68 of 1980 - mending section 42-10-5 establishing subdivision fees, amending engineerng fees and adding fees for i
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 42-10-5 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to the establish-
ment of subdivision fees, by AMENDING engineering fees and ADDING
fees for planning review purposes.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 42-10-5 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to subdivision fees,
be, and the same hereby is, amended to change engineering review fees
and to provide fees to defray the expenses of the Planning Commission
in reviewing the subdivision which shall read as follows:
Sec. 42-10-5. Subdivision fees. The following fees shall be
charged and the City Treasurer shall collect the following fees
associated with subdivision review.
(1) Engineering fees. The Engineer shall charge and the City
Treasurer shall collect the following fees:
a) Preliminary subdivision review $5.00 per lot
fee (shall be based upon the Minimum charge $50.00
number of lots in the original
preliminary plat, whichever is
b) Final subdivision engineering 5% of the estimated
design review and inspection fee. cost of public
c) Mainline sewer extension, 8% of the estimated
engineering design, field sur- cost of public
veying and inspection fee. improvements
(2) The Planning Director shall charge, and the City Treasurer
shall collect the following fees:
a) A fee for review of preliminary plans which fee shall be
based upon the number of lots in the original preliminary
or the approved preliminary plat, whichever is higher,
upon submission of the preliminary plat as specified in
Section 51-34-1(2) (d).
b) Final approval fees for checking plat against approved
preliminary plat shall be amounts designate in Section
51-34-1(2) (d).
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake City,
Utah, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the inhabi-
tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance, become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective upon the date
of its first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
24th day of June , 1980.
Transmitted to Mayor on June 24, 1980
Mayor's Action
(SEAL) (/
BILL NO. 68 of 1980
published July 8, 1980
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
-- --- Shana D. Conaty
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 42105 of he Re-
vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,as amended,
relating to the establishment of sabdlvisi0n fees,by AMEND-
ING engineering fees and ADDING tees(Or planning review
e uraeifnrdain by Courted of Utah Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
SECTION 1.That Section 42-10,5 of,he Rev sed Ordinanc advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
s of Sal,Lake City,Utah,1965,as amended,relating to suMl• g Y
,gee, review fees
the a to pro +e mended of aytheeng (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
log fees same,e hereby Is,Tees to defray ch the visionf the shallPlanninyread as
in reviewing the subdi-
viexpesion language with general circulation in Utah, and
sged and the
SubCity Teas cells all following the fees shall eo published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
ceased a me City Trea.�g•er sM1au collect me r6nnwing lees
rae wun wndlvision review.Cltv.• Tg aSUrerer ng Celli The oOaW 9 sear cf)a{fie and the State of Utah.
Citv.TrgasU�er shall collect the Inllbwin9 fees-
rh Preliminary s M�v+swn
ulson Yaem(shall be hated
original p par of lots l he That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto
n•nigh nary lag g
hichever is nigher). E500 pdr lot Mmimnm charge
E 0.00
s• desi subdivision ioa en esaee
lion fepigq review ape�n�per, See the e,emared cn,r n, Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
poblirli me,Ouenants
of Mainline s extension-
de005, field se the establishment of subdivision fees
veying inspeclwn fee. r public
is the estimated cost of
99 punch improvements
12s allecoll ct Me'follawting shall charge,and the City irea-
el A tee to,revelW of eretlminry plans wnlch lee,pall
her based u n the eumber of lots in the oriel hat preliminary
r the ap MI tl preliminary plat,whichever i nigecti u
submission aiihea minaro near» specified in Section s=
34-1(2)tlI P.50l approval fees for Chseckino plat a nsr a
v d erelirelnars plat shall be amounts designated in Sec
lion SE9a-1(D(dl.
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake
City,Utah,it is necessary to the health,peace and welfare of
fife Inhabitants of Sall Lake City that this oedleanee become
etlecrlve ImmedialP V;' "SECTION 2.Teas ndinance shall become eftecrive upon
the Passed its
byi first
Council el salt Lake City,Utah this was published in said newspaper on July 8, 1980
2,011 0.01 Alne,1.0.
Transmitted• to Mayor lone 2a lveo r
MAYOR Legal Advertising Clerk
EA) ore me this 1Ath day of Bt EA 0.680l 1oa0 _-
July E,19a11 D51
July A,D. 1980
Notary Puylic
My Commission Expires
Juno 1, 1981