68 of 1977 - Amending sections 51-9-3(11) providing tor parking for medical and dental clinics and all office bui VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, April 27 ,1977
Mr.Chairman ..
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Greener (
Phillips ✓
Result N 0 ANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDINGLSections 51-9-3(6) and 51-9-3(11) of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to Off-
Street Parking and Loading Space; and AMENDING Section 51-17-1(7) of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to
Residential "R-5" Districts, by amending Subsections (a) and (d) and
adding thereto two new subsections (e) and (f) .
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections 51-9-3(6) and 51-9-3(11) of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to Off-Street
Parking and Loading Space, be, and the same hereby are amended as
r�nu El.
Sec. 51-9-3. * * *
(6) For medical and dental clinics one parking space for
every 200 square feet of gross building area.
* * *
(11) For all office buildings located in a "B-3", "C-1",
"C-2" or "R-7" District, one parking space for each 200 square
feet of rentable floor area in the building, excluding strictly
storage and mechanical areas.
SECTION 2. That Section 51-7-1(7) of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to Residential "R-5" Districts,
by AMENDING Subsections (a) and (d) and ADDING thereto two new Sub-
sections (e) and (f) as follows:
Sec. 51-17-1(7) . * * *
(a) The parking lot and the structure must maintain the same
side yards as required for the structure alone. The side yard
adjacent to the parking lot must be landscaped for the complete
length of the parking area. The parking lot must be defined
by the construction of a concrete curb and said parking lot shall
be fifteen feet from any dwelling or apartment house on an
adjoining lot.
* * *
(d) A hardsurfaced pedestrian walkway a minimum of four feet
;ide shall be provided between the main building and the parking
lot. This walkway shall extend from the front sidewalk to the
end of the parking lot and shall be designed so that the
pedestrian entering the site will not be required to walk in
the driveways.
(e) All exposed parking areas will be adequately screened
from exterior view.
(f) All conditions set forth in section 51-6-7, items (1)
through (7) .
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 27th day of April , 1977.
(.7 (
BILL NO. 68 of 1977
Published May 4, 1977
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN Meal Nr1N(:I' AMENDING Sections 51-9-3(6) 10
II9-3(11)of aeylk-d ordinances or sale yam Coy,ul.,h,lv0s. Shana D. Palmer
role ling+o Oli 11f^_Char kinn dnd Lnadiny Snake;and a,nnndin9
SI 19o]f9)of Ihn Residential
()rxlinanrec of Salt Lake Clty,
Utdll.1990,r lal nln to ldn'ideldlapl Ah er Di hones subsections
f ut,..'.ru n io9;(al and(d)and adding thereto two new snbscciions
is t or Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adz er FSc t ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Sall Lake ).'-
i19,ut tisin 1 clerk ofthe DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunda
Fed Groi es I - ll a s1 9 l51 ' U 1965,rel I the p y�
re t Parking
a f SAP bake I e, Utah,the s e inn io
if:l sheet Parkino and Loading space,p,�,and rnesamenervI n.eets a 3ar printed in the Inrlis]c language with general cir-
„ enaeu as evmws: P 1 P t; r+ S i,
sar-sl-7_," culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
!6) tl et d is i II king Snacc for
-eery200 4 feet o 's b Itl 9
(II)ro'all otfee hulld'nes located in fi-3( Cl",'C2• County, in the State of Malt.
or '16-M District one pi k ria space for eaCh 290 mare feet of
Ir.0 10,area in the h'Idl y,a lud _-i fl)Slarage and
SE crtoore N z Dint s t 1.1117)91111e
.a do e� That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
f hall Lake City,Utah,1965,relatIng to Residential H-5
0::stricts,by AMENDING Subsections 1e)and id)and ADDING
roan ney,Shame-nuns I I and(l)as founws. Pub notice to amend an_Q,>`d�_n_a lc Xe latin tQ_——
Sec,SI I/_ark _,Structure must maintain the.drh __ __ CJ._
(.)de parkin,as lot and the
side yards a required 1 for the structure alone.The side
c dlnleent to lii/he parkin bl must tie parking
for IM
`if•nwere length ns)uciion to„rncr Theetec rbanp t•pa t be off—street parking.� 7_Qadinqspace
• of el mI by
lifte;d+eet horn any concrete
or ebart apartment house 0u —` --
caning lot.
Id)A hards erns pedestrian walkway a minimum of lour be ------ ------
Iset wide shall be provided between the 111din build ln9 and the
,arli inn lel,This e'kleo y shall extend front the fronton thyl to
1Ih"end of the nark ino Int and shall be designd so k l the
,,lesbian enteriry the site will not be resuirod 10 walk in the
v a(e)All exrased parking areas will be adequately screened
rol't '),i virw
rU All conditions Ill fa-th in snetlon 51-6-/,items(l)ihrour,h
.',F 3.'this ordinance snail tyke cif e+l30 days after its
Pales 2/lb the f Aunt,
,1 Commissionnrs of Salt Lake CI•y,
ohm,misz2rn day of Aprlh 1977. was published in said newspaper on May 4,_1927______
CI ry\eOrde,
HIL L Na-69 of 19iaif I u9ltmal rin-fi�-1?AA
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of
May A.D. .19 77 .
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Feb, 13, 1978
fi F�`a