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68 of 1909 - Ordinance 68 of 1909 – Repealing the whole of Chapter XLIX of R.O. of 1903, relating to Slaughter
fN AN ORDINANCE. An ordi*nce repealing the whole of Chapter XL1X of the Revised Ordinanceg of Salt Lake City of 1903 relating to Slaughter Houses and seek and every pert of seetion 663 to 667, inelusive of said Chapter XLUX and L enacting a new *hater tip known as Chapter XLU of the ordinances of Salt Lake City Relating to Slaughter Hama, meat and meat food paw. duets, inspection of same sad providing for appointment and oompensa« tion of veterinary inspectors. Bo it ordained bp the City Council at lelrt S Lake City, Utah; Seo.l. That Chapter XLIX of the !seised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903 relating to Slaughter Reuses le and the same is hereby re- pealed. See. S. That a new ordinance is hereby enacted to be known as Chapter XL1X of the ordinaa es of Salt Like City relating to slaughter houses, meat and moat food products, ingestion of same, and providin for appointment sad eompemaatisa of veterinary inspectors. �/'t; •a It shall be unlawful for any person to slaughter any animal or lam!-= to *root or maintain any slaughter house or yard, or to engage in the business of slaughtering at any place within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, or within one mils of the serpent• limits of said City j without ebtainiag a special permit from the City Council, but no such permit shall issue or be granted unless the applicant shall gave oom- plied with the previsions of this ordiaaass, and rules of the Board of Health of Salt Lake City, and upon reeemmendation of said Board, pro- vided that no permit heretofore or hereafter issued shall operate to prevent the revieatien of such permit or the removal or abatement of any such slaughter hone or yard by the City Council. No building shall be 'rooted or converted into or used as a slaughter house in Salt Lake City or within one mile of the corporate limits thereof until the plans and specifications thereof have been duly submitted to the Board of Health and approved in writing by said Board. No building occupied as a slaughter house or any part thereof, or any building ign the same lot, shall be used or occupied at any time as a dwelling or lodging place, and every such slaughter house shall at all times be suitably lighted and kept thoroughly ventilated and maintained in a sanitary con- dition and shall be provided with 68 -2- effioient eraiaage, having properly trapped or other approved sewer aenasetioss. Ceilings. walla, pillars and partitions of all killing, most drsesiag ad spooling rooms shall be kept in a san- itary oseditios and the calls et sash Teems most be covered to the het {ht et sin feet above the flew with gene nen-absorbent material; all fleets thes my meat Tries, offal, fertilizer or say other amateriais derived direetly or iadireotly from slaughter- ing animals, are treated or handled nisi be node watertight, properly drained aid rower issmseted. 'at.t7,11. mama treat alasghtesN asimals4muat not be allowed to flow into a savor, be"(while still freak snot be treated so as not to bosom eflbrivo. O 111 effinnive steps arising troy the handling of meat and treating et mod oaring far still, blood Sr sty ether material stored or asantentere1 art be oared ter by destrustion or con- deasatiaa, and sat oiliest to aamaps into the eatside air. Ale Perms is *brass M establisbasats mast require employees to be eleaaly. The apa+eas, weeks, or other outer clothing worn by saplaysee who beadle need or moat feed peedwsts shall be of a material that is rraie4 gassed and asdo araitary, and only ate slain garmatta shall be sera. Perseus who handle neat or meat food preload* shall be required to keep their beads clean, and they shall be reqtired aloe to par partiealar attention to the clean- liteess of their bass Sr these. PersMs aillasaa with tethersalssis or aay other commun- iesble disease shall not be employed in any of the departments where oweassos are dressed, meat is handled!, or meat food products are preparedg said air employee of sash establishment who may be swapeeted at being se affected shall be reported by the Veterinary Inspector to the asaagrr of math establishment and to the Board of Health of Salt I,a$s City. Butchers who dress or handle diseased caroasses or parts shall cleanse their hands of all grease and then immerse them in a_presaribed disinfectant and rinse them in clear water before dr y4 -3- or handling healthy osroasses. All bntehers*implements used in dress- ing diseased osroasess shall be sterilised either in boiling water or by immersion in a prescribed disinfectant followed by rinsing in clear water. Faeilities for such oleaasing and /isinfeotamt approved by the Veterinary Inspector shall be provided by the establishment. y„ Sepaied$R sani>jsry trueks which shall be appropriately and distinctively marked, shall be furnished (or handling diseased carcass- es and parts. Following the slaughter of any animal' affected with an infectious disease, a atop shall be made until the implements have been oleansed and disinfested unless other clean implements are provided. Oaroasses shall not be inflated with air from the mouth, and no inflation of oareasses ezpeyt by meehanioal means shall be allowed. areasses shall not be diessed with skewers, knives or ios other in- struments that have been held in the mouth. Skewers shall be disinfect- ed and °leaned before being used again. Spitting on whetstones or stools when sharpening knives shall not be allowed. -, r, /1 Only good clean and wholesome water and lee shall be used in the preparation of eareasses, parts, meats or meat food produots, and each establishment shall be siplied with a water system furnishing hot and sold water under sufficient pressure.to facilitate the cleans- ing of the establishment and the maintenanee of the same in a sanitary condition. -der //- When there is say doubt concerning the sanitary condition of the water supply or Joe used in the slaughtering, dressing or prepara- tion of meat or meat food prlduets, notice shall be immediately given 1 to the Board of Health. The feeding of We or other animals on the refuse of sl*ght- t or houses shall net be permitted and no use incompatible with proper sanitation shall be made of any part of the premises on which sued* establishment is located. All yards, fences, pens, chutes and alleys belonging to the premises of such establishment, whether they are used or not shall be maintained in a sanitary condition, and no nuisance shall be allowed to exist in the establishmmnt or on its premises.,;,; -4- All`»^ teak rooms, water elosets, urinals, toilet rooms and dress- ing rooms shall he entirely separated from eempartments in which oareasssa ore killed or dressed or meat, or meat food products are sash sssled, scrod, stored, peeked, handled or prepared. Prom tisist fsslehtes for all,,iaelndins wash stands with hot water and solitary water sluNts shall be provided. Wagsas, ears or vshielse is whisk meat or moat food products in a are transported stall be severed and kept,clean and sanitary condition. i le parses shall sell, offer for sale, ship or bring km to Salt lake Oily silk mist to sell, or have in his possession with intent to sell a1y sob or most food ptidssts other than that bearing the official stoop of sseornmamt laspoet ioa, or the Veterinary Inspector of halt Leh City, 01110 .accept as hsreis **hernias provided. he parses *all bring into the City for sale or offer for sale, or shall soil or offer fer sale the slat of any eattle, sheep, swine, fish, same, fowl or peons? whin is blows, tainted, heated, soured, raised, stuffed. puPid, or impure, or whisk for any other reason is unfit for Musa flood. Jo pormes shall bring tots the city for sale, or shall sell or offer for soft. ear sett*Ablies, fiat, some, fowl or pultry which is diseased, umssumd, wnwltclassms, or whisk for any other reason is unfit for human food. No person shall brims into the city for sale, or shall sell or offer for sale the moot of any sattls, sheep, swine, or game whioh, when killed, wore within two weeks of peeturition. ]p parses stall bring into the city for sale, or shall sell or offer for solo the meat ,f say settle, sheep, swine, fish, game, fowl or poultry which say haw, died fres accident or dismiss or whioh has not boea properly killed or slatskteredg bled, cleaned and dressed. v, :, ;''3lo person shall bring into the city for sale, or shall sell or offer for sale, the meat of any calf whioh when killed, was lees than four weeks old or whioh weighed less than 45 pounds. r rr Noperson 11 bring into the oit for sale, or shall sellz spa Y • ' offer for sale the meat of any pig, which, when killed, was less*an,, -6- �` %` No person shall bring into the city for sale, or shall sell or offer for sale the mat meat of any lamb, which when killed. was less than eight weeks old. go person shall carry or transport through any street, alley or thoroughfare the carcass or meat of any cattle,eheep, swine, fish, game, fowl or poultry, except it be ooveredhso as to be thoroughly protected from dust and dirt. -e ✓ - No person shall keep any cattle, sheep, swine, game, fowl or poultt in any place in which water, food, and ventilation are not suffioient for the preservation of a healthy and safe condition. -aata. The slaughtering of animal shall be conduoted on week days, hat between the hours of 6:30 A.:i. and 5:30 'r'.:.. esoept in certain oases of emergency, when permission to slaughter may be granted by the Veterinary .nspecter. / go slaughtering *skit shall be conducted on eundaya after 12:00 AtJ o'olook, noon, except in cases of emergency, wither.* the permission of the Ishariactiurxe Veterinary Inspector, such permission to be obtained twenty-four (24) hours in advance. <2e.e `,' An ante-mortem examination dhall be made of all animals intended for slaughter at abattoirs, when said animals are weighed; or, if not weighed, this inspection shall be made in the pens. All snit-ale found upon ante-mortem ex wl/let/on to be affected with any of the condition$or diseases named below shall be marked by placing in the ear a metal tag hearing the words: "Saltzke City hejceted," and a serial number, or by such other marke as may he necessary to insure their identittfication (A) Hog cholera. (B) ,leeu.e. (0) Anthrax or ch crbon. (.D) ;a b:i.es. (E) 1alignant epizootic catarrh. (F) Pyaonia end eopticacemia. (a) Lange, or scabs ( unless the animals are sa.tis#'aoto.rily dipped.) (H) Actinomycosis, or lumpy jaw. (1) Pneumonia ,pleurisy, enteritis, peritonitis, end uetritis. (J) -exus Fever. (K) iabernulooi.s. (L) Hemorrhagic se ptioaemia. (..") Blackleg. (fl) Animal : in nn advanced stage of preghanoy (showing signs of erepuration for tueition) or ;shier have r4 ;cntly (within ton d' liven birth to young (a) any dieeaae or ia,,ury e ausine elevation of tele A•e- eeratnre or affecting the system of the animal, will make the fledh unfit -6- fri human food.(P) Animals too young and immature to produce wholesome meat. D (C ) Animals which are ally bruised, injured, or show tumors, abscesses or suppurating sore. (i) Animal& too emooiated and anaemic to produce wholesome meat. Such rejected or condemned animals shall at once be removed from the pens containing animals which hate been inspected and found to be free from desease and fit for human fool, and shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the Veterinary Inspector. When animals are not inspected in the stock-yards the in- spector in charge of an establishment shall carefully inspect all ani- mals about to be slaughtered in the pens of said establishment, and no animal shall be allowed to pass the slaughtering room until it has been 4-c inspected. / Animals rejected when showing signs of preparation for par- tupition shall not be slaughtered, nor for ten days after partukition. pregnant and parturient animals may be removed by permit for stock or dairying purposes except when they are effected with or have been expos- • od to the contagion of any desease. • :s 1 The inspector shall carefully inspect at the time of slaugh- ter all animals slaughtered at said establishment and make a post-mortem report of the same to the lleolth Office. The head, tail, caul, or fat in- closed in the omentum of the animal and the entire viscera shall be re- tained in such manner as to preserve their identity until after the post- mortem inspection has been completed, in order that they may be identi- fied in case of condemnation of the carcass. :should the carcass of any animal on said post-mortem examination be found deceased or otherwise unfit for human food, it shall. be marked with a condemnation tag, the came to be attached with wire and sealed, and the doasoased organs of pests thereof, if removed from the carcass, shall. also be marked with a condemnation tag. The condemnation tag shall accompany the condemned. carcass or its parts into the tank. All animals rejected on ante-mortem examination and all animals passed on ante-mortem examination which are slaughtered at in- spected abattoirs, "=ad arc found upon post-mortem examination to be affected with any other de coc or conditions eased below chcl1 bo disposed of according to the fol. owing instructions. It is to be um i!t -7- stood, however, that owing to the fact that it is impracticable to formai•, late rules covering every case, and to designate at just what stage a process becomes loathsome, or a desease becomes noxious, the final dis- position of those not specifically covered by these rules will bo loft to the judgment of the inspector in charge. (a and b) Ilog cholera and swine plague. (1) Carcasses showing widely distributed lesions of hog cholera or swine plague shall be condemned. (2) Then the lesicns in the carcass are slight and confined to either the skin, kidneys, bones, or lymphatic glands, or to any com- bination of two of the organs mentioned, the carcass may be passed provi- ded it is cut for packing purposes. (3) Then the lesicns are well marked in more then two of the organs mentioned (skin, kidneys, bones, or lymhatic glands), the entire carcass shall be condemned and tanked for fertilizer. (4) Carcasses which reveal lesicns more pronounced than those de- scribed for carcasses that may be passed, but not so severe as the lesions described for carcasses to be condemned and tanked for fertil- izer, may be rendered into lard, provided they are cooked for four hours by steam not-lower than 220 degrees gahrenheit. (5) In inspecting carcasses showing lesions of the skin, bones, kidneys, or lymphatic glands, due condideration shall be given to the extent and severity of the lesions found in the viscera. (c) Anthrax or charbon. All carcasses showing lesions of this desease, regardless of the extent of the decease, shall be condemned and tanked, together with the hide, hoofs, horns, viscera, fat, blood, and all the other por- tions of the animal. The killing bed upon which the animal was slaugh- n 00 tared shallk be disinfected with five percent solution of carbolic acid, and all knives, saws, cleavers, and other instruments shall likewise be treated before being used upon another carcass. (d) fables. Carcasses of animals which show symptoms of rabies before being slaughtered shall be condemned. 4t1 _g_ (Ei Malignant epizootic cattarrh. The carcasses of animals affected with this disease and showing generalized inflammation of the MO mucous membranes with an emaciation. be condemned. If the lesions are restricted to a single tract, or if the disease shows merely local lesions. the oargass may be passed.A F t"� f' L�t /V\bvAL °SALL I/vS(A iv\�'� 17ssuC (F) Pyaemia and septicaemia. All carcasses showing lesions of either of these diseases, especially in connection with Ouppurative or gangrenous wounds, inflamma4 tory phenomena, etc. shall be considered as highly dangerous, and shall be condemned. (G) Mange or scab. The earoass of animals affected with mange, or scab, in ad- vanced stages, with indications of ,imaciation and malnutrition, shall be condemned. Alen the disease is slight and the carcasses are in good con- dition. they may be passed. (H) Actincmyoesis or ltmpy jaw.k ` DTI 4NiNkA(S 5ftelE_r Wli h b �t .O PlA kl be CoNDp-N\FJJ t725s/6V" (I) j iirea st.mortem a natioM that t primary area o ed (2) The d osition he carcasses f actin lycoci „ male in which th seass e ed beyond rimary of infe i stall ma e in'aceo e with t structions r ating to tuberculosis. (I) Pneumonia, pleurisy. 4nteritis, peritonitis and metritis. Generalized inflammation of the lungs, pleura, intestines, per- itoneum, or the uterus, whether in acute or chronic form, is sufficient to justify the condemnation of carcasses so affected. (J) The carcasses showing sufficient lesions to warrant the diagnosis of Texas fever shall be condemned. (X) Tuberculosis. " test Generalized" tuberculosis refers to that form of the tiseas• in which the bacilli have been disseminated through the blood and lymph or organs affected. " Extensive " refers entirely to the matter of tuberculimin ar matter and the number of tubercle, and may apply to a case which is confined to one of the body oavaties. (1) The carcase may be passed when the lesions are limitec't -9- one group of lymphatic glands or one other organ. (2) The carcass may be passed when the lesions are limited to two groups of visceral lymphatic glands in either the thoracic or the abdominal cavity. (3) The carcase may be passed when the lesions are limited to two visceral organs ( other than lymphatic glands ) in the thoracic or abdominal oagity, provided the lesions are slight, calcified and encap- sulated. (4) The carcass may be passed when the lesions are limited to one group of visceral lymphatic glands and one other organ in the thor- acic or abdominal cavity, provided the lesions in the affected organs are slight. (%%) The carcass may be passed when the lesions are confined to two groups of visceral lymphatic glands and one other organ in the thoraoic or abdominal cavity, provided the lesions are slight, calsifie and encapsulated. (6) The carcass may be passed when the Islam lesions are con- fined to the lungs, the cervioal lymphatic glands, and one group of visceral lymphatic glands of the thoracic cavity, provided the affec- tion is slight and the lesions are calcified and encapsulated. (7) The carcass shall be condemned when well marked lesions are discovered in both the thoracic and abdominal cavity. (8) The carcass shall be condemned when the lesions are ex- tensive in either the thoracic or abdominal cavity. (9) The carcass shall be condemned in any of the cases describ- ed in paragraphs 2,3,4,5, or 6, of this Section (k) when the lesions are in a state of advanced caseation or liquification, necrosis, or when there are well marked indications of recent re-infections. (10) The carcass shall be condemned when the lesions are found to be more widely distributed throughout the viscera than have been described for a carcass that may be passed. (11) The carcass shall be condemned when in connection with any of the lesions described in paragraphs 1,2, ,4,5, or 6, of this Section (k) other lesions than those mentioned in paragraphs 6 of thi' -10- Section (k) (oervioal glands ) are found in the plods glands of the • carcass outside of the viscera. (12) The oaroass shall be condemned when there are well marked tuberoulss*aer deposits on the peritoneum o pleura y (13) Bog carcasses affected as. 3.ws may be rendered into t9r 1 LL1ZL TZS Yard provided they are evoked for four hours in steam at 220 degrees l'ahrenheit. a. en the lesion are located as d in gr e2, 3, 4,5, and 6 of eotion (k are found to in an'adva d stage of caseation or lieu' tion neurosis or surrounded hyperaemic zones. b. en the *sions are more,%tdely distributed at more extensive � � I th those opiDed n p rap3s , ,4,8, and at s Seotio k) and y are oat ned to the oal lymphatic an and t vise a , provide gis©e 1 one are no sively genera ed or do no genera]3' show io r liesifaotion)weSrosis, and, prow ded, -•fur$cer, that`there are,no indioatitihs of extensive acute reinfeetions. 14. The viscera of all tubercular animals should be condemned. (1) ftesl.rrhagie septleaemis. The carcasses of animals affected with this disease are highly unfit for food, as the specific bacteria are found in the blood, and therefore the meat should be condemned. (M) Blackleg. The meat of animals showing lesions of blackleg is not whole- some. It rapidly undergoesloha es and developes an unpleasant, rancid - butter-like odor. Such oarcasses should therefore be condemned . (A) Pregnancy aM parturition. Carcasses of animals ( cows, sows, ewes ), in an advanced stage of pregnancy or which recently gave birth to young ( within ten days) shall be condemned and rendered into grease. (0) Any disease or injury such as traumatic pericarditis, generalized melanosis, pseudo leukemia, etee; which causes elevation of temperature or affects the system of the animal, shall be considered as sufficient cause for the condemnation of the carcass. , ,. (P) uareasses of animals too young and immature to produce(/ -11- wholesome meat, all unborn and stillborn animals' also carcasses of calves less than four weeks old, or weighing less than 45 pounds, pigs less than five weeks *Id, and lambs loss than sight weeks old, shall be condemned. (Q) Carcasses of animals too emaciated or anaemic to produce wholesome food, pr those oareaeses whisk show slimy degeneration of the fat or a serious infiltration of the muscles, shall be condemned. (r) Any organ or part of a carcass whisk id badly bruised or affected by malignant, absoeeeee, suppurating sores, tape worm, cysts, or liver flukes, shall be condemned. (s) Gaseous lyaphadanitis. When the lesions are UMW limited to the superficial lymph glands or to a few nedeles in an organ, involving also the adjacent lymph glands and the carcass is well nourished the + . �e meat may be passed 4 er destroying affected parts. If extensive lesions with or without pleuritic adhesions are fennd in the lungs, (Jr if several of the via- coral organs contain osseous nodules sr the cargoes is amaciated or enaemio, it shall be condescend. (t) Parasitic ie$ero immaturia. The earoesaee of sheep affected with this disease should be considered in the same class as those affected with Texas fever, and shall be condemned. (u) Hogs affected with uteriearia ( diamond skin disease ) tensateasurans, decodes fellionlorum or erythema, may be passedadetaoh- ing and taking the skin, if the carcass is otherwise fit for food. (v) Ioterns. Carcasses SONMOMS showing an intense yellow or greenish yellow discoloration after proper cooling shall be condemned. Those carcasses which exhibit a yellowish tint directly after slaughter, but loose this discoloration on chilling, may be used for food; (FJ) Uremia. carcasses which give off the odor of urine shall be condemned (X) All animals that die in abattoir pens shall be tankeldA ass specified for condemned animals, _12_ (y) In all oases where oaroasses showing localized lesions of disease are passed or rendered into lard, the affected parts must be removed for tanking before condemnation tag is taken from the carcass. -1"-'' All inspected abattoirs shall provide* a suitable room in 1 which condemned oareeeses and parts shall be held until such time as the inspector or his assistant may be present to supervise the tanking thereof. Bush rooms shall be arranged for l*sking with a padlock, which will be fWrnishod by the health Office, the key of the same to remain inane possession of the inspecter or his assistant. (a) If, after inspection has been established a reasonable limmilftlimplema length of time, the abattoir management does not ' provide a suitable retaining room of sprffieient siso, or fails to tank condemned carcasses regularly on the day of their condemnation, suoh condemned oaroasses shall be saturated with kerosene,ae described below. and locked on the rail pending their final disposition. :,.,' All condemned carcasses and parts shall be tanked as follows; After the lower opening of the tank has been sealed by an in- spector, the condemned oaroasses and parts shall be placed in the rendering tank in the morning, and immediately a sufficient force of steam shall be turned into the tank to destroy effectually the meat for food purposes before the killing fort he day is completed; or the condemned portions may be placed in the tank at the close of the day . or when killing is snspelded, and 'both ends of the tank sealed) after which steam shall be turned into the tank until the meat is destroyed. Wire and lead seals shall be provided by the Health Office for sealing tanks. ( (a) A sufficient quantity of low grade (uteri, floor scrapings, trimmings from gutters and benches, skimmings from catch basins, un- emptied intestines, omasa, paunches emptied but not washed, etc'. shall be tanked with all condemned carcasses ( except those tanked for lard) to effectually render the ultimate product unfit for human food, or if such offal cannot be obtained, the carcasses may be thoroughly /+ slashed with a knife, then saturated with kerosene and placed i r' ` -13- - I tank. (b) The seals of tanks containin g condemned material shall be broken by en inspector, when the tank is emptied during regular hours, and at other times satisfactory arrangements for the breaking of suoh seals shall be made with the inspector is charge. When an establishment has no facilities for thus destroying condemned, oas'easses such cameos shall be removed from the premises, upon numbered p permit, issued by the inspector in charge, to rendering works designated by him, and there destroyed under his supervision in the manner deseribed Shove.' ,Jt-e! Carcases# aiir be taken to the cooling room after marking with the condemnation Bard, in eases where only a portion of the oarcasse: is condemned, and when sash portion cannot be removed without damage to the emcees until it is properly chilled. After shilling, the eon- deed WV portions shall be cut out and removed to the tank or to the retaining room, as provided for whole carcasses. Condemned parts that can be removed without damage to the carcass shall be tanked as de- scribed above. All condemned oareasaes and parts shall be disposed of only in the presence of an inspector, and the report of the disposition shall be made by him upon the blank form provided therefor. All carcasses or portions thereof that are condemned by the inspector shall be disposed of or rendered unfit for food in any manner that the inspector in charge shall indicate. In case any person fails to comply with these inatr#otioas, the Beard%ealth shall have the power to revoke his permit. �trji ' No person shall remove tags, labels, or brands from oondemned carcasses or parts thereof. Carcasses or parts i which leave an establishment shall be marked by the inspector with a numbered label or brand issued by the Health Officer for this purpose, and a record of the same shall be UM sent to the Health Office. (a) Carcasses or parts of carcasses which go into the cutting -14- room of an aboattoir or are used for canning purposes shall not be labeled. Those og which ars to be shipped from one abattoir to another for canning purposes shall not be labeled. (b) Managers of abattoirs shall give due notice to the inspector or his assistant of all intended shipments and of all expected receipts of meat in oars, and no meat or meat Orodusts shall be received st an establishment unless the inspeetor or his assistant has full knowledge concerning the same. (e) The seals upon oars in which meat is reoeived at abattoirs may be broken when it is necessary to unload suoh oars during the absence of the imagist.? or his assistant; provided the seals whioh are broken, together with a nenerasdun of the initials, number and contents ( pieces ami weight ) of such ear be properly delivered by the owners or managers of the abattoir to the inspector or his ammamami assistant . Each artiole of food product. whether in sans, barrels, firkins, kits, boxes, canvas. or *marls[ other wrappers, made from inspected carcasses, shall bear a Babel containing the official number of the establishment from which said product same, and ales a statement that the same has been properly inspected. '> No stamps, tags, labels, ets,. shall be allowed to remain loose about the abattoir or office, and inspectors are instructed to use such additional safeguards, as in their judgement will be necessary properly to account for every steam, tag. label, issuedg and to have the work of affixing so carefully supervised that nothing but inspect- ed produots will be marked. (a) Any stamps, tags, seals. or labels damaged or not used shall not appear upon the reports as having been affixed to inspected articles, but shall be returned to the inspector in charge and report made as to the reasons for their return. (b) No meat or food product shall contain any substance which lessens its wholesomeness, nor any drug, chemical, or dye ( unless specifically provided herein), or preservative, other than common salt ' 1 -15- sugar, wood smoke, vinegar, pure spices, and salt peter. Inspection meat and sampling of prepared meats and. food produots by employes of the LL Board of Health shall be oondioted in such manner and at such times as may be necessary to secure a rigid enforcement of this regulation. Reports of the work of inspection carried on in every wilmdttaramil mmtmht*MWHO establishment shall be daily forwarded to the Health Office by the inspector in oharge,on shah blank forms and in such manner as may be apeoified by the 111Mmt Board of Health. The inspector in charge shall promptly notify the Board of Health of any changes in the firm names of establishments. Whenever an abattoir suspends operations, the inspector shall promptly notify the Board of Health. When 1ir veal -]M!t#& been slaughtered by any farmer on a farm, and the carcasses or parts of os0iessses are shipped or brought and offered for sale in Salt Late City, the original shipper or bearer of said meat must susoribe to a certificate in duplicate in the following form: Date Barre of Shipper Consignee, Point of Shipment Destination I hereby certify that the following described, uninspected meats are from animals slaughtered by myself, on the farm, and are offered for sale in the city of Salt Lake; and at this date they are sound, wholesome, healthful and fit for human food. and contain no persertatives or coloring matter, or other substances prohibited by the ordinanoes of Salt Lake City, concerning and governing meat in- spection Kind of Preduct. Amount and Weight. p Signature of Shipper. -16- Address pf Shipper. Said ceriifioate, properly filled out must be sent to the office of the City Food and Dairy Commissioner at the time of said shippment,by the original owner or bearer of the said meats. The Mayor, and with}the sdv9e and, consent of the City ,s, ���, 0.4.���.�.r ,, , . Council may appoints suffidient number of Veterinary Inspectors to adequately inspect the meat and meat food products consumed in Salt lake City. Such inspectors shall receive a salary of per annum ppyable moony as are the salaries of other appointive officers, sad, shall give bond in the slim of ,,conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties and the due observation of all ordinanees of Salt Lake City regulating meat inspection. All Veterinary Inspectors shall be graduates of seine recognised Veterinary College, having a course of not less than three years leading to a degree. It shall be the duty oft all Veterinary Inspectors to make ante-mortem and post-mortem examinations of ,Ell patty, spine, shecg and goats slaughtered within Salt sake City^for consumption as human food, except animals slaughtered in Government inspected slaughter houses or shmtin t abattoirs and except as herein before otherwise provided. The rules and regulations governing inspection of slaughter goats houses, abattoirs, cattle, swine, sheep, veal, meat aid meat food products shall be as in this ordinance provided, ths--rugulations gawe g-the Meet Iapmeeilea et tbe-Unitted Statee Departs of Berlol 1tw,-. asvasesded, effective la<y let Ife8, and all amendments tbasolls. The Board of health shall provide Veterinary Tns .cnto •s with all the necessary blanks, labels, stamps, seals inks and tags; as smil shall enable such officers to seldom to the provisions of this ordinance. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonoiation -17- thereof shall be punished by a fine of not lees than Fifty Dollars or more than Two-hundred-ninety nine Dollars or by imprisonment of not less than days or more than six months. '"' All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. This ordinance shall take effect /(----/A---'&---"/-C"-\ f r Passed--by the City Conncil'ef Salt Lake City,Utah, June ,7, 119, and referred" tothe -Mayor for his approval.( . .. / (j' Ci .y corder. J r '.Approved this / ' ' day of June, 1909, ..."-, A'/X5)-k-///-1.--. 1/n; . 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