69 of 1960 - Annexing and rezoning property located on the west side of 3rd West Street Albermarle and Whitney Av Sec.105 100 1-60 Q.P. ' ROLL CALL �� Salt Lake City, UtahMAY 2 G 1 rl i;,1 , 196 ).%v`' VOTING Aye Nay ,� I move that the Ordinance be passed. ,_Christensen . . �� .Jt ney . . . d Mr.Chairman . / / / AN ORDINANCE esult , t�' h AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. c4•41 WHEREAS, on the llth day of April, 1960, there was filed with the City aorecorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 202 of 1960, by Luther W. Palmer, osc W°�et al., being a majority of the owners of real property situated in the tract ce F Jiereln described, requesting that said tract of land be taken within the o'olimits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map or plat to be made U m'and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer x a ••• -44to be filed with the City Recorder. FH w WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous -to Salt Lake City, rn o end there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a ul o a apart of the said city; and oz WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lice City, after examining EO H H ovaaid petition of said owners of said tract of land and considering the OH F'Iircumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board zo oln favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that �can ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of a 8'ahe city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly: WV) NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of H HSalt Lake City, Utah: x W SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to Include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County`pto-witr Beginning at a point aft feet West and 52.8 feet South 00 01' 05" East from the southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 9, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey and running thence South 0° 01' 05" East, 575.85 feet; thence North 890 54' 13" West, 246.39 feet; thence North 7° 37' 15" East, 233.025 feet; thence North 8° 45' 34" East, 348.92 feet; thence South 89° 54' 13" East, 162.61 feet to the point of beginning. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above described property be and the same is hereby zoned as Industrial "M-I" District. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be 69 -2- within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Industrial "M-1" District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, Jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that be- half, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided In such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon Its first publica- tion. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 26th day of May , 1960. ayor ( SEAL BILL NO. 69 of 1960 Published. June-2, 1960 Republished June 11, 1960 69 STATE OF UTAH, I .ss.City and County of Salt Lake, I, Bessie N. Judges., Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake City: passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 26th, 1960 1 x as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 14th day of tuner 1960 x»6x (SEAL) BILL NO. 69 of'1960 Depu0 y City Recorder Published Jung ]l, 1960 1a9'd?I 69 FA NI 11D i-. di (7) (.0 AN ORDINANCE South MP 54' 13. East, 18291 ORDINANCE EXTENDING At,tp feet to BtEh e t pro i n,t FURTHER to h:EgRionf neeo.Ointhite. DAINED that the w THRAN LIM1TS OP SALT LAKE CI WTYHEREAS.on the 11th day,of April 1960.there was tiled i.vitt Ahr c Recorder of Salt Lakedi the tee.se a mid ees.mel`Si teheedf,ey:en,aceotint es'd be as cInne- IsM BE IT FURTHER wOlei- DAINED and declared the City,t e rPact 1 t.z nNt 12 22, If..1Le6.0,reebasi this ordinance takes effectdcribed malority of the owne 8 en the tract said tract of land above wish ,h the tropertY situated re,,,,,,,stnig that shell thenceforth be wl hi eons desTlend be taken within ecorporate e limits ae n duets Saltte ei Lake„Cit.:. tract as in the ordinance orem es and all ordinances, Jurisdiction, floe limihietts St Salt Lake City,and r Per- 1Vg,,;Ta'=treakleity are rietietyeeao:ceilte a Citenr;if,:it;tinlyir a kr. extended over and mademplii seined°with the City Recorder. ble and pertinent to the sold tract et`tl.ea:k:eef.. lot land,ee e dand e yip ofe streets. blocks, eLloshckbasyn. City,l WHEREAS,elshec° /egeut oh II eut si desetaoindeoeSteateitbea be controlled and, 8.v7rItila- son why it shea part of the the ordinances, ru es an flexed to and made said city:,end Boned of cote. and dna the smaiedeecreiteyetien etthatthebe attlf WHEREAS, the I Lake City.after Engineer shall thenceforr 1a_ os inisshni""Upetition of said taken therein as the stands,de f examinthoef stem h tract of land es iorPalop.,"%.dtvn.o Me miser ewner. iderthe the circumstances 'end`Ins noted lay unanimous vote of this or el Inane o AT shall Recorder of Salt there°' hers of said Board In 4 he 1 hereby directed to cd all mein x/ne said tract of Mee,'with thesCounty Recorder of Salt Lake County.a copy of the map or plat above mentioned_duly certified and acknowledged. v.. btf araheneveidlredt athsoOee:hd Saetta:nt'aneiLexali iihedg i nseCiinte lee teht caersncrhdci 71 c YI yd. vided in such cases, toget 'limits of Salt Lake City a °Da- hl/OW, THEREFORE. be It Or- whilatil a certified copy of t Is -sape418. 3. In the oninionof &tined by the Board efeCenTis- the Board of Commissir eeerwee/3 stoners of Salt Lake Clt.itlilt h.. SECTION I.Thai tha cane let Its a Salt Lake City by extended and en- hl.'lee ktysc:?r,t.,,ve t thet. 11114 als nt Iteiz ansh!tot same ace iafto include the follosti shVicf11?eN effect upon Its first isinandeses:ceibceedeettreacite,ofhand_r Beginning at a point_303dhf.1 Passed ts, thf Becdcig.atft: West and 52.8 feet S illisssigtri"day solstilial 1950. J. ACKEN LEE, geel)e5e"Easttt e t cronet B it thesgem5_t big!: Plat ell.",Big Field Bur.vess,051 Mayor. HERMAN J.HOGENSEN running thenceeSoutheaeWhiereh City Recorder.East, 5,75.85,ft74;t th s 298.39 feet; flgilaKo.69 of 1980 .ttn_cl Northi 7° '37' 140“rtEa'ts Published June 11,1960 SC-69) cra/233.025 feet; thence t. lit c, 45'34"East,348.92 fee.thence ,t I ......1 1. ..).. . JUN.15 1960 heeprued Fee Paid.Nel' M.Jac ., O. Ch rReeorder„Salt L.111,Coun ,Utari- I:= t r Ref, „............... . ......6 C.S7- d-z52- cg f ---)14,e,,e 6q Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, )t ss. County of Salt Lake Leo Notices 1.). D.rt e Bak F a AN ORDINANCE AN.ORDINANC_I: EXTENDING l� TEE I.im CCb G1' SAI,L' LAKE Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising E1'Y. AWHEREAS, it.E l atitt`'ther'e`".Fas ien'w of ith clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- the Lit Roomier It Lake tl zne e l CI by GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- ,V ;inspects, situatedof Ito r; the tract bib language with general circulation in Utah, and published in r land be tu1.0oa'��ilhill Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Count in the State of Utah. salsa limits of Salt Lain,city.anti y Also caUscd a tote t Plat to be node d acrid+l n or y a`° ' "`°`""°a, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto nv `h• l'ry mnnbtaor �c iu�a ttAS th rite e he Rcatract Cl W HIJI:I•;AS aaltl band is tutuous to Salt Lake City.a l there i. n .`;rl�, L;�kr- Ci.i.�y Roll Dh CO of 1.96 fie why it should not nboc t�'t- zctl to and node a n t f the Li. lhi Adtl Board of Coln 0% 2rt. er11 iiner. eXten(i-'I ii , the y, .Y f Shct,.ks city.after of m3.h:i examinit said Petition of said• 'of said tract of land and con t r the c mst:owes lat u and voted ay d as •see of ;n�i: Lt•ke Gi-F.v. f all n tbet of said unanimous in of said tract a£ of do testitd that an oLnit�dinancc a should• tested )as-sco aid Tinto, li�d e tile city t,�.•;th nF S�lt't L�il�c ecity ccocd- clv: ,mo t Board be 0 11 <lstainedd hbyS.ilt]l,I tie C.ityLU1totie- 5/01101,, SICTI N 1 lh t th. It its hel'I die City be hod the was published in said newspaper on Stine ?. 7"Af,�. 1 h a`i t eldes, `,�nbncn it ra,et of Land in tCtat mac West atwaftouthh. t10 ee he sotenrt i of fnt in,fo'c 9.'1 Acta 'l'A' Itlt:Field snlbe,and thence of le c I'O6" I"Est i"'�Ia lt:+teat: LI 210,. 1,cit them, h Wcst. 24fi,5" feat: iho net' Itfet'tt 15 :1'l' No) ,8' , 233it tact: hence feet;thence _ 1. '4"Fast, �l.hll n - AYI>t ilh I1 [CRTHFIt O Legal Advertising Clerk DAINED that theI I f the (p(- aboic clews Tied monthly b d 11 I. .n ed as I, - 1 Bit Il.titctct. AN1> HE IT :Ted t at when OR- D+tt NC'Jindi tee and le talT effeetvfthe i S CI of!and.bovne de eetthe i e}�;�II the limit tit be t•rift) trio nor de]baits of Salt Lake City and�,ned n n shad.d"ai v DIs. ta,';de`i,na ea iM I "f,`3: f 7rttd day of t 5 'tiak ' " e ore me this -tended n er a.1 I ao at n'i��� blc d net`linnt to tic ni tract n£Land, and h bt. stoic,. blocks. A.D. tgho ]]cys and of sa ;fle anal' the mxliitahocts'r rules i o and :etiola- tion, t said city in that i,e:d£. ,d the to r u �nlv of the C'.ity Pnt:incec Il a l l lhencafl:d t k tbe. th. L h I of oN I 1 di l fl a tins is f ,t 1 i"City towos age ` f Notary Public filr Ilh the C��onGv atd•c n� Soli i.,lay (:nu nt,. oar I Into non ni plat above motioned duly oi'od dott i on], i on etbac as vfuh certif., can. f Lltis "I'CIiN 3. In the Ce fo 1110'Raatd of C'ernntiscin)et�,c,'It is v to ,,I,:O rtf.hral�h n nl heRe 'nf Eho �hltbit'nts tt Snlh L-alrc Ci L•tf hativlhix a in clt+Lehi`hall 1�.; 'vtftC eiON c-'CtC,n"n e rl i the ili�lt tlse fact anon ilsa fist .eCe t It M 10,v10 by 4an take f Utak of-fh iw. edi, ulah. I h'�."/f�th rlav tnfl i ACKEN LEE:. hi-,;cc, itr,RMAN.l.IIOGRN51",N C Rocnccicc. vnHlt r�.t Nn.,t n,men �nlo-r,«i.mn_z,fen rc-zdl aOM.9Ba Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Legal Notices D Id Ockey AN ORDINANCE ~ AN ORDINANCE etCtENDING Thu L1Ml'TS Os` SAL LAKs Y' Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising WHEREAS. n the llth day o[ "Drfl'1B"°'eoCtle " a clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- inn hty,Cy,ton ND. r ,all La kc ' Crty.Yet,t,on.N°.20<of 1�6u Dv Lather w.ralmrr.°n GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- yociW oy Ute w,cr`hn[tract Drolrflrty a touted nr a that harsh,,ease=,ten, .e ne. lisp. language with general circulation in Utah, and published in x t o land boa en It act i hulas ofSalt aki`tc'LDaar Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. nyot to b u made ana ccrt�tl34 to :a a ;:', Dv1f: (:g?,a:vBgincer,to Da also Ith thB our�sernrder. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto WISJS,COn, he lu t: I. e land ,e nhl:uos to sort nuke Olt a d;"eC;"n"D D¢r ed Salt Lake City Bill Noe 69 of 1960. e ct to one ma etla tlpatrt bof the nx'1 1tr d s WH}:llEAS.the H°ara t Com-I. AM VZ.T;me of.IC°tra un it land all Ordinance extending the limits n¢rs of a -d- trout i land o na`the clrfrTUVncce the],eof.�svolcU by us o-e J n'''''" rq;Rg,'!:11' `t1 ff of Salt Lake City. lantl to sail eLakc'p:Y and di- ctcd that a rgmance bould be Daaaetl a nB InR B d t¢rrlt°rY tl lhBe tcnslon f the uity � lamina t$ell Lake Clty corm '°NOW, THt%REF'ORE. be It r I - dented by th rd t;Cbmmis. f Salt It,'Cfty.Utah: at SECTION 1.That the c1nY]tm i t i s o[Sala Laby gtended and cne I ia�aaado B ,loos tna mnow� June 11, 1960. Ina desorin¢a lract-nf ,ana t Salt Lake county, totw,R was published in said newspaper on 1 Heal'nnlnC at a Dmnt 3J.t feet West a d 52.fl Seel South 0' Gs^past from the - meant e f Lnt 10,Hlack B.6 Acre Piet"A'".Bl�;Yleld Survey and n me thence Snvtth 0'01'O6" ast, 75 2 feet; th North 69° 54' 13" West. 24fi 39 heart tnence toottlI 0° ire N" East. 130,02E feet taste.. North 6° 40'34"P•,ast 946.A2 feet;thence South Sth�4' 11'•East, 163.61 3ee.l to the of t t ber(mntne. AND DU; 1T F'UA.TItER OIt c � DAINED that thPe v;hole the Legal Advertising Clerk` l hove dez te'bexehy Meted ¢d 5 / s the s eas In. dusUial arI Diatrc: AND HE IT FURTHER-Ohe f DAINEb and declared that vt:en 0.told tracttat lanrlat' desnrlb d - t shall=thee lr1,1tht Galt Lake Clg eorp joned indur,trial"M-1"DI.+- y irlct ax rn her ordlna]Urnrnvidea, end o11 tllnanoca. sdicflnnt. nu9atlon, ni 12th ialmnr.iD field salt].oleo dliylh,z- Ibefore me this day of tie No]?ne=em Oh ion rie ae�a��rr nt moan na me z. n. mock+. 11e cs. d rvaya of sold tract ahall I r�n C0 e °trannd andteSGn,•,md by A.D. 19 6S of a.Id�olioe n do t hull i. a the m c ni.s f the city I fe:.,-er a h a 11 !.7aortn be lxkatlonserein dsLnclantlards of 1. �i SP.CTION 5 f n�on t�tho aC ky t thls � ecordcrof Salt alcdk�echr�in •- tllr.n d he d/5 ncrehv t file., ftn the Cm:nty Rycyrdtrthe B: Sa,t lake c°tntY,a= _ Notary Public tIona, r that above mentlDne�duly ce,iiltiedd ine :chkcnwlede6ethei ,Inr . ccrtltted cony f mis t he Ho rrl�nance SF.jigN.3.In the,oDinion [ ' taard of Come:ss]hea^2h it 11 l_ to the PP f Salt t E the]nl,abltants lE pflttYcity that this erdlnanoo shall V 961 e be same ftocli'C immeafntelr. 1 S11 the 4 'Phis^ra,Pg";It.s[ shall,take effect u on St uPassed o{ t Lake Citv.Vtalt,i tl iss'26tii dayd,fBilkKEN LEE. Mavor,, HERMAN d.HOt•ENSEN ; Ctty Recorder. (seen R111 Nn.69 of 1H60 W Publlsnnd_lune 11.1960 fC-G9) f