67 of 1965 - Annexation, Annexing certain property located at 455 West 17th South Street and zoning the same Indu ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, July 13 , 196 5 Christensen . . I move that the Ordinance be passed./ Catmull . . . Harrison . . . Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . B° AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of June, 1965, there was filed with the City Recorder, Petition No. 359 of 1965, by V. O. Young, Inc., requesting that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner is a majority of the owners of the real property and the owner of more than one-third in value of the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract herein described; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examin- ing said petition of said owner of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same are, hereby enlarged and extended so as to include the following des- cribed tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at a point North 89 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds west 330.00 ft. from the Northeast corner of Lot 11, Block 8, Five Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey; thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds West 67.0 feet; thence South 5 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East 308.46 feet; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds East 36.03 feet; thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 22 seconds East 307.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.36 acres. 67 -2- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that the whole of the above described property, be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Industrial "M-1" District. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, and zoned as Industrial "M-1" District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, juris- dictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said City in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified, and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 13th day of July, 1965. tz MAYOR TY {SEA L) BILL NO. 67 of 1965 Published July 16, 1965 (A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 7/20/65 for recording in the office of the County Recorder, also to the Postmaster, Utah State Department of Highways, the County Surveyor's Office and County Clerk's Office.) 67 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of June,1965,there w s filed with the City Recorder, Petition No. 359 of 1965,by V.O. Young,Inc.,rest, in9 that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken Within the limits of Salt Lake City;antl WHEREAS,the said petitioner is orilr of the o of lily. real .ind ilia o Sol m e than one-third i value o n the real ssmen- rol a shown by the last assessment rolls,Situated in the tract herein des. eribed; and WHEREAS,the said petitioner has he made nand accurate map by aiat to peteni s and approved bcorn a he Cry Eiorinevs and to be filed with the City Recorder;and WHEREAS,the Board of Commis. finof Salt Lake City,after e ing said petition of said o of raid tract r land,and considering tiny the c msvolees Ihaelrl ,ovoted by vole or all members id tr a Board d to Sr of annexing said directed of land to Salt Lake Cityand directed that o ordinance shpuld be sled a said terrltimi and passed extension of cu City omits 0, Salt Lake City the ty: St Lake ty Teal and city limits e, Salt rebv enlalty rged he, a extended 5so as tracltn ofu lantlet in Sralt Lake County,,to wil: Beginning at a point North 89 de• 3s 58 minutes 51 s ontls west 30,00 it.from the Northeast corner of Lot II, Block 8,Five Acr lat 'A', Big Field Survey; thence North 89 degrees Sc nines Ti seconds West 67.0 feet; thence Sou'h 5 degrees 32 minutes Or sec- onds East 308.46 feat;thence South 89 l 3003s 58 'lutes 51 ds East 313 feel;sci 12ce cords 0 ant green 13 minutes 12 i t seconds East cilia leer nr the point of begin- nAIning.Containing 0.36 acres. S BE ITeo ed that at thy OR- , PAINEDand describtl that whole of ttti above described properly,tx. antl the same hereby It. zoned as In di Ar al "3K District. AND BE ec ed FURTHER OR ,AWED and s effect that when this crd lan a takes scribl she s set to land above described orat limits forth be ake the corporate s Its of Salt I aka City,and rnzoned as In da "Mvd Districtas d the or.r • dinance provided,an ad ordinances, risdictions,rules and obligations of pertaining to Salt Lake City a r ded o and made applicable . re sand ocrcnen l of the said tract o land, and they streets,blocks,alleys and w df said tract shall be c canes,3rol dandrnetl by 1M1e la r. and ,g and is of said City cciri that h behalf, and the m iris of the aka Ecrreio r shall thenceforth bl taken Iandein t the standards of locations and distances. 1htE ordinance,shoe Citve Recorder of Salt Lake City shay file and he is hereby directed to file, with the County Recorder of Salt Lake e Coal entioned, dole certified,plat ack• awled9Cd, as solved 'n a h S,together with a t Pied 00cc of this ordinance. Passed by the Board of Commis sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this nthh ddy or Joie.1leT. J.000CKEN LEE Mover MERMAN J.HOGENSEN City Recorder 10 EA LI BILL NO.67 of 1965 Published July 16, 1965 iA-161 67 i{ci l)rt Prr 5) JUL 21 1965 ,,t I:-:31A. co;ded c r. r;oq�, t of . _ . C'c�[ P bee }-a�u Iin�-�.-. '1: ,:V7 CFI r1 SF- r:ecuicc Co y Utah STATE OF UTAH, �-, SS. �2➢��,e.�'�-:. =�v ��a� v��r:eputiv� City and County of Salt Lake, e-e 7" `^4/J- 3,/ E� Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 13 196 5 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 2qth day of July 196 5 (SEAL) �. ' QJ j ' � 13 City Recorder , Published July 16 196_5-- BILL NO. 67 of 1965 67 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake nil. . AN ORDINANC[ e, !�N fNNO��mNANCpe y5A eN ING Li Go key ?I-THwriE AB on flle?:.17Artl de OP 9-CIPY"Necoidlr°"pgtlonl No.f091ht. gy 79a5,1g V,O.Novi',Inc,r °e4. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising . r"o?ke°' ionin hre'14jel clerk ofthe DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- :Milted ke CPY,°antl j w OO,o s,e owno seollnner teal GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- mmonw r the f me I pfep°r'Y one me°w"d°i mare risen lish language with general circulation in Utah. and published in ne-rhirtl in value or the reel prmer- ,ev 1Y,as hown by the last s in Cale,auaar¢d m rM1e o-acr ne�ein des! . Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. e.eribea: e IUIWQER EAS,the said pbfitroner has baurnaeen dt°mnP Plat to ppr�t p<nudtl m by d m- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto tie rent survby°1 a a approves byc rns ,r-Clw Engineer rC en DO rlbd w,rh n the Clfy Reaoraer; a - js� WHEREAS,the 00artl f Cem pis- Salt Lake C1.ty $ill No 67 oY 190'5 9i°ners at Self Lake ojty,alter x• ?da lairs old I�1 n 1 le ; �m lr cr or�ia;8 and consl°erin°y 1 ire circmnsruonces rnereoh v tee by tglVoi pemn<r, nn Ordinance Extending the limits of ate Beard In lay ror a e Ina said Is tract oo y a a M1; Of land t°5 Il ek<CII Weeded Thar anorelnanca mould be ,E1 Passed annexlno itl Ferri antl ra rna rEnalon r i°ne aw nmlra or• Sal :;eke City. salt fake sly dmaw: to SECTION 1.Thal Pre elty Ifrelfs of . Sall Lake aify be, l`1 the sed s are, hereby Isr etl tl xlehtle i to roar la 1�n 011°wine d <Ilba tract or land In Salt Lake County,fo '- wl,Beolnnina et a pant Ncorth eyyes< 58 Inufes 51 o ds e l I1'- '°ff./r¶1 Me Norya Ao a0rnr h, N L°/E8e"F'i re a5urveyI �lal rl ,;u7. 16 1965. I` soumesB9'"��e610mBreein0iner`a was published in said newspaper on y 0 ^ nds Eat 0461ee1;110en<�ltcfh Ba eea}E¢�s¢5 56 t0oeca 51 Eas!J6:Oa teal;thence NorlM1e 0 ds q� a'4`rl'Ules n3 LLeaonda Easl ]01,00 r9et to the °Int.of bevin- Y ANDCOBE'n'li FURTHER OR- y DAIhe a and declares that the whole iof fie rove.derebv a brope a be" • t:Illrlafl�lJ;e hereby is zoned as In- AND an ec FURTHER OR- '/ �i �LCL,�- DAINED and that when MI- S o tlinance lakes effKl the saltl Iracf tornland an°ve descrmee mall ln<r L gal Advertising Clerk I>e Horn me wraorate nml`1s i d1 Sall Lek¢CiIY, lM al l- 1 tlrasn'cel M,1f Dlattdct as In l'"Or. II bditr�n-lato It colke Cin�re. extendenl�ne fo Salf Lake Cby ere pertinent OP n,e ed Ida tract,of a antl Me Neefs,blocks,alley, lroleaa as Of sold tract shall beecon- nces raPSpovtlr^g0la 0the or er a "City tM1at behallr tl th¢m l mepls Of the Clev Eilaineer shell 19th day of 'risen°Conn ba rn�n(Herein ,me � before me this {snflSEE CTIs r atl cUec'it h,eRp edd d anEc Sab retytlsnail El; ntlohe hoose/f. A.D. 19 65 -� CouniC Recorder of Salf Lake C°en- \ rrna vv Plar abase � ntianed, dulve cerrlfle0, d k- d"Ver win a rirC mlf ,�, / j of ifi's tlinance. Pnesetl by tM1L Bpartl a tall,Mi- s of Sall Lake. 'Vta,Mi. '.U�G � 'iiin day a JVIy,1965. " Notary Public J.BRACKEN LEE MERMAN J.HOOENSEN M'''' ._ 11(5 AL)P Recorder (SE PYbtiehed.JUIY 16 961 U•rb). My Commission Expires Nov 25 196 5 e 67