shall be no entrance or exit
for motor vehicles within one hundred fifty (150) feet of an
entrance or exit of a public school,church, playground or oth r
public or semipublic institution; concessions and service shall
also be permitted as accessories within hotels, etc., provid-
ed that access to such uses is only from within the building."
SECTION 4. That Section 6718 of the Revised Ordinances of
ilSalt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on December 18, 1945, and December 18, 1947,
relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
1. In a Residential 'B-3' district no building or pre-
mises shall be used and no building shall be erected which is
{ arranged, intended or designed to be used for other than one
of the following uses:
(a) Any use permitted in the Residential 'A', 'A-3',
'B', or 'B-2' districts.
(b) Shops for retail business.
(c) Drug stores.
(d) Bank or office buildings.
(e) Barber shops and beauty parlors.
(f) Theatres.
(g) Restaurants and tea rooms.
(h) Gasoline service stations, including ordinary
repairs of passenger automobiles, when such repairs are
done within an approved building located on the service
station premises, provided that no body and fender work
or automobile painting is conducted on said premises, auu
provided that not more than one automobile awaiting re-
pairs is allowed to remain on the premises outside the
(i) Cleaning; establishments using only smokeless
fuel and using only those cleaning solvents approved for
use in that particular fire zone by ordinance or by the
rules and regulations of the Fire Department of Salt Lake
(j) Dancing Schools.
2. No building or structure shall be erected or altered
a Residential 'B-3' district for any of the uses enumerated in
items (b) to (j) inclusive of this section, unless the plans
for such building or structure, including all signs and adver-
tising emblems, shall have been submitted to and approved by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City.
3. In a Residential 'B-3' district, for every building
erected, there shall be a 'front yard' of such dimensions as
are required for all buildings erected in a Residential 'B-2'
district and a 'rear yard' of ten (10) feet which shall be
kept free and clear from any obstruction."
SECTION 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel .
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon.
its first publication.
Passed;by the Board of Commis4 oners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /S : :day 'df , A.D. 1949e
) ."`. Mayo
(P)-74/A, /
City Recorder.
s; 4 n
D a:, z _p n [
" . ti, .O m %
a' M,
C-t > p- Y7
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
AN ON 6/17oo th AM&Ordo 7t'
/eCTIONr671i a!tfie ReVi tl Ptah,
I V•
` Slott1A.F EA old Pan a paalied ter t 'm
by the a of'Commieelon ra on be' D. V. ON i';Y
October. 1946•'amending Section '
571.7 of Revised Ordinances of er Si
s t Lake' City Utah, 1944, e-
emended by ordinance, panned by , Thu) : Bein �jrst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
The Board of Commissioner.on duly u,,;p g✓"
80, 1946, and Not'ember 10, 1948;
and,apeending Melon 6718 of the -...1,,... I
gyleaUaeprdirlI E s of Sal
eke. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
ordi61Comm16etoners •on December' 18, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
niet'oit o tl e ed 846,and eby1 the9Bo8r of
dd of Utah.
COB: ',nere o! salt Like Cfiy,
COB: oN I. Section
'the�R•evvil d a di-That
0aofa Si 6714 ke-
ordinances'paa a'by t Board of That the advertisement
on Pevbrua09 2L 194a;
hen bar,18"1945�Marchh 28,5 i946• - > 1�
April 5e.11j46;Jana 4 1946;August 1 ll„iiohinN ..n Ordin:"nno F111 No. 67
nnbr hI6,51,946;4 6Oe-
Oanber 5�1946;De r 11.'1946;
damn7 943;Pebrusry
.March 5, 1947' Mara. 95. 1947;
pApril 10p$,1947:May 27.gqpp1947:PJune
1 22,
11g9g47 131deee001060 1194t947!Ember
`Apmb r22,
5948;-Mary 18,194b;Juas L6,]948;
0091 0o60bti,'28. 1948�tka wnr 2as
e 6 Noe,60 Med 61;end March 9, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
19 9;dnna 1, 949;du 11 12,1949;
end be 9 1949;•relating to&n-
ine, a the lame Is hereby far-
-: am pddn6 in.pa t�. day of A. D. 19
6a, Y00 ,paTagtep,'•ftl
known sa"1 Nos..10 and 71,
hlch}byl read fallow.:
ITB>tt ND.70.The n-Reside de- NOV. .1& 1)1t9
rib's°real as shown
tin n the'Use
and was published
'B-3'et Map 1 oho re on the Use
Dietrlh Map, 1c hereby anplose-
d on WI to'Indnstrl=1' Iaeei-
L.•1 n and is Has District amended
the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
L. 1t reby eg�'nged and amend<a
ie Zriy
d orWeset career of in South.
and min ty described Street., being.mere'
t eel 0 ths the of day of A. D. 19
45t4eet the south',S feet of � G�
Lot�4 Bus.11,Plat'C'.Salt.eke
Clt ie .
at as d changed
MapJed L-
he[oby eh above ed amended tract
chow ohs.above deethe a trm of
s. dvertising lL
land'and the whole 4heie0f R Ms.
er 7
'bed p Ne.05 type;1 e tI ng -
e could p[operto 1n R' e U 'Oil
trict�.MMop'I,hereby Wended Died
hanged to'Residential'B-3'closet..
end the use District Mop ,�I ttj
is harebr 'changed and a0,0045sworn to before me this day of
aeBoth aides of 4th South Street
from 4th Poet Street to 10 redo east
of 5th East Street and the south ),
r 1.. A.D. 19-..L+9.
o a t South
Street from t
21de east of 3rd2ast Street a
0.75 feet,..and both"s Ides of.Blair.
Street-from;nth¢South Stremoreet south
feet of L t follows:the a 5 a 165 /
feet of Lot 6.Elk 33:Lola 5 and 6
of Blk.34;Lot 6 and the west 45.75. -
feet.of the.noeth .65 teeeend the• `
esb 90.75 .2166.' ;t south
feet o[Lot7, ,2, 6;and 4outh Elk.
1 Notar ublic
feet n Lots L 2,3 ee 4 of Elk:
W 438 the west Plat
feet el•Let e
Wk.�38: all 1a Plat'B'. Pelt Lake
Ci,tThat.Nod Use.and. amict Md is
hereby changed and ed tract et
show the,aeowe l described ad R of
land and fife whole thereof ad Reel,
dS TTttS60CTION 9.That e etl A•
Cnimisnere passed by
to zoning,by and the lime 1t Ihere-
by ameu%0t by smend110 item 2 0r
H(v)apd Itaer 6 f poet-
i se aUowe id SWIM 6714°A.to
L (sipD'2. c110.aEa,fbut not 1nWua-
LcecingVacho2ols)�ded trade apd-or I
;tee ti
Proof of Publication
ees n`reigiaaoted on
th rear and od E:sethan 60
feet Scorn the front lot (thirty Legal
30) lest f0[ n r the 9 Notices
t"))test(0y)losyd u, aear et
least Gn(10)a rid from the pelt lot
tine unless'the adjacent property IS
to be➢l lz eth"tB►a e➢►
a r in yard, or a e pied by ► e She following uses:
dwelling or the garage occupied
back alter ReetEentl eE,D j rattHted otn 8�e
(gO)Ieet from the (de street)." d15trlcG, A' A•''
Sthe OON 3. That Section'6T17
hotloe ty,Utd O=tllnanas of Belt (b)Snobs for retail butanes)),
t.ske.City,9Sah.1844.a mended (e)Drug stares.
b ordlnslLanaSo��es yawed July
4he$card (d)Bank or office buildings.
o d Novembei 30,o1040.e anti so - b rse)Harper shops and beeuEy par•
toning.be and the emq[ls hereby (f)Theaters,'
me dad Eo read as Toliowa: (g) Restan=a➢ts nd Ga rooms.
"BEC.6717.AT87DFbo lt4I.'B' pind •
at1)Oncoltne Service Stations,1n-
AND!$-1'DISTRICTS g ordinary•repairs of passenger
(a).in Residential a• antl 'B-g:_ utomobiles,when such-repairs are
districts ➢o bulldl.en or :ytern• Eoae Wltam appproved build
lees hai{ be used, d bLL11d• lioated o ads s'v1o8))Galen prem8.
M shall be erected writ n fa aha Lee, provided that no body and
an ed,:Sri
ateptlnt ei designed to ba mender wok automobile palnt-
Sro=sed SOT Otlae[tann.apa o3 the col- n L.conducted on aid premix
tdg uaea: •d provided that of))more'thto
1. Any Y e pecmiikd ip a Rep- one automobRe►wtlEing ))pelts fe al.
dentitl'A'district. lowed to remain on the premises
2. All dwellln`B, f1et,ousel ith- outside the building,
and boarding oT lodging houses with- (1) Cleaning establishments using
Out))Gres. only a okelees fuel and using only
' those cleaning solvents approved for
4.tClubshose =hatKa81 clEtlEe,OS-
In that particular thelar Site none by
sere those the chief acllvlty of which by roans and
1e teNICe CnnG0ar11y carried on letlenB f the Fire Department gof
to a buefneee. Salt Lake City,
6,Hospitals for human beings, (J)'Danoln¢¢gchr o
clinics,.sanitariums and hietituttont 2. No bulldl➢g o to ee a shall
for philanthropic or Seen! 7 6cy be erected'or Iter00 sin Residential
Insatrier than correction¢oral.ar B-i• district I for
nity or other mental disee, enumerated In items eotinc of thea(j)ut„e
lug all the plant for quoit lncluti• 'cans- of tote section. unless the
ins ell al khIlWr-ern lent - e En for rich building Or trot.
-Scald of to end approved by the e,Including all signs and edver-
such -City r m bi sfonere. All tieing emblems,shall have been Sob-
such ergs a sad-on emblems for tin i milled G and aproved by the Beard
areas t1oned a shell be att o!C•nmlealeside of Selt Lake Cltyy.
all square
not exceed de
. r-' - Reeldg ergodistrict
one-half feet. _ +ry building erected,there shell
• When locatedtl not sae than sin buns 'front yfred of such dimensions
tired(600)feet from any dwelling of Eetl en.6 Resldentlal�B-bulitlingt
apartment hou))e. .-d a'rear yard' f ten(10)atfet
7. Public ut(114yy bufldin{e, es or Which shell be kept free and clear
obiro ne nolsen,vlbTatlone.Iumla Or from ny obstruction.'
dors a emitted. SECTION E.In the opinion of the
8.Outdoor lsing signs Pro-
01 Commiseloners, it is nee-
yided the plane and locations rs wary t0 the peace, health and
submitted to and approved by the afety of the lnhabltanta of SaIE
Board f City Commissioners. Lake effect that tole tllnanoe shall
(b)) of
R uses shall be as ape- take Immedla ENyy
®Ifled under a Residential'hAi district, SECTION 6.Tale octlittnnae hell
))salon 6715,paragraph(b)1n con-
publication.Etke effect tE once upon its first
tenuity with the reuuliemnnts er. .y ernfog udg uses,In addition there- sinnereedf by the
Lake Cl of Commis-
G Dublle garages may be alnteln- -16th day y,Utah,this
set tor storage purposes a only, hers Y of November A.D.1949.
no a Dalr ul tt1Ee e p vtded, EARL ,f, OLADE,
weep luc►teti➢pt lase taus an (not gysypy,
iset Sxem bn►tlMt let line and¢►t (SEAL) IRMA F,BITNBR,
e))the➢tatter(,90)fees front R➢7 BIIyyLL L) g7 City Recorder.
streetp 0ti n twhich the prop.
hell Published November 10th, 3899.
Tfy fares pxeVlded,that there shall
be no Wrenee or exit far,eedter ve-
klelee-.within. one-hundred meaty ^�
(ISM feet offLap))meant))e}ere of—
•Duyblle School, church,ppfaygruu➢d
or opther.public or church,
eOpSee¢loSd aa9 aervlce ))ith.
hp oe hotels,
610.,provided that with-
1n uch u5 s that in the
G such uses Is Only from within the
buiglgtla g
ta at
the Revised 4Oodiaancesc f Salt Lek.
city,Dt¢h, 1044,as amended Sy
erdlnanees peened by the Beard of !I
Commissioners on December 18,1945,
and December 18, 1047.relating to
jest be sod Lthe same 1S hereby
npged G read as follows:
"3.. .6718.RESIDENTIAL
1.In Residential e•J' ll
SSA building or premise; bell be