69 of 1909 - Ordinance 69 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 701 & 702, re: permit to occupy street with AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Seotions 701 and 702 of jthe Revised Ordinances of Balt Lake City of 1903. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 701 and 702 of the Revised Ordinances Iof Salt Lake City of 1903, be, and the same are hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: 701. PERMIT TO OCCUPY STREET WITH BUILDIL'G ➢dATERIA.L. BOND. It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy or use any portion of a public street for the erection or repair of any building upon land abutting thereon, without first making application to and reoeiving fromjthe City Council, a permit for the occupation or use, for building purposes, of such portions of streets, and for such periods of time and under such limitations and restric- tions as may be required by ordinance or by the public conven- ience; provided, that no permit shall be granted to occupy more than fifteen feet from the curb line, and any such permit may be revoked by the City Council, at any time, when the holder there- of fails to comply with any rule or regulation under Which it is granted, or when, in the opinion of the City Council, the public good requires such revocation. No such permit shall be granted ji until the applicant therefor shall have given a bond in the sum of 35,000.00, to be approved by the City Council. Such bond sha 1 run to Salt Lake City and to any person injured by reason of the failure of the principal therein to comply with the provisions of this section and Section 702 of the ordinances of this city. No part of a street other than that so allotted shall be used for depositing materials for work to be done or for receiving rubbish arising from such v'orky. and all such rubbish shall be carried away by the person to whom the permit is granted, and at! such times as the City Council or the Supervisor of Streets may direct, and in case of the neglect or refusal of such person so 69 -2- to remove such rubbish, it shall be removed, at his expense, by the Supervisor of Streets. 702. FENCE AND WALK AROUND STREET USED FOR BUILDING PUR- POSES. RE➢QOVAL. RESTORATION OF WALK. BRIDGING WALK. ADVER- TISEMFNTS. PAINTING. It shall be unlawful for any person to oc- oupy any portion of any street while erecting or repairing a building, or making an excavation, or for any other purpose, even with the permit provided for in the last preceding section, un- less he shall first build around the portion of the street to be occupied, a tight board fence at least six feet high, surrounde by a good, substantial board walk, at least six feet in width. Said fence shall be made of clean lumber, dressed on the side facing the street, and at no time shall said fence have thereon II it any painted, printed or other advertisements. All openings in said fence must be provided with gates opening inward. When any building of two or more stories in height is being erected within the fire limits of this city, and shall have reached the top of the first story thereof, or when any such building is being re- paired above the first story thereof, then any fence or sidewalk occupying the street or sidewalk in front of said building, shall be at once removed, and the sidewalk abutting said building at onoe restored tol the use of pedestrians, and said last named sidewalk bridged or covered at a height of not less then nine feet above the line of said sidewalk and ton feet wide, with lumber or timber of sufficient strength to protect pedestrians from injury by falling materials, tools or appliances, and to the approval of the Building Inspector. Any .person so occupying ,i anyportion of any street shall be responsible to the City for ll all injuries sustained by any person in consequence of any failure to strictly comply with the provisions of this section. It shall also be unlawful for any person to place upon any building, fence or other structure, such building, fence orrbih r 1t -3- structure it being within two feet of any sidewalk in this city, any paint or other substance, without first erecting and main- 'I taining above such sidewalk, or between the same and ,such build- ing, fence or other structure, as the case may be, a barrier sufficient to protect pedestrians from such paint or other sub- stance falling upon them, or from coming in contact with such paint or other substance. S$TIOu 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances anresolutions in eori'ii4b herewith are hereby repeaTed to the extent of;such. ob"n`fiot. SgjTIOA 3, This ordinance. s1}aIl take e"Putt y .pprova.l. Pease- 'by the City; ail of Salt ZaYe City;IIt+.h, y 17, 19694 and referred to tiailgsagor for his appreval. r �`'1;5y Re co rde r Approve* t a ,/ y / flay of y, 1909. 7,/,`"?lisfer• • it II I. - ..;t1ITI Al Atawebte gas .o tel o-'t aili#tw gated elplocrste ;r[i,Jooze ,soamtadrra zsd o Yo datsy -gas SILsd rfe,iro bne o rsc edf anewted TO ,3[Inwabla doge evoda arr.tatst '1."E1',:lcf A ,ed xlm 'sap sdt as ,sTutoolt■ zedlo io eonet .arst -4r44 -r _r:to ;o taY.3q .t[ous ormoll rmst7tsebeq iDetorq of tae/otlYlre t:93rs.00 nY 3ntaio0 moT1 to .lgedt aoyg yatltai sonata .eonntedme 7ertfo zo taiay • •rponn;rPrro au .:1-13y o arcottudoae•r b aeoa.nii fo 11A "I4 Jcretxs r,,i u, u.3'Cs t •rori e73 'LW r: 0 at , Jls. :n:+ dot JIIO l.avo syc.: 90 a 'lot I _gistb`p attrl L IiJ 2 • Qr ,T1 , 1h,ff..140JR eft& it 1 173 bat beisiog • ,f,04,0po Iwg-tetiet 644 7A alai aft ' o