69 of 1961 - Amending Chapter 1 of Title 6 of Revised Ordinance - 1955, as amended, relating by BILL NO. 119 of 1 ROLL CALL ' Salt Lake City, Utah, Augmst_.15 , 196 1 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Harrison ✓' ;� ' Smart. Romney . . . / Mr. Chairman . AN O R D rN ANC E Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 1 of Title 6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 119 of 1960 and Bill No. 62 of 1961, relating to the City Cemetery and the powers and duties of the Superintendent of Cemetery Grounds by adding thereto two new sections. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 1 of Title 6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 119 of 1960 and Bill No. 62 of 1961, relating to the City Cemetery and the powers and duties of the Superintendent of Cemetery Grounds, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto two new sections to be known as Section 6-1-11 and Section 6-1-12, to read as follows: "Sec. 6-1-11. Duties of Superintendent. It shall be the the duty of the Superintendent of Cemetery Grounds to keep the same in a neat, clean and well-appearing condition; to have charge of all employees engaged in mowing and trimming lawns and shrubbery and engaged in landscaping said grounds; to assign each employee to various jobs or areas within the Cemetery where work or labor may from time to time be needed; or to transfer any of them to other areas therein as may be desirable and as the need thereof arises. In order that Salt Lake City may carry out and execute its obligations of perpetual care to purchasers and owners of lots or grave sites within the Cemetery, the Superintendent shall prevent such purchasers or owners in the newly developed areas of the Cemetery from planting trees, shrubs, bushes, hedges, flowers or roses and to prevent such persons from fencing said lots or grave sites. Any owner or purchaser of a lot or grave site in such areas desiring to plant thereon any tree, shrub or other herbage shall first apply to the Superintendent for permission to do so, and no planting shall be lawful without his consent and done under his supervision. No further planting shall be made or allowed in the older and used part of the Cemetery without the consent of the Superintendent and done under his supervision. Soo. 6-1-12. Placement of Tombstones and Headboards. All tombstones and headboards placed on any lot or grave site shall be so stationed as to be flush with the ground level and erected perpendicular at a right angle with the level ground." Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 15th day of August , 1961. (S E A L) it ecorder //MAW BILL NO. 69 of 1961 Temporary Chairman Published August 1.9, 1961 f9 nDM 36A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, jl ss. County of Salt Lake .Legol Notices D M Ockey 1 ANti'ORDINANC15 AMENDINId 'Chanter 1 of Title 8 of the Revised Being ordinances of Sett rake city. first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising !Utah, bi188oi 190U clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- f 1Bs�.relating to the:CRY Cerra:. GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- iery d the powers.a a duties f the Superintendent f Cemetery Grounds see in adding.thereto two lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in seething it nosy racy ay.me Board of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. i Con�mlasionete pf$elt Lake C1tY. UtSY:ah CT of t 1, That Chanter 1 eof , Title 6 of the Revl6etl O[tllnanec� ,pt salt Lake city.ratan.1BS5, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto amended by;Bitt No, t19 0_ittl and BIII No.82 of 1961, eletlnF I to the CitYli;mete Band the pow. Salt Lake Lity Bill No 69 of 1961. a duties at , superintend: t of CemeerY Grounds.be,and the n ereby Is,amehdct by adaingmtberetn iWo new se lion= to he known o'ix,t e harass"foAow° An Ltrdinance relating to the City Cemetery "Sec.6-111. Duties f Suher fn.endent. It shall DC the duty f the Superintendent f Come- Grounds to keep he samr and the powers and duties of the in ato a a s chargen1 all condition;a to engaged mowing �'d employes on ndmsh"nb Superintendent. vita and gaped assign n eaca ern, vita g nrefi��m aa.lan each m- wlithnrtthe.Ccmctery Dwhere W mk • labor y from time to tt -beneeded;a r to transfer.any of them to other area, therein as theY he desrrable and as the ed reof arises.In order that Salt Lel"City may carry out and exec. was published in said newspaper on_-August 19, 1961. 'e to purchasers and owners f lots or grave sites within the Cerra ofar'vi the Sunf-Ta rdcraow/ t shall h nest sit newlyrch developed solo the c et y.1 r ncd of the Cemetery fro m hedges, bees, shrnhe. Dvsbes. hreveo flowers nr r .s and to fenc- ing d' lo:sl Or grave persons fite rom fA v oWner or te.lrl ehthf aa tot, r % h he gi. h 11frt r � t th S Oe 1 t rater hit Is LC al Advertisingl.lE� I i amp <o-dd ea a a pfangna g 'sent' abe IesM wider his rnn r any NO under milk hero.' ,o former iPntid pneii vision madgaor a»o t ap �fH�,✓ue ovtilhouy�i a�.a in'T. :urf 'l tMh Tombs. 'tand Placement. l Tombstones and Hcadboerds All tombstones and headboards placed shall he ,rat e siteshalf De 21st Subs°°itlpnea°'„ [n De flush with. �e me this day of coo cerai°�i,r as ie 'Nhter>•naie n , �r , Aithen the levct eval• w nssea by t'nn Boars ty.Com, 'sinners of Salt 61 Lake City.Utah, .-.-__-A.D. 19....--.-. s i6th day of61 CA ROMNry. TamTG217 Chairman City Recorder. fsL NL T _ d PILL NO.GB of 1881 PoD]lphra.Au%rest 1B_]B6l (8-27). �:,�✓�4, �✓ ,t^t/.�Svt✓•..`,_::... Notary Public My Commission Expires •