69 of 1950 - Vacating portion of Sparta St. running north from North Temple Street & alley running west from S Salt Lake City,Utah, r.L. 11 Iy5'1 ",I)5 VOTING Aye I Nay Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . Lingenfelter . . . i Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING PORTION of Sparta Street Punning I north from North Temple Street and alley running west from Sparta ,7,•e Street in Lot 3, Block 61, Plat 'Ct, Salt Lake City Survey, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That portion of Sparta Street running north from North Temple Street between 5th and 6th West Street and alley running wedt from Sparta Street in Lob 3, Block 61, Plat }Co, Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 9.0 ft. east of the southwest cor- ner of Lot 3, Block 61, Plat ICI, Salt Lake City Survey, running thence north 330.0 ft., thence west 50.0 ft., thence south 330.0 ft., thence east 50.0 ft. to the point of be- ginning. Beginning at a point 41.0 ft. west from the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 61, Plat tC+, Salt Lake City Survey, running thence west 124.0 ft., thence south 215.0 ft., thence east 124.0 ft., thence north 12.0 ft., thence west 112.0 ft., thence north 191.0 ft., thence east 112.0 ft., thence north 12.0 ft. to the point of beginning; be end the same are hereby ivro vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian ways. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property, and also subject to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2.. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants -2- of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its fir-t publication. / Passed by the Board o ommi onersof Salt Lake City, Utah, this //d-- day of , A. D. 1950. or. 2 7- City Reecde /9 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Frank A. Shields, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating portion of SneXtafttretrunning north_from North Temple Street and, alley running west from Sparta Street in Lot 3, Block 61, Plat 'CI, Salt Lake City _Survey, in Salt Lake--Gity, Utalr" July llth, 19z54,9313c passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,. 3isCI:PZ.C1th day of July,, 19 50 49X1c (SEAL)Q• \A") '•• • 1\10. 69 / Chief Deputy City R?tOrder. • Published July 14. XMC 19 50 6 9 410 • ti C.X) ca AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING POR- GO X PION of Sparta Street running northt n from North Temple Street and. lleya • running west from Sparta. Street In Lot 3, Block 61, Plat 'C', SaltQ Lake City Survey,In Salt Lake CPy, Q Utah. • • Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. Utah: SECTION 1. That portion of Sparta Street running north from fr North Temple Streett between 5thaa d 6th West Street end alley r in- thring e t from Sparta Street in Lot .N-r 3, Block 61, Plat 'C'. Salt LakeCity, Utah, more particularly de- crlbed a follows: s Beginning at x point 9.0 ft-en t • f the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 61, Plat 'C'. salt Lake City Survey, running thence north 220.0 ft,thence west 50.0 ft_,thence south 330.0 ft, thence east 50.0 ft.to the point of beginning- Beginning at a point 41.0 ft west from the n r northeast c f L.t3 Block 61, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, running thence west 124,0 • S f t., thence sou th 215.0 ft., thence N east e h ft., thence north 12.0 rt, thence ,west thence ea t 1 2.0 fte north north • 12.0 ft.to the point 01 begin- m rated en gand the am 7y are nere vat � g and declared no Longer to be public property for use s street,. O a s av alleys or pedestrian ways. x- Said vacation is made expressly 14. n subject to all existing rights of way and aseinents of all public utilttet i �ocated in, n der CM ID the confines f the above described Property and alto subject ty the right of entry thereon for the Mir- V .33 I Pose of Inspecting, m lntalning, re- De pair laid removing, eamovI e altering or rerout- 1� I tag said and All of them. V SECTION 2.In the opinion of the U a I Board of Commissioners,It Is ne es- t 1 v ry to the peace,health and safety U of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become ef- r fe SECTIONe3.atel This ordinance shall XI — , take effect upon its first a ublication. II, r f Passed Sr the Board Commis- k Reinert of Salt Lake City.Utah,thy Ilth day of July.A.D. 1950, SJIS EARL J.GLADE,MYoe. .., i . U _ IRMA F.BITNER n (SEAL City Recorder. ` 4 t BILL NO.69. Published July 14th,1950. i, " JJ i. 1 Sr ENI GM 69 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, }as County of Salt Lake J Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE . 7 . O CT., r AN ORDINANCE VACATING.POP- non,of Snarcw street,running north from NorthTemple Street 1 alley Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- r Ing t from Sparta Street , flat In Lot 3, Mock 61at C', Salt Lake City survey'In Salt.Lak"C15g vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Utah. Comn,l,sslonere e0I Salth eLakani Cl4yf Utah: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SECTION I. That portion of NSparta Street Temple unninghnorthn th from oth of Utah. enS fish Won Ailed end alley r l in Sleekt 611nm Plat Sparta strSalt'Lake Citset Y. Utah, more particul I;egl mfng follows: noinc 9.0 11.diet That the advertisement of the southwest comer of Lot 3, Block 61,nPlnt 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, running thence notch 330.o Ar>_._(��cJi0. t1Ce '^ill l 1,?Jo 59 h 330.0hft.Ce west thence5.0 east ft.,thence eit.nt°the point of beginning. BegInnIng 0 at a point ft.weot from the theast.corner f Let.3 Block 61,"r Plat 'C', Sait Lake City fSt ty,tncesouthEng tl215.0 ft tence here three, east 12i1,0 ft.,then,Berth 12.0 ft thence west 112,0 ft. thence north 1.91.0 11.,.thence east 112,0 IE.throe's '.. north 12.0 ft.`°`h,point°`b°„"-fling, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the be and the lard are hereyy tad and declared fo no longer,de public property for use as rLr z`l s, Said°valatiox't.pme'de1, day of A.D.19 mour[to°all a',stung,lnluh is fwaly er,a °E „tt of all o'�ela and was published 0r1 Tiny 14, 1950 the ernfinea of the'above'v rcrlhad ptoneE, end Irn .subiect st rho right f entry the,roon for char pnr_ nail ° removing, . ing or the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the h'saidt it aping or r,,nnt- ITS said n11112.I and xll of them Sr,:ooI C 3. npininn ne tlfe Bard f 1 ,°h It Is day of A.D. 19 s y e°the I health andf t,v of theinhabitants I f Lake. Cltr Ghat th s madshalli ,_ CV SECTION e3. Thi,s tainancc Eh II' / �//// �/ fC take effect Upon Its,first pnbllca.tion. ))) Passed by the Board City of tam„mi,- '- Advertising Clerk /Ionerr%f Salt Lake cloy,Utah,thle tttlt-�ay of July.A.D. Into EARL,/.GLADE, IRMA P.BITNER,ffirAL, mayor. City RoGorcler. 811,E NO.69. P Published.July kith,19. Ian to before me this ].-th day of y A.D.19 50 Notary Publ'c •