67 of 1951 - Vacating street running between 1st North Street and Hillside Avenue and between State and Main Stre LL
V/ Salt Lake City,Utah, jFP..Z"�_(9.�J.� ,
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . . .
Lingenfelter , . .
Romney . . .
Mr. Chairman . . . C%`
AN ORDINANCE VACATING street running between First North
Street and Hillside Avenue and between State Street and Main Street;
also the portion of street lying on the north side of Hillside Avenue
between State Street and Wall Street in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the street running between First North
Street and Hillside Avenue and between State Street and Main Street;
also the portion of street lying on the north side of Hillside Avenue
A-Jbetween State Street and Wall Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, more
• particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1 Block 2, Plat
"E", Salt Lake City Survey; thence N. 18° 48' 24" E. 158.05
feet; thence N. 50° 40' 44" E. 86.34 feet; thence N. 210 381
49" W. 102.46 feet; thence,N. 40° 52' 49" W. 34.68 reet to the
south line of Hillside Ave.; thence N. 89° 581 03" E. 43.62
feet to a point which is N. 40° 52' 49" W. 11.75 feet from the
northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 1, said Plat "E'"; thence S.
40° 521 49" E. 11.75 feet; thence S. 210 38' 49"`.E. 132.17
feet; thence S. 50° 40t 44" W. 101.04 feet;,thence S. 18° 481
24"`W• 137.38 feet; thence S. 89° 591 06" W. 34.86 feet to
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 8, Block 1, Plat
"E", Salt Lake. City Survey; thence N. 76° 551 27" E. 105.81
feet; thence S. 76° 041 �5" E. 58.65 feet; thence S. 0° 021 13"
E. 22:74 feet to the north line of Hillside Ave.; thence S.
89° 58' 03" W. 160 feet; thence N. 0° 021 13" W. 13 feet to
beginning. . -
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Plat
"E"`, Salt Lake City Survey; thence S. 40° 52' 49"` E. 17.19
feet to the north line of Hillside Ave.; thence S. 89° 581 03"
W. 35.41 feet; thence N. 0° 021 13" W. 19.01 feet; thence.S.
76° 041 25" E. 24.90 feet to beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-
property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description now located in, on, under or over the confines
of the above described property and also subject to the right of
entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repair-
ing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and
all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
diately. i
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take feet p3n its
=j 'first publication. {_,,
=I xa Passed by the Board of Co ps nersof itLake City,
el •
Utah, on the ,,e7 h day of A. D
'1 GU�Y orI ..
f h � � y Recorder. r,
t i .,
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Bessie Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating street running between First North Street and
Hillside Avenue antl between'State Street and Mairi Street; aiso-the'..
portion of street lying on the north side of Hillside Avenue between
-State"""Street--and"-Wa11- Street--fin""Salt "make City, Utalin
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, September 27th,latitcx
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 15th day of October, 1951 gx
BILL NO.. 67 Aft ., { 'City Recorder.
Published September 29, xpig 1951
- vim _
beet ruing between First North
Street d Hillside Avenue and be-
tween State Street and Main,Street;
also the portion of street lying on
the north side of Hillside Avenue
between State Street and Wall Street
.n Salt Lake City,Utah.
Be lt 9 mmissiortlatne of bSalt the
Utah; hers
SECTION I.That the street run-
rind Hillside Avenue Avenue and North First between
State Street and Main Street; also
;he portion of street lying on the
'north side f Hillside Avenue be- , z,
t e n tate Street d Watt Street ,�
1n Salt Lake City,Utah,more par- \ O
ticularly described as follows: p
Beginning at the southeast c r- z a
ner f Lot 1, Block 2, Plat "E," tD
Salt Lake City Survey; thence N. a
16 deg. 98' E. 156.05 feet;
thence N. 50 deg. 40' 44" E. 86.34 N
feet; thence N.21 deg. 38' 49" W.
102.46 feet; thence N. 40 deg. 52'
49"W.34.68 feet to the south line N lb
of Hillside Ave,; thence N. 89 deg. a, 2
. 58' 03" E. 93.62 feet to a point
which Is N. 40 deg. 52' 49" W. C
/1.75 feet from the northwest c e. z'�
er of Lot 5, Block 1 said Plat 2_ Mi
n1.7 thence S.thence
deg. 52' 49" E. O
L9.75 t. [heete S. 21 deg.deg.
40'` 40 E 13W, feet;thence S.50 deg. O
der W. 301.09 feet; thence S
18 deg. 48' 24" W. 137.38 feet; '�
thence S. B9 deg.59'06" W.34.86
feet t beginning. U9
Beginning at the southwest cor-
ner Lot 8, Block 1_ Plat "E," •
Salt Lake City Survey; thence N.
76 deg- 55' 27" E. 105.61 feet; 10 `
thence S. 76 deg. 04' 251;E. 58.65 O
feet; thence S. 0 deg. 02' 13"'E. • I
22.74 feet to the north line of Hill- 14
slue Ave.; thence S. 69 deg. 58' C
03" W. 160 feet; thence N. 0 deg.
DY 13glo WIn o3 feet ,,northwest
Beginning 5, the n tit Plat
ner pN�
f Lot - Block 1, thence
$. W
Salt,Lake 52 49 Survey; eet to e ca o
40 ten.on'o9"E.17 19 feet to the O
north 09 tog f H03'' a Ave.. thencenet; 1,
tS 8e deg- 58' . 4 W. 35.41 feet;
teen Ce N. 0 S. 02' 13" W. 19.01 E. 0 •
feet; [hence S. 76 deg. Or 25" E. ((,29.90 feet to beginning; %
be and the same Is hereby vacated
and property
longer to be public
alley or for is a a street,avenue, `
alley o pedestrian w y. 77
subject Said tostio is all existing rights ss if 111 7l
way and easements of all public CD '`
rtlities of any d every deserlpp- N
iot w located x in, n, der or
so the confines of the above de-
ribeed property and ire subject to Skst
the right of try thereon for the
purpose of inspecting,
T repairing,replacingi olnnitnr-
no on re-routing replacing,
utilities and r all f them, -..
SECTION 2. In the oeinton 1' .t
the Hoard o[the peace,
it is C.t
necessary to habit health and y
f the Inhabitants of Salt
Lake Ca tyof that this ordinance shall
become effectiveisordinance
SECTION 3. n I ordlotnre hall(}�
effect upon Its first public a, i 1 .141
Passed by the Board of Commie- '7y -n N '
stoners of Salt Lake City, Utah, IC'
on the 27th day of SeptemberCA
A. D. 1951. �1 ,.9
.... .
City Retarder i
BILL NO.67 y
Published September 9.9th,1951. y b I
Affidavit of Publication
} ss
County of Salt Lake J
Legal Notices
street 1 ,Inq between 5Iv,North
Street and Hlllelde Avenue and be-
tween State street and Main Street:
a;so the the north portion
off Hlllsldestreet lyAvenue
between Slate street and Wall street Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
In Salt Lake City,Utah.
Commissioners of Salt Lake Clt by the Board It erine of vertising clerk o f the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
SECTION 1.'That the street run-
aning between Flea North at't'eet published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
nd Hillside Avenue and between
Smte At=Cet And Main Street, Pico
the daft;°n of sheer, lying on the Utah.
north i.sign of Hillside Ave, he_ of (l La L•
true r SL Lake Street red Wall aattir Salt,Ldescried Utah, inarr pat-
described as Ith,ss:
, Lo t he 5anth Pat r°r That the advertisement
Sian Lake`City Sur,ey, Plat p
ce N
IA deg 48' 24' E. 1..05 feet:hence N 50 dog, 0' 9 P 8i.34 .�.
feet;theet, N. 21 deg, 38 49 W.
102.46',Nest; thence N. 40 deg, 52'
49"W,31.08 feet to the.south line
of Hillside Ave.: thence N. 89 deg,
SA' 03" E. 4,202 feet to a Point
which's Is N. 90 deg. 52. 40" W.
11 75 feel from the r o thryest ear-
'Of Lot 5, Black 1, said flat
1111 thence A. 40 deg. 52' 49".75 feet; thence S. 21 deg. 3n'II'
99" 1r:132.17'feet;thence A.50 deg.
90', 4" W...1(11.04 fret; hhence S.
18 'I deg. 4th 24" IV. 137.3A feet:
f=nI�P rtc ber nnririg.69' 00"W.3A_86
SegnIning:"At the southwest r
of Lot 9, Block 1, Plat "E."
Selll Lake City Harvey: thence N.
76 deg. 55' 27" E. 105.81 feet; -
ihen5e 6. 70 deg. I9' 25"E. 58.h'5
22e74 feette to S.
o olorth line of31,11- 1 ,l
de Ave.; thanes 9. 99 dog ,R' was published in said newspaper on •
0,- lv. 189 feet', 'heave N. 0.deg.
02 lq, W. 13.feat to beginning.
Allljl,�i,.',deg et`the northwest cm',
all take EClt,v HSurvey t!cnee'
40 hell,g 0 4`'EI I17.1Ade At t 1 h.
e., thence
i8,4 id 5f1d 03 W 5,1 act,
e d g 02 3'I W 901 --- ,e J
f t thence S gIdeg.'04 a5 ➢ //`
.9➢n feet egln nr s ;G/i` CE!.an d the y Vacated / �-C
and declared no long,to be , ll -
alley or`pr use street,AVen" Advertising Clerk
Bald vaca6lontl pedestrian
s,ey a t0 ll ertsti of rll Ilfibli,t
r"4 till Eand ne0. In nY and ever
all pnblin
Eton In,o under'or aver then c0/1
fines of the above. described Prop- '
of e and here nnI.'t to 'he fight day of
„t 'hereon,or the ru.”'''r a ,rn to before me this 11speetIna tebling, '.pairing, r.
replacing, ran oving, alter ing o
them said utilities end all 1el
H,n EDonrd o Commis noersloi11,I,, A.D.19
notesea, to the1 11CLith 111d
sd.tetY or the It
Lake City that AInhabitants ti ll
D cf teeth, linmethatelyL
eff L uponorate
nubllca „I() ....-
Pasred h,V a Rot d 1 Convene- - ---'-" 7��
stoners o h
on the 27thnhd Lake
of°SpteUppr; Notary P lie ---
A.D. 1251
E1,I21., .4 GLADE
I150,0 0'. Bereyyayal ,
Published September 2nth, lane,