68 of 1910 - Ordinance 68 of 1910 – Amending Section 373, relating to fresh meat dealers. r16 4 6,, „- • Ail 0 .2. 'OSAA : OZ. An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 273 of the P.evise OrAnances of 2r1t Lake City of 1903, relating to fresh mer,t oslera, ended by en ordinance passed by the City Council of Olt he ity, Utah, 1:ay 22, 1905, and approved by the Yin.yor 1.1ay 24, 195. De it ordained by the City Council of Oalt Leke City, SMTIM 1. That Jection 373 of the Revised Ordinances of c',1t ke City of 1903, relating to fresh meat dealers, as FleuJod by an ordinance passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, ttb, hay 22, 1905, and approved by the Mayor hey 24, 1905, be, and the same is hereby amended end ro-onacted so as to revd as follows' ,SI:CTIOU 373. It shall be unlawful for any person to engag in the business of slaughterirg, slow7h*ering and selling, or selling fresh moat at wholesale or retail within the coriornte limits of Oalt Lake City, Utah, without first making- applicetiox for and procuring a permit end license so to do, as herein pro- vided. Any person desiring to engage in the business of slough1 tering, slaughtering and selling, or selling fresh most the corporate limits of 3alt Luke City, shall make written sppil- ention to the Assessor of 'License Taxes; such application shell contain the name of the applicant, his residence address and the address of his proposed place of business designated by street and number; such application shall at the time of its presenta- tion, be accompanied by a fee of one dollar, which ahrll be <severed into the City Treasury. - 17hon sueh pplit Los shall be made by a retail fresh meat dealer, the Lssessor of :.iconse Texas shall at once notify the Chief Votorinary Inspector, iho shall inspect the promises where tl,e stid applicsnt proposes to carry on business, amd upon such in peotien, if he 2Tell find the premises, all utensils, hooks, hangers, rocks and dishes co-nitu y. 1 an.1 a refriger-tor of sufficient capacity to properly hrmdle al meat an;, meet foe:, groOAlots to be sold to be Jaintsined at a 68 . :' . . , -2- temperature of not more than 50 deg. Fahrenheit, he shall issue a permit which upon presentation to the Assessor of License Taxes, shall be authority on hie part to issue a license to said • applicant for said place of business. No license herein provided for shall be issued for a grotto , period than the municipal year in4hich it is issue.. The lioene I! ! charge under the provisions of this ordinance thal; be payable in advance, as,follews: 1 / For slaughterers or butchers who are not vondors, ,t,.., ; ' I per annum .. t 25.00 For , d wholesalort who may slaughter, per annum . ... ...-) ;: - 125.00. -,- For retailers-whe•May slaughter, per annum - ,- .- 0,* - 25.00 oth wholesalers:And' retailers who may slaughtt ,per annum- • • ? - r - 150.00 ---Ntortztt4614*' - . r il' '' 410.04. 1111011040140:094144.. -- . „ .......--........ SECTION 2. All ordinanoes and resolutions or parts of ordinano s and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the ex- I • ltent of such conflict. • •• SECTIN 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. ,• ,.• . , , • - ! ; .,/,4,.1-• ; : ' • , AIS , i ' . - 1 . , Passed by the. City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,Decornber 27, 1 I 1910, and referred to the Mayor for his a City-T.74- Approved this 21( day of December,.1910. /..- Ma.or. /, . o b .14-.c. I I3 ANI J f to 4Presented to the City Council and reterre>+ : ,..__ ticited to the City.Council d.refs the Committee'on kj o.; . to thetommittee on S a,,....7 r1.k - . ( I2191e? rb0 ner,,. _ Pt r. :7f s k u r,l . AI 1 . J � 4/ :47 Q 1910 Presented to the City Council and referred to the Commiftee on - • �` hat Pt1t�lICai10I1 112 .1 em Ffr F s t,- ,4, .. . ?- DEC 301910 u zJl—• !l1'�¢ECOIPDEIL •r \C�