69 of 1907 - Ordinance 69 of 1907 – Amending & re-enacting Section 566, re: salary of Recorder. J, AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 566 of the Revised! Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 566 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake gitrof 1903, be, and the same hereby is amended and re.eanoted ;181,afetoread as folio* :', SrATION 56S. ,WEESATION. "he oompensatidnof,thel„Re- CordSr Shall bertiptiti4ive hundredj$2600.00) dollara, per an- num, which shall be Pa fall for all services rendered)thcveity, , Amdzikall be payable Monthly as are the salaries of otber City 1 Pff0ers. SECTON 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict haree4tkore hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION S. This ordinanoe shall take effect on the 6th day of January, 1908. " L the City Cnunei I cC : 1,1t nty,TTIL, or to tLe Lor COT LI Tecorder. AlTrovea til f :,, cem !,!, :f "9 _ -!.-,--,-- 7---7-------- -=. 1 '. . '• 0a 8:1110A.4119•O'Y taa liaitoMeMS (4t..+UaL,LVTO ilk Soes t 0 xt.t3 safail $1.68 `to Rao maailne , lo .LFOrtuo0 10'ID ell* mf heal:a/no $1 r :.'„:.-9i.; ''' fi •-,oa.g ..tl.,-I-0 Overl eril 10 aaa aotd'oeti /arf: .1 it-OIT338 __,,... ' — - -- --- l'': 6--,,,:i•Af.'"eg'4, lia_baw..7.a vi ‘,.11a/od same ‘...11".1 bait ,acf ,f,C21. 4- ".4. fs -.. ''. goi \—•,,,'''t.. y.,`"?..,94w goatts' Q1) ,,:p r Fc. ; co „, --,,,--- a..•I I) ,,,0ast-`41beciscf *v.' c)(1-of .E.Esettl to'ro\ N,41; ,0 ,„::_.,• .4:._ • ,,A-:N.,-0 4 ,0 tar-460(wea TO% 11;7 .4 pule tha±rill 0 7 : : =,. 4r•I 5.8 4 , - aisii, ad SLNIN‘ . 4 C.,::,:`:\,,, c•-) 4. ':-.], ) ] ,•]:'..'.#.11.0\yi -0001iNtrtIP 10 4? % ;um $41,1aal4 -4 -4 au , • .14 c.,' : ..--- ,I ._ ,7„1.:', 1007.3/f9vti Io ohs *sit ot bets 1 xda-lec ISA .:.61 ro *nene fi ef_.1...":fiffe efiaanx . Ail ..& liE0I OU 1 .$OQL ,Ncsti.raat., ' I . r - ' . . ,. , . - •,. . - . . . • . .- . • , .., ' , • . __. ___ , _ ' lit