68 of 1962 - Granting to Utah Power and Light Company, it's successors and assigns, a Steam and Hot Water Franchi Ccbol,or 16, 1962 'cur aiht P. n. .Loty.-. 899 take (Iltv 10. Utah Gontlabtest The board of City CamPissipears, at its Tosotiaz hold this day, accepted your -rritt-,s1 easuptarea Ordin.ulso i“lown as ;:e. 6V of 19e)2, passed by the City Co!zolosion on October TJJ 192, eatitiad: Urdinwoo GrAntint: To Tit& lTNer and lifht t:omrany, Ito Lazooussore and ArsiLes, !;tea and Not lister Pranchise. Tie Commoniee ordered your as,eltance spread upon the %inuies of the hoard at' Commissioners. Mars truly, ik,"°`6V4W-4\i\oti\OCI\14440.1 Git4- Aosorder Copy to: Streets BM No. 6i Men 6S UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMM E I V E D 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STREET P. O. BO%899 SALT LAKE CITY 10, UTAH DOT.1 b 1962 October 11, 1962 iknfAANONVV4440tJ vuy Recorder To The Honorable City Commission of Salt Lake City, Utah Gentlemen: Utah Power & Light Company hereby accepts the Ordinance passed by your Honorable Body on the 3rd day of October, 1962, entitled: An Ordinance Granting To Utah Power & Light Company, Its Successors And Assigns, A Steam Heat And Hot Water Franchise. This acceptance is according to all its terms and conditions and the Company files this, its writ- ten acceptance, in accordance with the requirements of said Ordinance. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Vice President ATTEST: Assistant Secretary A$Q, i on2 so ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, October 3 , 196 _2 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . Harrison . . . Smart. : __` 1( _: - . _ Romney . . Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . An Ordinance Granting To Utah Power & Light Company Its Successors And Assigns, A Steam And Hot Water Franchise Be It Ordained By The City Commission of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to Utah Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns (herein called the "Grantee"), the right, privilege and franchise until September 3, 2012, to construct, maintain and operate in, on and under the present and future streets, alleys and public places in Salt Lake City, Utah, and its successors, a system of pipes and conduits, together with all the necessary or desirable appurtenances, for the distribu- tion and conveyance of steam, hot water and other fluids and air, or either thereof, at both high and low pressures, for the purpose of supplying the same to said City, the inhabitants thereof and persons and corporations in and beyond the limits thereof, for power, heating, cooking and other useful purposes. Section 2. The Grantee shall have the right to open said streets, lanes, alleys and public grounds for the purpose of laying and maintaining pipes and conduits underground, together with all necessary branches, cut-offs and manholes and other apparatus for the purpose of conveying steam, hot water and other fluids and air, or either thereof, at both high and low pressures, for power, heating, cooking and other purposes, to the inhabitants of said city, said pipes, conduits and other construction to be built at such places as shall be designated by the city engineer and said Grantee -3- Section 6. The Grantee shall file its written acceptance of this franchise within thirty (30) days after its passage. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be published as re- quired by law, deposited and recorded in the office of the City Recorder, and shall become effective on September 3, 1962. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3rd day of October , 1962. ;7?27/?".ea"(k'( Mayor ity (SEAL) BILL NO. 68 of 1962 Published October 6, 1962 t 7C) Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 ssa County of Salt Lake! Legal Notices - n a'' 1, r AN ORbiNANCE- j An Ordinance Granfin6 To l/fah Pnwef s r,ignr cgmpany Ira sn<. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising ;, Aatl Hot V,9.<hise 51eAm clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- Be It Ordained By The Clly Com- r'Sectii of salt aka try, eras: GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper rinted in the Eng- . secno� I,„ mar here nLighy. P un YJP ranter,, omo 1'I 0v ces§erwseana Light mnrein uad mat Iish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in franchise mat Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Iep per 3,e d franc con III ,i September ], 101], to construct,' o ee�me ana oq tutu ,n,`o a d Dresente nu future streets. 1 t1P95 °'°a'a`°a`ns 2 asse s"'a That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Cify,-=e d Its r e' l iFir:iirar ted noesu rsv oo-f tr.butl eYes,eioihe.41' , -.-(, I 1,._ C ',i.11 nT t- ;r', 'f ir1(•.,7 hot,water as mere No ds'naeam'or '' h high and• Iowa prer ressurthereof. POs, for,the pUraose'of ski13b t tot a frisaid d al me ()1, L .,r"C '71" -,tiYr• TrI: '' _ r`lt U"',. s bn ddgr tltgeI k lh Yfo _(r h t- S en8 T hihGt afe h 11 Have .,:i } )':-'.r_f I.-'u:-,,. r 1hrerit: bl'csa tl 1 d t f 1 Itie - .._ edf I C itsa d e nrd,to gelher ith all n sary branches, cur-offs a tl anheid,,a d other i.apparatus her floe eur005e At oon y- fluidss nd a either Chaariotlhat belhe and rnd o'cow ere antes, for 55 heating, k d therf ld15� Itlr n otl inhabitants ntlt'VI') place t"if a be0d b fli d'b she' was published in said newspaper on n''A'- "C'`' ten Engineer and nerd Grantee WA ttsdeoihe°construction as Ma., b¢.•etesSary from rare to time. hall-be sFrnc uncordanec=l.'estab� shall prncfiae" d the Bair GranteI hullmake all street enmirs maned ,1 _en file 1 t !the franchise ion f any Ibeline City E covered bv / ,^ 1'direct' d th period of ineGr �G lc C.% (C_ l the"City'Engineer.writtennoticef /-r /f Sect 9. That said Grantee hall Legal Advertising Clerk_ / such mains ero that era Lnot im nny,wise o -harmer hall-nor. e':Wgrer pipesa e r interfere with id bee r anynetltar'ap r have been ltha in th'railroad sheets eCl said Oily; and that nq rat ro d+ra<x,' n co duff other'aosfruciion whall in laid uund p ¢ the its installed nettMis the clear neareror than a toot'e the leaf suchlater l from one outside limits of such conduits, n+`t day of mse n fro pan crossing eng before me this `,be iahle resit n tale for a ccident or damage rhaot m eccuv in the construction, p alion r maintenance by the Granted f its A.D. /9 .- pas ane a opuffenances nereundeo a d the arse ranee of this ten nisi I the!I are die mad nt o n fee or f F said assigns, to nes sun i and ti Indemnity j sub Ilia and hold f lass n nd and all liability, rrnaV , �� / j accrue to any y en_re Which I (fill,,, to slid t,o'r f fro I meet,Grantee uli mis nstuCt t 1 the Grn,or in or ph ,tsede, Notary Public apdfap appurtenances m here otters lines oST anteendea. i Secton S. The Grantee shall pCr 11 c is r olvai for r nes ocer ng toe d r e uirad no ochre faei l flies in Ue' fold be`hunt by Ste Cli ante eni fne Cily deems it ' sa y Sutton 6. Tep Gen lee hull ale Its a frith acceptancer (3 f this Siren fi 'itsise within thirty (30) days after R Section J. This Ordinance shall be ,1 published required by law, de-I posits' as ane did in the alrice R or the City Recorder,and shall be IT `rooeaoe of bve then boar',"c2,moo mio.I fat 3rdsion day of October,city,5Utah,this Lh o J.BRACKEN LEE, da HERMAN J. HOGENSEN, I City RAecordL) er. I r°u BSE BILL NO.68 of a Published Octoberr b 6,_1961 ib_38)i ale.