7 of 1903 - Ordinance 7 of 1903 – Changing the name of Cane Street to 5th North Street. AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance changing the name of Cane Street to Fifth North
Be it ordained by the City Ceunsil of Salt Lace City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the name of the street called Cane Street in
slat "E", Sa1.t Licks City, is hereby changed to Fifth North Street.
SECflO 2. ,Aa.l ordinances or resolutions in conflict here-
with are hereby I#11ed.
SECTION 3. Thi6 ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
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P;tlsca.d by i#aACbtY Council of Salt Lake City. Utah. January 26th, V403.
and rSerrisd to {she Naysr for his aosroval
ty Older sr..
Aperovsd thts°Y day 3f January, 1903..
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