68 of 1966 - Annexation, Annexing certain property in the south ½ of Block 8, Five Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Sur ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 21 196 6 Barker. . . . I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . , / Harrison Rolle ✓ /v' '� 1 r;� 1/(7(/Z y' Mr. Chairman . {✓ AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petitions Nos. 226 and 249, by Wallace J. Doi and Mary Doi, and Robison Distributing Co. Inc. and Intermountain Rubber Co. Inc., respec- tively, requesting that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and, WHEREAS, the said petitions are signed by all of the owners of the real property and the owners in value of all the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract herein described; and, WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous to the existing boundaries of Salt Lake City; and, WHEREAS, the said petitioners have caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petitions of said owners of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the exten- sion of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: 68 -2- Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 18, Block 8, Five Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey, which point is S. 89°59'39" W. 36.49 feet and S. 0°13'22" W. 1760.72 feet from the City Monument in the intersection of 17th South and 2nd West Streets in Salt Lake City, Utah, and run- ning thence S. 0'13'22" W. 287.50 feet along the west line of 2nd West to the North line of Hartwell Avenue; thence N. 89°58'51" W. 250.0 feet along said North line; thence N. 0°13'22" W. 287.50 feet to the North line of said Lot 18; thence S. 89'58'51" E. 250.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.65 acres. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property, be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Industrial "M-1" Classification District. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Industrial M-1 District, as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, juris- dictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be con- trolled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thence- forth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabi- tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of June, 1966. J (S EAL) BILL NO. 68 of 196699��// Published June 24, 1966 {� 41 �Ay g (A certifie.jcopy sent to the CiEy9 Auditor's Office for recording in the County Recorder's Office 7-11-66 also to IC TY RE " DER po nt Surv� or uht Clerk, Utah State Tax Commission and • � a}'t �ake Ci�y Pogmas�er. , AN ORDINANCE the west tine of 2nd West to the AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING North line of Hartwell Avenue; THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. thence N.89 deg.58 min.51 sec W. WHEREAS. Were has been filed WE'D f N.0 along Ise said North hecl line; lty the lion Recorder of Sad Lake 28i.5o feel to the Nortli line a said C lty, Pel pions Nos.T1a antl el, by Wallace J. Vol and Mary Dot,and Lot 18;thence S.89 deg.5$ .51 Robison Distributing Co.Inc,and In- termountain .E.250.0 feet to the pointonEs.of be. . Rubber Co.Inc.,respeo ginning.Containing Las lively, requesting that the tract of AND BE IT FURTHER OR- land hereinafter described be taken DAINED AND DECLARED that the within the limits of Salt Lake City; whole of the above described proper- and, ty, be, and the same hereby is, WHEREAS.the Said petitions e zoned Industrial 'M-1"Classifica- signed all of the s of the lion District. real property erty and the ownersAND BE IT FURTHER OR- value f all the rea perly, in when EhDls AND nan0DDEakesRED effect that he shown by the lest assessment .ode- s id tract of land above described situated ibed; thetrace herein tle- bHtl) AS, shall thenceforth oh be Thin the ° s WHEREAS, said tract of land is zoned limits st Salt Lake City and contiguous Lake the existing boundaries nnth as Industrial District,as of Salt City;and, on the ordinance hlcr,provided, and nd have vWHEREAS, the saidsatl accurate petitioners ordinances, ur lydidloai, g rules and bkea ity are or edldin over to Salt alai to be made andeyo cadfiatl to or Lake City extended pertinent e a competent surveyor and approved made applicable and ndrt theist torthe by theCity Engineer and to be filed said mad of lad and yS the (reefs, w Ill the AS, Recorder- ntl, blocks,alleysle and ways of said feed WHEREAS,the board M Commis -halt be trolled and governed by stoners W Salt Lake City, after the ordinances,rules and regulations ring said petitions of said own. of said 'Iv that behalf,and the examining said tr act of land,and ef, monuments of the City Engineer shall voted the rc mss co thereof, thenceforth be taken therein s the by standards of locations and distances. members sot aid tract Board Ind favor sot SECTION 2. Upon te passage of m annexing said f land to Salt this ordinance,the City Recorder f f Lake City and directed that anordi- Salt Lake City shall the,and he Is should be passed annex hereby directed to file, with the salticateritory and e extension annexing Count' °', der of Salt Lake Coun- the Ity limits of Salt Lake City an- men copy of he map reor plat above m Oingly. mentioned, duly rfitied and NOW, NYTHE THEREFORE, BE IT OR- acknowledged, a provided s ch DAINED BY THE BOARD OF CON s,together wit a certified copy MISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE of cases, ordinance. CITY, UTAH: SECTION ON3.3, In the opinion of he Salt SECTION 1.City h be,"'ancity 'them so e CityrtlitotI Co ems ssaryert0°theal l mace, • hereby are, nlargetla and extended health and safety f the inhabitants to include the following de. of Salt Lake City that this ordinance scribed tract of land in Salt Lake become effective immediately. County,to-wlt, SECTION 4. This ordinance shall Beginning t the Northeast corner take effect upon its Pint c blication. f Lot 18, Block 8, Five Acre Plat Passed bV the Board f Comm i- A,Big Field Survey,which point r of Salt Lake City, Utah,this • S.89 deg.59 in 39 one W 26.49 215f day of June.1966. feet and S.0 deb.13 min.22 sec.W. (SEALI J.BRACKEN LEE, 1,760.22 feet from the City Monument HERMAN J.HOGEN Macor. In the intersection of lih South and 2nd West Streets In Salt Lake City, BILL NO.59 of 1966�Iv Recorder Utah, . d running thence S. 0 des. Published June 24, 1966 la-821 U In.and sec. thence feet along 6� Rded y1; m. 2163446 BOOK2476 lE 270 ecor Request ofJUL 1 2 196601/ P-4_:-,ALT LAE Ciao Paid HAZEL TAGGART CHASE Recorder, Salt County, Utah STATE OF UTAH, $ NOFEE B Deputy ss. Ref. - - City and County of Salt Lake, Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. (Annexing certain property in the vicinity of 1920 South 2nd West Street). 21 passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 196 6 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 11thday of July 196 6 (SEAL) -• M k11\,411/4,411,,,, City Recorder Publislyd • •7 196 6 BILL NO. 68 of 1966 648' Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, It ss. County of. .Snit rake Le�ol Notices D it Ockey AN ORDINANCE 1 AN CRDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS 0r SALT LAKE CITY. T� r WHEREAS 'hero has bean Filed Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that lie is legal advertising vi AS air or n Lake. C IaY, tilionn Nne. 2a and 919,nd W ison J. rib and Mary Del,anal clerk of the DESERET NEWS ANT) SALT LAKE TELI'- RIt`°�° trR°or'Co.° IncepL.I GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the En r ly. R h. t ' newspaper' P' f1' lend hereinafter o d w fish language withgeneral circulation in Utah, and published in Ibe mrls t Sall Late Cly: n° Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. "H cREAS.the said p -,by a f the° of met p`(erly of oleo owner is shay„by Ice las;as ment col r, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto otaaled the tr e Seherein dm crincd;end, s WHEREAS, Iald a l f land is Salt Lake rNilucss to the raishri,of Oity gill No 68 of 1966 of Sall Lake City;arc, WHEREAS, the ttid petitioners ap or dare to be <v°°°ras,m Fe O", An Ordinance Extending, the Limits of Salt by IT.C;Ir EOYleaee a teed with the City.Recorder,°and. WHEREAS,the Board of Ccmmis. _de T Uitystoners .Sad Lake City, alter Lade tot examining said traaclt of limo,end Id ns e• ering said circumsthrices thereof,' by all, omen o saidmBoard toe favor of l anoppir, said trod o' lard la Salt La<eC City and directed ll arch• snoato ne ,peat �didCel rritory and ° got the a its of Sail<La KpprC i'y%ac limits cur ZrY.^ NOv„ ,Y THE HE BOARD BE IT OR• MISSIONS sT"OFBDSnf-T ELATE was published in said newspaper on June 28 1966 CITY,UTAH. SEPTIC,'r t Ow oily li Sae Lake Cali,D ane hems hereby a enlarged and extended so 10 troluee !be-Wowing ap. ibed Irael of land In Sall Lake Comfy,ro wtti fBL itp leaBt the kA Ft t correr AI Pig Field Survey,w toes point is arcing;S O d Il - ]?LEI iS 4 / /. //. • 1,16h]2 f! the C M nl :L—JZ` '1-f[' •In Ihp ;e trelta°of 1'I°snob and Legal Advertising Clerk �ntlhWeswtd SlrrctASwtnsea ce Hake D dieg� 11 mot Yw72 rs running 2A).Sd t< the word Ha o and �lhal Ir :North TS. .H r:sin 11etc.Avenue, thence Nl s9'Iyy IS min St etc.W. ifs) of ,On, se'dl Norte22 Rea t ce ee o dpa.a min.nrz csa ;er ep feet to me Nonn hoe or said Lot la; t, . ,1 lea rl n n.sl _.E.is�.o+-ermtr tm- n D Cental 11 rr I.aS awe 41n w< ° No Bt= Ir rulxrH"1_S oR. 28th�DAINED AND DECLARED that before me this day of .nomapo the -d t elp e.e de, me ,eovoe mr,ed as pod ��im.er'c ossified. District, A.D. 19 66 I AND BF IT FURTHER OR- DA'NED AND DECLARED that when vcl the _old tract ordinance land ahr, dm—eared mcforth a within t car ils of Sall Wke Giy and _. ;noose:.I MI DWI, TS . d tvdd a ai chlweliem of or norldinimSal! cable and m Notary Public te[+r carer., are'', of s ad ha c me:,?,a wee h I�r'ord eat,',r aed'r drolaliehe t •aid e n that bet,at:rrrd to ct Ih=.C-Yi null[ rtordrardsl`t :.,Ilans laand°distancesr . f EC'1'ION 2�Uu,;n the r of aIs ordtnarce,'.re cty R of -Sal'LAP clt shall 1d to ,,ac e y l CountyNewb Recorder of Stir,Lao.Coun- ty, of them plat above it cation d. duly a c or hlyd and.F a krou edged, ro Vid•d _ _ epTnr•eµ n epnlum iooya f oliisl� eer_noumancl_tne p of Ine t Beard cl errem'si'ary t ctlsan L CI I � t=the p= . ary rr 11 rL-vry al:r ldlllanle Salt Lr. I,vy thmt Ira.alrtl finance.` Mc- e'_c,ive mpdiate ly. I I «CTION TI�s<�dinarce sha to Etta• u t its I Pres,by tthe Boa r'of Utrh ne on_ onate of Salt tat_City.Utrh,This !SEAL' of JSnp. OC ISEAL' 1. BRAC KoN I.I-r, H1RMAN J HOP['TSEr. BILI N0.PS of 14 ily Recorder Pl,hl_shea= e 21. lades IA_82) rd8