69 of 1951 - Vacating alley running east and west between Pueblo and Cheyenne Streets between Arapahoe Avenue and _RV LL. v,11.aL
VOTING Aye Nay V Salt Lake City,Utah,O( -9 1951 ,195
nurolage (((////
*f(J * I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . . "A. _. 9
Lingenfelter `\o.+..\ -1 us..--
Romney . .
Mr. Chairman . . I AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE VACATING an alley running east and west be-
tween Pueblo and Cheyenne Streets between Arapahoe Avenue and 7th
South Street in Salt Lake City, Utah.
4) Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That an alley running east and west between
t,,,,---' Pueblo and Cheyenne Streets between Arapahoe Avenue and 7th South
._ .Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as follows:
d' Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 13,
Poplar Grove Addition, a subdivision of Lots 17 to 24 incl..,
Plat 'AI, Glendale Park, and part of the N.W.4 of the N.W.4
S of Sec. 11, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M.; running thence
West 511.5 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 20, said
'''. 1
Block and Subdivision; thence North 15 feet to the southwest
corner of Lot 21, said Block and Subdivision; thence East
511.5 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 40, said Block and
1� Subdivision; thence South 15 feet to the point of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public
CZ) property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every
description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the
above described property and also subject to the right of entry there-
on for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing,
removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effect ve immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take eff " upon its first
publication. jj
- ..
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Laze City,
Utah, this 9 'day of (112-14(4), A. D. 1'OF
() / c ayor.
( /7,141/ / A2
City Recorder.
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City and County of Salt Lake,
Bessie Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating an alley running east and west between Pueblo
and---Cheyenne--Streets--between---Arapahoe Avenue---and--7th---South--Street
in Salt Lake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, October 9th, 1 1951
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this )1st day of December, 1951 1pfx
Deputy CiyRecorder.
Published October llth, Ig7Qx 1951
;rr� 2�9 ry 9y 7J? j 1')/-g`'
.. TT�11
alley running east and west between
Pueblo and Cheyenne Streets be- a) w X
tw'een Arapahoe Avenue and nth
South Street in Salt Lake City,Utah
Be It ordained by the Board of •
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, p.
Utah ()
SECTION 1. That a alley run- Cl.
ning east and west between Pueblo
and Cheyenne Streets between d
Arapahoe Avenue d 7th South
Street in Salt Lake City.Utah,more =1 x)
inning descrtheibed
northeast follows: (>
ner of Lot 1,Blocksubdivision
on of plat Greve C
24Addition,a Plat
tlivls tan en Lots 1'!to
k, (p
24 in cl.: Plat 'A'. Glendale Park, W
and part the N W.Y. R.
N W.+/of Sec.11.T.1 R.1 Sot O
S L.B. M.:running thence Went ^ ^
511.5 feet to the northwest corner V
of Lot 20, said Block and Subdivi-
sion; thence North 15 feet to the 41 UV
southwest corner f Lot 21, said
Block and Subdivision: thence East p 44
511.5 feet to the southeast corner
of Lot 40. said Block and Subdlvl-
sloe: thence South 15 feet to the Q
point of beginning CD
be and the same Is hereby vacated 0 =
and declared no longerto he public
property for a street.avenue.
Ilea pedestrian ways.
Said vacation is de expressly
subject to all existing rights of way
d easements of a public util-
ities of anyand ever n descripion
locatednow In, on der or over co •
the fines of the above described A.
and also suhfort e the .- '—
pose f entry thereon for the pthe
pose of Inspecting, maintaining. re- �(N
pairing, replacing, removing, alter-
ingrerouting said utilities and 0 ^
an or tem. o V
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the - `
Board of Commissioners. It Is n c-
y to the peace,hewlth d ; wZ)
sitof tat this ordinance
c salt (.1; N
City that this mmnance shall be- CD
co ION 3 Immediately.ordinance
SECTION u. i 0 drat ee shall Q
take effect upon its rff first publica-
Passstonersd of bSalt the
Lake City,Uta of h this V\ Cl) '
9th day of October A.D.1051. <b
(SEAL) City Recorder. N„
Bill No.69
Published October Ilth, 1951co
0 0
0-1 C 0
* • I 'SO C N
y.. m 1.-0CIO
t St,
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices
alley running
nning cast and west between •
Pueblo and Cheyenne Streets be-
tween Arapahoe Avenue and et,h
R Br Street dain Sall,Lake CIy,Board o Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-Br is ordained by the Lake
Cnr mlaalnnela n[ fJnit Lake City.
Se eastN 1. 'Go' et alley Pueblo
- vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
pinand Cheyenne and west bre is wed.,
and ¢cn¢aqn�e Streets bowed.,
^rapah^ ne And fa ith Sonth published in Salt Lake City Salt Lake County in the State
Street In Salt Lake City,Utah.more
parthnierly Ie
r a
erlhrd n follows:
Ile Fin nine: at the h^rthra.t cor-
ner }
of Lot 1.Block 13,Poplar Grove of Utah.
Addition,q sobdlvlwlonot le to
25 lar.ld Plat 'A', Gltoendalea Park
and part of tha N.W.Va of the
N.W.'IG of fins, :1n
,T.1 6,R.
9.L.A.A,M.; That the advertisement
]n tsaide Nr
to tto te a nlandsl e
N Lot throne as South 1 and 8i odlvie
hibag ninEl lA ['eel to the
pointe of beginning i ---.be and the some is longer
lt)jy noon
pnd. public
nnp property
n ls.ae ni e , onour,
ri/ley r for ate a st E,avanur..
all sy or ac atone le my.
Said vacation tI made right,of Or
anbfact to all aalafing coisbn
I flanea on any tn andf.all eyrrv'Ddere 1pll^In
w located In. oh. tinder o over
the condone of the alone detrrllted
otopernv and Mon soh lent to the
richt f entry n p far the por-
none On Inspecting g}ntnluhrc, re-
6g Neva-for ouLingg5t 1�vdllrinal nd
all f them. •
SECTION 2.In the ono!.of the was published in said newspaper on . .. t
and of Commlaslmura, It'1a n noa y IM1a peace.heall•h and aatr.
City Its'¢'this mate nI colt.3.he-
conf that Clue, nimnanre shall he-
coNEC/fentlye:Ihis o Ilua
SECTION ni o t or first
o¢ sine-
I.akAl[ClYect j�peA Its Ilt'sG outline,-
Men.F q M Eby lthe-Board" of C.onnnfa
! I�U L k Clty UGnit Lh1a /
9th sail A74A.t 1 A.O.1'i51 L
EARL J. OLAOF. LG.'[r-�Z-_
.....'-tl` Mayer.
Bill N I City Recorder. // Advertising Cler
Bill No.Fd Yt�.
Pnnllshe.d October Ilth, 1151
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of
• A.D.19
Notary P i-e---