68 of 1901 - Ordinance 68 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No. 65. Sewer Intention No. e5. for an ordinance- confirm• � theassessment �_ Bill No. in., a e sment on property on p y the east side of 12th Fast street from South Temple to First South street. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, Section 1. Phat, the assessment, list made by the City Preasurer of Salt, Lake City, as approved, corrected and completed by the Board of equalization Heretofore duly appointed uy the City Council for that purpose, of the property abutting on the east side of 12th Fast street from South Temple to First 3outh street, within Sewer Distriot No. 1, ti for 'tie onstructdoe of a Q i- along said portion of said street , is hereby eonf,rmeit and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are lore hereby coolirmed: Sect,fon 2. This ordinar 9r shall take effect upon proval. hassett by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Werred to the Mayor for his approval. /. I • 0. AStt'-1 Ci y Recorder. i // l Approved this 1 L_ day of jA1,_,\flu\ id. iLL Mayor. • (68 r�l r r _ • nofJc11.! teE „Jce7JP dJc i ci 1ne dJuoF no riJSI lc 6-fir- Jx-.4-: riJ iPli ci dJacE. vc11 JettJF 4xeY JJ52/ lc fin JAre etii tt Jcil1PIC 94144* ,JeelJP dJvcr m . 4.0 0 ▪ 0 H• ,17 : • ' • : ' ' ' . :e+ p c••:,• '0- • ! cl 0 cL, :9 0 IA •Z 0 t..3 H• •• -- '0