67 of 1950 - Amending Section 2901, relating to organization and salaries of the Fire Department. Salt Lake City,Utah, L 11 rgbti ,195 VOTING Aye Nay Affleck G,. 1 move that the ordinance be pas Christensen . . _C' __ LC - Lingenfelter . . Romney . . . Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2901 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners relating to the Fire Depart- ment. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 2901 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 12, 1944; July 3, 1945; February 7, 1946; January 28, 1947; November 12, 1947; December 15, 1948; May 10, 1949; and January 10, 1950; relating to the Fire Department, be aid the same is hereby further amended to read as follows: "SEC. 2901. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Fire Depart- ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of th.e following officers, whose salaries shall be fixed by the Board of Commissioners, within the limits specified as follows: Not to exceed Chief of Department t 400.00 Four Assistant Chiefs 4488.00 Superintendent of Fire and Police Alarm . 4044.00 Three Battalion Chiefs 40 4.00 Captains 3660.00 Lieutenants 3444.00 Firemen of First Grade 3180.00 Firemen of Second Grade 3060.00 Firemen of Third Grade 2928.00 Female Alarm Operators, First Grade 2700.00 First Grade Electrician 3300.00 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon 67 . • . -2- 4cits first publication. .., Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ---.7 Utah, this //,(..7t_ day of A. D. 10t1)i c---• _„-- . ________„..,•. _,.-....._ .d46:-:- - 7`7 „ ...------ 1\r 44111 _ . i / ' al"by'I ecorder. rr •z-1 < g ,:1 ,, -.4., , .. I A / 5 .i? . . Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 I-88 County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE A 05 END INC SECTION 2901 of the lh alr.ed Ovell- "f Salt Lake CLte, Utah, tom 0"r-rer 1049.e5 qy the dad by ordinances • `• passe ify relating tHoard ofre CouRnisslon- ers I s.It hastb.thtl,a'Fire Department. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- C m.m.slonersneylRpggt4;t akL rCRY. Utah: or 1 vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper the ECets,Ordln 1.TnLC$ of xJF9oJ,t ke City, Utah, 1944; imendAM Do j ordinance,passed,Alf y ROAR4sOf, published in Salt Lake CitySalt Lake Count in the State mmissioners d}lEHtt;„IAhel. f County, July 3, 1945;F'7DLItN0oe97- Ihew.... January 38. 1017; November , 1097; Drrcl�IDrr 15,f 9_N1454 �j(IG • of Utah. 1919; end kre epi ent.-'hsg hrF the P'il'e DePt•tvtent.$fllfm the.v a fe herehe�arthee etmtte$, to read as follows; • aH,{{ 'SEC.2901.ORGANIZATION�\ro That the advertisement SALARIES.The Fire Department of Satinwinglt'Lake city ,hailHti else e"Ihq ln pl[IcerP,IasP shall be:fsed sr tePee7- • Ord 11 t RCe Bill Bro. 67 l sl s, within hie limits Rite, fled u,fnlbrvsIthel.:to exceed '. �} Chief oselDewed., lent s"h°IWc .9.S5400.00 Superintendent.of Plre,end Po:Re Alarm 4044.00 Three Battello4 CMOs r 4044.00 Captains tb80.00 Lieutenants 3441.00 Firemen f First Grtade_ 3180.00 Firemen of Third rad, 3°6°.°° was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Firemen f Third Grade 3080.00 ' Female.Alarm Aperatoes, First Grade S J700.00 Fls,Grade El-Petriclen . 3300.00 SECTION x.In the CPInion I ne f I.k. day of A.D.19 rrd of Commissioner,s, e, h s sionert y to the Peaceal a safetya of the Inhabitants of Srlt Lake City thaIRehls ordinance shall On July 1? 1= (� take -effect}nor, gppadlaly, and was published 1 1 'SECTION ellON -oncehin.ordinance .hell take. effect t once upon Its first P Passed the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the sionPassed by' Aoard f Cymml•• e Salt.ulke City, Utah. this sllth day Af'July,A.D.1250, I EARL J.GLADE. day of A.D.19 N.ayoC. City,ALIrd^r !SLAIN DILL No.a7 Pnhll.h,"a July 17 1 "-� Advertising C`ierk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13 i h day of t;y' A.D.19 50 • Notary Public