68 of 1973 - Amending Chapter 2, by amending Section 32-2-10, relating to hard-core pornography, conforming to re Salt Lake City,Utah, July 10 73
�/ VOTING Aye Nay y. ,19
Barker I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Harmsen > /
Harrison l �i 1 71C e(/4�t,'�
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 8 of Title 27 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, by adding there-
to a new Section 27-8-30, relating to public parks and playgrounds.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1 . That Chapter 8 of Title 27 of the Revised Ordinances
of. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, be, and the same hereby is,
'amended by adding thereto a new Section 27-8-30, relating to public
parks and playgrounds, said Section to read as follows:
Sec. 27-8-30. Description of Charles Lee Miller Park.
Charles Lee Miller Park is described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 77, Block 13,
Douglas Park Subdivision, a subdivision of part of Block
29, Five Acre Plat "C," Big Field Survey and running
thence N. 89° 56' 40" E. 104.39 feet to a point on a 284.91
foot radius curve to the right, said point being also the
Northwest corner of Lot 1 , Block 13, said subdivision;
thence Southwesterly 149.18 feet along the arc of said
curve to point of tangency, said point being also the
Northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 13, said subdivision;
thence S. 29° 57' 20" W. 77.00 feet to point of curvature
on a 373.49 foot radius curve to the right, said point �.xY c,.
being also the Northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 13, said
subdivision; thence 260.75 feet along the arc of said ,,'' /
curve to a point of reverse curvature with a 555.00 foot
radius curve to the left, said point being also the North-
east corner of Lot 27, Block 13, said subdivision; thence
387.46 feet along the arc of said curve to a point which
is also the Northwest corner of Lot 39, Block 13, said
subdivision; thence S. 29° 57' 20" W. 131 .60 feet; thence
West 28.49 feet to the northwesterly corner of Lot 22,
Block 1 , Upper Yale Park, a subdivision, a part of Block
29, Five Acre Plat "C," Big Field Survey, thence S. 42°
45' 00" W. 108.32 feet; thence S. 16° 54' 04" W. 238.68
feet; thence S. 49° 27' 20" W. 263.94 feet; thence N. 0°
01 ' 04" W. 314.46 feet to Southwest corner of Lot 14,
Block 29, Five Acre Plat "C," Big Field Survey; thence
N. 89° 57' 20" E. 5.00 feet; thence N. 41° 01 ' 45" E.
228.08 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 40, Block 13,
Douglas Park Subdivision, a subdivision of part of Block
29, Five Acre Plat "C," Big Field Survey; thence N. 39°
57' 20" E. 7.47 feet; thence N. 50° 02' 40" W. 14.50 feet;
thence N. 29° 45' 06" E. 25.40 feet; thence N. 39° 57'
20" E. 50.00 feet; thence S. 50° 02' 40" E. 19.00 feet;
thence N. 39° 57' 20" E. 200.00 feet to point of tangency
on a 313.30 foot radius curve to the right, said point
being also the Northeast corner of Lot 51 , Block 13,
said subdivision; thence 136.70 feet along the arc of
said curve to a point of reverse curvature with a 575.30
foot radius curve to the left, said point being also the
Northeast corner of Lot 59, Block 13, said subdivision;
thence 301 .23 feet along the arc of said curve to a
point of tangency, said point being also the Northeast
corner of Lot 72, Block 13, said subdivision; thence N.
34° 57' 20" E. 232.41 feet to the point of beginning.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of
the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 10th day of July, 1973.
G�c G .x;t�'�./ 7 4 iG,SLL't.
BILL NO. 69 of 1973
Published-July 13, 1973
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
• Margo Anderson
AN ORDINANCE ----AN ORDINANCE-AMENDING Chapter 0 of Title 27 of the Revised
O di o0ces of Bait Wkg-,Cif Utah, 1965 amended, by adding
th tSapdewSection T/B.3°,r l ti t public k and IWg d
}Btelt 9rdd by 1yrlth_ed a r Commissioners of Salt L k City, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
01o.ECTION I v,a;Chaptter a Of Title 77 oft Revised Ordinances rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
cf Balt Lake City,U10h,1965,as amended,be,and the some hereby
is,dMks and d by edEs9saltlre BonnewaSectiad as t°nn 27.830,relating.to public newspaper printed in the English language with general cw-
Miller Park 8.30. Description
as follows:
Charles Lee Miller Park.Charles Lee ciliation in Utah, and publishedpi in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Beginning of the Northeast c of Lot 77, Block 13, Doodles County,in the State of Utah.
Park Subdivision,a subdivision of port of Block 29,Five Acre Plat
"C;'Big Reid Survey and running thence N.Br 56'40"E.104.39 feet
°Block 13,said
10 U°dint on a 284.91 loot radius curve to the right,said point being
also the Northwest r of Lot 1, subdivision,thence That the legal notice.of which a copy is attached hereto
Southwesterly 149.18 feet along the a r
of said curve point of tango,
cy,sold point being also the Northwest corner of 0 point
10,Block 13,said
dlvislon;thence S.Or 57'10"W.77.00 feet to p of curvature on t),e
a 373.49 foot radius curve
v r e to the right,sad point being also the North- Ordinance amending Chapter 8 of Title 27..nf_t �__
west c of Lot 13, Block 13, said.sbbdlvision; thence 260.75 feet --
long the ear of sad curve 10 a point of reverse curvature with a
555,00 toot radius curve to the left,said point being also the Northeast
Co .of Lot 27.Block,13,said subdivision;thence 387.46 feet along the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake CityUtah
cn of said curve to a point Which is also the Northwest corner of Lot -- - s-----'�
39,Block 13,said subdivision; thence S.29° 57. 20° W. 131.60 feet;
thence West 28.49 feel to the northwesterly corner of Lot 11,Block I,
Upper Vale Pork,a subdivision,a part of Block 29, Five Acre Plat relating to public parks and playgrounds
CM;'.Blg Field Survey,thence S.42°45'00' W.108.32 feet;thence 5. ---------- -
16°-54'04"W.238.68 feet;thence S.49°27'20"W.263.94 feet;thence
N.0°01'04"W.31,446 feet 10 Southwest corner of Lot 14,Block 29,
Five Acre Plat"C;'Big Field Survey;thenceN.89°57'20" E.5.00
feel,thence.N.41°01'.45"E.228.08 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot
40,Block 13,Douglas Pork Subdivision,o subdivision of part of Block
29,Five Acre Plot"C;'Big Field Survey;thence N.39°57'10"E.J.47
feet;thence N.50°02'dr W.14.50 feet;thence N.29°45'06"E.25.40
feet;-thence N.39°57.20'.E.50.00 feet;thence 5.50°02'40'.E.19.00
feet;thence.N.39°57'20" E.200.00 feet to point of tangency on a
313.00 foot radius curve to iM1e right,said point being also the Northeast
corner bt"-L0f Si,Black 13,said subdivision;thence 136.70 feet long the
,a"of said curve to a palm of reverse cal, wre with a n5.3o foal was published in said newspaper on
dB*curve.to the left,sold point being alsothe Northeast corner of Lot
59,Block 13,sold subdivision;thence 301.13 feet along the arc of said
Carve to g-0ointoi tangencv,'said point being also the Northeast corner Deseret News, 13, 1973
of Lot 72,Block 13,sold subdivision;thence N.34°57'20" E.232.41 July
feet to the point of beginning.
SECTION 2.'In the opinion Of the Board of Commissioners of Sall
Lake Cifv,It Is necessary to the peace,health and welfare el the inhab'
Hants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediate.
SECTION.3 Thisordlnance shall take effect upon its first p bl a.
tiplf Bossed by the Board of Cemmissloners Oi Solt Loke City,Utah,this C Zrr L'✓!'�L�C�.- G'
101h day Of My,1931Temporary Chairman CheIrman Legal Advertising Clerk
City Recefder
BILL NO.69 of 1973
Oublllhed July IS,1973 l (11.89)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Thirteenth ._ day of
July _.--- A.D. 19 73 .
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 12, 1974