68 of 1905 - Ordinance 68 of 1905 – Creating office of Purchasing Agent. . 1
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As ordinance ereating thin office of 1-:‘nrchaning Agont, defining duties
and fixing salary. • I
Be it ordained by the City Council of 2alt ..4.1so c;ity„Sitah:
TIICII 1. he 'Napo?, b and with the nonsent of the Council. shall
app ' a competent person to sot as ,:"Vrehaeing :%gent of 63,.t 'Lake c.,:ity. .,'• '
2. liT ,d.0 .:' 8 o. maoh ;unitise:ins Agel#.'sha , be to p- . s—stal
torials'ityan4 _nlie.(-;:tsired for asaOhottior ao rtment ril
,:, i o orod b.;0!!PC, : ,-,..., ',II .• perehafte alLsta#0.40. or t$11',T:, ,i:1,1i.ired ,
, Aeis ssitir.4 F..., Aff by the Counoil.4 4.sso-ip,.s,,, q'1,.- ':1 t'`:eVPFIX':' '... .eo.'"g",,
i 7. 7, 92
: and to peat** ,,, ,4..,,,, -"lithor detio,_..,- tho Isnot ftm
Ine direct, 41.410 keep , i#orate Boo,. •,' !., the osime, ' tho o
a ss of bills theriletsir anti it ei all tinana •-•; ' ttere pert IN; to the
pnreharso node by said City, and approve all Alla for thinga purohesed by
Said rity. ,?.,21(1 it stall be the further duty of acid. agent to 1:11rehase tel.-
the boot advantage of the City in all transactions.
Before entering npon the duties of his offices scAd purchaning agont 1
• ,shall ?mks the oath of of floe by ortinenco provided, sand shrill filo with
the : coder a good. and sufficient bond with entroty approved by the ,:tnyor,
in the sum of ten thousand ( 10,X,0,00).dollars in form and condition an
by Ordinance provided.
:',,A1.77I•r.;3 :',, The folary of ouch .Eurohassing ,;zont aholl he two hundred
and fifty r350.10) dollars per month, payable monthly then dino on the
051arieo of other offlossre.
71-.03 4. ,,:fter the peonage and approval of this ,-,rdinarsoe no
rumbaed; for or on behalf of the city chola be valid or lawful or,coptkin44
iodoe by mid agent =dor authority from he :'ity cound.l.
•:C, 11 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
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