67 of 1956 - Levying a tax for assessment of property in Lighting District No. 38, installation, Skyline Drive fr ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, Sept. 25 1956 VOTING 1 Aye I Nay I move that the ordinanc be passed. Burbidge . . d Christensen . Nicholes Romney . . . . l' Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in Lighting District No. 38, for the purpose of providing for the installation of incandescent lamps. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District No. 3d, for the purpose of providing for the installation of incandescent lamps, to-wit: All of Lots 1 to 19 incl., and 92 to 108 incl., of Block 16, 5 Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey and Section 15, T.1 S. , R.l E., S.L.B. & NI.; abutting on the following streets, to-wit: Skyline Drive from Foothill Drive to Wasatch Drive in Salt Lake City, Utah. This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the in- stallation of twenty six (26) ornamental standards, complete, each equipped with 1-4000 lumen incandescent lamp, said lamps to be illuminated by electric current; the circuits for the operation of said system to be underground and the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said im- provement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Ten Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Seven and 80/100 ($10,997.80) Dollars or Three and 21926/100000 ( 3.21926) Iiollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 3,416.25 feet abutting said portion of said improvement and the cost of which installation and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out gt”and all within the boundaries -2- of thelots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said diStrict, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Blaine Grey Electric Company , dated May 21, 1956, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned; FRONTING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF SKYLINE DRIVE AND SKYLINE CIRCLE; Block 16 All of Lots 1 to 19 incl. and Lot 10$, Skyline Heights,/5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey, and Sec. 15, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. FRONTING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SKYLINE DRIVE; All of Lots 92 to 107 incl., Skyline Heights, Block 16, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey, and Sec. 15, T1S, R1E, SLBAM. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance in Lighting District No. 3$ of Salt Lake City for the purpose of providing for the in- stallation of incandescent lamps, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists, and the report of the Boards of Equalization and Reviewto the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in three (3) equal yearly in- stallments, as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such install- ments in the order payable, or the whole tax may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective. In the event any installment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest are due shall become due and pay- able and shall draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this -3- 2 ghday of September , 1956. x xx xxxx C Hecord Bill No. 67 of 1956 LightingDistrict No. 38 (Installation) First and Final Estimate. Mayor Published: September 27.,. 1956 is Affidavit of Publication AN OILDINAN(:1 AN ORDINANCE I d:V YING-A TAX• 1d'cr the as=_s.' It of r etly Light c Dlsirlct No. 311.t ltho n of providing for the oinstailatio of sit endesec at temps. He fit ordained by the Hoard of Com- hrtoO,O,0:a of Snit Lobe.City,Utah: SECTION 1. That the Heard a£Corn-' ((nn E Sail Lake Gily does bere- asse assessment e'Mx and unoit t for the of the 5' n the profit am a D to i.No.3ii. describedrapu ill Let e- Pitting or th.for then o[p kilns for ts.c Installation ot0 0000fl ueacAll of Lois 1 iot10 tort,and 92-to, D N Ocicey lOR Incl.. of Block Ili,5 Acre Plat C;• Dig Field Survey and Section 15.T.1 S.,B.I E..S.L.H.&M. •Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is wirer- er,uainr, o n L:nc (otlewiurt s cats. to- r;Skyline Drive from Foothin Drive to Wasatch Htivc h, snit L.1lre Gity, tiding clerk of TILE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news- This tax is levied to daisy the e �t"i;°d six(2tt for an iIa:stand- paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the oats, complete, each loped with 14000 hunch Incandescent ame, said • (/ (7 lumps to be IlQuminated by electric cur- State of Utah. tent;the e Cuils for the operation f odd system'to be and a Portio of said streets r opposite the Property herninbefore and phereinafter d er aibcl tobe especially:stele�ted diet hen,nt,a y.said n v t• auri That the advertisement of which a copy is attached IL is hereby adindped,determined and e.,t.bitshed that said mop.," will he esheciAty benefited thereby to the hereto Pill a of the tax hereby levied, • . faun of'land by assessed rd naet•curial an uniform: foot Salt Lake City Bi;1J No, 67 of 1956. fentane n n the entire depth of the 0'1'f,,tell htirefronl not e ced�inr; 330 feet, nil tire t�,s An y herlbnheir and s be',esseoispon Ordihance ltnyinB a tax for the assessment Nine Hundred Ninety Seven and 80/100 (.310.907.1101 Dollars 06 Three and 21.n/100000 (.63.210231 Dellars per front r 1 n foot f,bntw,a of aronerty in Lighting Dist No. 36. sold,�Iliioo of sai I Iir p over:ebtll nd the oak of willeh l insland�ne and the pruner tv benefited thereby is her Platter .set o and all w`.tlitn tar boundaries of the Ws. blocky and. streets above mentioned in said diatlfct. which is the totaltabftters' 0 :roast • ' t s o to the c,n L id entr rnct entered'I [ for the performance ma f 3aid work rind nutting 1 dnitirtwernent with' B' 21G10 aEl a'en`Cit Teals er was published in said newspaper on a hereby authorimd assess n directed to i accordance with the provi- shs ions s th i ordinance,for the purpose rein mentioned: September 27 1956. FRONTING ON•• 'NORTH SIDE, �- OP SKYLINE DRIVEyr AND SKYLINE CIRCLE,,: A;I of Lots t In' Incl. and Lot 303, `l:yllnc i-Lril;F.ta. irro 1 A 1'e H S PI ( 'Linn Sec,t T.i S R. I L SLIMeM. S F I t NG ON SOUTH SIDE 1 OF ll of NI DIti to AL AI L L 1 .7 1 e Skyline Heights, ft lock if, Acre Plat C. S,e Field Survey.and See.Is,T._ Ad418rt2S7.ng Clerk SE T 11L,s.1 rM. S, by Chat Ilse assessment Itst made. by the city Troisuic,rn ecled,.a vrA and c aide todabv 1ho Hoard ,t Itttua iic,r oand Review or the p crty r cribed in Sectinfe]n this ordinanecin J.it;htins;lll.s[rle[No • • of diet Lalsn city fat•tor,• 1n to before nee this 27th of evid:ns' (o' Cie e`.allntionp0o day of Ilnca.ndeseent lentos, y"hereby firmed,and the a lade and returned o i rc Cihnleted Iistss, n the of thenteBoard f P uallrn• A.D.19_56_ tion acd Review to e oard of Cebc Of Sap Lake City arc hereby I mII C apiiroved and eenfrrme S Ct[ N1 tSaid tct beIall pay- able melds, t (dd b IlY Ivaw a tidll with interest the / / • -1 at the t f five 't installment . ,slit that one or more r tlthe luch ila however,h / :-1 ✓/-'. in the ids payable, the whnie l/ Notary Public tax may be paid wimoot interest with. 1n widen(1St days Penn the ante this ordinanec becomes °Pectic, In.the event any rot' f er intest aforesaid tot paid n tile r r the • :bceriines apes the on amount of the special tax aid at the titre said mer.. n nacres, are due shop become'slue and payable and shrill draw interest.1,the r le of ten ono until the sale of''eS Pei n e�syrn ed. .SECTION 4.erie'This ordinance shall tar etfeet min day attar its first 957 publication. Passed by the Board of h this Sinn- ers of See Lade City,Utah,this 25th dcy'o_`Sent en_h c:.195R, /r/ADIGL F.STEWART, Mayo'. /.s/HERMAN S. ice SCN City Rece Dill No. t "'9516. Lighting.1 strriict No.34(Installation) First and Final 1m bratc. Published:September 2Rlh,1050 (C-221