67 of 1977 - Amending section 51-12-2 rezoning property South of Warnock Avenue, to where 100 East dead-ends, Wes /OTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, April 26 ,19 77
I move that th Or in a be passed.
H the•
Phillips ✓ C
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-12-2 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake C.ity, Utah. 1965: relating to the re-
zoning of and fixing of boundaries of Use Districts.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the "Use District Map" as adopted
by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, as amended relating to fixing of boundaries of Use
Districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows:
The following described property in Residential "R-2"
district as shown in the use map, generally situated
South of Warnock Avenue (projected) and running South
to a point where llth East deadends, West to Forest
Dale Golf Course, and East to the Jordan and Salt Lake
City Canal, is hereby amended and changed accordingly:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 108,
Block 4, Highland Park Plat "B" Subdivision;
running thence South 6°22' West 493.85 feet
along the East line of the Jordan and Salt Lake
City Canal easement; thence South 89°52' West
38.11 feet along said canal easement; thence
Southeasterly along the East line of said canal
easement 698 feet, more or less, to the Southwest
corner of Lot 14, Block 1, said Highland Park
Plat "B" Subdivision; thence South 89°52' West
667 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner
of Lot 10, Block 2, Rockwood Park Subdivision;
thence North 0°14'48" East 1124 feet, more or
less, to the South boundary of the existing
Residential "R-2A" District; thence East along
the said Residential "R-2A" District boundary
520 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30)
days from date of publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 26th day of A rd
BILL NO,67 of 1977
Published May 4, 1977 67
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
IND S_eifun 51.122 of m,:eE- Shana D. Palmer
scd Ordinances of Salt 'Cr -----_ ..
city.Utah,19d firelating
ne of c'nun•,1,.
refas of UruaDlsirldta.
nrBe it ordained by the Bo.,rti of
Commissioners f Salt Lake Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
ECTtoN 1.ntat the"IlLs rising clerk of the DESERET NERDS, a daily (except Sunday)
District Man"as donlcJ b
Section 5I-12-2 of the Nowt-el initspaper printed in the English language with general dr-
ordlnanccs of salt Lake city.
Utah,194S,as mended fetal:off, ciliation in Utah., and published in Salt Lalce City, Salt Lake
totYlnemMaun a,,fILL
Districts, be, and the
herebyis„an,ende0 cis+olla:%s` County,in the State of Utah-
The following described non,
crty In Residential"R 2"dis
crier as shown In the Use
generally heated South of That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Warr k situated
where running
South tto a mini
west m forest Dale Golf Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to the
Course,and East'in the Jordan -----and Salt Lake City Canal,is
Iwo ebb attended and charmed
according', rezonin offixing of boundaries of use Districts
n st hclne at the North.' g &
westcorner of Lel roe,Bled(6,
Ilitrhland Park Plat"B"sub
division;f nine thence_oulh
6"W'West 49.3.05 feet Mono tits
Last line of the Jordan and S.ali -----.......__.
nke' City-Canal easement,
lilettfe SOutis 9'S2'West WE
feet aeon said canal easement;
thence Southeasterly nlo:tc the
meat line of sold canal c
tl`rt 698 feet,more or lean,
he k't.tt�0t POW of Lot to,
gg k'1g,- d 10is10and Park
or ins toltWNotth1tent,rants
orless,10,Block2,Northwest wtner
0Lot 1n,'ulock z,R+oyrt May 4, 1977
2rks bdlvtsmmflencePo•n sons published in said newspaper on
4'4'40'yEast 1144 feel,mar ur
the oxi$$,tU'u lock Cantal 4l1
Said,Re ldettcg East ar !1'*'
sairt..RResldential•'.R.2i DI».
idct tieUrndlarvv 51df be'^tern ar
Iesx fn file oolnt'of se�nnmo.
SECTION 2 This II ,.
shall ak reel Iry t, d
llteh tthts Se6 h II a d I C n-
Passed a me B�fr
mts51 at 81t L k CTY�'
daY t A I,
ED L.wi nsyor Legal Advertising Clerk
City RocorrYs
RILL ND a1 of 1911
PIIhhChel'M.w 1,f91) Ili-SO)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of
May A.D. 19 77
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Feb. 13, 197E
V,C Af